CEPT ERC DEC -1997 ERC Decision of 30 June 1997 on Management of the Schiever Plan for the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System.pdf

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1、EUROPEAN RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE ERC Decision of 30 June 1997 on management of the Schiever Plan for the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System (ERC/DEC/( 97)08) EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATIONS STD-CEPT ERC/DEC/(7?)08-ENGL 1977 9 2326414 OOL42L4 TB8 I

2、 Copyright 1997 the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEFT) I rgb I STDoCEPT ERC/DEC/(77)08-ENGL 1977 W 232b4L4 0014215 914 = EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM 1. INTRODUCTION The Terrestrial fight Telecommunications System (TFTS) is the European implementation of the Aerona

3、utical Public Correspondence (APC) service providing public telecommunications facilities between passengers on aircraft and users on the ground. In 1992 the European Radiocommunications Committee (ERC) adopted an ERC Decision (ERC/DEC/(92)01) designating the frequencybands 1670-1675 MHz (ground to

4、air) and 1800-1805 (air to ground) for TPTS. Footnote S5.381 of the Radio Regulations also allocates these bands to Apc on a world-wide basis. European administrations, airlines and telecommunications operators support TFTS as an important contribution to the development of a trans-European transpor

5、t network through the provision of enhanced communications facilities for aircraft passengers. Co-ordination and management of the frequencies used for TFS is essential to an efficient and successful service. 2. BACKGROUND A Project Team of the Frequency Management Working Group (WG FM) of the ERC u

6、nder the chairmanship of Mr Schiever, who passed away before the work on the plan could be naiised, has developed a frequency plan, now known as the Schiever Plan to honour his engagement in developing this plan for TITS. The WG FM and the ERC has appointed the European Radiocommunications Office as

7、 the plan management body. The Schiever Plan employs a cellular frequency pattern covering the whole of continental Europe. Services have been introduced and ground station infrastructure is now being deployed by administrations and telecommunications operators across Europe. Co-ordination between a

8、dministrations in introducing frequency assignments and in making any changes to the plan is essential, therefore the FMWG has also developed a set of procedures for implementing assignments and rnwg the plan and which define the technical criteria upon which the plan is based. 3. REQUIREMENT FOR AN

9、 ERC DECISION The allocation or designation of a frequency band for its use by a service or system under specified conditions in CEPT member countries is laid down by law, regulation or administrative action. in the case of TFTS where frequency bands for the system have been designated in an earlier

10、 ERC Decision, the ERC recognises that for the Schiever Plan to be implemented successfully throughout Europe, administrations and operators require clear guidance on implementing the plan and on making changes to assignments in the plan, including the introduction of new assignments. Therefore the

11、ERC believes that it is necessary to produce a pian management procedure together with a detailed fkequency assignment plan which will be updated from time to time. A commitment by CEPT member countries to implement the ERC Decision will ensure the successful implementation of TPTS on time and on a

12、European-wide basis. ERC Decision of 30 June 1997 on management of the Schiever Plan for the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System (ERC/DEC/(97)08) The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, considering: that the ERC has adopted the Decision ERCDEC/(92)01 of 22

13、October 1992 on the frequency bands to be used for the co-ordinated introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System within the CEPT administrations; that CEPS has developed a European TFTS Frequency Assignment Plan (“the Schiever Plan“) for the implementation of TFS; that the Schiev

14、er Plan has been developed on the basis of planning criteria adopted by Working Group FM; that the Schiever Plan identifies En-Route and Intermediate ground stations; that a number of the En-Route and Intermediate ground stations listed in the Schiever Plan have already been implemented according to

15、 the Plan; that administrations may wish to implement Abort ground stations which operate with power levels lower than the En-Route and Intermediate stations and which are not addressed in the Schiever Plan; that procedures for the implementation and modification of the Plan have been developed by t

16、he CEPT: that the information held in the Plan may, from time to time, require updating as a result of the successful application of the Modifications Procedure; that the European Radiocommunications Office (ERO) has been designated as the Plan Management Body; that TFTS kequency planning software w

17、hich includes an extended format database version of the Schiever Plan is available to all CEPT administrations, STD.CEPT ERC/DEC/(q)O-ENGL 3997 232b414 0034237 797 M DECIDES that implementation or modification of the Schiever Plan shall be carried out in accordance with the Implementation and Modif

