CAN CSA-ISO IEC 11518-10-2002 Information technology – High-performance parallel interface Part 10 6 400 Mbit s Physical Layer (HIPPI-6400-PH).pdf

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1、 Information technology High-performance parallel interfacePart 10:6 400 Mbit/s Physical Layer (HIPPI-6400-PH)Reference numberISO/IEC 11518-10:2001(E)National Standard of CanadaCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 11518-10:02(ISO/IEC 11518-10:2001)International Standard ISO/IEC 11518-10:2001 (first edition, 2001-03) has

2、 been adopted withoutmodification (IDT) as CSA Standard CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 11518-10:02, which has been approved as a NationalStandard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada.ISBN 1-55324-974-7 December 2002The Canadian Standards Association (CSA), The Standards Council of Canada is theunder whose

3、auspices this National Standard has been coordinating body of the National Standards system, produced, was chartered in 1919 and accredited by a federation of independent, autonomousthe Standards Council of Canada to the National organizations working towards the furtherStandards system in 1973. It

4、is a not-for-profit, development and improvement of voluntarynonstatutory, voluntary membership association standardization in the national interest.engaged in standards development and certification The principal objects of the Council are to foster activities. and promote voluntary standardization

5、 as a means CSA standards reflect a national consensus of of advancing the national economy, benefiting theproducers and users including manufacturers, health, safety, and welfare of the public, assisting consumers, retailers, unions and professional and protecting the consumer, facilitating domesti

6、c organizations, and governmental agencies. The and international trade, and furthering internationalstandards are used widely by industry and commerce cooperation in the field of standards.and often adopted by municipal, provincial, and A National Standard of Canada is a standard whichfederal gover

7、nments in their regulations, particularly has been approved by the Standards Council ofin the fields of health, safety, building and Canada and one which reflects a reasonableconstruction, and the environment. agreement among the views of a number of capableIndividuals, companies, and associations a

8、cross individuals whose collective interests provide to theCanada indicate their support for CSAs standards greatest practicable extent a balance ofdevelopment by volunteering their time and skills to representation of producers, users, consumers, andCSA Committee work and supporting the Association

9、s others with relevant interests, as may be appropriateobjectives through sustaining memberships. The to the subject in hand. It normally is a standardmore than 7000 committee volunteers and the 2000 which is capable of making a significant and timelysustaining memberships together form CSAs total c

10、ontribution to the national interest.membership from which its Directors are chosen. Approval of a standard as a National Standard ofSustaining memberships represent a major source of Canada indicates that a standard conforms to theincome for CSAs standards development activities. criteria and proce

11、dures established by the StandardsThe Association offers certification and testing Council of Canada. Approval does not refer to theservices in support of and as an extension to its technical content of the standard; this remains thestandards development activities. To ensure the continuing responsi

12、bility of the accreditedintegrity of its certification process, the Association standards-development organization.regularly and continually audits and inspects products Those who have a need to apply standards arethat bear the CSA Mark. encouraged to use National Standards of CanadaIn addition to i

13、ts head office and laboratory complex whenever practicable. These standards are subject in Toronto, CSA has regional branch offices in major to periodic review; therefore, users are cautioned centres across Canada and inspection and testing to obtain the latest edition from the organizationagencies

14、in eight countries. Since 1919, the preparing the standard.Association has developed the necessary expertise to The responsibility for approving National Standards meet its corporate mission: CSA is an independent of Canada rests with theservice organization whose mission is to provide an Standards

15、Council of Canadaopen and effective forum for activities facilitating the 270 Albert Street, Suite 200exchange of goods and services through the use of Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6N7standards, certification and related services to meet Canadanational and international needs.For further information on CSA

16、services, write toCanadian Standards Association5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 5N6CanadaAlthough the intended primary application of this Standard is stated in its Scope, it is importantto note that it remains the responsibility of the users to judge its suitability for their

17、particular purpose.Registered trade-mark of Canadian Standards AssociationCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 11518-10:02 Part 10: 6 400 Mbit/s Physical Layer (HIPPI-6400-PH)Information technology High-performance parallel interfaceDecember 2002 Canadian Standards Association CSA/1CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 11518-10:02Information

18、 technology High-performance parallel interfacePart 10: 6 400 Mbit/s Physical Layer(HIPPI-6400-PH)CSA PrefaceStandards development within the Information Technology sector is harmonized with internationalstandards development. Through the CSA Technical Committee on Information Technology (TCIT),Cana

