1、Numro de rfrenceISO/CEI 10164-10:1995/Amd.1:1998(F)NORMEINTERNATIONALEISO/CEI10164-10Premire dition1995-12-15AMENDEMENT 11998-12-15Technologies de linformation Interconnexion de systmes ouverts(OSI) Gestion-systmes: Fonction decomptage dutilisation aux fins decomptabilitAMENDEMENT 1: Formulaires de
2、dclarationde conformit dimplmentationInformation technology Open Systems Interconnection SystemsManagement: Usage metering function for accounting purposesAMENDMENT 1: Implementation conformance statement proformasModification 1:2006 laNorme nationale du CanadaCAN/CSA-ISO/CEI 10164-10-97LAmendement
3、n 1:1998 la norme internationale ISO/CEI 10164-10:1995 a t adopt sans modifications(IDT) et constitue la Modification 1:2006 la norme CAN/CSA-ISO/CEI 10164-10-97. Cette modification at examine puis accepte pour le Canada par le Comit technique CSA sur la technologie de linformation(CTTI), sous lauto
4、rit du Comit directeur stratgique sur la technologie de linformation.Dcembre 2006ISO/CEI 10164-10:1995/Amd.1:1998(F)PDF Exonration de responsabilitLe prsent fichier PDF peut contenir des polices de caractres intgres. Conformment aux conditions de licence dAdobe, ce fichier peuttre imprim ou visualis
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6、icence dAdobe. Le Secrtariat central de lISO dcline toute responsabilit en lamatire.Adobe est une marque dpose dAdobe Systems Incorporated.Les dtails relatifs aux produits logiciels utiliss pour la cration du prsent fichier PDF sont disponibles dans la rubrique General Info dufichier; les paramtres
7、de cration PDF ont t optimiss pour limpression. Toutes les mesures ont t prises pour garantir lexploitation dece fichier par les comits membres de lISO. Dans le cas peu probable o surviendrait un problme dutilisation, veuillez en informer leSecrtariat central ladresse donne ci-dessous. ISO/CEI 1998D
8、roits de reproduction rservs. Sauf prescription diffrente, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite ni utilise sous quelqueforme que ce soit et par aucun procd, lectronique ou mcanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans laccord crit de lISO ladresse ci-aprs ou du comit
9、 membre de lISO dans le pays du demandeur.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 Gb7 CH-1211 Geneva 20Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax. + 41 22 734 10 79E-mail copyrightiso.chWeb www.iso.chii ISO/CEI 1998 Tous droits rservsISO/CEI 10164-10:1995/Amd.1:1998(F) ISO/CEIiiiSommaire0AGE1) Paragraphe 2.1 12) Paragra
10、phe 2.2 13) Nouveau paragraphe 3.7. 24) Article 4 25) Nouvelles Annexes B, C, D et F 3Annexe B Formulaire MCS 3Annexe C Formulaire MICS 9Annexe D Formulaire MOCS. 24Annexe F Formulaire MRCS pour les corrlations de noms 46ISO/CEI 10164-10:1995/Amd.1:1998(F)ivAvant-proposLISO (Organisation internation
11、ale de normalisation) et la CEI (Commission lectrotechnique internationale)forment le systme spcialis de la normalisation mondiale. Les organismes nationaux membres de lISO ou de laCEI participent au dveloppement de Normes internationales par lintermdiaire des comits techniques crs parlorganisation
12、concerne afin de soccuper des domaines particuliers de lactivit technique. Les comitstechniques de lISO et de la CEI collaborent dans des domaines dintrt commun. Dautres organisationsinternationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec lISO et la CEI participent galementaux tra
13、vaux.Dans le domaine des technologies de linformation, lISO et la CEI ont cr un comit technique mixte,lISO/CEI JTC 1. Les projets de Normes internationales adopts par le comit technique mixte sont soumis auxorganismes nationaux pour vote. Leur publication comme Normes internationales requiert lappro
14、bation de 75 % aumoins des organismes nationaux votants.LAmendement 1 lISO/CEI 10164-10:1995 a t laborpar le comit technique mixte ISO/CEIJTC 1,Technologies de linformation, sous-comit SC 33, Services dapplications distribues, en collaboration aveclUIT-T. Le texte identique est publi en tant que Rec
15、. UIT-T X.742/Amd.1. ISO/CEI)3/ #%)G0 G13 G0 G0 !MD G0 G0 G0 b) dclaration de conformit dimplmentation de protocole;c) dclaration de conformit de systme.G9 !RTICLEG0 )NSRERG0LESG0ABRVIATIONSG0SUIVANTESG0PARG0ORDREG0ALPHABTIQUE ICS Dclaration de conformit dimplmentation (IMPLEMENTATIONG0CONFORMANCEG0
16、STATEMENT)MCS Rcapitulatif de conformit de gestion (MANAGEMENTG0CONFORMANCEG0SUMMARY)MICS Dclaration de conformit dinformation de gestion (MANAGEMENTG0 INFORMATIONG0 CONFORMANCESTATEMENT)MIDS Dclaration de dfinition dinformation de gestion (MANAGEMENTG0INFORMATIONG0DEFINITIONG0STATEMENT)MOCS Dclarat
