BS PD ISO TR 16115-2013 Gas cylinders Classification of imperfections arising during the manufacture of seamless steel and aluminium alloy gas cylinders《气瓶 无缝钢和铝合金气瓶制造过程中产生缺陷的分类》.pdf

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BS PD ISO TR 16115-2013 Gas cylinders Classification of imperfections arising during the manufacture of seamless steel and aluminium alloy gas cylinders《气瓶 无缝钢和铝合金气瓶制造过程中产生缺陷的分类》.pdf_第1页
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BS PD ISO TR 16115-2013 Gas cylinders Classification of imperfections arising during the manufacture of seamless steel and aluminium alloy gas cylinders《气瓶 无缝钢和铝合金气瓶制造过程中产生缺陷的分类》.pdf_第2页
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BS PD ISO TR 16115-2013 Gas cylinders Classification of imperfections arising during the manufacture of seamless steel and aluminium alloy gas cylinders《气瓶 无缝钢和铝合金气瓶制造过程中产生缺陷的分类》.pdf_第3页
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BS PD ISO TR 16115-2013 Gas cylinders Classification of imperfections arising during the manufacture of seamless steel and aluminium alloy gas cylinders《气瓶 无缝钢和铝合金气瓶制造过程中产生缺陷的分类》.pdf_第4页
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BS PD ISO TR 16115-2013 Gas cylinders Classification of imperfections arising during the manufacture of seamless steel and aluminium alloy gas cylinders《气瓶 无缝钢和铝合金气瓶制造过程中产生缺陷的分类》.pdf_第5页
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1、BSI Standards PublicationPD ISO/TR 16115:2013Gas cylinders Classificationof imperfections arising duringthe manufacture of seamlesssteel and aluminium alloy gascylindersCopyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Not for Resale-,-,-PD ISO/TR 161

2、15:2013 PUBLISHED DOCUMENTNational forewordThis Published Document is the UK implementation of ISO/TR16115:2013.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to TechnicalCommittee PVE/3/3, Gas containers - Transportable gas containers- Cylinder design, construction and testing at the time of

3、manufacture.A list of organizations represented on this committee can beobtained on request to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessaryprovisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correctapplication. The British Standards Institution 2014. Published by

4、BSI StandardsLimited 2014ISBN 978 0 580 73013 9ICS 23.020.30Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity fromlegal obligations.This Published Document was published under the authority of theStandards Policy and Strategy Committee on 28 February 2014.Amendments issued since publicationD

5、ate Text affectedCopyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSPD ISO/TR 16115:2013 ISO 2013Gas cylinders Classification of imperfections arising during the manufacture

6、of seamless steel and aluminium alloy gas cylindersBouteilles gaz Classification des imperfections de fabrication des bouteilles gaz en acier et en alliage daluminium sans souduresTECHNICAL REPORTISO/TR16115First edition2013-11-01Reference numberISO/TR 16115:2013(E)Copyright British Standards Instit

7、ution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Not for Resale-,-,-PD ISO/TR 16115:2013ISO/TR 16115:2013(E)ii ISO 2013 All rights reservedCOPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2013All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized o

8、therwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright offi

9、ceCase postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 749 09 47E-mail copyrightiso.orgWeb www.iso.orgPublished in SwitzerlandCopyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Not for Resale-,-,-PD ISO/TR 16115:2013ISO/TR 16115:2013(E) I

10、SO 2013 All rights reserved iiiContents PageForeword ivIntroduction v1 Scope . 12 Explanatory introduction and provisions for the implementation into the cylinder design standards 1Annex A (normative) Description and evaluation of manufacturing imperfections of seamless gas cylinders . 2Bibliography

11、 .22Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSPD ISO/TR 16115:2013ISO/TR 16115:2013(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide

12、 federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that

13、committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.The procedures used to develop this documen

14、t and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives,

15、 Part 2 (see Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development

16、of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specifi

17、c terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISOs adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary informationThe committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 58, Gas cylinders, Sub

18、committee SC 3, Cylinder design.iv ISO 2013 All rights reservedCopyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Not for Resale-,-,-PD ISO/TR 16115:2013ISO/TR 16115:2013(E)IntroductionBased on a resolution taken by ISO/TC 58/SC 3 at its 54th meeting i

