BS EN ISO 3262-11-2000 Extenders for paints - Specifications and methods of test - Natural talc in lamellar form containing carbonates《涂料填充剂 规范和试验方法 含碳酸盐的片状天然滑石》.pdf

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BS EN ISO 3262-11-2000 Extenders for paints - Specifications and methods of test - Natural talc in lamellar form containing carbonates《涂料填充剂 规范和试验方法 含碳酸盐的片状天然滑石》.pdf_第1页
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BS EN ISO 3262-11-2000 Extenders for paints - Specifications and methods of test - Natural talc in lamellar form containing carbonates《涂料填充剂 规范和试验方法 含碳酸盐的片状天然滑石》.pdf_第2页
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BS EN ISO 3262-11-2000 Extenders for paints - Specifications and methods of test - Natural talc in lamellar form containing carbonates《涂料填充剂 规范和试验方法 含碳酸盐的片状天然滑石》.pdf_第3页
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BS EN ISO 3262-11-2000 Extenders for paints - Specifications and methods of test - Natural talc in lamellar form containing carbonates《涂料填充剂 规范和试验方法 含碳酸盐的片状天然滑石》.pdf_第4页
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BS EN ISO 3262-11-2000 Extenders for paints - Specifications and methods of test - Natural talc in lamellar form containing carbonates《涂料填充剂 规范和试验方法 含碳酸盐的片状天然滑石》.pdf_第5页
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1、| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BRITISH STANDARD BS EN ISO 3262-11:2000 In

2、corporating Corrigendum No. 1 The European Standard EN ISO 3262-11:2000 has the status of a British Standard ICS 87.060.10 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW Extenders for paints Specifications and methods of test Part 11: Natural talc, in lamellar form, containin

3、g carbonatesThis British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Sector Committee for Materials and Chemicals, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 August 2000 BSI 5 October 2001 ISBN 0 580 36093 8 BS EN ISO 3262-11:2000 Amendment

4、s issued since publication Amd. No. Date Comments 13424 Corrigendum No. 1 5 October 2001 Incorporating annex ZA. National foreword This British Standard is the official English language version of EN ISO 3262-11:2000. It is identical with ISO 3262-11:2000. Together with the other parts of BS EN ISO

5、3262, it will supersede BS 1795:1976 which is declared obsolescent. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee STI/1, Pigments and extenders, which has the responsibility to: aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible international/European com

6、mittee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-ref

7、erences Attention is drawn to the fact that CEN and CENELEC Standards normally include an annex which lists normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publications. The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in t

8、his document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find” facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Us

9、ers of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN ISO title page, the EN ISO foreword page, the IS

10、O title page, pages ii to iv, pages 1 to 3, the annex ZA page, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.EUROPEANSTANDARD NORMEEUROPENNE EUROPISCHENORM ENISO326211 May2000 ICS87.060.10 Englishversion Extende

11、rsforpaintsSpecificationsandmethodsoftestPart 11:Naturaltalc,inlamellarform,containingcarbonates(ISO 326211:2000) MatiresdechargepourpeinturesSpcificationset mthodesdessaiPartie11:Talcnaturelsousforme lamellairecontenantdescarbonates(ISO326211:2000) FllstoffefrBeschichtungsstoffeAnforderungenund Prf

12、verfahrenTeil11:Natrlicher,plttchenfrmiger, carbonathaltigerTalk(ISO326211:2000) ThisEuropeanStandardwasapprovedbyCENon10March2000. CENmembersareboundtocomplywiththeCEN/CENELECInternalRegulationswhichstipulatetheconditionsforgivingthisEurope an Standardthestatusofanationalstandardwithoutanyalteratio

13、n.Uptodatelistsandbibliographicalreferencesconcernings uchnational standardsmaybeobtainedonapplicationtotheManagementCentreortoanyCENmember. ThisEuropeanStandardexistsinthreeofficialversions(English,French,German).Aversioninanyotherlanguagemadebytra nslation undertheresponsibilityofaCENmemberintoits

