BS ISO 12165-2000 Tools for moulding - Components of compression and injection moulds and diecasting dies - Terms and symbols《模具 压缩模、注射模和压铸模用零件 术语和符号》.pdf

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BS ISO 12165-2000 Tools for moulding - Components of compression and injection moulds and diecasting dies - Terms and symbols《模具 压缩模、注射模和压铸模用零件 术语和符号》.pdf_第1页
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BS ISO 12165-2000 Tools for moulding - Components of compression and injection moulds and diecasting dies - Terms and symbols《模具 压缩模、注射模和压铸模用零件 术语和符号》.pdf_第2页
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BS ISO 12165-2000 Tools for moulding - Components of compression and injection moulds and diecasting dies - Terms and symbols《模具 压缩模、注射模和压铸模用零件 术语和符号》.pdf_第3页
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BS ISO 12165-2000 Tools for moulding - Components of compression and injection moulds and diecasting dies - Terms and symbols《模具 压缩模、注射模和压铸模用零件 术语和符号》.pdf_第4页
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BS ISO 12165-2000 Tools for moulding - Components of compression and injection moulds and diecasting dies - Terms and symbols《模具 压缩模、注射模和压铸模用零件 术语和符号》.pdf_第5页
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1、| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BRITISH STANDARD BS ISO 12165:2000 ICS 01.

2、040.25; 25.120.30 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW Tools for moulding Components of compression and injection moulds and diecasting dies Terms and symbolsThis British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Engineering Sector Committee, was pub

3、lished under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 November 2000 BSI 11-2000 ISBN 0 580 36633 2 BS ISO 12165:2000 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Comments National foreword This British Standard reproduces verbatim ISO 12165:2000 and implements it as

4、the UK national standard. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee MTE/12, Tools for Pressing and Moulding, which has the responsibility to: aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible international/European committee any enquiries on the inte

5、rpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards wh

6、ich implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find” facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. A British Standard does

7、not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside

8、 front cover, the ISO title page, pages ii to vi, pages 1 to 36, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.Referencenumber Numroderfrence ISO12165:2000(E/F) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE ISO 12

9、165 Firstedition Premiredition 2000-08-01 ToolsformouldingComponentsof compressionandinjectionmouldsand diecastingdiesTermsandsymbols OutillagedemoulageComposantsdes moulagesparcompression,moules dinjectionetmoulespourfonderiesous pressionTermesetsymbolesISO12165:2000(E/F) ii ISO12165:2000(E/F)iii C

10、ontents Page Forewordv 1 Scope1 2 Nomenclatureforcomponents.2 2.1 Plates2 2.2 Accessories3 2.3 Componentsforgating.6 2.4 Componentsforcooling/heating.8 2.5 Componentforejection,knock-outoperations10 2.6 Furtherparticularpartsformouldsanddies13 3 Nomenclatureofparticularpartsfordiecasting16 4 Symbols

11、usedformoulddesign(simplifiedrepresentationfortechnicaldrawings)17 5 Summaryoftypicalmouldbaseconfigurations18 6 Typesofclampingplate21 7 Mountingpositionsforrisersorrisersegments23 8 Variousdesignsofinjectionmould.24 9 Variousdesignsofdiecastingdie32 Bibliography35ISO12165:2000(E/F) iv Sommaire Pag

12、e Avant-proposvi 1 Domainedapplication.1 2 Nomenclaturedescomposants.2 2.1 Plaques.2 2.2 Accessoires3 2.3 Composantspourlinjection6 2.4 Composantspourlerefroidissement/chauffage8 2.5 Composantspourljection10 2.6 Autrespicesparticulirespourlesmoulesetlemoulage13 3 Nomenclaturedespicesparticuliresdemo

13、ulespourfonderiesouspression16 4 Symbolesutilisspourlaconceptiondesmoules(dessinstechniquessimplifis)17 5Rsumdesconfigurationsclassiquesdecarcassesdemoules18 6 Typesdesemelles.21 7Schmasdemontagepourlestasseaux23 8Diffrentesconceptionsdemoulesdinjection24 9Diffrentesconceptionsdemoulespourfonderieso

14、uspression.32 Bibliographie.35ISO12165:2000(E/F)v Foreword ISO(theInternationalOrganizationforStandardization)isaworldwidefederationofnationalstandardsbodies(ISO memberbodies).TheworkofpreparingInternationalStandardsisnormallycarriedoutthroughISOtechnical committees.Eachmemberbodyinterestedinasubjec

