BS IEC 60050(705)-1997 International electrotechnical vocabulary Radio wave propagation《国际电工词汇表 无线电波传播》.pdf

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BS IEC 60050(705)-1997 International electrotechnical vocabulary Radio wave propagation《国际电工词汇表 无线电波传播》.pdf_第1页
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1、This document has been reprinted due to constructional error(s) BRITISH STANDARD International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Chapter 705. Radio wave propagation * * o) ICs 01.040.33: 33.020 1s IEC ;0050( 705) : 1995 EC i0050(705) : 1995 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGH

2、T LAW BS IEC 6OO50( 706) : 1995 Date National foreword Text affected This British Standard reproduces verbatim IEC 60050(705) : 1995 and implements it as the UK national standard It supersedes BS 4727 Part 3 Group 5 : 1971 which is Withdrawn. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to

3、Technical Coinmittee GEM, Terminology, which has the responsibility to: - aid enquirem to undersand the text; - present to the responsible internationallEuropean committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed - monitor related international

4、 and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. A list of organbations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. From 1 January 1997, all IEC publications have the number 60000 added to the old number. For instance, IEC 27-1 has been renumbered as IEC 60027

5、-1. For a period of time during the change over from one numbering system to the other, publications may contain identifiers from both systems. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards

6、 Catalogue under the section entitled International f3tandards Correspondence Index, or by using the Find facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front

7、 cover, an inside front cover, the IEC title page, pages ii to ix, a blank page, pages 1 to 221 and a back cover. This British Standard, having Amendments issued since publication been prepared under the direction of the Electrotechnicai Sector Board, was published under the authority of the Standar

8、ds Board and comes into effect on 15 October 1997 Amd. No. O BSI 1997 ISBN O 680 28547 2 BS IEC 60050( 705) : 1995 NORME INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD MEXaYHAPOaHbIn CTAHAAPT CE1 IEC 50(705) Prrimire &ition First edition 199549 Vocabulaire Electrotechnique International Chapitre 705: Propaga

9、tion des ondes radiolectriques International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Chapter 705: Radio wave propagation ie m ie rAasa 705: PacnpocTpaHeHepaioBonH Vocabulario Electrotcnico Internacional Captulo 705: Propagacin de las ondas de radio Numro de rfrence Reference number CEIIIEC 50(705): 1995 SOMMAIR

10、E Pages vi AVANT-PROPOS . ., . . . . . ._ . . . Sections 705-0 1 705-02 705-03 705-04 705-05 705-06 705-07 705-08 Caractristiques essentielles des champs et des ondes lectromagntiques . Rayonnement, trajets et vitesses des ondes lectromagntiques ._ Proprith lectromagntiques des milieux de propagatio

11、n . . ._. Phnomnes lis aux frontires des milieux de propagation ,. Propagation mposphnque y compris linfluence du sol Milieux ioniss terrestres . . _. . _.+ Influence de lionosphre sur la propagation des ondes radiolectriques Influence de la propagation sur les radiocommunications ._. 1 23 43 59 83

12、106 120 156 Index -.,. 175 II - srD*BS BS IEC b0050(705-ENGL 1995 lb24bb9 Ob91128 57b ES IEC SOOSO( 705) : 1996 CONTENTS Page FOREWORD . vi Sections 705-01 705-02 705-03 705-04 705-05 705-06 705-07 705-08 Essential characteristics of electromagnetic fields and waves . Radiation, paths and velocity o

13、f electromagnetic waves Electromagnetic properties of propagation media Phenomena related to the boundaries of propagation media Tropospheric propagation including the influence of the ground Influence of the ionosphere on radio wave propagation Terresmal ionized media influence of propagation on ra

14、diocommunications 1 23 43 59 83 106 120 156 Index 175 . 111 STD-BSI BS IEC b0050(705)-ENGL 1775 1b24bb9 Ob91127 i02 BS IEC SOOSO( 705) : 1995 COAEPXAHHE . . VI11 IlPEAMCJlOBI4E 705-0 1 705-02 705-03 705-04 705-05 705-06 705-07 705-08 1 23 43 59 83 106 120 OCHOBHbIe XapasTepHCTHKH 3JleKTPOMaHUTHbIX n

15、onefi H BOJIH M3JlyeHHe,TpaeKTOpHH A CKOPCTb 3JleKrPOMaHHTHbIX BOJ“ . 3ne1poarme caoficrsa cpenbi pacrrpocrpaeesari: (IsneHHa, CBEIHHH c rpatimaMw cpem pacrrpocrpasesm . TOIIOCH pacnpocrpaseHHe u 3#1em1 BJIEIRHHR 3eoji IIOBepXHOCTH . MOHWHpBaHHaR Cpena, OIQyiicaloLUaR 3eMJlO . BmmHe HOHOCM Ha pacrrp

