BS EN 60674-3-4 to 6-1995 Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for polyimide films used for electrical i.pdf

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BS EN 60674-3-4 to 6-1995 Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for polyimide films used for electrical i.pdf_第1页
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BS EN 60674-3-4 to 6-1995 Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for polyimide films used for electrical i.pdf_第2页
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BS EN 60674-3-4 to 6-1995 Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for polyimide films used for electrical i.pdf_第3页
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BS EN 60674-3-4 to 6-1995 Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for polyimide films used for electrical i.pdf_第4页
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BS EN 60674-3-4 to 6-1995 Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for polyimide films used for electrical i.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 60674-3-4 to6: 1995 IEC674-3-4 to6:1993 Specification for Plastic films for electrical purposes Part3: Specifications for individual materials Sheets4 to6: Requirements for polyimide films used for electrical insulation The European Standard EN60674-3-4 to6:1995 has the status

2、 of a BritishStandardBSEN60674-3-4to6:1995 This BritishStandard, having been prepared under the directionof the ElectrotechnicalSector Board, was published under the authorityof the Standards Boardand comes into effect on 15August1995 BSI01-2000 The following BSI references relate to the work on thi

3、s standard: Committee reference GEL/15 Draft for comment94/205500 DC ISBN 0 580 24606 X Committees responsible for this BritishStandard The preparation of this BritishStandard was entrusted to Technical Committee GEL/15, Insulating material, upon which the following bodies were represented: Adhesive

4、 Tape Manufacturers Association BEAMA Capacitor Manufacturers Association British Rubber Manufacturers Association Ltd. Covered Conductors Association Department of Trade and Industry (National Physical Laboratory) Diamond Fibre Co. Limited ERA Technology Ltd. Mica Trade Club Ministry of Defence Pap

5、er Federation of Great Britain Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date CommentsBSEN60674-3-4to6:1995 BSI 01-2000 i Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover National foreword ii Foreword 2 Text of EN60674-3-4 to6 3 List of references Inside back coverBSEN60674-3-4to6:1995 ii

6、BSI 01-2000 National foreword This BritishStandard has been prepared by Technical Committee GEL/15, and is the English language version of EN60674-3-4 to6:1995 Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes Part3: Specifications for individual materials Sheets4 to6: Requirements for polyimi

7、de films used for electrical insulation, published by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC). It is identical with IEC674-3-4 to6:1993, published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary pr

8、ovisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Cross-references Publication referred to Corresponding BritishStandard BS7290 Plastic films for electrical p

9、urposes IEC674-1:1980 Part1:1990 Definitions and general requirements IEC674-2:1988 Part2:1990 Methods of test HD457 S1:1993 (IEC757:1983) BS7645:1993 Code for designation of colours Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pagesi andii, theEN title page, pages2

10、 to12, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover.EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM EN60674-3-4 to6 February1995 ICS29.040

11、.20; 83.140 Descriptors: Electrical insulating materials,solid electrical insulating materials, insulating films, plastic sheets, polyimides, specifications English version Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes Part3: Specifications for individual materials Sheets4 to6: Requirement

12、s for polyimide films used for electrical insulation (IEC674-3-4 to6:1993) Spcification pour les films en matire plastique usages lectriques Partie3: Spcifications pour matriaux particuliers Feuilles4 6: Prescriptions pour les films de polyimide utiliss dans lisolation lectrique (CEI674-3-4 6:1993)

13、Bestimmung fr Kunststoff-Isolierfolien fr elektrotechnische Zwecke Teil3: Bestimmungen fr einzelne Werkstoffe Bltter4 bis6: Anforderungen fr Polyimide-Folien, die zur elektrischen Isolierung verwandt werden (IEC674-3-4 bis6:1993) This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on1994-12-06. CENELEC m

14、embers are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on applic

15、ation to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretaria

16、t has the same status as the official versions. CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CENELEC Euro

17、pean Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comit Europen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europisches Komitee fr Elektrotechnische Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B-1050 Brussels 1995 Copyright reserved to CENELEC members Ref. No. EN60674-3-4 to6:1995 EEN60674-3-4to6:1995

18、BSI 01-2000 2 Foreword The text of the International Standard IEC674-3-4 to6:1993, prepared by SC15C, Specifications, of IEC TC15, Insulating materials, was submitted to the formal vote and was approved by CENELEC as EN60674-3-4 to6 on1994-12-06 without any modification. The following dates were fix

19、ed: Annexes designated “normative” are part of the body of the standard. In this standard, Annex ZA is normative. Annex ZA has been added by CENELEC. Contents Page Foreword 2 Introduction 3 1 General 3 1.1 Scope 3 1.2 Normative references 3 1.3 Classification 3 2 Designation 4 3 General requirements