15、tforwhichatechnicalcommitteehasbeenestablishedhas therighttoberepresentedonthatcommittee.Internationalorganizations,governmentalandnon-governmental,in liaisonwithISO,alsotakepartinthework.ISOcollaboratescloselywiththeInternationalElectrotechnical Commission(IEC)onallmattersofelectrotechnicalstandard

16、ization. InternationalStandardsaredraftedinaccordancewiththerulesgivenintheISO/IECDirectives,Part3. DraftInternationalStandardsadoptedbythetechnicalcommitteesarecirculatedtothememberbodiesforvoting. PublicationasanInternationalStandardrequiresapprovalbyatleast75%ofthememberbodiescastingavote. Attent

17、ionisdrawntothepossibilitythatsomeoftheelementsofthisInternationalStandardmaybethesubjectof patentrights.ISOshallnotbeheldresponsibleforidentifyinganyorallsuchpatentrights. InternationalStandardISO12165waspreparedbyTechnicalCommitteeISO/TC29,Smalltools,Subcommittee SC8,Toolsforpressingandmoulding.IS

18、O12165:2000(E/F) vi Avant-propos LISO(Organisationinternationaledenormalisation)estunefdrationmondialedorganismesnationauxde normalisation(comitsmembresdelISO).LlaborationdesNormesinternationalesestengnralconfieaux comitstechniquesdelISO.Chaquecomitmembreintressparunetudealedroitdefairepartieducomit

19、 techniquecrceteffet.Lesorganisationsinternationales,gouvernementalesetnongouvernementales,en liaisonaveclISO,participentgalementauxtravaux.LISOcollaboretroitementaveclaCommission lectrotechniqueinternationale(CEI)encequiconcernelanormalisationlectrotechnique. LesNormesinternationalessontrdigesconfo

20、rmmentauxrglesdonnesdanslesDirectivesISO/CEI,Partie3. LesprojetsdeNormesinternationalesadoptsparlescomitstechniquessontsoumisauxcomitsmembrespour vote.LeurpublicationcommeNormesinternationalesrequiertlapprobationde75%aumoinsdescomits membresvotants. Lattentionestappelesurlefaitquecertainsdeslmentsde

21、laprsenteNormeinternationalepeuventfaire lobjetdedroitsdepropritintellectuelleoudedroitsanalogues.LISOnesauraittretenuepourresponsablede nepasavoiridentifidetelsdroitsdepropritetavertideleurexistence. LaNormeinternationaleISO12165atlaboreparlecomittechniqueISO/TC29,Petitoutillage,sous-comit SC8,Outi

22、llagedepresseetdemoulage.INTERNATIONALSTANDARD NORMEINTERNATIONALE ISO12165:2000(E/F)1 Toolsformoulding Componentsofcompression andinjectionmouldsand diecastingdiesTermsand symbols Outillagedemoulage Composantsdesmoulagespar compression,moules dinjectionetmoulespour fonderiesouspression Termesetsymb

23、oles 1 Scope 1 Domainedapplication ThisInternationalStandardspecifiesthetermsgener- allyinuseforcomponentsofcompressionand injectionmouldsanddiecastingdies.Thefunctionof thesecomponentsisshowninFigures1to30. NOTE1 Inadditiontotermsusedintwoofthethree official ISO languages (English and French), this

24、 InternationalStandardgivestheequivalenttermsinGerman andSwedish;thesearepublishedundertheresponsibilityof thememberbodiesforGermany(DIN)andSweden(SIS). However,onlythetermsanddefinitionsgivenintheofficial languagescanbeconsideredasISOtermsanddefinitions. NOTE2 Thefiguresshouldonlybeconsideredas exa

25、mples. ThepurposeofthisInternationalStandardisto introducecoherenttermsinprofessionalterminology particularlywithregardtotheuseinCAD(Computer AidedDrafting). Various symbols are specified for simplified representationontechnicaldrawings. LaprsenteNormeinternationalespcifielestermes gnralementutiliss

26、pourlescomposantsdesmou- lagesparcompression,desmoulesdinjectionetdes moulespourfonderiesouspression.Lafonctionde cescomposantsestindiqueauxFigures130. NOTE1 Encomplmentdestermesutilissdansdeux destroislanguesofficiellesdelISO(anglaisetfranais),la prsente Norme internationale donne les termes quival