16、ocrpasesue panaoaomi BnHmHe paCXlpCipaHeHH5l Ha panHOCBR3b . 157 An$asmmrfi ysaarenb 175 iv TABLA DE MATERIAS Pgs. PRAMBULO IX Secciones 705-01 705-02 705-03 705-04 705 -05 705-06 705-07 70548 Caractersticas esenciales de campos electromagnticos y ondas Propiedades electromagnticas del medio de prop

17、agaci6n Radiaci6n. trayectorias y velocidades de ondas elecuomagdticas . Fenmenos relacionados con la separacin de los medios de propagacin . Propagacin troposfrica incluido el efecto de ia tierra . Medios terrestres ionizados influencia de la ionosfera en la propagacin de las ondas de radio Muencia

18、 de ia propagacin en ias radiocomunicaciones . 1 23 43 59 83 106 120 156 * * m fndice 175 V STD.BSI BS IEC b0050(705I-ENGL 1995 1b24bb9 Ob91131 Ob0 BS IEC 60050(705) : 1995 COMMISSION LECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE VOCABULAIRE LECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONAL CHAPITRE 705: PROPAGATION DES ONDES RADIOLE

19、CTRIQUES AVANT-PROPOS 1) Les dcisions ou accords officiels de la CE1 en ce qui concerne les questions techniques, prpars par des comits dtudes o sont reprsents tous les Comits nationaux sintressant ces questions, expriment dans la plus grande mesure possible un accord international sur les sujets ex

20、amins. 2) Ces dcisions constituent des recommandations internationales et sont agres comme telles par les Comits nation aux. 3) Dans le but dencourager lunification internationale, la CE1 exprime le voeu que tous les Comits natjonaux adoptent dans leurs rgles nationales le texte de la recommandation

21、 de la CEI. dans la mesure OU les conditions nationales le permettent. Toute divergence entre la recommandation de la CE1 et la rgle nationale correspondante doit. dans la mesure du possible. tre indique en termes clairs dans cette dernire. Les chapitres du Vocabulaire Electrotechnique International

22、 (VEI) concernant les tlcommunications (chapitres de la srie 700) ont t prpars par des groupes mixtes dexperts des Comits techniques de lUnion Internationale des Tlbmmunications (UIT) - Comit Consultatif International des Radiocommunications (CCIR). Comit Consultatif International Tlgraphique et Tlp

23、honique (CCIT) - et de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale (CEI). coordonns par le Groupe mixte coordinateur CCIR-CCITT-CEI pour le vocabulaire (GMC). Les termes et dfinitions de ces chapitres sont destins faciliter la comprhension des textes concernant les tlcommunications. Ils ont t appr

24、ouvs pour publication par les Comits nationaux de la CEI. Ils nont pas reu dapprobation formelle par les Assembles plnires du CCIR ou du CCITT. et ne remplacent pas les dfinitions contenues dans les Recommandations du CCIR ou du CCIT (ou dans le Rglement des radiocommunications. ou dans le Rglement

25、des tlcommunications internationales ou dans la Constitution ou la Convention internationale des tlcommunications) qui sont utiliser dans leurs domaines respectifs dapplication. La prsente Norme internationale a t tablie par un groupe dexperts du GNC, sous la responsabilit du comit dtudes 1 de la CE

26、1 Terminologie. Elle constitue le chapitre 705 du Vocabulaire Electrotechnique International (VEI). Le texte de cette norme est issu des documents suivants: Rgle des Six Mois Rappon de vae Le rapport de vote indiqu dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayant abouti lapprobati

27、on de cette norme. Comme dans tous les chapitres du VE1 concernant les tlcommunications. les termes et dfinitions sont donns en franais. anglais. russe. espagnol et les termes sont, de plus, indiqus en allemand. italien. nerlandais, polonais. sudois et japonais. vi INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COM

28、MISSION Six Months Rule 1OEV 705)(CO)lt4 I + I1 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL VOCABULARY Repon on voting IOEV 705XCO)1286 CHAPTER 705: RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION FOREWORD The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by technical committees on which all the National Commi

29、ttees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with. They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense. In order to promote i

30、nternational unification. the IEC expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the text of the IEC recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence between the IEC recommendation and the corresponding national rules should, as far a

31、s possible, be clearly indicated in the latter. Chapters of the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) relating to telecommunications (chapters of the 700 suies) have been prepared by Joint Groups of experts from the technical committees of the international Telecommunication Union (UIT) -

32、international Consultative Radiocommunications Committee (CCIR). International Cqnsultative Telegraph 8nd Tekphone Committee (CCI?T) - and from the Intanational Electrotechnical Commission (EC). amdtiated by the CCIRcCT-EC Joint Co-ordinating Group for vocabulary (JCG). The terms and definitions in