17、ion de conformit dobjet gr (MANAGEDG0OBJECTG0CONFORMANCEG0STATEMENT)MRCS Dclaration de conformit de relation gre (MANAGEDG0RELATIONSHIPG0CONFORMANCEG0STATEMENT)PICS Dclaration de conformit dimplmentation de protocole (PROTOCOLG0 IMPLEMENTATIONG0 CONFORMANCESTATEMENT)Modification 1:2006 laCAN/CSA-ISO
18、/CEI 10164-10-97 )3/ #%)G0 G13 G0 G0 !MD G0 G0 G0 o Optional;c Conditional;x Prohibited; Not applicable or out of scope.NOTE 1 c, m, and o are prefixed by a c: when nested under a conditional or optional item of the same table;NOTE 2 o may be suffixed by .N (where N is a unique number) for mutually
19、exclusive or selectable options among a set ofstatus values. Support of at least one of the choices (from the items with the same values of N) is required.For all annexes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the following common notations, defined in CCITTRec. X.291 | ISO/IEC 9646-2 and
20、ITU-T Rec. X.296 | ISO/IEC 9646-7 are used for the Support column:Y Implemented;N Not implemented; No answer required;Ig The item is ignored (i.e. processed syntactically but not semantically).“ 4ABLEG0FORMATSome of the tables in this Recommendation | International Standard have been split because t
21、he information is too wideto fit on the page. Where this occurs, the index number of the first block of columns are the index numbers of thecorresponding rows of the remaining blocks of columns. A complete table reconstructed from the constituent partsshould have the following layout:_1)$ROITSG0DEG0
22、REPRODUCTIONG0DUG0FORMULAIREG0-#3Les utilisateurs de la prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale sont autoriss reproduire le formulaire MCS de laprsente annexe pour utiliser celui-ci conformment son objet. Ils sont galement autoriss publier le formulaire une foiscelui-ci complt. Les instruction
23、s pour remplir le formulaire MCS sont spcifies dans la Rec. UIT-T X.724 | ISO/CEI 10165-6.Index First block of columns Second block of columns Etc.Modification 1:2006 laCAN/CSA-ISO/CEI 10164-10-97 )3/ #%)G0 G13 G0 G0 !MD G0 G0 G0 &G94 2EC G05)4G134G08 G0 G9 !MD G0 G0&G9In this Recommendation | Inter
24、national Standard the constituent parts of the table appear consecutively, starting with thefirst block of columns.When a table with subrows is too wide to fit on a page, the continuation tables(s) have been constructed with indexnumbers identical to the index numbers in the corresponding rows of th
25、e first table, and with subindex numberscorresponding to the subrows within each indexed row. For example, if Table X.1 has 2 rows and the continuation ofTable X.1 has 2 subrows for each row, the tables are presented as follows:4ABLEG08 G0 G04ITLE4ABLEG08 G0 CONTINUEDG9A complete table reconstructed
26、 from the constituent parts should have the following layout:References made to cells within tables shall be interpreted as references within reconstructed tables. In the example,above, the reference X.1/1d corresponds with the blank cell in the column G for row with Index 1, and X.1/1.2bcorresponds
27、 to the blank cell in column L for row with Subindex 1.2“ )DENTIFICATIONG0OFG0THEG0IMPLEMENTATION“ $ATEG0OFG0STATEMENTThe supplier of the implementation shall enter the date of this statement in the box below. Use theformat DD-MM-YYYY.SupportIndex A B C D E F G1ab2aIndex Subindex H I J K L1 1.1 h i
28、j1.2 h i j2 2.1 h i j2.2 h i jSupportIndex A B C D E F G Subindex H I J K L1 a b 1.1 h i j1.2 h i j2 a b 2.1 h i j2.2 h i jDate of statementModification 1:2006 laCAN/CSA-ISO/CEI 10164-10-97 )3/ #%)G0 G13 G0 G0 !MD G0 G0 G0 &G92EC G05)4G134G08 G0 G9 !MD G0 G0&G9 5“ )DENTIFICATIONG0OFG0THEG0IMPLEMENTA
29、TIONThe supplier of the implementation shall enter information necessary to uniquely identify the implementation and thesystem(s) in which it may reside, in the box below.“ #ONTACTThe supplier of the implementation shall provide information on whom to contact if there are any queries concerning thec
30、ontent of the MCS, in the box below.“ )DENTIFICATIONG0 OFG0 THEG0 2ECOMMENDATIONG0 G0 )NTERNATIONALG0 3TANDARDG0 ING0 WHICHG0 THEG0 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONG0ISG0DEFINEDThe supplier of the implementation shall enter the title, reference number and date of the publication of theRecommendation | Internat
31、ional Standard which specifies the management information to which conformance isclaimed, in the box below.“ 4ECHNICALG0CORRIGENDAG0IMPLEMENTEDThe supplier of the implementation shall enter the reference numbers of implemented technical corrigenda which modifythe identified Recommendation | Internat
32、ional Standard, in the box below.“ !MENDMENTSG0IMPLEMENTEDThe supplier of the implementation shall state the titles and reference numbers of implemented amendments to theidentified Recommendation | International Standard, in the box below.“ -ANAGEMENTG0CONFORMANCEG0SUMMARYThe supplier of implementat
