1、BSISO10596:2009ICS47.020.70NOCOPYINGWITHOUTBSIPERMISSIONEXCEPTASPERMITTEDBY COPYRIGHTLAWBRITISHSTANDARDShipsandmarinetechnologyMarinewindvaneandanemometersThisBritishStandardwas publishedundertheauthorityoftheStandardsPolicyandStrategy Committee on30November2009.BSI2009ISBN9780580619045Amendments/co
2、rrigendaissuedsincepublicationDate CommentsBSISO10596:2009NationalforewordThisBritish Standardisthe UKimplementationofISO10596:2009.TheUKparticipationinitspreparationwasentrustedtoTechnicalCommitteeEPL/80,Maritimenavigationandradiocommunicationequipmentandsystems.Alistof organizationsrepresentedonth
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4、ERNATIONAL STANDARDISO10596First edition2009-10-15Ships and marine technology Marine wind vane and anemometers Navires et technologie maritime Girouettes et anmomtres de marineBS ISO 10596:2009ISO 10596:2009(E)PDF disclaimerThisPDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licen
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9、Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyrightiso.org Web www.iso.org Published inSwitzerland ii ISO 2009 All rights reservedBS ISO 10596:2009ISO 10596:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved iiiForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation o
10、f national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a tec hnical committee has beenestablished has the right to be represented on that committee. In
11、ternational organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closelywith the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with t
12、he rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standardsadopted by the technical committees are ci rculated to the member bodies for voting. Public ation as an International Standard requires approval
13、by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying an y or all such patent rights. ISO 10596 was prepared by Technical Committee
14、ISO/TC8, Ships and marine technology, SubcommitteeSC 6, Navigation and ship operations. BS ISO 10596:2009BS ISO 10596:2009INTERNATIONAL STANDA RD ISO 10596:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved 1Ships and marine technology Marine wind vane and anemometers 1 Scope This International Standard specifies
15、 the type, structure, function, performance and testing method of marinewind vane and anemometers (hereafter referred to as “wind vane/anemometer”) to be installed on a ship for measurement and indication of wind direction and velocity at sea for the purpose of navigation, asrecommended by Regulatio
16、n 5 of Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safetyof Life at Sea(SOLAS), 1974, as amended. It does not apply towind vanes and anemometers used for the purposes ofmeteorological or scientificmeasurement and observation. 2 NormativereferencesThe following referenced documents are indispen
17、sable for the application of this document. For datedreferences, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenceddocument (including any amendments) applies.IEC 60945:2002, Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems Generalrequirement
18、s Methods of testing and required test resultsIEC 61162-1, Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems Digital interfaces Part 1: Single talker and multiple listeners3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.3.1 distance
19、 constantdistance the air flows past a rotating anemometer during the ti me it takes the propeller to reach (1 1/e) or63% of the equilibrium speed after a step increase change in air speed 3.2 index error amount by which a wind vane/anemometer exceeds or falls short of the true value3.3 operating te
20、mperature rangerange of airflow temperatures in which wind speed can be measured within the accuracy specified in thisInternational Standard 3.4 wind direction direction from which the wind is blowing 3.5 wind speedmagnitude of straight-line moving distance of airflow per unit timeBS ISO 10596:2009I
21、SO 10596:2009(E)2 ISO 2009 All rights reserved3.6 wind speed measurement rangerange of measurable wind speed within the accuracy specified in this International Standard 4 Type The types of wind vanes and anemometersshall be classified as follows in accordance with methods of measuring wind directio
