1、BRITISH STANDARD BS EN ISO 15245-2:2001 Incorporating Corrigendum No. 1 Gas cylinders Parallel threads for connection of valves to gas cylinders Part 2: Gauge inspection The European Standard EN ISO 15245-2:2001 has the status of a British Standard ICS 21.040.30; 23.020.30 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PER
2、MISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBS EN ISO 15245-2:2001 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Engineering Sector Policy and Strategy Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 12 November 2001 BSI 11 Marc
3、h 2002 ISBN 0 580 38048 3 National foreword This British Standard is the official English language version of EN ISO 15245-2:2001. It is identical with ISO 15245-2:2001. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee PVE/3, Gas containers, to Subcommittee PVE/3/1, Valve
4、 fittings for gas cylinders, which has the responsibility to: A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found
5、in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find” facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards a
6、re responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible international/European committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change,
7、and keep the UK interests informed; monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN ISO title page, EN ISO foreword page, ISO title page, pages ii to iv, pages 1 to 7, the Ann
8、ex ZA page, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright date displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Comments 13766 Corrigendum No. 1 11 March 2002 Incorporating Annex ZAEUROPEANSTANDARD NORMEEUROPENNE EUR
9、OPISCHENORM ENISO152452 October2001 ICS23.020.30 Englishversion GascylindersParallelthreadsforconnectionofvalvestogas cylindersPart2:Gaugeinspection(ISO152452:2001) BouteillesgazFiletagesparalllespourleraccordement desrobinetssurlesbouteillesgazPartie2:Contrlepar calibre(ISO152452:2001) Ortsbeweglic
10、heGasflaschenZylindrischeGewindezum AnschlussvonVentilenanGasflaschenTeil2:Prflehren (ISO152452:2001) ThisEuropeanStandardwasapprovedbyCENon10October2001. CENmembersareboundtocomplywiththeCEN/CENELECInternalRegulationswhichstipulatetheconditionsforgivingthisEurope an Standardthestatusofanationalstan
11、dardwithoutanyalteration.Uptodatelistsandbibliographicalreferencesconcernings uchnational standardsmaybeobtainedonapplicationtotheManagementCentreortoanyCENmember. ThisEuropeanStandardexistsinthreeofficialversions(English,French,German).Aversioninanyotherlanguagemadebytra nslation undertheresponsibi
12、lityofaCENmemberintoitsownlanguageandnotifiedtotheManagementCentrehasthesamestatusasthe official versions. CENmembersarethenationalstandardsbodiesofAustria,Belgium,CzechRepublic,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece, Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Spain,Sweden,Switzerla
13、ndandUnitedKingdom. EUROPEANCOMMITTEEFORSTANDARDIZATION COMITEUROPENDENORMALISATION EUROPISCHESKOMITEEFRNORMUNG ManagementCentre:ruedeStassart,36B1050Brussels 2001CEN Allrightsofexploitationinanyformandbyanymeansreserved worldwideforCENnationalMembers. Ref.No.ENISO152452:2001ECORRECTED20020102 Forew
14、ord ThetextoftheInternationalStandardfromTechnicalCommitteeISO/TC58“Gascylinders“ hasbeentakenoverasaEuropeanStandardbyTechnicalCommitteeCEN/TC23 “Transportablegascylinders“,thesecretariatofwhichisheldbyBSI. ThisEuropeanStandardshallbegiventhestatusofanationalstandard,eitherbypublication ofanidentic
15、altextorbyendorsement,atthelatestbyApril2002,andconflictingnational standardsshallbewithdrawnatthelatestbyApril2002. AccordingtotheCEN/CENELECInternalRegulations,thenationalstandardsorganizationsof thefollowingcountriesareboundtoimplementthisEuropeanStandard:Austria,Belgium, CzechRepublic,Denmark,Fi
16、nland,France,Germany,Greece,Iceland,Ireland,Italy, Luxembourg,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Spain,Sweden,SwitzerlandandtheUnited Kingdom. Endorsementnotice ThetextoftheInternationalStandardISO152452:2001hasbeenapprovedbyCENasa EuropeanStandardwithoutanymodifications. NOTENormativereferencestoInternati
17、onalStandardsarelistedinannexZA(normative). ENISO152452:2001 Reference number ISO 15245-2:2001(E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15245-2 First edition 2001-10-15 Gas cylinders Parallel threads for connection of valves to gas cylinders Part 2: Gauge inspection Bouteilles gaz Filetages parallles pour le r
18、accordement des robinets sur les bouteilles gaz Partie 2: Contrle par calibre ENISO152452:2001 ii ENISO152452:2001 iii Contents Page Foreword.iv 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions1 4 Requirements .2 4.1 Materials2 4.2 Thread profile .2 4.3 Thread rotation.2 4.4 Pitch 2 5 Gaug
19、e dimensions.3 6 Inspection gauges .3 7 Use of inspection gauges .5 7.1 Plain gauges.5 7.2 Accept or reject criteria using plug gauges5 8 Verification of inspection gauges 6 8.1 General6 8.2 Plug gauges6 9 Identification.6 Bibliography 7 ENISO152452:2001 iv Foreword ISO (the International Organizati
20、on for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established ha
21、s the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Inte
22、rnational Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the m
23、ember bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 15245 may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. International Standard ISO 15245-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 58, Gas cylinders, Subcommittee SC 2, Cylinder fittings. ISO 15245 consists of the following parts, under the general title Gas cylinders Parallel threads for connection of valves to gas cylinders: Part 1: Specification Part 2: Gauge inspection ENISO152452:2001