1、BSI Standards PublicationBS ISO 13099-3:2014Colloidal systems Methods for zeta potentialdeterminationPart 3: Acoustic methodsBS ISO 13099-3:2014 BRITISH STANDARDNational forewordThis British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 13099-3:2014.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted t
2、o TechnicalCommittee LBI/37, Particle characterization including sieving.A list of organizations represented on this committee can beobtained on request to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessaryprovisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correctappli
3、cation. The British Standards Institution 2014. Published by BSI StandardsLimited 2014ISBN 978 0 580 80363 5ICS 19.120Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity fromlegal obligations.This British Standard was published under the authority of theStandards Policy and Strategy Committee
4、on 31 July 2014.Amendments issued since publicationDate Text affectedBS ISO 13099-3:2014 ISO 2014Colloidal systems Methods for zeta potential determination Part 3: Acoustic methodsSystmes collodaux Mthodes de dtermination du potentiel zta Partie 3: Mthodes acoustiquesINTERNATIONAL STANDARDISO13099-3
5、First edition2014-07-01Reference numberISO 13099-3:2014(E)BS ISO 13099-3:2014ISO 13099-3:2014(E)ii ISO 2014 All rights reservedCOPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2014All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by a
6、ny means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 CH-1211 Ge
7、neva 20Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 749 09 47E-mail copyrightiso.orgWeb www.iso.orgPublished in SwitzerlandBS ISO 13099-3:2014ISO 13099-3:2014(E) ISO 2014 All rights reserved iiiContents PageForeword ivIntroduction v1 Scope . 12 Normative references 13 Terms, definitions and symbols 13.1 Electr
8、ic double layer (EDL) 13.2 Electrokinetic phenomena 33.3 Electroacoustic phenomena 44 Symbols 65 Principle 76 Zeta potential probe design elements 87 Determination of the dynamic electrophoretic mobility . 87.1 Subtracting background electroacoustic signal generated by ions . 98 Calculation of zeta
9、potential 108.1 General 108.2 Isolated double layers 108.3 Overlapped double layers . 139 Operational procedures .139.1 Requirements 139.2 Verification 149.3 Sources of measurement error 15Annex A (informative) Electroacoustics: high frequency electrokinetics.16Annex B (informative) Verification of
10、electroacoustic theories 17Bibliography .20BS ISO 13099-3:2014ISO 13099-3:2014(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through
11、ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates
12、 closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval crite
13、ria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives). Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
14、 patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents). Any trade name
15、 used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISOs adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
16、 Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary informationThe committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 24, Particle characterization including sieving, Subcommittee SC 4, Particle characterization.ISO 13099 consists of the following parts, under the general title C
17、olloidal systems Methods for zeta potential determination: Part 1: Electroacoustic and electrokinetic phenomena Part 2: Optical methods Part 3: Acoustic methodsiv ISO 2014 All rights reservedBS ISO 13099-3:2014ISO 13099-3:2014(E)IntroductionZeta potential is a parameter that can be used to predict t
18、he long term stability of suspensions and emulsions, and to study surface morphology and surface adsorption of particles and other surfaces in contact with a liquid. Zeta potential is not a directly measurable parameter. It can be determined using appropriate theoretical models from experimentally d
19、etermined parameters, which depend on electric charge separation at interfaces. “Electrokinetic phenomena” encompass such experimentally observed effects. A group of electrokinetic phenomena at high frequency on MHz scale is referred to as “electroacoustics”.1Each classical electrokinetic phenomenon
20、 at DC or low AC conditions has electroacoustic analogue. These electroacoustic phenomena have been widely used to determine electrophoretic mobility of various concentrated particulates without sample dilution. The purpose of this part of ISO 13099 in methods for Zeta potential determination is des