19、dians serve as the Canadian Advisory Committee (CAC) on ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 onInformation Technology (ISO/IEC JTC1) for the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), the ISO memberbody for Canada and sponsor of the Canadian National Committee of the IEC. Also, as a member of theInternationa

20、l Telecommunication Union (ITU), Canada participates in the International Telegraph andTelephone Consultative Committee (ITU-T).This International Standard was reviewed by the CSA TCIT under the jurisdiction of the StrategicSteering Committee on Information Technology and deemed acceptable for use i

21、n Canada. (Acommittee membership list is available on request from the CSA Project Manager.) From time to time,ISO/IEC may publish addenda, corrigenda, etc. The CSA TCIT will review these documents for approvaland publication. For a listing, refer to the CSA Information Products catalogue or CSA Inf

22、o Update orcontact a CSA Sales representative. This Standard has been formally approved, without modification, bythe Technical Committee and has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the StandardsCouncil of Canada.December 2002 Canadian Standards Association 2002All rights reserved. No p

23、art of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the priorpermission of the publisher. ISO/IEC material is reprinted with permission. Where the words “thisInternational Standard” appear in the text, they should be interpreted as “this National Standard ofCanada”. Inquiries re

24、garding this National Standard of Canada should be addressed to Canadian Standards Association 5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 5N6 1-800-463-6727 416-747-4044www.csa.caINTERNATIONALSTANDARDISO/IEC11518-10First edition2001-03Information technology High-performance paral

25、lel interfacePart 10:6 400 Mbit/s Physical Layer (HIPPI-6400-PH)Reference numberISO/IEC 11518-10:2001(E)INTERNATIONALSTANDARDISO/IEC11518-10First edition2001-03Information technology High-performance parallel interfacePart 10:6 400 Mbit/s Physical Layer (HIPPI-6400-PH)PRICE CODE ISO/IEC 2001All righ

26、ts reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.ISO/IEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genve 20 Sw

27、itzerlandVFor price, see current catalogue 2 11518-10 ISO/IEC:2001(E)CONTENTSFOREWORD 6INTRODUCTION 71 Scope 82 Normative references. 83 Definitions and conventions . 93.1 Definitions 93.2 Editorial conventions. 103.3 Acronyms and abbreviations . 114 System overview 114.1 Overview 114.2 Links. 124.3

28、 Virtual Channels . 124.4 Micropacket 134.5 Message. 144.6 FRAME and CLOCK signals 154.7 Flow control 154.8 Retransmission. 154.9 Check functions 154.10 Local electrical interface (optional) . 154.11 Copper cable physical layer (optional) 165 Service interface 165.1 Overview 165.2 Service primitives

29、 . 175.3 Sequences of primitives 175.4 Data transfer service primitives. 175.5 Admin service primitives . 205.6 Control service primitives 225.7 Status service primitives . 236 Micropacket contents . 246.1 Bit and byte assignments 246.2 Virtual Channel (VC) selector 266.3 Micropacket TYPEs. 266.4 Se

30、quence number parameters 276.5 Credit update parameters . 286.6 Check functions 287 Message structure . 317.1 Overview 317.2 MAC header 317.3 LLC/SNAP header. 327.4 Payload 3211518-10 ISO/IEC:2001(E) 3 8 Source specific operations . 328.1 Credit update indications on Source side 328.2 ACK indication

31、s on Source side 328.3 ACKs and credit updates to remote end 338.4 Micropacket retransmission 339 Destination specific operations 349.1 Link level processing 349.2 Check for Message protocol errors . 349.3 Generating ACKs 3610 Signal line encoding. 3610.1 Signal line bit assignments . 3610.2 CLOCK a

32、nd CLOCK_2 signals 3610.3 FRAME signal. 3910.4 Source-side encoding for d.c. balance 3910.5 Destination-side decoding. 4111 Skew compensation . 4111.1 Training sequences. 4111.2 Training sequence errors 4212 Link Reset and Initialization . 4212.1 Overview 4212.2 Link Reset 4312.3 Initialize 4312.4 H

33、old-off timer 4513 Link activity monitoring and shutdown 4513.1 Activity monitoring 4513.2 Link shutdown. 4514 Maintenance and control features 4614.1 Timeouts. 4614.2 Logged events 4615 Local electrical interface (optional). 4715.1 Overview 4715.2 Local electrical interface Output. 4915.3 Local ele

