CAN CSA-ISO IEC 10747A-1999 Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems - Protocol for Exchange of Inter-Domain Routeing Information Among O.pdf

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1、Amendment 1:1999 to National Standard of Canada CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 10747-95 Amendment 1:1996 to International Standard ISO/IEC 107421994 has been adopted without modification as Amendment 1:1999 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 10747-95. This Amendment was reviewed by the CSA Technical Committee on Information Techn

2、ology (TCIT) under the jurisdiction of the Strategic Steering Committee on Information Technology and deemed acceptable for use in Canada. July 1999 Information technology - Telecom m u n icat ions and information exchange between systems - Protocol for exchange of inter-domain routeing information

3、among intermediate systems to support forwarding of IS0 8473 PDUs AMENDMENT 1: Implementation conformance statement proformas (Reaffirmed 2004) Technologies de Iinformation - Telecommunications et echange dinformation entre systemes - Protocole pour echange dinformation inter-domaine de routage parm

4、i les systemes intermediaires supportant la transmission de PDUs de 11.50 8473 AMENDEMENT I: Proformes de declaration de conformite de mise en euvre Reference number ISO/IEC 10747:1994/Amd.l:1996(E) ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardizatio

5、n) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National Wes that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal

6、with partidar fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC ha

7、ve established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the national bodies casting a vote. Amendment

8、1 to International Standard ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information bchnology, Subcommittee SC 6, Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. 0 ISO/IEC 1996 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication

9、 may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISO/IEC Copyright O have been completed in accordance with the instructions for completion given in ITU-T Rec. X.724 1 ISOEC 1

10、0165-6; include the information necessaq to uniquely identi both the supplier and the implementation An implementation claming conformance to this International Standard in the agent role as a managed implementation shall: support the IDW config MO and the Adjacent BIS MO. Page 109 Add the following

11、 Annexes after Annex I;. 3 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) Annex L (normative) MCS proforma L.l Introduction L.l.l Purpose and structure The management conformance summary (MCS) is a statement by a supplier that identifies an implementation and provides information on whether the implementatio

12、n claims conformance to any of the listed set of documents that speclfy conformance requirements to OS1 management. The MCS proforma is a document, in the form of a questionnaire that when completed by the supplier of an implementation becomes the MCS. L.1.2 The supplier of the implementation shall

13、enter an explicit statement in each of the boxes provided. Specific instruction is provided in the text which precedes each table. Instructions for completing the MCS proforma to produce an MCS L.1.3 Symbols, abbreviations and terms For all annexes of this International Standard, the following commo

14、n notations, defined in CCITT Rec. X.291 I ISO/IEC 9646-2 and ITU-T Rec. X.296 1 ISOLEC 9646-7 are used for the Status column: m mandatory; o optional; c conditional; x prohibited; - not applicable or out of scope. NOTES 1 - IC, m, and 0 are prefixed by a c: when nested under a conditional or option

15、al item of the same table, 2 - 0 may be suffixed by .IT (where N is a unique number) for mutually exclusive or selectable options among a set of status values. Support of at least one of the choices (from the items with the same values of N) is required. For all annexes of this International Standar

16、d, the following common notations, defined in CCITT Rec. X.291 I ISO/IEC 9646-2 and ITU-T Rec. X.296 1 ISO/IEC 9646-7 are used for the Support column: Y implemented; N not implemented; - no answer required; Ig the item is ignored (i.e. processed syntactically but not semantically). ) Users of this I

17、nternational Standard may freely reproduce the MCS proforma in this annex so that it can be used for its intended purpose, and may further publish the completed MCS. Instructions for completing the MCS proforma are specified in ITU-T Rec.X.724 I ISOLEC 10165-6 . 4 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(

18、E) L.2 Identification of the implementation L.2.1 Date of statement The supplier of the implementation shall enter the date of this statement in the box below-. Use the format DD-MM-YYYY. Date of statement r- L.2.2 Identification of the implementation The supplier of the implementation shall enter i

19、nformation necessary to uniquely identlfy the implementation and the system(s) in which it may reside. in the box below. L.2.3 Contact The supplier of the implementation shall provide information on whom to contact if there are any queries concerning the content of the MCS. in the box below. L.3 Ide

20、ntification of the International Standard in which the management information is defined The supplier of the implementation shall enter the title, reference number and date of the publication of the International Standard which specifies the management information to which conformance is claimed, in