20、 4 4 Dimensions 4 4.1 Thickness 4 4.2 Width 5 5 Properties 6 5.1 Properties not dependent on thickness 6 5.2 Properties dependent on thickness 6 5.3 Other properties 7 6 Roll characteristics 8 6.1 Roll diameter 8 6.2 Windability/sag 8 6.3 Joins 9 6.4 Roll width 10 6.5 Cores 10 Page Annex ZA (normati

21、ve) Other international publications quoted in this standard with the references of the relevant European publications 11 Table 1 Nominal thickness and permitted rangeof thicknesses for types1,3 and4 (in4m) 4 Table 2 Nominal thickness and overall permittedrange of thicknesses for type2 (in4m) 5 Tabl

22、e 3A Tolerance on slit width for sheet4material 5 Table 3B Tolerance on slit width for sheets5and6 material 5 Table 4 Requirements for all types 6 Table 5 Property values 6 Table 6 A.C. electric strength for type2 7 Table 7 Approximate expected roll lengths (m)for sheet4 types1,3 and4 sheet5 types1a

23、nd3 sheet6 type1 8 Table 8 Approximate expected roll lengths (m)fortype2 8 Table 9A Maximum permissible number of joinsper roll for: sheet4 types1,3 and4 sheet5 types1 and3 sheet6 type1 9 Table 9B Minimum permissible distance betweensplices and between any splice and theendof the roll (m) for: sheet

24、4 types1,3 and4 sheet5 types1 and3 sheet6 type1 9 Table 10A Maximum number of permissible joinsper roll for type2 10 Table 10B Minimum permissible distance between splices and between any splice and theendof the roll (m) 10 Table 11 Maximum difference between the filmwidth and the roll width 10 late

25、st date by which the EN has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement (dop)1995-12-01 latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow)1995-12-01EN60674-3-4to6:1995 BSI 01-2000 3 Introduction Th

26、is International Standard is one of a series which deals with plastic films for electrical purposes. The series consists of three parts: Part1: Definitions and general requirements (IEC674-1); Part2: Methods of test (IEC674-2); Part3: Specifications for individual materials (IEC674-3). This standard

27、 contains three of the sheets comprising part3 as follows: Sheet4: Requirements for polyimide films based on poly(N,N-p,p-oxydiphenylene pyromellitimide) used for electrical insulation. Sheet5: Requirements for polyimide films based on poly(N,N-p-phenylene biphenyl-tetracarboxylimide) used for elect

28、rical insulation. Sheet6: Requirements for polyimide films based on poly(N,N-p,p-oxydiphenylene biphenyl-tetracarboxylimide) used for electrical insulation. 1 General 1.1 Scope This International Standard gives the requirements for the following polyimide, films with or without heat sealable fluoroe

29、thylene-propylene (FEP) coatings. Sheet4: Requirements for polyimide films based on poly(N,N-p,p-oxydiphenylene pyromellitimide). Sheet5: Requirements for polyimide films based on poly(N,N-p-phenylene biphenyl tetra carboxylimide). Sheet6: Requirements for polyimide films based on poly(N,N-p,p-oxydi

30、phenylene biphenyl-tetracarboxylimide). 1.2 Normative references The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents ar

31、e subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. I

32、EC674-1:1980, Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes Part1: Definitions and general requirements. IEC674-2:1988, Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes Part2: Methods of test. IEC757:1983, Code for designation of colours. 1.3 Classification The polyimide film shall

33、be of the following types: Type1: General purpose Type2A: One side coated 1) Type2B: Two sides coated 1) Type3: Dimensionally stabilized (only generally available in sheets4 and5 types) Type4: Heat shrinkable (only generally available in sheet4 types) 1) Type2 is surface coated to render the surface

34、(s) heat sealable.EN60674-3-4to6:1995 4 BSI 01-2000 2 Designation The film shall be identified by the designation which follows: Designation of the film IEC674-3-4 (or5, or6) PI type thickness in micrometres width in millimetres length in metres colour. Example: Polyimide film IEC674-3-4 PI type1 10

35、0 20 200 nc f (f=flame retardant; r=regular; nc=natural colour; other colours according to IEC757). 3 General requirements Type1 material shall be a flexible, self-supporting film made from polyimide polymer. Type2 shall have a heat sealable coating of fluoroethylene-propylene (FEP) resin on one or

36、both sides of type1 material. Type3 shall be identical to type1 except for improved dimensional stability. Type4 shall be identical to type1 except for the heat shrinkability requirement. All types shall conform to the general requirements laid down in IEC674-1. 4 Dimensions 4.1 Thickness The film t

37、hickness of types1,3 and4 shall be measured by a gravimetric method in accordance with3.3 of IEC674-2. The thickness of type2 shall be measured using a micrometer in accordance with3.1 of IEC674-2. The overall thickness shall be in accordance with the nominal thickness and permitted range of thickne

