CAN CSA-ISO IEC 21000-8B-2013 Information technology - Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) - Part 8 Reference software AMENDMENT 2 Reference software for media value chain ontology (MVC.pdf

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CAN CSA-ISO IEC 21000-8B-2013 Information technology - Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) - Part 8 Reference software AMENDMENT 2 Reference software for media value chain ontology (MVC.pdf_第1页
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CAN CSA-ISO IEC 21000-8B-2013 Information technology - Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) - Part 8 Reference software AMENDMENT 2 Reference software for media value chain ontology (MVC.pdf_第2页
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CAN CSA-ISO IEC 21000-8B-2013 Information technology - Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) - Part 8 Reference software AMENDMENT 2 Reference software for media value chain ontology (MVC.pdf_第3页
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CAN CSA-ISO IEC 21000-8B-2013 Information technology - Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) - Part 8 Reference software AMENDMENT 2 Reference software for media value chain ontology (MVC.pdf_第4页
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CAN CSA-ISO IEC 21000-8B-2013 Information technology - Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) - Part 8 Reference software AMENDMENT 2 Reference software for media value chain ontology (MVC.pdf_第5页
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1、Information technology Mult imedia framework (MPEG-21) Part 8: Reference softwareAMENDMENT 2: Reference software for media value chain ontology (MVCO)Amendment 2:2013 (IDT) toNational Standard of CanadaCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 21000-8-09(ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008, IDT)NOT FOR RESALE. / PUBLICATION NON DESTINE LA

2、REVENTE.Standards Update ServiceAmendment 2:2013 toCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 21000-8-09January 2013Title:Information technology Multi media framework (MPEG-21) Part 8: Reference softwareAMENDMENT 2: Reference software for media value chain ontology (MVCO)Pagination:12 pages (iii preliminary and 9 text)To regi

3、ster for e-mail notification about any updates to this publicationgo to shop.csa.caclick on CSA Update ServiceThe List ID that you will need to register for updates to this publication is 2422266.If you require assistance, please e-mail or call 416-747-2233.Visit CSA Groups p

4、olicy on privacy at to find out how we protect your personal information.Reference numberISO/IEC 21000-8:2008/Amd.2:2011(E)ISO/IEC 2011INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC21000-8Second edition2008-03-01AMENDMENT 22011-11-01Information technology Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) Part 8: Re

5、ference software AMENDMENT 2: Reference software for media value chain ontology (MVCO) Technologies de linformation Cadre multimdia (MPEG-21) Partie 8: Logiciel de rfrence AMENDEMENT 2: Logiciel de rfrence pour lontologie de la chane de valeur du support (MVCO) ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008/Amd.2:2011(E) COP

6、YRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address

7、below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web ii ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reservedAmendment 2:2013 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 21000-8-09ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008

8、/Amd.2:2011(E) ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved iiiForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the de

9、velopment of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-govern

10、mental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of

11、 the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote

12、. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Amendment 2 to ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1

13、, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information. This Amendment describes extra reference software for ISO/IEC 21000-19:2010. Amendment 2:2013 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 21000-8-09Amendment 2:2013 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 21000-8-09ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008

14、/Amd.2:2011(E) ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved 1Information technology Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) Part 8: Reference software AMENDMENT 2: Reference software for media value chain ontology (MVCO) In 3.2 Abbreviated terms, insert the following acronym after MPEG: MVCO Media Value Chain Ontology A

15、t the end of 4.2 Overview of ISO/IEC 21000 reference software, add: ISO/IEC 21000-19:2010, Information technology Mu ltimedia framework (MPEG-21) Part 19: Media Value Chain Ontology (MVCO): The corresponding reference software modules provide an environment to test MVCO based applications. A referen

16、ce to the reference software for ISO/IEC 21000-19:2010 is described in 5.22 In Clause 5 Reference software for the ISO/IEC 21000 parts, insert 5.22: 5.22 ISO/IEC 21000-19:2010 5.22.1 Introduction This Clause describes the reference software for the ISO/IEC 21000-19 Media Value Chain Ontology (MVCO).