27、entsenallemandetensudois;cestermessont publissouslaresponsabilitdescomitsmembresde lAllemagne(DIN)etdelaSude(SIS).Toutefois,seulsles termesetdfinitionsdonnsdansleslanguesofficielles peuventtreconsidrscommetantdestermeset dfinitionsdelISO. NOTE2 Les figures ne sont donnes qu titre dexemple. Lobjetdel

28、aprsenteNormeinternationaleest dintroduire des termes cohrents dans la terminologieprofessionnelle,etenparticulierpour leurutilisationenCAO(conceptionassistepar ordinateur). Diffrentssymbolesonttspcifispourdes dessinstechniquessimplifis.ISO12165:2000(E/F) 2 2 Nomenclatureforcomponents 2 Nomenclature

29、descomposants 2.1 Plates 2.1 Plaques Pos.No. Repre SeeFigure VoirFigure Language Langue Term Terme ISOreference RfrenceISO en clampingplate,overhangingwithcentringrecess fr semelledbordanteaveclogementpourbague decentrage de Aufspannplatte,berstehendmitZentrierausdrehung 111 sw fstplatta,verhngande,

30、medcentreringsursvarvning en clampingplate,overhangingwithoutcentringrecess fr semelledbordantesanslogementpourbague decentrage de Aufspannplatte,berstehendohneZentrierausdrehung 211 sw fstplatta,verhngande,utancentreringsursvarvning en clampingplate,flushwithcentringrecess fr semellenondbordanteave

31、clogementpourbaguede centrage de Aufspannplatte,bndigmitZentrierausdrehung 311 sw fstplatta,utanverhng,medcentreringsursvarvning en clampingplate,flushwithoutcentringrecess fr semellenondbordantesanslogementpourbague decentrage de Aufspannplatte,bndigohneZentrierausdrehung 411 sw fstplatta,utanverhn

32、g,utancentreringsursvarvning en cavityplate,fixedhalf fr plaqueporte-empreinte,partiefixe de Formplatte,festeSeite 511 sw formplattafastsida en cavityplate,movinghalf fr plaqueporte-empreinte,partiemobile de Formplatte,beweglicheSeite 611 sw formplattarrligsida en intermediateplate fr plaqueintermdi

33、aire de Zwischenplatte 711 sw stdplatta ISO6753-2ISO12165:2000(E/F)3 Pos.No. Repre SeeFigure VoirFigure Language Langue Term Terme ISOreference RfrenceISO en ejectorretainerplate fr plaquedjection de Auswerferhalteplatte 811 sw utsttarfstplatta en ejectorbaseplate fr contre-plaquedjection de Auswerf

34、ergrundplatte 911 sw utsttargrundplatta en risers fr tasseau de Leisten 10 11 sw linjal ISO6753-2 2.2 Accessories 2.2 Accessoires Pos.No. Repre SeeFigure VoirFigure Language Langue Term Terme ISOreference RfrenceISO en ejectorrod fr queuedjection de Auswerferbolzen 11 16,21,25 sw utsttarbult en seat

35、ingwasher fr reposdjection de Anschlagscheibe 12 16 sw anslagsbricka en distancedisc fr entretoise de Distanzscheibe 14 17,21 sw distansbricka en compressionspring,roundcrosssection fr ressortdecompression,sectionronde de Druckfeder,runderQuerschnitt 15 16 sw tryckfjdermedrundtrdprofilISO12165:2000(

36、E/F) 4 Pos.No. Repre SeeFigure VoirFigure Language Langue Term Terme ISOreference RfrenceISO en springplunger fr visbille de federndesDruckstck 16 16 sw kulstopp en locatingguidepillar,shouldered fr colonnedeguidageavecplotdecentrage de Fhrungssule,abgesetzt,mitZentrieransatz 17 16,23,25, 26 sw styr

37、pelaremedbakstyrning ISO8017 en guidepillar,shouldered fr colonnedeguidagesansplotdecentrage de Fhrungssule,abgesetzt,ohneZentrieransatz 18 23 sw styrpelareutanbakstyrnining ISO8017 en guidepillar,straight(anglepin) fr doigtdedmoulage de Fhrungssule,gerade(Schrgsule) 19 16,30 sw styrpelare,rak,(sned

38、pinne) ISO8404 en guidepillar fr colonnedeguidage de Fhrungssule 20 16,20 sw styrpelare ISO8017 en locatingguidebush,headed fr baguedeguidageavecplotdecentrage de FhrungsbuchsemitZentrieransatz 21 18,21,22, 25 sw styrbussningmedcentreringstapp ISO8018 en guidebush,headed fr baguedeguidagesansplotdec