38、ss given in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1 Nominal thickness and permitted range of thicknesses for types1,3 and4 (in4m) Nominal thickness Actual thickness Limit Sheet4 Sheets5 and6 7,5 Max. Min. 9 6 8,5 6,5 13 a Max. Min. 15,2 10,2 13,5 11,5 20 Max. Min. 22 18 25 Max. Min. 29 22 27 23 40 Max. Min. 44

39、 36 50 Max. Min. 57 44 54 46 75 Max. Min. 83 69 81 69 100 Max. Min. 107 93 125 Max. Min. 136 118 133 117 The dash “” indicates that these sizes are not generally available. a Some manufacturers quote a nominal thickness of12,54m in place of the134m used in the above table. Conformance with this stan

40、dard indicates that such material meets the requirements, described in the above-mentioned table under the heading134m.EN60674-3-4to6:1995 BSI 01-2000 5 Table 2 Nominal thickness and overall permitted range of thicknesses for type2 (in4m) 4.2 Width The film width shall be measured in accordance with

41、 the requirements of clause5 of IEC674-2. Preferred widths cannot be given on account of the great variety of applications. The maximum deviation in film width from the nominal shall be as given in Table 3A and Table 3B unless otherwise specified in the purchase contract. Table 3A Tolerance on slit

42、width for sheet4 material Table 3B Tolerance on slit width for sheets5 and6 material Types Nominal thickness Overall permitted range of thicknesses Nominal thickness First FEP alayer Polyimide layer Second FEP alayer Sheet4 Sheets5 and6 Min. Max. Min. Max. 4m 4m 4m 4m 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2B 2B 2

43、B 2B 2B 25 38 b 50 63 b 75 100 100 150 30 38 b 50 75 125 None None None None None None None None 2,5 13 b 13 b 13 b 25 13 b 25 25 50 50 50 75 125 25 13 b 25 50 75 13 b 13 b 25 13 b 25 50 25 25 2,5 13 b 13 b 13 b 25 19 31 42 55 65 90 90 110 26 30 42 65 110 31 44 58 71 85 110 110 160 34 45 58 85 140 2

44、0 33,5 46 58,5 70 90 90 140 26 30 46 70 110 30 41,5 54 66,5 80 110 110 160 34 45 54 80 140 a Fluoroethylene-propylene. b Some manufacturers quote nominal thicknesses of12,54m,37,54m and62,54m in place of the134m,384m and634m, respectively, used in the above table. Conformance with this standard indi

45、cates that such material meets the requirements, described in the above-mentioned table under the headings of134m,384m and634m, respectively. Slit width range mm Tolerance mm Less than26 26 to102 Greater than102 0,4 0,8 1,6 Slit width range mm Tolerance mm k 25 2550 50100 100300 300500 500 0,2 0,3 0

46、,5 1,0 2,0 2,0EN60674-3-4to6:1995 6 BSI 01-2000 5 Properties 5.1 Properties not dependent on thickness 2) Table 4 Requirements for all types 5.2 Properties dependent on thickness Table 5 Property values 2) There are no requirements for type2 for density and permittivity since they are highly depende

47、nt on the relative thickness of PI and FEP. Property Requirements Unit IEC674-2 Test method Types where available Sheet4 Sheet5 Sheet6 Density 1425 10 1480 10 1390 10 kg/m 3 4, method D a 1,3,4 Melting point Does not melt d Does not melt d Does not melt d 1,2,3,4 Permittivity 3,5 0,4 3,4 0,4 3,5 0,4

48、 3,4 0,4 3,5 0,4 3,4 0,4 16.1 b (23 C,48Hz62Hz) (23 C,1kHz) 1,3,4 Dissipation factor k 4,0 10 3 k 5,0 10 3 k 5,0 10 3 16.1 b 23 C,1kHz or48Hz62Hz 1,2,3,4 Volume resistivity U 1 10 10 U 1,0 10 13 U 1,0 10 13 7 m 15.1 c 1,2,3,4 Surface resistivity U 1 10 14 U 1,0 10 15 U 1,0 10 15 7 14 c 1,2,3,4 Dimen

49、sional stability (shrinkage in MD and TD) e k 0,35 k 2,50 k 0,05 k 5,0 k 0,2 k 1,0 k 0,04 k 0,2 k 3,0 % % % % 23,150 C,U 254m 23,400 C,U 254m 23,200 C,U 254m 23,200 C,U 254m 1 2 3 4 Moisture absorption k 4,0 k 2,0 k 2,0 % 30,6h 1,2,3,4 a The recommended mixture is carbon tetrachloride/n-heptane. b Use non-contacting electrodes or evaporated metal electrodes. c To be measured at200 C

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