14、ownlanguageandnotifiedtotheManagementCentrehasthesamestatusasthe official versions. CENmembersarethenationalstandardsbodiesofAustria,Belgium,CzechRepublic,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece, Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Spain,Sweden,SwitzerlandandUnitedKingdom. EUR

15、OPEANCOMMITTEEFORSTANDARDIZATION COMITEUROPENDENORMALISATION EUROPISCHESKOMITEEFRNORMUNG ManagementCentre:ruedeStassart,36B1050Brussels 2000CEN Allrightsofexploitationinanyformandbyanymeansreserved worldwideforCENnationalMembers. Ref.No.ENISO326211:2000EgaPe2 INESO23261102:00 CORRECTED20010411 Forew

16、ord ThetextoftheInternationalStandardISO326211:2000hasbeenpreparedbyTechnical CommitteeISO/TC35“Paintsandvarnishes“incollaborationwithTechnicalCommittee CEN/TC298“Pigmentsandextenders“,thesecretariatofwhichisheldbyDIN. ThisEuropeanStandardshallbegiventhestatusofanationalstandard,eitherbypublication

17、ofanidenticaltextorbyendorsement,atthelatestbyNovember2001,andconflicting nationalstandardsshallbewithdrawnatthelatestbyNovember2001. AccordingtotheCEN/CENELECInternalRegulations,thenationalstandardsorganizationsof thefollowingcountriesareboundtoimplementthisEuropeanStandard:Austria,Belgium, CzechRe

18、public,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Iceland,Ireland,Italy, Luxembourg,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Spain,Sweden,SwitzerlandandtheUnited Kingdom. Endorsementnotice ThetextoftheInternationalStandardISO326211:2000wasapprovedbyCENasa EuropeanStandardwithoutanymodification. NOTE:Normativereferenc

19、estoInternationalStandardsarelistedinannexZA(normative). ENISO326211:2000 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 3262-11 Firstedition 2000-05-01 Referencenumber ISO3262-11:2000(E) ExtendersforpaintsSpecificationsand methodsoftest Part11: Naturaltalc,inlamellarform,containing carbonates Matires de charge pour pe

20、intures Spcifications et mthodes dessai Partie 11: Talc naturel sous forme lamellaire contenant des carbonates EN ISO 3262-11:2000ii EN ISO 3262-11:2000 iii Foreword ISO(theInternationalOrganizationforStandardization)isaworldwidefederationofnationalstandardsbodies(ISO memberbodies).Theworkofpreparin

21、gInternationalStandardsisnormallycarriedoutthroughISOtechnical committees.Eachmemberbodyinterestedinasubjectforwhichatechnicalcommitteehasbeenestablishedhas therighttoberepresentedonthatcommittee.Internationalorganizations,governmentalandnon-governmental,in liaisonwithISO,alsotakepartinthework.ISOco

22、llaboratescloselywiththeInternationalElectrotechnicalCommis- sion(IEC)onallmattersofelectrotechnicalstandardization. InternationalStandardsaredraftedinaccordancewiththerulesgivenintheISO/IECDirectives,Part3. DraftInternationalStandardsadoptedbythetechnicalcommitteesarecirculatedtothememberbodiesforv

23、oting. PublicationasanInternationalStandardrequiresapprovalbyatleast75%ofthememberbodiescastingavote. AttentionisdrawntothepossibilitythatsomeoftheelementsofthispartofISO3262maybethesubjectofpatent rights.ISOshallnotbeheldresponsibleforidentifyinganyorallsuchpatentrights. InternationalStandardISO326

24、2-11waspreparedbyTechnicalCommitteeISO/TC35, Paints and varnishes, SubcommitteeSC2, Pigments and extenders. Togetherwiththeotherparts(seebelow),thispartofISO3262cancelsandreplacesISO3262:1975,whichhas beentechnicallyrevised.Part1comprisesthedefinitionofthetermextenderandanumberoftestmethodsthatare a

