CAN CSA-ISO IEC 14496-4L-2008 Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 4 Conformance testing AMENDMENT 12 Morphing & Textures conformance.pdf

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1、 Reference numberISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.12:2007(E)ISO/IEC 2007Information technology Coding of audio-visual objects Part 4: Conformance testing AMENDMENT 12: Morphing the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by I

2、SO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in an

3、y form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 74

4、9 09 47 E-mail Web ii ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reservedISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.12:2007(E) ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reserved iiiForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized sy

5、stem for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees

6、collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Stan

7、dards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publicati

8、on as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such pa

9、tent rights. Amendment 12 to ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information. ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.12:2007(E) ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reserved 1Information te

10、chnology Coding of audio-visual objects Part 4: Conformance testing AMENDMENT 12: Morphing & Textures conformance In subclause, add the following table at the end of Table AMD 7-4 and renumber the first column: N Feature Reference of Test sequence and associated method 1 MorphSpace cube2sp

11、here_morph_cube.mp4 cube2sphere_morph_dome.mp4 cube2sphere_morph_etoile.mp4 cube2sphere_morph_forme.mp4 cube2sphere_morph_sphere.mp4 cube2sphere_morph_random.mp4 cube2sphere_morph_anim.mp4 2 DepthImageV2 This node shall be tested together with SimpleTextureV2 nodes and PointTextureV2 node. 3 SimpleT

12、extureV2 shuttle.mp4 4 PointTextureV2 flower.mp4 5 Multitexturing tm.mp4 6 SBVCAnimationV2 VCAnimV2.mp4 In subclause, add the following table at the end of the table: Name Provider Content Original wrl file cube2sphere_morph_cube.mp4 INT-ARTEMIS MorphShape node test: static mesh obtained by

13、morphing one base shape and four target shapes with weights 0 0 0 0 cube2sphere_morph_cube.txt cube2sphere_morph_dome.mp4 INT-ARTEMIS MorphShape node test: static mesh obtained by morphing one base shape and four target shapes with weights 0 1 0 0 cube2sphere_morph_dome.txt cube2sphere_morph_etoile.

14、mp4 INT-ARTEMIS MorphShape node test: static mesh obtained by morphing one base shape and four target shapes with weights 0 0 1 0 cube2sphere_morph_etoile.txt cube2sphere_morph_forme.mp4 INT-ARTEMIS MorphShape node test: static mesh obtained by morphing one base shape and four target shapes with wei

15、ghts 0 0 0 1 cube2sphere_morph_forme.txt cube2sphere_morph_sphere.mp4 INT-ARTEMIS MorphShape node test: static mesh obtained by morphing one base shape and four target shapes with weights 1 0 0 0 cube2sphere_morph_sphere.txt ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.12:2007(E) 2 ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reservedcube2

16、sphere_morph_random.mp4 INT-ARTEMIS MorphShape node test: static mesh obtained by morphing one base shape and four target shapes with weights 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.1 cube2sphere_morph_random.txt cube2sphere_morph_anim.mp4 INT-ARTEMIS MorphShape node and BBA stream test: animated mesh obtained by morphing in

17、to a morph space with one base shape and four target shapes. cube2sphere_morph_anim.txt shuttle.mp4 ETH Zurich DIBR2: SimpleTextureV2 node test: shuttle with novel fields (normal, splatU/V) shuttle.wrl flower.mp4 ETH Zurich DIBR2: PointTextureV2 node test: flower with novel fields (normal, splatU/V)

18、 flower.wrl tm.mp4 FhG-HHI MultiTexture and MultiTextureCoord node test: 3D Temple model with 4 Textures tm.wrl VCAnimV2.mp4 INT-ARTEMIS SBVCAnimationV2 node test: animation of a virtual character by using advanced control. VCAnimV2.txt DI-PT-pos-ori-fov-plane-ortho.mp4 SAMSUNG AIT DepthImage node w

19、ith exposedFields (position, orientation, fieldofview, nearplane, farplane and orthographic) for PointTexture node DI-PT-pos-ori-fov-plane-ortho.wrl DI-ST-fov-pos-plane.mp4 SAMSUNG AIT DepthImage node with exposedFields (fieldofview, orientation, nearplane and farplane) for SimpleTexture node DI-ST-