19、n Sydney, a particular working group, WG 34, was created with the following tasks:a) consider the issue of the manufacturing defects and imperfections at the time of manufacture in International Standards for seamless steel and aluminium alloy cylinders;b) develop requirements that are verifiable, m

20、easurable, and practicable;c) put forward proposals for how to include such requirements in SC 3 International Standards, no later than the next revision of the International Standards, e.g. as an annex in the design standards or within the main body of the text.SC 3 asked that WG 34 take the curren

21、t defect annexes of ISO 9809-1, ISO 9809-2, and ISO 9809-3 for seamless steel and ISO 7866 for seamless aluminium alloy cylinders as a starting point.In order to address the SC 3 resolution, it was further decided to create this Technical Report. ISO 2013 All rights reserved vCopyright British Stand

22、ards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Not for Resale-,-,-PD ISO/TR 16115:2013Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Not for Resale-,-,-PD ISO/TR 16115:2013Gas cylinders Classification of imperfections a

23、rising during the manufacture of seamless steel and aluminium alloy gas cylinders1 ScopeThis Technical Report specifies the procedure on how to evaluate and treat the most commonly found manufacturing imperfections on seamless steel and aluminium alloy gas cylinders at visual inspection at the stage

24、 of product acceptance.Annex A contains a template for the relevant cylinder design International Standards (i.e. ISO 9809-1, ISO 9809-2, and ISO 9809-3 for seamless steel and ISO 7866 for seamless aluminium alloy cylinders). It further contains information on how to implement the provisions into ot

25、her cylinder design standards.2 Explanatory introduction and provisions for the implementation into the cyl-inder design standardsIt is intended that the provisions laid out in this Technical Report should be followed by ISO/TC 58/SC 3 working groups dealing with the design standards for seamless st

26、eel (ISO 9809-1, ISO 98092, and ISO 98093) and aluminium alloy gas cylinders (ISO 7866) at the next revision of these International Standards.The tables in Annex A are based on the current “Defect Annexes” of ISO 9809-1, ISO 98092, and ISO 98093 for seamless steel cylinders and ISO 7866 for seamless

27、 aluminium alloy cylinders. Those imperfections applicable for the ISO 9809 series are contained in Tables A.1 and A.2, and those applicable for ISO 7866 are contained in Tables A.3 and A.4.They are written in such a way that they can also be incorporated in other design standards as a normative ann

28、ex.The provisions of this Techincal Report should also serve as a basis for a future annex to each of the other relevant design standards (other than ISO 9809-1, ISO 98092, ISO 98093, and ISO 7866) for seamless cylinders and tubes.If incorporated in other design standards the content of the columns

29、“Type of imperfection”, “Description”, and “Note” in Tables A.1, A.2, A.3, and A.4 (which were established by WG 34) should remain unchanged.The tables should be reviewed by the other relevant ISO/TC 58/SC 3 working groups, in particular, the column “Decision at the time of inspections and follow-up

30、 actions” and the three imperfection levels. Where necessary, these conditions can be adapted to reflect the conditions appropriate to their product.If the individual working groups intend to adopt other typical manufacturing imperfections specific to their product, they can do so, provided the stru

31、cture of the tables and the remaining provisions are followed.TECHNICAL REPORT ISO/TR 16115:2013(E) ISO 2013 All rights reserved 1Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license f

32、rom IHSPD ISO/TR 16115:2013ISO/TR 16115:2013(E)Annex A (normative) Description and evaluation of manufacturing imperfections of seamless gas cylindersA.1 IntroductionSeveral types of imperfections can occur during the manufacture of seamless gas cylinders.Such imperfections can be due to material de

33、fects, the manufacturing process, handling, and other circumstances during the manufacturing process.The aim of this Annex is to identify the manufacturing imperfections most commonly found on finished cylinders and to provide requirements for the visual inspection at the stage of product acceptance

34、.NOTE 1 This Annex does not address customer specifications, e.g. cylinder aesthetics, special surface preparations, etc.NOTE 2 Cylinder sampling method(s) and the quantity sampled for inspection, after cylinders with imperfections have been found, are not covered by this Annex and are prescribed in