33、ion shall state the capabilities and features supported and provide summary of conformanceclaims to Recommendations | International Standards using the tables in this annex.Recommendation | International Standard to which conformance is claimedModification 1:2006 laCAN/CSA-ISO/CEI 10164-10-97 )3/ #%
34、)G0 G13 G0 G0 !MD G0 G0 G0 &G96 2EC G05)4G134G08 G0 G9 !MD G0 G0&G9The supplier of the implementation shall specify the roles that are supported, in Table B.1.4ABLEG0“ G0 G02OLESThe supplier of the implementation shall specify support for management information in the manager role, in Table B.2.4ABL
35、EG0“ G0 G0-ANAGERG0ROLEG0MINIMUMG0CONFORMANCEG0REQUIREMENTThe supplier of the implementation shall specify support for management information in the agent role, in Table B.3.4ABLEG0“ G0 G0!GENTG0ROLEG0MINIMUMG0CONFORMANCEG0REQUIREMENT4ABLEG0“ G0 G0,OGGINGG0OFG0EVENTG0RECORDSIndex Roles supported Sta
36、tus Support Additional information1 Manager role support o.12 Agent role support o.1Index Item Status Support Additional information1 Operations on managed objects c12 Object creation notification from at least oneusage metering managed objectc13 Object deletion notification from at least oneusage m
37、etering managed objectc14 Attribute value change notification from at leastone usage metering managed objectc15 State change notification from at least usagemetering managed objectc16 Resume metering action to usage metering controlobject managed objectc17 Start metering action to usage metering con
38、trolobject managed objectc18 Suspend metering action to usage meteringcontrol object managed objectc19 Metering resumed notification from usagemetering control object managed objectc110 Metering started notification from usage meteringcontrol object managed objectc111 Metering suspended notification
39、 from usagemetering control object managed objectc112 Usage report notification from usage meteringdata object managed objectc1c1: if B.1/1a then o.2 else Index Item Status Support Additional information1 Usage metering control object object class c22 Usage metering data object object class c23 Usag
40、e metering record object class c2c2: if B.1/2a then o.3 else Index Item Status Support Additional information1 Does the implementation support logging of eventrecords in agent role?c3c3: if B.1/2a then o.3 else Modification 1:2006 laCAN/CSA-ISO/CEI 10164-10-97 )3/ #%)G0 G13 G0 G0 !MD G0 G0 G0 &G92EC
41、 G05)4G134G08 G0 G9 !MD G0 G0&G9 7NOTE Conformance to this Recommendation | International Standard does not require conformance to CCITT Rec. X.735 |ISO/IEC 10164-6.The supplier of the implementation shall provide information on claims of conformance to any of the Recommendation |International Stand
42、ards summarized in Tables B.5 to B.8. For each Recommendation | International Standard that thesupplier of the implementation claims conformance to, the corresponding conformance statement(s) shall be completed,or referenced by, the MCS. The supplier of the implementation shall complete the Support,
43、 Table numbers andAdditional information columns.In Tables B.6 to B.8, the Status column is used to indicate whether the supplier of the implementation is required tocomplete the referenced tables or referenced items. Conformance requirements are as specified in the referenced tablesor referenced it
44、ems and are not changed by the value of the MCS Status column. Similarly, the Support column is usedby the supplier of the implementation to indicate completion of the referenced tables or referenced items.4ABLEG0“ G0 G00)#3G0SUPPORTG0SUMMARY4ABLEG0“ G0 G0-/#3G0SUPPORTG0SUMMARYIndex Identification o
45、f thedocument thatincludes the PICSproformaTablenumbers ofPICSproformaDescription Constraintsand valuesStatus Support Tablenumbersof PICSAdditionalinformation1 CCITT Rec. X.730 |ISO/IEC 10164-1Annex Eall tablesSM application context oIndex Identification of thedocument thatincludes the MOCSproformaT
46、ablenumbers ofMOCSproformaDescription Constraintsand valuesStatus Support Tablenumbersof MOCSAdditionalinformation1 CCITT Rec. X.730 |ISO/IEC 10164-1Annex C objectCreation andobjectDeletion recordsc42 CCITT Rec. X.730 |ISO/IEC 10164-1Annex C attributevalueChange recordc53 CCITT Rec. X.731 |ISO/IEC 1
47、0164-2Annex Call tablesstateChangeRecord c54 ITU-T Rec. X.742 |ISO/IEC 10164-10Annex D.4 usageMeteringControlObjectc65 ITU-T Rec. X.742 |ISO/IEC 10164-10Annex D.5 usageMeteringDataObjectc76 ITU-T Rec. X.742 |ISO/IEC 10164-10Annex D.6 usageMeteringRecord c8c4: if (B.3/1a or B.3/2a) and B.4/1a then m else c5: if B.3/1a and B.4/1a then m else c6: if B.3/1a then m else c7: if B.3/2a then m else c8: if (B.3/1a or B.3/3a) and B.4/1a then m else