20、fov-pos-plane.wrl DI-ST-ori-plane-fov.mp4 SAMSUNG AIT DepthImage node with exposedFields (orientation, nearplane, farplane and fieldofview) for SimpleTexture node DI-ST-ori-plane-fov.wrl Add the following subclauses after subclause 8.5.7: 8.5.8 PointTexture Bitstream Specification PointTexture node

21、in ISO/IEC 14496-16 has the depth information and the color information. PointTexture represents an object with an array of pixels viewed from a single camera location. Each PointTexture pixel is represented by its color, depth (the distance from the pixel to the camera), and a few other properties

22、assisting PointTexture rendering. There can be multiple pixels along each line of sight, and thus a PointTexture usually consists of multiple layers. A PointTexture typically contains a large amount of data: a realistic image requires a higher sampling density and a huge amount of data. Therefore, t

23、he compression of PointTexture images should be done efficiently. The PointTexture compression is a tool to compress the PointTexture node efficiently. Conformance Points Covered functionalities The conformance points for PointTexture compression cover lossless compression and loss

24、y compression. These functionalities relate to the compressed representation of PointTexture node carried by BitWrapper node as described in ISO/IEC 14496-11. As for carriage of compressed representation of PointTexture node using BitWrapper node, it can be carried either in a separate stream or wit

25、hin the scene stream (BIFS stream). Therefore, PointTexture compression shall also be tested together with this node. The following subclauses specify the normative tests for verifying the conformance of PointTexture compressed bitstreams and PointTexture decoder. Those normative tests make use of t

26、est data (bitstream test suites). ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.12:2007(E) ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reserved Bitstream conformance Conformance Requirements BIFS streams shall comply with the specifications for PointTexture compression in ISO/IEC 14496-16 and BitWrapper in ISO/IEC 14496-

27、11. Measurement procedure Syntax of the BIFS stream shall meet the requirements of PointTexture compression in ISO/IEC 14496-16 and BitWrapper in ISO/IEC 14496-11. Tolerance There is no tolerance for bitstream syntax checking. The diagnosis is pass or fail. Terminal confo

28、rmance Conformance Requirements A compliant decoder shall implement a decoding process that is equivalent to the one specified in ISO/IEC 14496-16 and meets all the general requirements, defined in the document, which apply for the functionalities considered. The decoder shall decode bitst

29、reams with any options or parameters with values permitted for the functionalities. In the case of using BIFS for scene representation, the decoding process that is specified in ISO/IEC 14496-1:2004 shall also be implemented. Test Bitstreams Purpose 1 (URL): Exercise the lossless and lossy

30、 compression functionality of MPEG-4 PointTexture compression carried in a separate stream from the scene stream. Purpose 2 (Buffer): Exercise the lossless and lossy compression functionality of MPEG-4 PointTexture compression carried in the scene stream. File: Test Name Attribute Bitstream (.mp4) R

31、eference file (.txt - DIBR only)PT#1-1 Use of URL field in the Bitwrapper node. Use of lossless compression (nPercentOfDecoding is set to 100) PT-object #1-1 PT-object#1-1 PT#1-2 Use of URL field in the Bitwrapper node. Use of lossy compression (nPercentOfDecoding is set to 99) PT-object #1-2 PT-obj

32、ect#1-2 PT#2-1 Use of buffer field in the Bitwrapper node. Use of lossless compression (nPercentOfDecoding is set to 100) PT-object #2-1 PT-object#2-1 PT#2-2 Use of buffer field in the Bitwrapper node. Use of lossy compression (nPercentOfDecoding is set to 99) PT-object #2-2 PT-object#2-2

33、Measurement Procedure The terminal should produce a formatted output giving the reconstructed fields of PointTexture. The decoder shall be able to decode the bitstreams provided as described in subclause ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.12:2007(E) 4 ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reserved8. Toler

34、ance The diagnosis is to check whether the field data (depth, color, width, height, depthNbBits) of PointTexture node that is decoded from “.mp4” files correspond with the node included in the provided reference “.txt” files. 8.5.9 BBA stream updates for Morph-based animation The BBA stream syntax w

35、as updated in ISO/IEC 14496-16 in order to represent in a BBA animation frame, the values of the weights associated to each target shape in a MorphShape node. The morph is the third surface deformer that can be represented in a BBA data (with bones and muscles). A BBA animation frame can contain dat