21、 the box below. International Standard to which conformance is claimed L.3.1 Technical corrigenda implemented The supplier of the implementation shall enter the reference numbers of implemented technical corrigenda which mod the identified International Standard, in the box below. 5 ISO/IEC 10747 :

22、1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) Index 1 2 OISO/IEC Roles supported Status Support Additional information Manager role support 01 Aaent role SUDOO 01 L.3.2 Amendments implemented The supplier of the implementation shall state the titles and reference numbers of implemented amendments to the identified Internat

23、ional Standard, in the box below. L.4 Management conformance summary The supplier of implementation shall state the capabilities and features supported and provide summary of conformance claims to International Standards using the tables in this annex. The supplier of the implementation shall specif

24、y the roles that are supported, in Table L. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Operations on managed Objects Cl Communications alarm notification for IDRP config managed object Communications information for IDRP config managed object Activate action for IDRP config managed object Deactivate action for IDRP config man

25、aged object Activate action for Adjacent BIS managed object Deactivate action for Adjacent BIS managed object Cl Cl C7 C1 Cl Cl The supplier of the implementation shall specify support for management information in the manager role, in Table L.2 Status Support lndex Item 1 IDRP config managed object

26、 m 2 Adjacent BIS managed object m Table L.2 - Manager role minimum conformance requirement I Index I Item I Status I Support I Additional information Additional information cl: if L. l/la then 0.2 else - The supplier of the implementation shall specify support for management information in the agen

27、t role, in Table D.4 c2: dL. 1/2a then o else - NOTE - Conformance to this International Standard does not require conformance to CCITT Rec. X.735 1 ISO/IEC 10164-6 The supplier of the implementation shall provide information on claims of conformance to any of the International Standards summarized

28、in the follouing tables. For each International Standard that the supplier of the implementation claims 6 OISO/IEC ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) Index Identification of the Table numbers Description Constraints and values Status document that includes the of MRCS MRCS proforma proforma m 1 I

29、SO/IEC 10747 Table 0 1/1 IdrpCOnfig-neOrkEntlty - m 2 “ISO!IEC 10747 Table 0 112 adjacentBIS-IdrpConfg - 3 “ISO/IEC 10164-6“ Table D 111 IogRecord-log - c4 conformance to, the corresponding conformance statement) shall be completed, or referenced by? the MCS. The supplier of the implementation shall

30、 complete the Support, Table numbers and Additional information columns. In tables L.5. L.6. and L.7. the Status column is used to indicate whether the supplier of the implementation is required to complete the referenced tables or referenced items. Conformance requirements are as specified in the r

31、eferenced tables or referenced items and are not changed by the value of the MCS Status column. Similarly, the Support column is used by the supplier of the implementation to indicate completion of the referenced tables or referenced items. Support Table numbers ofAdditional MRCS information Table L

32、.5 - MOCS support summary Index Identification of the Table numbers Description Constraints and Status Support Table numbers of document that includes of MlCS values M ICs the MlCS proforma proforma ISO/IEC 10747 Table M 1 to management c5 1 2 ISO/IEC 10747 Table M 4 notifications c6 M3 operations c

33、3: if L.l/la then m else - Additional information 3 ISO/IEC 10747 Table M 5 actions - c7 cl: if L.l/la then o else - I I I I I I I I c5: if L.2/la then m else - c6: ifL.2/2a or L.2/3a then m else - c7: if L.2Ila or L.2/5a or L.2/6a or L.2J7a then m else - 7 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994IAmd. 1 : 1996(E) Anne

34、x M (normative) MICS proforma) M.l Introduction The purpose of this MICS proforma is to provide a mechanism for a supplier of an implementation which claims conformance, in the manager role, to management information specified in this International Standard, to provide conformance information in a s

35、tandard form. M.2 Instructions for completing the MICS proforma to produce a MICS The MICS proforma contained in this annex is comprised of information in tabular form, in accordance with ITU-T Rec. X.724 1 ISO/IEC 10165-6. In addition to the general guidance given in ITU-T Rec. X.724 I ISOLEC 10165

36、-6. The supplier of the implementation shall state which items are supported in tables below and if necessary, provide additional information. M.3 Symbols, abbreviations and terms The MICS proforma contained in this Annex is comprised of information in tabular form, in accordance with CCITT Rec. X.2