22、n and wind speed. 4.1Using wind force on a rotor 4.1.1 Windmill wind vane/anemometer A rotation anemometer whose axis of rotation is horizontal. The instrument has either flat vanes or helicoidal vanes.4.1.2 Cup anemometer with wind vaneA rotation anemometer whose axis of ro tation isvertical. Cup a
23、nemometers with wind vane usually consist of three or four hemispherical or conical cups mountedwith their diametrical planes vertical and distributed symmetrically about the axis of rotation. A wind vane consists basicallyof an asymmetrically-shaped object mounted atits centre of gravity about aver
24、tical axis. 4.2 Using ultrasonic waves An anemometer which measures ultrasonic wave propagation in the air.5 Composition A wind vane/anemometer is composed of the windvane/anemometer sensor (hereafter simply referred to as “sensor”), display, etc. The sensor shall have measurement functions for wind
25、 direction and velocity, and thedisplay shall be capable of indicating the measured wind direction and velocity. 6 FunctionalityA wind vane/anemometer shall have the following functions. 6.1 The sensor shall have measurement functions for wind direction and velocity, whose range andaccuracy are spec
26、ified in 7.1 and 7.2 respectively, and the display shall be capable of indicating the measured wind direction and velocity.6.2 The wind vane/anemometer shall be capable of outputting analogue or digital signals, which shall beable to be distributed to the bridge and other necessary locations. Where
27、digital signals are used, at least oneof them shall satisfy IEC 61162-1. 7 Performance and accuracyThe performance and accuracy required for a windvane/anemometer shall be as indicated below. BS ISO 10596:2009ISO 10596:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved 37.1Measurement range and minimum measuremen
28、t unitThe measurement ranges and minimum measurement units for a wind vane/anemometer shall be as indicated in Table 1. Table 1 Measurementranges and minimum measurement units for a wind vane/anemometer Measurement range Minimum measurement unitWind speed 2 m/s to 60 m/s or more 0,5 m/s or less Wind
29、 direction 0 to 359 10 or less7.2 Measurement accuracyThe measurement accuracy for a wind vane/anemometer shall satisfy the values indicated in Table 2. Table 2 Accuracy of wind vane/anemometerWind direction accuracyWind speed accuracyTolerance of index error at each measurementpoint shall be 5 When
30、 the measurement velocity is less than 10 m/s,tolerance for index error shall be 0,5 m/s for eachmeasurement. When the measurement velocity exceeds 10 m/s,tolerance for index error shall be 5 % for eachmeasurement. 7.3 Starting wind speed (limited to types using wind force on a rotor)A wind vane/ane
31、mometer shall satisfy the following requirements.a) At the minimum level of the wind speed measurement range, the wind-receiving part propeller (impeller)or cup of an anemometer shall start and maintain rotation from any position. b) At the minimum level of the wind speed measurement range, the wind
32、-receiving part (blades in windmill types, and tails in cup types) of a wind vane shall remain parallel to the airflow.7.4 Samplingfrequency (limited to types using ultrasonic waves)For an ultrasonic wind vane/anemometer, the sampling frequency shall be equal to or greater than four times per second
33、. 7.5 Distance constant (limited to types using wind force on a rotor)The distance constant for a wind vane/anemometer shall be 9 m or less.8 Tests and inspections for wind vanes/anemometers 8.1Test for measurement accuracy8.1.1 Wind vanes Testing formeasurement accuracy of wind vanes shall be condu
34、cted as specified in and BS ISO 10596:2009ISO 10596:2009(E)4 ISO 2009 All rights reserved8.1.1.1Wind vane using wind force on arotora) Set a sensor (wind vane in the case of a cup type) vertically at the centre of the horizontally placed wind direction inspection board specified in
35、 8.5.4. b) Align the base scale (0)of the wind direction inspection board correctly with the mark on the sensorindicating the direction of the bow. c) Rotate the sensor clockwise or counter-clockwise as indica ted, set the value of the indica tor correctly inthe given direction then read the scale o