33、these chapters are intended to promote a good understanding of telecommunications texts. They have been approved for publication by the IEC National Committees. They have not received formal approval by the CCIR or CCIT“ Plenary Assemblies and do not replace definitions contained in CCIR or CCITT re

34、commendations (or in the Radio Regulations, the International Telecommunication Regulations. or the International Telecommunication Constitution or Convention) which are to be used in their respective fields of application. This international Standard has been prepared by a group of experts of the J

35、CG under the responsibiiity of IEC technical committee 1: Terminology. It forms Chapter 705 of the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV). The text of this standard is based on the following documents: Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the repo

36、rt on voting indicated in the above table. As in all IEV chapters relating to telecommunication& the terms and definitions have been written in four languages: French. English. Russian. Spanish and the terms in German. Italian, Dutch, Polish, Swedish and Japanese are indicated. STDOBSI BS IEC b0050(

37、705)-ENGL 1975 = lb24bb7 Ob91133 733 D BS IEC 60050(705) : 1995 MEXAYHAPOAHbI 3JIEKTPOTEXHIilYECKMItf CJIOBAPb WA 705: PACIIPOCTPAHEHklE PAWOBOJIH llPEABCJIOBME I(M3C 7(H)(I&)1264 I + i I(M3C 705)(U6)1286 . VI11 * * v, BS IEC 60050(705) : 1995 COMISI6N ELECTROl%CNICA INTERNACIONAL VOCABULARIO ELECTR

38、OTCNICO INTERNACIONAL CAPITULO 705: PROPAGACI6N DE LA ONDAS DE RADIO Las decisiones o acuerdos oficiales de la CE1 relativos a asuntos tcnicos, preparados por los comits de estudio en los que estn representados todos los Comits Nacionales interesados, expresan en la mayor medida posible un acuerdo i

39、nternacional sobre los temas examinados. Estas decisiones constituyen recomendaciones internacionales y son acceptadas como tales por los Comits Nacionales. Con objeto de promover la unificacin internacional, la CE1 expresa el deseo de que todos los Comits Nacionales adopten el texto de la recomenda

40、cin CE1 para sus normas nacionales en la medida que sea posible. Cualquier divergencia entre la recomendacin CE1 y la norma nacional correspondiente debe venir indicada de forma clara en esta ltima, siempre que sea posible. Lor tminos y definiciaies & CMI captulos intaiiur facilitar la canpcensin de

41、 los textos rob= las tclecommicaciaies. Hm sido qmbados pul su publiacin por lor Comits Nlciuler de k CEI. No han recibido ia apmbrcih formai de Lu Asunblus PluurUr del CCIR o del CC y no reunphm lu definiciones contenidas u1 ias Raumaid.ciaies del KIR o del CCITT (o UI el Reghento de las Radiccomun

42、iacimcs, o u1 el Reglunuiio de Ias Tduniacionu krtLmrciorukz, o ai L Carstitucin o UI Ia Ccmvaicin Internaamil de las Telecanuniucionu) que re utilizarn ai sus cmnpos nxp6aivos de apliacii. i p-te Norma Internacional ha sido pmpnda por un Gpo de Expertos dei GMC. bajo la responsabilidad dei Caniti d

43、e Estudios 1 de ia CEI : Tenninologir Constituye el captulo 705 del Vociibulario Uaarotcnim Internacional (VEI). El texto de esta norma ati basado en los documentos siguientes: l(VEI705)(C)1264 I + II IVE1 705)(OC)1286 Los informes del voto indicados en el cuadro antenor dan todas las informaciones

44、sobre el resultado de las votaciones realizadas para la aprobacin de esta norma. Cmo en todos los captulos del VE1 sobre las telecomunicaciones. los trminos y definiciones se dan en lids. ingib, ruso y qanOl. y los tenninos estn. adems. indicados en alemn, italiano. holands, polaco. succo y japonk.



47、1 champ Feld campo re,d pole flt x : Y Grandeur scalaire, vectorielle ou tensorielle, fonction de la position dun point dans un domaine dtermin et ventuellement du temps. Note. - Un champ peut reprsenter un phnomne physique, comme par exemple le champ de pression acoustique. le champ de pesanteur, l

48、e champ magntique terrestre, le champ dun metteur radiolectrique. field A scalar. vector or tensor quantity function of point coordinates in a defined space, and possibly time. Note. - A field may represent a physical phenomenon such as an acous- tic pressure field. a gravity field, the Earths magne

49、tic field. the field from a radio transmitter. none Crannpnan, BewropHan mnH reasopaar romilemmman YEKUER xoopnarrar Town B onpentnemoht npocrpaame, a BOMOXHO H BO iipexem. Lipweuawe. - none MOYCT xaparrepr13osarb HeroTopoe 43alrecroe nnnenae, HanpHMep. Tame, rar arycrasecxoe none naBneaan, none rpaaaranm


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