37、91 I ISOLEC 9646-2. The notations used in the Status and Support columns are specified in L. 1.3 M.4 Statement of conformance to the management information M.4.1 Attributes The supplier of a manager role implementation that claims to support management operations on the attributes specified in this

38、International Standard shall import a copy of the following tables and complete them. I Users of this International Standard may fieely reproduce the PICS proforma in this Annex so that it can be used for its intended purpose, and may further publish the completed PICS. 8 OIso/IEc M.4.1.1 IDRP confi

39、g managed object ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) Table M.1- idrpconfig Attribute support 10165-2 : 1992”: 10165-2 1992”: 10165-2 : 1992”: cl: if M.4/la then 0.2 else - 9 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) M.4.1.2 Adjacent BIS managed object Table M.2 - adjacentBlS Attribute support 10165-2

40、: 1992”: M.4.2 Attribute groups The supplier of a manager role implementation that claims to support management operations on the attribute groups specified in this International Standard shall import a copy of the following tables and complete them. 10 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) Set to d

41、efault Status Support M.4.2.1 Adjacent BIS managed object Table M.3 - adjacentBlS Attribute group support Additional information Index Attribute group template label “CCITT Rec X 723 (1993) I ISOllEC 10165-5 1993 counters 1 2 “Rec X 721 1 lSO/IEC 101 65-2 1992“ Get Status Support $- Value of object

42、Constraints and values identifier for attribute group Q 9 3 5 8 0) keepAlivesSinceLastUpdate totaiBlSPDUsln totalBlSPDUsOut updatesln updatesout state 2 9 3 2 8 1) Index M.4.3 The supplier of a manager role implementation that claims to support the create or delete management operations on the manag

43、ed objects specified in this International Standard shall import a copy of the following tables and complete them M.4.3.1 IDRP config managed object Create and delete management operations Operation I Constraints and values 1 Status I Support I Additional information Table M.4 Create and delete supp

44、ort 1 I Create support idrpconfig MO 02 I 11 M.4.3 Notifications The supplier of a manager role implementation that claims to support the notifications specified in this International Standard shall import a copy of this table and complete it. 2 Delete support idrpconfig MO Table M.5 - Notification

45、support 02 otification type template bel alue of bjeCt lentifier for 3tification pe !932102) 3ec X 721 I ISOllEC 1165-2 1992“ Constrain sand values mmunicationsAIarm 11 2 1 11 22 1 1 3 OBJECT OBJECT cm IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER INTEGER INTEGER cm percetvedSeverity 2 9 3 2 7 ENUMERATED c m i 7, on lfi I

46、ec - 1 1 4 I 1 5 1 1 6 ,dditional Subindex Notification field alue of Constraints and Stat Sup dditional iformation name label object alues us Ort information identifier of backedUpStatus 2 9 3 2 7 BOOLEAN cm backUpObject (2 9 3 2 7 Objectlnstance c m trendlndication 2 9 3 2 7 ENUMERATED c m i 1) 40

47、) 40, 11 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) Subindex Table M.5 (concluded) - Notification support Notification field name label lification type template bel 1.1 7 XITT Rer. X.723 (1993: ommunicationsl nformatio 30/IEC 101655 : 1993”: 2ssociated pe mth field thresholdlnfo p-9 3 2 7 SEQUENCE c:m -

48、iject sntier for itification 3e !93510( - onstrain and !lues iditional formation 11.1.7 3.2.2. lreal !REAL I L I I I 1 1 8 lnotificatlonldentifer 3 2 7 IINTEGER cm 1 1 7 4 IarmTlme I- IGeneralKedTime I C m I 1 c2: ifL.2/2a then m else - c3: ifL.2/3a then m else - 12 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 199

49、6(E) ilue of object entifier for Xion type 93590) 193591) M.4.4 Actions The supplier of a manager role implementation that claims to support the actions specified in this International Standard shall import a copy of this table and complete it. Constraints and values Table M.6 -Action support dditional Subindex dion field name formation label c4: dL.2/4a or L.2/6a then m else - c5: if L.2/5a or L.2/7a then m else - 13 ISO/IEC 10747 : 1994/Amd. 1 : 1996(E) 5 ificationRlBlntegrityFailu 2 13 0 3 5 7) EVENT-INFO c6 6 notificationRemoteBlSNET (2


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