25、pplicabletomostextenders,whilstpart2andthefollowingpartsspecifyrequirementsand,whereappropriate,par- ticulartestmethodsforindividualextenders. ISO3262consistsofthefollowingparts,underthegeneraltitle Extenders for paints Specifications and methods of test: Part 1: Introduction and general test method

26、s Part 2: Barytes (natural barium sulfate) Part 3: Blanc fixe Part 4: Whiting Part 5: Natural crystalline calcium carbonate Part 6: Precipitated calcium carbonate Part 7: Dolomite Part 8: Natural clay Part 9: Calcined clay Part 10: Natural talc/chlorite in lamellar form Part 11: Natural talc, in lam

27、ellar form, containing carbonates Part 12: Muscovite-type mica Part 13: Natural quartz (ground) Part 14: Cristobalite Part 15: Vitreous silica Part 16: Aluminium hydroxides Part 17: Precipitated calcium silicate Part 18: Precipitated sodium aluminium silicate EN ISO 3262-11:2000iv Part 19: Precipita

28、ted silica Part 20: Fumed silica Part 21: Silica sand (unground natural quartz) Part 22: Flux-calcined kieselguhr AnnexAofthispartofISO3262isforinformationonly. EN ISO 3262-11:2000 1 ExtendersforpaintsSpecificationsandmethodsoftest Part11: Naturaltalc,inlamellarform,containingcarbonates 1Scope Thisp

29、artofISO3262specifiesrequirementsandcorrespondingmethodsoftestforproductsmadefromnaturally occurringtalcinlamellarformassociatedwithcarbonates. NOTEThemineralogicalclasseshavebeendesignatedinaccordancewithproductsexistingonthemarket(seeannexA). 2Normativereferences Thefollowingnormativedocumentscont

30、ainprovisionswhich,throughreferenceinthistext,constituteprovisionsof thispartofISO3262.Fordatedreferences,subsequentamendmentsto,orrevisionsof,anyofthesepublicationsdo notapply.However,partiestoagreementsbasedonthispartofISO3262areencouragedtoinvestigatethepossi- bilityofapplyingthemostrecentedition

31、softhenormativedocumentsindicatedbelow.Forundatedreferences,the latesteditionofthenormativedocumentreferredtoapplies.MembersofISOandIECmaintainregistersofcurrently validInternationalStandards. ISO787-2:1981, General methods of test for pigments and extenders Part 2: Determination of matter volatile

32、at 105 C. ISO787-3: 1) , General methods of test for pigments and extenders Part 3: Determination of matter soluble in water Hot extraction method. ISO787-7:1981, General methods of test for pigments and extenders Part 7: Determination of residue on sieve Water method Manual procedure. ISO787-9:1981

33、, General methods of test for pigments and extenders Part 9: Determination of pH value of an aqueous suspension. ISO787-14:1973, General methods of test for pigments Part 14: Determination of resistivity of aqueous extract. ISO787-18:1983, General methods of test for pigments and extenders Part 18:

34、Determination of residue on sieve Mechanical flushing procedure. ISO3262-1:1997, Extenders for paints Specifications and methods of test Part 1: Introduction and general test methods. ISO3262-2:1998, Extenders for paints Specifications and methods of test Part 2: Barytes (natural barium sul- fate).

35、3Termanddefinition ForthepurposesofthispartofISO3262,thefollowingtermanddefinitionapplies. 1)Tobepublished.(RevisionofISO787-3:1979) EN ISO 3262-11:20002 3.1 naturaltalc,containingcarbonates naturalassociationofhydratedmagnesiumsilicate3MgO4SiO 2 H 2 O Mg 3 (OH) 2 /Si 4 O 10 andcarbonates,for exampl

36、edolomiteCaMg(CO 3 ) 2 andmagnesiteMgCO 3 4Requirementsandtestmethods Fornaturaltalcinlamellarform,containingcarbonates,complyingwiththispartofISO3262,theessentialrequire- mentsarespecifiedinTable1andtheconditionalrequirementsarelistedinTable2. 5Testreport Thetestreportshallcontainatleastthefollowin