21、cription of general features of such electroacoustic methods that should be common for all instrumental implementation for measuring electrophoretic mobility using electroacoustics and following calculation of zeta potential of particulates. ISO 2014 All rights reserved vBS ISO 13099-3:2014BS ISO 13
22、099-3:2014Colloidal systems Methods for zeta potential determination Part 3: Acoustic methods1 ScopeThis part of ISO 13099 describes in general electroacoustic effects that can be defined as high frequency electrokinetic phenomena.Particular attention is given to two methods of measurement of electr
23、ophoretic mobility of particles suspended in a liquid at high concentration above 1 % v/v, colloid vibration current (CVI)2and electric sonic amplitude (ESA),3 4respectively.Estimation of surface charge and determination of zeta potential can be achieved from measured electrophoretic mobility using
24、proper theoretical models, which are described in detail in ISO 13099-1.2 Normative referencesThe following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated referen
25、ces, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 13099-1, Colloidal systems Methods for zeta-potential determination Part 1: Electroacoustic and electrokinetic phenomenaISO 13099-2, Colloidal systems Methods for zeta-potential determination Part 2: Optical me
26、thods3 Terms, definitions and symbolsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.3.1 Electric double layer (EDL)The electric double layer (EDL) is a spatial distribution of electric charges that appears on and at the vicinity of the surface of an object when it is pl
27、aced in contact with a liquid.3.1.1Debye-Hckel approximationmodel assuming small electric potentials in the electric double layer3.1.2Debye length-1characteristic length of the electric double layer in an electrolyte solutionNote 1 to entry: The Debye length is expressed in nanometres.INTERNATIONAL
28、STANDARD ISO 13099-3:2014(E) ISO 2014 All rights reserved 1BS ISO 13099-3:2014ISO 13099-3:2014(E)3.1.3diffusion coefficientDmean squared displacement of a particle per unit timeNote 1 to entry: The diffusion coefficient is expressed in metre squared per second.3.1.4Dukhin numberDudimensionless numbe
29、r which characterizes contribution of the surface conductivity in electrokinetic and electroacoustic phenomena, as well as in conductivity and dielectric permittivity of heterogeneous systems3.1.5dynamic viscosityratio of the applied shear stress and the rate of shear of a liquidNote 1 to entry: For
30、 the purpose of this part of ISO 13099, dynamic viscosity is used as a measure of resistance of a fluid which is being deformed by shear stress.Note 2 to entry: Dynamic viscosity determines the dynamics of an incompressible Newtonian fluid.Note 3 to entry: Dynamic viscosity is expressed in pascal se
31、conds.3.1.6electric surface charge densitycharges on interface per area due to specific adsorption of ions from the liquid bulk, or due to dissociation of the surface groupsNote 1 to entry: Electric surface charge density is expressed in coulombs per square metre.3.1.7electric surface potentialsdiff
32、erence in electric potential between the surface and the bulk liquidNote 1 to entry: Electric surface potential is expressed in volts.3.1.8 -potentialelectrokinetic potentialzeta potentialdifference in electric potential between that at the slipping plane and that of the bulk liquidNote 1 to entry:
33、Electrokinetic potential is expressed in volts.3.1.9Gouy-Chapman-Stern modelmodel describing the electric double layer3.1.10isoelectric pointcondition of liquid medium, usually the value of pH, that corresponds to zero zeta-potential of dispersed particles2 ISO 2014 All rights reservedBS ISO 13099-3
34、:2014ISO 13099-3:2014(E)3.1.11slipping planeshear planeabstract plane in the vicinity of the liquid/solid interface where liquid starts to slide relative to the surface under influence of a shear stress3.1.12Stern potentialdelectric potential on the external boundary of the layer of specifically ads
35、orbed ionsNote 1 to entry: Stern potential is expressed in volts.3.2 Electrokinetic phenomenaNote 1 to entry Electrokinetic phenomena are associated with tangential liquid motion adjacent to a charged surface.3.2.1electroosmosismotion of liquid through or past a charged surface, e.g. an immobilized