36、f the wind direction inspectionboard at that moment to determinethe index error. The inspection points shall be at 0, 90, 180, 360 (0). d) The value at each measurement point shall satisfy the accuracy specified in Table 2. Ultrasonic typea) Set a wind direction inspection board that can rot
37、ate 360 on the inspection table of a wind tunnel asspecified in 8.5.2, and set the sensor on the top. b) Align the direction of the wind tunnel wind speed axis and the mark on the sensor indicating the direction of the bow. c) Reduce the wind speed ofthe windtunnel tobelow 2 m/s, rotate the sensor a
38、ndchange the value of the indicator by 90, take the reading on the wind direction inspection board then determine the index error.This inspection shall be conducted both clockwise and counter-clockwise. d) The value at each measurement point shall satisfy the accuracy specified in Table 2. 8.1.2 Ane
39、mometers Anemometers shall be tested as follows, using the wind tunnel specified in 8.5.2. a) Wind velocitiesto be measured shall be the lower limit of the measurement range, 5 m/s, 10 m/s, and 30 m/s, and the upper limit of the measurement range. However,the wind spe ed of the wind tunnel does not
40、need to reflect these figures exactly; inspections can be conducted using approximate values. b) Indications of thewind speed of the windtunnel and the anemometer shall be measured under stable wind speed in increments of 0,1 m/s. Tolerance below10 m/s is 0,5 m/s and above 10 m/s is v 5 %. c) The va
41、lue at each measurement point shall satisfy the accuracy specified in Table 2. 8.2Inspection on startingwind speed (applies only to types using wind force on a rotor)An inspection on start wind speed of a wind vane/anemometer shall be conducted as follows, at less than thelowerlimit of the wind spee
42、d measurement range, to confirm that the following conditions are satisfied. 8.2.1 Wind vanea) Use awind tunnel meeting the requirements in 8.5.2 and set the wind speed below the lower limit of the measurement range of theanemometer. b) Hold the wind-receiving part of the windvane at a right angle t
43、o the airflow for a period, and then release. Confirm that this part sets itself and remains stationary in parallelwith the airflow.This inspection shall beconducted clockwise and counter-clockwise. c) The wind-receiving part of the wind vane shall remain stationary in parallel with the airflow whet
44、her facingclockwise or counter-clockwise. BS ISO 10596:2009ISO 10596:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved 58.2.2 Anemometer a) Use awind tunnel meeting the requirements in 8.5.2 and set the wind speed below the lower limit of the anemometer. b) Hold the wind-receiving part of the anemometer at a giv
45、en position and then release. Confirm that it resumesrotation from s everal initial positions. c) The wind-receiving part of the anemometer propeller (impeller) or cups s hall remain rotating fromwhichever position it starts rotation. 8.3Distance constant inspection (limited to types using wind forc
46、e on a rotor)Distance constant inspections shall be conducted as follows, using the wind tunnel specified in 8.5.2. a) The velocity, v , of the wind tunnel specified in 8.5.2 shall be set at approximately 10 m/s.b) Hold the wind-receiving part of the anemometer in a stationaryposition and then relea
47、se it. Recordtheelapsed time in seconds toreach 0,63 v (m/s).This is the time constant of the anemometer.c) The distance constant can be calculated by multiplying the measured wind speed v (m/s) by the timeconstant S (s).d) The calculated distance constant shall satisfy the value specified in 7.5.8.
48、4Test methods in which a wind tunnel is not used Forananemometer certified by a public or a quasi-public body and whose wind speed as well as velocity of the windmill orwind-cup rotation are expresslyverified, the wind speed test maybe conducted on rotational testing equipment meeting the requiremen
49、ts in 8.5.3. As for the start wind speed and winddirection, if the relevant starting torque of the equipment has been clearlyverified, measurements on the starting torque can be utilized as replacements of the above-mentionedinspection. 8.5 Test facilities 8.5.1 General Requirements for facilities used for the test and inspection of a wind vane/anemometer are as specified in8.5.2 to 8.5.4. 8.5.2 Wind tunnel The wind tunnel utilized for inspection of awind vane/anemometer shall generatesufficiently regulated airflow,