17、 The MVCO Reference Software consists of a series of independent applications demonstrating some of the most prominent features of the MVCO. These applications work together in a simple architecture shown in Figure 17. This reference software is a superset of the API described in Annex A.1 in the MV

18、CO standard. The MVCO Reference Software architecture comprises four Devices and one application for the management of one of them. Amendment 2:2013 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 21000-8-09ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008/Amd.2:2011(E) 2 ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reservedRole VerificationDeviceSimple ContentCreation DeviceS

19、imple LicenseProvider DeviceSimple EndUser DeviceRVDAdministrationConsoleFigure 17 ISO/IEC21000-19 Reference Software architecture NOTE The software model for this architecture is that of MPEG-M, whose terminology is used here. However, MXM Devices are out of scope of the ISO/IEC 23006 standards and

20、 therefore its adoption is not mandatory. The Devices present in the architecture are the following: The Role Verification Device (RVD). A server application hosting the MVCO ontology and instances attending the rest of the modules queries and information messages. It implements the API as described

21、 in ISO/IEC 21000-19 Annex A.1 to offer the services described in the next Clause. A Simple Content Creation Device (SCCD). A simple Content Creation Device, to be eventually replaced by the CCD as informatively described in ISO/IEC 23006-1 A Simple License Provider Device (SLPD). A simple License P

22、rovider Device, to be eventually replaced by the LPD as informatively described in ISO/IEC 23006-1 A Simple End User Device (SEUD). A simple End User Device, to be eventually replaced by the EUD as informatively described in ISO/IEC 23006-1 An RVD administrator console (RVDAC), able to supervise the

23、 operations and determine the state of the MVCO ontology. The first component (RVD) acts as a server application (Web Service or any other technology considered convenient). The simple Devices (SCCD, SLPD and SEUD) are console applications, able to execute or simulate a very much reduced set of oper

24、ations and communicate with the RVD. These applications do not pretend to have any other objective than demonstrate the use of the RVD. The RVDAC is also a console application, able to display state information and at the same time to receive commands from the RVD Administrator Console. Amendment 2:

25、2013 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 21000-8-09ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008/Amd.2:2011(E) ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved 35.22.2 Role Verification Device (RVD) Module Name: /21000-19_MVCO/ Description It renders MVCO-based services, handling an archive of MVCO instances. Input A SOAP message requesting

26、 a RVD service, given as an array of Strings The following parameters can be changed by editi ng a text file next to the jar file named port This is the port number where the web service server will be listening. Example (and default value): port = 8087 debug This parameter defines w

27、hich level of logs will be created. Logs are given in the rvdlog.txt file. Valid values are OFF, ERROR, DEBUG. Example (and default value): debug = ERROR mvcodir File where the instances will be inst alled. Example (and default value): mvcodir = rvd.owl The following parameters can be changed by edi

28、ti ng a text file next to the jar file named local Path to the location of the MVCO ontology (it can be a local file for faster loading and not depending on a internet connection). Example (and default value): local = file:mvco.owl debug This parameter defines which level of logs wi

29、ll be created (related to the MVCO). Logs are given in the mvcoapilog.txt file. Valid values are OFF, ERROR, DEBUG. Example (and default value): debug = ERROR reasoner This parameter defines which r easoner will be used. Valid values are PELLET, JENA. Example (and default value): reasoner = PELLET O

30、utput A SOAP message with the response, including as an array of Strings Programming Language(s) Java Platform(s) Any platform supported by the Java 1.5 or higher. Dependencies Java version “1.5“ or later Jena and derived components Amendment 2:2013 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 21000-8-09ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008/

31、Amd.2:2011(E) 4 ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved Pellet and derived components Axis2 and derived componetns Log4Java logging library Details The Role Verification Device (RVD) is a Web Service provider, giving access to a MVCO ontology with instances. The RVD is entirely developed in Java and it doe

32、s not require to be deployed in any Web Server, given that it embeds already one. It makes use and demonstrates the MVCO API given in Annex A in ISO/IEC 21000-19. The RVD consists of two packages: org.iso.mpeg.mpeg21.mvco.mvcoapi org.iso.mpeg.mpeg21.mvco.rvd Class diagram in Figure 18 shows the UML2

33、 class diagram for the RVD main classes. The region within the slashed line corresponds to the package rvd, belonging the rest to the mvcoapi package. Figure 18 RVD class diagram Symbols used in Figure 18 are those standard in a UML2 class diagram, excepting the offered interface by the MVCOService,