36、set of particles, a porous plug, a capillary or a membrane, in response to an applied electric field, which is the result of the force exerted by the applied field on the countercharge ions in the liquid3.2.2electroosmotic counter-pressurepeopressure difference that is applied across the system to s
37、top the electroosmotic flowNote 1 to entry: The electroosmotic counter-pressure value is positive if the high pressure is on the higher electric potential side.Note 2 to entry: Electroosmotic counter-pressure is expressed in pascals.3.2.3electroosmotic velocityveouniform velocity of the liquid far f
38、rom the charged interfaceNote 1 to entry: Electroosmotic velocity is expressed in metres per second.3.2.4electrophoresismovement of charged colloidal particles or polyelectrolytes, immersed in a liquid, under the influence of an external electric field3.2.5electrophoretic mobilityelectrophoretic vel
39、ocity per unit electric field strengthNote 1 to entry: Electrophoretic mobility is positive if the particles move toward lower potential (negative electrode) and negative in the opposite case.Note 2 to entry: Electrophoretic mobility is expressed in metres squared per volt second.3.2.6electrophoreti
40、c velocityeparticle velocity during electrophoresisNote 1 to entry: Electrophoretic velocity is expressed in metres per second. ISO 2014 All rights reserved 3BS ISO 13099-3:2014ISO 13099-3:2014(E)3.2.7sedimentation potentialUsedpotential difference sensed by two electrodes placed some vertical dista
41、nce apart in a suspension in which particles are sedimenting under the effect of gravityNote 1 to entry: When the sedimentation is produced by a centrifugal field, the phenomenon is called centrifugation potential.Note 2 to entry: Sedimentation potential is expressed in volts.3.2.8streaming currentl
42、strcurrent through a porous body resulting from the motion of fluid under an applied pressure gradientNote 1 to entry: Streaming current is expressed in amperes.3.2.9streaming current densityJstrstreaming current per areaNote 1 to entry: Streaming current density is expressed in coulombs per square
43、metre.3.2.10streaming potentialUstrpotential difference at zero electric current, caused by the flow of liquid under a pressure gradient through a capillary, plug, diaphragm, or membraneNote 1 to entry: Streaming potentials are created by charge accumulation caused by the flow of countercharges insi
44、de capillaries or pores.Note 2 to entry: Streaming potential is expressed in volts.3.2.11surface conductivityKexcess electrical conduction tangential to a charged surfaceNote 1 to entry: Surface conductivity is expressed in siemens.3.3 Electroacoustic phenomenaElectroacoustic phenomena arise due to
45、the coupling between the ultrasound field and electric field in a liquid that contains ions. Either of these fields can be primary driving forces. Liquid might be a simple Newtonian liquid or complex heterogeneous dispersion, emulsion, or even a porous body. There are several different electroacoust
46、ic effects, depending on the nature of the liquid and type of the driving force.3.3.1colloid vibration currentCVIa.c. current generated between two electrodes, placed in a dispersion, if the latter is subjected to an ultrasonic fieldNote 1 to entry: Colloid vibration current is expressed in amperes.
47、4 ISO 2014 All rights reservedBS ISO 13099-3:2014ISO 13099-3:2014(E)3.3.2colloid vibration potentialCVUa.c. potential difference generated between two electrodes, placed in a dispersion, if the latter is subjected to an ultrasonic fieldNote 1 to entry: Colloid vibration potential is expressed in vol
48、ts.3.3.3electrokinetic sonic amplitudeESAamplitude is created by an a.c. electric field in a dispersion with electric field strength, E; it is the counterpart of the colloid vibration potential methodNote 1 to entry: See References 3 and 4.Note 2 to entry: Electrokinetic sonic amplitude is expressed
49、 in pascals.3.3.4ion vibration currentIVIa.c. electric current created from different displacement amplitudes in an ultrasound wave due to the difference in the effective mass or friction coefficient between anion and cationNote 1 to entry: See Reference 5.Note 2 to entry: Ion vibration current is expressed in amperes.3.3.5seismoelectric effectSEInon-isochoric streaming current that arises in a porous body when an ultrasound wave propagates throughNote 1 to entry: See References 6 and 7.Note 2 to ent