36、a for several MorphShape nodes. Conformance Points Covered functionalities The following subclauses specify the normative tests for verifying conformance of BBA compressed bitstream and BBA decoder. Those normative tests make use of test data (bitstream test suites). Bitstr

37、eam conformance Conformance Requirements BBA streams shall comply with the specifications for BBA compression in ISO/IEC 14496-16 Texture and Morphing. Measurement procedure Syntax of the BBA stream shall meet the requirements of BBA compression in ISO/IEC 14496-16 Texture and Mo

38、rphing. Tolerance There is no tolerance for bitstream syntax checking. The diagnosis is pass or fail. Terminal conformance Conformance Requirements A compliant decoder shall implement a decoding process that is equivalent to the one specified in ISO/IEC 14496-16 Morphing

39、and Texture and meets all the general requirements, defined in the document, which apply for the functionalities considered. The decoder shall decode bitstreams with any options or parameters with values permitted for the functionalities. In the case of using BIFS for scene representation, the decod

40、ing process that is specified in ISO/IEC 14496-1:2004 shall also be implemented. Test Bitstreams File: Test Name Attribute Bitstream (.mp4) Reference file MorphAnim Animation of a morph space with one base shape and four target shapes consisting in linear transitions between the targets. c

41、ube2sphere_morph_anim.mp4 cube2sphere_morph_anim.txt ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.12:2007(E) ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reserved Measurement Procedure The terminal should display an animation consisting in the deformation of a textured object. Tolerance There is no tolerance for deform

42、ing the object. 8.5.10 MPEG-4 3D Graphics stream Conformance Requirements A compliant decoder shall implement a decoding process that is equivalent to the one specified in subclause 5.7 of ISO/IEC 14496-16 and meets all the general requirements, defined in the document. Test Bi

43、tstream (*.m3d) Bitstream name Provider Contents 3DGraphicsStream.m3d SAMSUNG AIT Multiplexed file to support Core 3D Compression Profile. The multiplexed bitstream consists of 6 different object types defined with “Simple 3DMC”, “Simple BBA”, “Simple OI”, “Simple PI”, “Simple WSS” and “Simple CI”.

44、 Measurement procedure The demultiplexer shall be able to demultiplex the bitstreams provided without losing information as described in subclause Each compressed output bitstream should be decoded by its corresponding decoder defined in 3D compression profile defined in subcla

45、use 7.4 of ISO/IEC 14496-16. 8.5.11 Conformance for X3D Interactive Graphics Profiles and Levels Conformance Requirements A terminal compliant to the X3D Interactive Graphics Profiles and Levels shall be able to render the bitstreams mentioned in this clause. Test Bitstream Bit

46、stream name Provider Contents Anchor - test - simple Anchor.mp4 Web3D Consortium Anchor, NavigationInfo, Viewpoint, Shape, Appearance, Material, Transform, Sphere. Note that the Text node in this file can be removed as this node isnt supported by the X3D profile. Appearance, Group, Material, Shape,

47、Sphere, Transform, Viewpoint.mp4 Web3D Consortium Appearance, Group, Material, Shape, Sphere, Transform, Viewpoint Background - test - wholejpeg.mp4 Web3D Consortium Background, NavigationInfo, Group, Viewpoint, TimeSensor, PositionInterpolator, OrientationInterpolator, Transform, Appearance, Materi

48、al, TouchSensor. Note that the Text node in this file can be removed as this node isnt supported by the X3D profile. box default.mp4 Web3D Consortium Box, NavigationInfo, Shape, Appearance, Material ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.12:2007(E) 6 ISO/IEC 2007 All rights reservedbox extra-large.mp4 Web3D Conso

49、rtium Box, NavigationInfo, Shape, Appearance, Material, Viewpoint box floats.mp4 Web3D Consortium Box, NavigationInfo, Shape, Appearance, Material, Color - 15000colors - Appearance, ElevationGrid, Group, Material, NavigationInfo, Shape, Transform, Viewpoint.mp4 Web3D Consortium Color, Appearance, ElevationGrid, Group, Material, NavigationInfo, Shape, Transform, Viewpoint Color Interpolator - 1000keys.mp4 Web3D Consortium ColorInterpolator, Group, TimeSensor, NavigationInfo, Transform, Shape, Appearance, Material, Sphere Cone - default.mp4 Web3


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