34、 more proper for a components diagram but justified here given that the MVCOService is a POJO (Plan Old Java Object) class entirely exposed as web service. Methods in the MVCO API interface are fully described in ISO/IEC 21000-19. Methods in the MVCOImpl class merely implement the MVCO API interface

35、. Amendment 2:2013 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 21000-8-09ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008/Amd.2:2011(E) ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved 5Both the MVCOService and MVCOCommandParser accept a String array as a parameter (the latter additionaly permits specifying the file where the instances will be read from/stored to). T

36、hat String array contains a set of strings conforming a command and parameters. The accepted commands are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Commands to be executed on the ontology Table 1 command Semantic Parameters Return u Unloads the ontology (String) “ok” on success lu Lists the users in the ontology (S

37、tring ) Users in the ontology lip Lists the IP Entities in the ontology (String ) IP Entities in the ontology cu USERNAME Creates a user USERNAME unique name of the user name to be created (String) “ok” on success du USERNAME Deletes a user USERNAME unique name of the user name to be deleted (String

38、) “ok” on success cip ACTEDBY ACTION ACTEDOVER NEWIPENTITY Executes an action ACTEDBY unique name of the user which acts the action ACTION to be acted ACTEDOVER IPEntity over which the action is acted, if any, or “none” NEWIPENTITY name of the created IPEntity, if any, or “none”. (String) “ok” on su

39、ccess “error” on error “not permitted” if an authorisation is needed cp ISSUER ACTION ACTEDOVER ACTEDBY Creates a permission ISSUER user issuing the permission ACTION permitted action (obtained from a create action command) ACTEDOVER resource over which the action is acted ACTEDBY user which is enti

40、tled to act the action (String) name of the created permission v ACTION ACTEDOVER ACTEDBY Validates an action ACTION action to be validated ACTEDOVER IP Entity over which the action is acted ACTEDBY user which executed the action (String) ok on success Add A.12: A.12 ISO/IEC 21000-19:2010 Annex A.12

41、 describes the utility software for ISO/IEC 21000-19. Amendment 2:2013 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 21000-8-09ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008/Amd.2:2011(E) 6 ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reservedA.12.1 Role Verification Device Administration Console (RVDAC) Module Name: /21000-19_MVCO/ Description It is a c

42、ommand-line interpreter of operations, which can be acted either locally or remotely on a remote RVD Input A command line command, as described in Table 2. Also, The following parameters can be changed by editing a text file next to the jar file called Also, those parameters from t

43、he MVCO API can be modified in the file as described in 5.22.2 remoteip This is the IP address of the remote RVD. For example: remoteip = port This is the port number where the web service client will try to connect. Example (and default value): port = 8087 debug This p

44、arameter defines which level of logs will be created. Logs are given in the rvdaclog.txt file. Valid values are OFF, ERROR, DEBUG. Example (and default value): debug = ERROR mvcodir File where the instances will be insta lled, in case local operations are invoked. Example (and default value): mvcodi

45、r = rvdac.owl Output The result of the operation, acted in an ontology file (either local or remote) , plus a summary on the screen. Programming Language(s) Java Platform(s) Any platform supporting Java 1.5 Dependencies Java version “1.5“ or later Axis2 and derived components Log4java Details The RV

46、DAC permits invoking operations on the ontology either locally or remotely. To act on the ontology locally, the RVDAC makes use of the MVCO method ExecuteLocal. To act on the ontology remotely, the ExecuteRemote RVDClient method is invoked. This method is Web Amendment 2:2013 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 2100

47、0-8-09ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008/Amd.2:2011(E) ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved 7Service client of the services exposed by MVCOClient. Command line parameters in the RVDAC application are processed. If preceded by the option r, they are executed remotely. If not, they will be executed locally. For the res

48、t, parameters described in Table 2, fully apply here. Class diagram: Figure A.10 RVDAC class diagram A.12.2 Simple Content Creation Device (SCCD) Module Name: /21000-19_MVCO/ Description The SCCD is a command-line interpreter of operations which can register a new Digital Item in th

49、e Role Verification Device, following the complete value chain It can also be a Graphical User Interface, if the application is invoked with no parameters. Input A command line command, with two parameters. Name of the user using the application. This user must exist in the RVD. Path to a JPG file, no bigger than 1 Mb. It can also be Graphical User Interface, if the application is invoked with no parameters. Amendment 2:2013 to CAN


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