34、ctrical interface Input . 4915.4 Light present signal 4916 Copper cable interface (optional) . 5116.1 Overview 5116.2 Copper cable interface Output . 5116.3 Copper cable interface Input 5216.4 CLOCK_2 . 5316.5 Copper cable connectors 5416.6 Copper cable specifications 55Annex A (informative) Impleme

35、ntation comments . 61 4 11518-10 ISO/IEC:2001(E)Figure 1 System overview . 12Figure 2 HIPPI-6400-PH link showing signal lines . 13Figure 3 Logical micropacket format and naming conventions . 14Figure 4 Message format. 14Figure 5 Reverse direction control information. 16Figure 6 HIPPI-6400-PH service

36、 interface . 17Figure 7 Data transfer service primitives . 18Figure 8 Admin service primitives 20Figure 9 Control service primitives 22Figure 10 Status service primitives 23Figure 11 Control bits summary. 25Figure 12 LCRC implementation example 30Figure 13 ECRC implementation example . 30Figure 14 H

37、eader micropacket contents 31Figure 15 Detailed ULA layout. 32Figure 16 16-bit system micropacket . 40Figure 17 8-bit system micropacket . 41Figure 18 16-bit system training sequence 41Figure 19 8-bit system training sequence 42Figure 20 Initialize and Link Reset sequences. 44Figure 21 Local electri

38、cal interface block diagram . 48Figure 22 One signal (of 12 in each direction) of the local electrical interface 49Figure 23 One signal (of 23 in each direction) of the copper cable interface 52Figure 24 Destination Receiver equivalent circuit 52Figure 25 Receiver eye mask (differential) 54Figure 26

39、 Connecting the overall shield. 55Figure 27 Receptacle pin assignments 57Figure 28 Receptacle 59Figure 29 Cable connector 60Figure A.1 Encode / decode circuit example 61Figure A.2 Parallel LCRC generator example 62Figure A.3 Parallel LCRC checker example . 63Figure A.4 Parallel ECRC example 64Table

40、1 CRC coverages in a 128-byte Message 16Table 2 Micropacket contents summary. 28Table 3 Signal line bit assignments in a 16-bit system. 37Table 4 Signal line bit assignments in an 8-bit system. 38Table 5 4b/5b line coding 40Table 6 Summary of timeouts 46Table 7 Summary of logged events 47Table 8 Loc

41、al electrical signal timing at Source driver output. 5011518-10 ISO/IEC:2001(E) 5 Table 9 Local electrical interface, Source driver output 50Table 10 Local electrical interface, Destination receiver input 51Table 11 Copper cable interface 51Table 12 Copper cable interface signal timing at Source dri

42、ver output. 53Table 13 Copper cable interface, Source driver output 53Table 14 Copper cable interface, Destination receiver input 54Table 15 Copper cable assembly electrical specifications 56Table 16 Cable layout . 58Table A.1 Parallel LCRC input bits 62Table A.2 Parallel ECRC input bits 63Table A.3

43、 16-bit LCRC generator equations 65Table A.4 64-bit LCRC generator equations 66Table A.5 80-bit LCRC checker equations . 67Table A.6 64-bit ECRC generator / checker equations. 68 6 11518-10 ISO/IEC:2001(E)INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY HIGH-PERFORMANCE PARALLEL INTERFACE Part 10: 6 400 Mbit/s Physical Layer

44、 (HIPPI-6400-PH)FOREWORD1) ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) formthe specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IECparticipate in the development of International Standards throug

45、h technical committees established by therespective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committeescollaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental,in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take

46、 part in the work.2) In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC1.Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies forvoting. Publication as an International Standard requires ap

47、proval by at least 75 % of the national bodiescasting a vote.3) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subjectof patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.International Sta

48、ndard ISO/IEC 11518-10 was prepared by subcommittee 25: Interconnectionof information technology equipment, of ISO/IEC joint technical committee 1: Informationtechnology.This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.ISO/IEC 11518 consists of the following parts,

49、 under the general title Information technology High-Performance Parallel Interface: Part 1: Mechanical, electrical, and signalling protocol specification (HIPPI-PH) Part 2: Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP) Part 3: Encapsulation of ISO/IEC 8802-2 (IEEE Std 802.2) Logical Link Control ProtocolData Units (HIPPI-LE) Part 4: Mapping of HIPPI to IPI device generic command sets (HIPPI-IPI)1) Part 5: Memory Interface (HIPPI-MI)1


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