37、ginformation: a)alldetailsnecessarytoidentifytheproducttested; b)areferencetothispartofISO3262(ISO3262-11); c)theresultsofthetestsandwhetherornottheproductcomplieswiththerelevantspecificationlimits; d)anydeviationfromthetestmethodsspecified; e)thedatesofthetests. Table1Essentialrequirements Characte

38、ristic Unit Requirement Testmethod GradeA GradeB Talccontent %( ) 90to70 70to50 X-raydiffractionorasagreed betweentheinterestedparties Carbonatecontent 10to30 10to50 Totaltalc/chloritecontent,max. 90 Lossonignition %( ) 9,5to19,0 11,0to28,6 ISO3262-1 Mattervolatileat ,max. %( ) 0,5 ISO787-2 a Matter

39、solubleinwater,max. %( ) 0,2 ISO787-3 pHvalueofaqueoussuspension 8to10 b ISO787-9 a Byagreementbetweentheinterestedparties,testportionsotherthan10gmaybeused. b Thesevaluesdonottakeaccountoftheeffectontheresultofanysurfacetreatment. Table2Conditionalrequirements Characteristic Unit Requirement Testme

40、thod GradeA GradeB Residueon sieve %( ) Tobeagreedbetween theinterestedparties ISO787-7orISO787-18 Particlesizedistribution(instru- mentalmethod) %( ) Tobeagreedbetweenthe interestedparties a Mattersolubleinhydrochloricacid %( ) ISO3262-2:1998,clause7 Colour ISO3262-1 Lightness Tobeagreedbetweenthe

41、interestedparties b Resistivityofaqueousextract ISO787-14 a AgeneraldescriptionofasedimentationmethodusingX-rayabsorptionisgiveninEN725-5:1996, Advanced technical ceramics Methods of test for ceramic powders Part 5: Determination of the particle size distribution. b Testmethodinpreparation. m=m m=m

42、105 C m=m m=m 45 m m=m m=m m=m m EN ISO 3262-11:2000 3 AnnexA (informative) Ternarydiagramillustratingthemineralogicalgrades(AandB)ofnatural talc/chlorite,inlamellarform,containingcarbonates FigureA.1 EN ISO 3262-11:2000gaPe3 INESO23261102:00 AnnexZA (normative) Normativereferencestointernationalpub

43、lications withtheirrelevantEuropeanpublications ThisEuropeanStandardincorporatesbydatedorundatedreference,provisionsfromother publications.Thesenormativereferencesarecitedattheappropriateplacesinthetextandthe publicationsarelistedhereafter.Fordatedreferences,subsequentamendmentstoorrevisions ofanyof

44、thesepublicationsapplytothisEuropeanStandardonlywhenincorporatedinitby amendmentorrevision.Forundatedreferencesthelatesteditionofthepublicationreferredto applies(includingamendments). NOTEWhereanInternationalPublicationhasbeenmodifiedbycommonmodifications, indicatedby(mod.),therelevantEN/HDapplies.

45、Publication Year Title EN Year ISO7872 1981 Generalmethodsoftestforpigments andextendersPart2:Determination ofmattervolatileat105degreesC ENISO7872 1995 ISO7879 1981 Generalmethodsoftestforpigments andextendersPart9:Determination ofpHvalueofaqueoussuspension ENISO7879 1995 ISO78718 1983 Generalmetho

46、dsoftestforpigments andextendersPart18:Determination ofresidueonsieveMechanical flushingprocedure ENISO78718 1995 ISO32621 1997 ExtendersforpaintsSpecifications andmethodsoftestPart 1:Introductionandgeneraltestmethods ENISO32621 1998 ISO32622 1998 ExtendersforpaintsSpecifications andmethodsoftestPar

47、t2:Baryte (naturalbariumsulfate) ENISO32622 1998 ENISO326211:2000 BS EN ISO 3262-11:2000 BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BSI British Standards Institution BSI is the independent national body

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