39、entrage de FhrungsbuchseohneZentrieransatz 22 18,23,24 sw styrbussningutancentreringstapp ISO8018 en guidesleeve fr douilledeguidage de Fhrungshlse 23 18,26 sw styrhylsa en hexagonsocketsetscrew fr vissixpanscreuxsanstte de GewindestiftmitInnensechskant 24 16,23 sw stoppskruvmedsexkantshl ISO4028ISO

40、12165:2000(E/F)5 Pos.No. Repre SeeFigure VoirFigure Language Langue Term Terme ISOreference RfrenceISO en corepin fr broche de Kernstift 25 20,22,24 sw krnstift en ballguidebush fr baguedeguidagebille de Kugelfhrung 26 16,25 sw linjrtrullningslager en liftingeyebolt fr anneaudelevage de Ringschraube

41、 27 22 sw lyftgleskruv ISO3266 en countersunksocketheadscrew fr visttefraisesixpanscreux de SenkschraubemitInnensechskant 28 17,21 sw snkskruvmedsexkantshl ISO10642 en supportpillar fr pilierdentretoisement de Sttzrolle 29 16,25 sw stdkuts ISO10073 en discspring fr ressortdisques de Tellerfeder 30 1

42、6 sw tallriksfjder en locatingelement,round fr plotdecentrage de Zentriereinheit,rund 31 16,17,21 sw centreringsenhet,rund ISO8406 en centringsleeve fr douilledecentrage de Zentrierhlse 32 16,18,22, 26 sw centreringshylsa ISO9449 en locatingring,movinghalf fr baguedecentrage,partiemobile de Zentrier

43、flansch,beweglicheSeite 33 16,17,25 sw centreringsring,rrligsida ISO10907ISO12165:2000(E/F) 6 Pos.No. Repre SeeFigure VoirFigure Language Langue Term Terme ISOreference RfrenceISO en locatingring,fixedhalf fr baguedecentrage,partiefixe de Zentrierflansch,festeSeite 34 16,17,25 sw centreringsring,fas

44、tsida ISO10907 en hexagonsocketheadcapscrew fr visttecylindriquesixpanscreux de ZylinderschraubemitInnensechskant 35 16,17,18, 19 sw sexkanthlsskruv ISO4762 en dowelpin fr goupillecylindrique de Zylinderstift 36 16,25 sw styrpinne(hrdadcylindriskpinne) ISO8734 2.3 Componentsforgating 2.3 Composantsp

45、ourlinjection Pos.No. Repre SeeFigure VoirFigure Language Langue Term Terme ISOreference RfrenceISO en spruebush fr busedinjection de Angiebuchse 37 16,20,22, 29 sw ingtsbussning ISO10072 en spruepullerinsert fr arrachecarotte de Anguhaltebuchse 38 20 sw grturdragarbussing en heatednozzle,singleprob

46、e fr busechaude de beheizteAngiedse,Einfachanschnitt 39 17,18 sw varmgtsdysa en distributorbushing,unheated fr reudebusedepressenonchauff de Zwischenbuchse,unbeheizt 40 18,19,26 sw inloppsbussning,kallISO12165:2000(E/F)7 Pos.No. Repre SeeFigure VoirFigure Language Langue Term Terme ISOreference Rfre

47、nceISO en filtercartridge fr cartouchefiltrante de Filtereinsatz 41 21,26 sw filterinsats en hotrunnermanifoldblock,straightbar fr blocchaudenligne de Heikanal-Verteilerblock,Balkenform 42 18,21,24, 26 sw varmkanalblock,balkform en pneumaticnozzle fr busepneumatique de Pneumatik-Dse 44 25 sw pneumat

48、isktmunstycke en pneumaticneedlevalve fr obturateurpneumatique de Pneumatik-Nadelventil 45 18 sw pneumatisktmunstycke en spacerdisc fr cale de Sttzscheibe 46 24,26 sw stdbricka en torpedo fr busettedinjection de Dsentorpedo 47 26 sw munstyckstorped en meltchamberbush fr douillepr-chambre de Vorkamme

49、rbuchse 48 19,29 sw frkammarbussningISO12165:2000(E/F) 8 2.4 Componentsforcooling/heating 2.4 Composantspourlerefroidissement/chauffage Pos.No. Repre SeeFigure VoirFigure Language Langue Term Terme ISOreference RfrenceISO en connectionhousing fr embasepourconnecteur de Anschlugehuse 51 18,21 sw anslutningskpa en shut-offnipple

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