35、 the main body of the design standard.NOTE 3 Manufacturing imperfections can be identified and evaluated at any stage of the manufacturing process.A.2 GeneralA.2.1 The visual inspection shall be conducted in good lighting on a product that is clean, dry, and suitable enough for proper inspection of

36、all surfaces. The visual inspection shall be conducted by eye, and internal inspections can be augmented by a scope, dental mirror, or other suitable device. Where magnification is used, the final assessment of the imperfection shall be evaluated as if no magnification had been used.In thicker parts

37、 of the cylinder, the acceptable absolute value of the size of the imperfection can be proportionately increased to the thickness, provided that it does not adversely affect the safe performance or integrity of the cylinder.Where needed, the severity of a detected imperfection can be further evaluat

38、ed by the use of other devices or methods.NOTE If unclean, the cylinder surfaces should be re-cleaned before submitting the cylinder for inspection.A.2.2 If appropriate, small imperfections, as permitted by Tables A.1 and A.3, can be removed by local dressing, grinding, machining, or other suitable

39、methods. Great care shall be taken to avoid introducing new defects or imperfections.After such a repair, the cylinders shall be re-examined, and if the wall thickness is reduced, it shall be rechecked and be at least at minimum guaranteed wall thickness.A.3 Manufacturing imperfections and the proce

40、dure for their evaluationThe most commonly found safety- and performance-related manufacturing imperfections and their descriptions are listed in Table A.1 for seamless steel cylinders and Table A.3 for seamless aluminium 2 ISO 2013 All rights reservedCopyright British Standards Institution Provided

41、 by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy Not for Resale-,-,-PD ISO/TR 16115:2013ISO/TR 16115:2013(E)alloy cylinders. In addition, the manufacturing imperfections and their descriptions for features which are not safety- or performance-related (cosmetic) are listed in Tables A.2 and A.4.Lim

42、its for the repair or rejection of cylinders manufactured to this Technical Report are included in Tables A.1 and A.3.The acceptance or rejection conditions for gas cylinders are categorized into three levels, in accordance with A.4.The process that shall be followed at the final visual inspection i

43、s given in Figure A.1.Figure A.1 Flow-diagram for the final visual inspection of gas cylinders at the time of product acceptanceA.4 Acceptance and rejection conditionsThe following categorize the levels of imperfections and provide instructions depending on the severity of the imperfection and regar

44、ding the disposition of the cylinders.Level 1 imperfectionConforming condition of a cylinder that has no adverse effects on the safe performance or integrity of the cylinder. Cylinders with Level 1 imperfections are acceptable and do not require repair.Level 2 imperfectionNon-conforming condition of

45、 a cylinder with features more severe than Level 1 imperfections. Cylinders with Level 2 imperfections shall be rejected. If it is decided that a rejected cylinder with Level 2 ISO 2013 All rights reserved 3Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled

46、 Copy Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSPD ISO/TR 16115:2013ISO/TR 16115:2013(E)imperfections is to be repaired, it shall be repaired in accordance with A.2.2 and be re-inspected. Otherwise, the cylinders are to be treated as cylinders with Level 3 imperfe

47、ctions.Level 3 imperfectionNon-conforming condition of a cylinder with features more severe than Level 2 imperfections. Cylinders with Level 3 imperfections shall be rejected. Rejected cylinders with Level 3 imperfections shall not be repaired and shall be rendered unserviceable.The cylinders presen

48、ted to the inspector for inspection at the time of product acceptance should have been found acceptable and should be free of imperfections to Levels 2 and 3 by the manufacturer.A.5 DefinitionsA.5.1 repairaction to return a rejected cylinder to a Level 1 conditionA.5.2 rejectcylinder that has been s

49、et aside (Level 2 or Level 3) and not allowed to go into serviceA.5.3 rendered unserviceablecylinder that has been treated in such a way as to render it impossible for useNOTE Examples for acceptable methods to render cylinders unserviceable can be found in ISO 6406. Any actions on cylinders rendered unserviceable are outside the scope of t

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