18、ication Procedure which is prescribe in Annex 1. Application of the Procedure shall be according to the technical criteria prescribed therein; that the technical basis for the calculation of interference between ground stations shall be that given in Appendix A to Annex 1 for those administrations n

19、ot wishing to use the software tool for planning TFTS ground stations; that the functions of the Plan Management Body shail be those prescribed in Annex 1; that the definitive version of the Schiever Plan shall be held and updated at regular intervals by the Plan Management Body. The current version

20、 of the Plan is in Annex 2; that administrations shall only implement En-Route and Intermediate ground stations which are listed in the Schiever Plan; that this Decision shall enter into force on 1 October 1997; that CER Member Administrations shall communicate the national measures implementing thi

21、s Decision to the ERC chairman and the ER0 when the Decision is nationally implemented. Lap,+ STD.CEPT ERC/DEC/(97)08-ENGL I997 2326434 0014238 623 I European Radiocommunications Committee Decision CEPT ERC/DEC/(97)08 on management of the Schiever Plan for the Terrestrial Right Telecommunications Sy

22、stem As of 1 October 1997 the following CEPT Members have committed themselves to apply the terms of this Decision: Austria Finland Italy Liechtenstein Lithuania Netherlands Norway Portugal Slovak Republic Spain Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom After 1 October 1997 the undermentioned CEPT Members h

23、ave committed themselves to apply the terms of this Decision: Croatia HwwY Ireland Sweden Sate 12.03.1998 AMVEX 1 Implementation and Modification Procedure for the European TFTS Frequency Assignment Plan 1 General 1.1 The European “FTS Frequency Assignment Plan (hereafter called the “Schiever Plan”)

24、 indicates for each Ground Station the following information: - the name of the station and the country code - the GSIC (Ground Station Identity Code) - the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude in degrees) - the maximum antenna height (above mean sea level in metres) - the maximum allowa

25、ble radius of the service area (in kilometres) - the kequency channel blocks assigned. 1.2 modification of the Schiever Plan are described in Appendix A. The criteria used to establish the Schiever Plan and subsequently agreed for use in any 2 Management of the Plan 2.1 Plan Management Body. The Pla

26、n Management Body shall have the following functions: The European Radiocommunications Office PRO) in Copenhagen has been designated as the Maintenance of the Schievex Plan established by WGFM; 0 Validate and record proposed modifications to the Schiever Plan in consultation with administrations; No

27、tify Via a circular letter all CEPT administrations of changes and additions proposed to the Schiever Plan by an administration; Make available to all CEPT administrations a copy of the TPTS planning tool software; Make available at regular intervals an up-to date copy of the Schiever Plan database.

28、 3 Procedures for the implementation of the Schiever Plan 3.1 concenie shali provide using the form in Appendix B the following information to the ERO: Six weeks before bringing into use stations indicated in the Schiever Plan the administrations - the type of Ground Station (En-Route or Intermediat

29、e) - the name of the station and the country code - the GSIC (Ground Station Identity Code) if known - the date at which the station shall be brought into service - the actual geographical co-ordinates (latitude and longitude in degrees) - the effective radiated power (ERP) or the equivalent isotrop

30、ic radiated power(EIRP) - the height at the base of the antenna (in metres above mean sea level) - the antenna height (in metres above ground) - the antenna characteristics (omnidirectional or with azimuthal polar diagram if directional) - the kequency channel blocks to be used - any constraints on

31、frequency use (e.g., channels which cannot be used due to other uses of the kequency spectrum). 3.2 ER0 shall, via a circular letter, notify all administrations of the proposal. STD.CEPT ERC/DEC/(l?)OB-ENGL 1997 D 2326414 0014220 281 I I ag.,” hex 1 4 Procedure for the modification of the Schiever P

32、lan 4.1 follows: The procedure for modifj6ng an entry or adding a station to the Schiever Plan shall be as 4.1.1 The notiing administration shall evaluate the impact of its proposal on the stations in operation and those stations already notified for implementation in the Schiever Plan on the basis

33、of the criteria given in Appendix A; 4.1.2 The notifying administration shall notify to the ER0 details of the modifications proposed, including all characteristics listed in $3.1, and the stations considered to be affected by the proposal using the form at Appendix B and supporting text if appropri

34、ate; 4.1.3 ER0 shall, via a circular letter, not all administrations of the proposal; 4.1.4 within 6 weeks following the notification; Each administration shall respond to the notifymg administration, with a copy to ERO, 4.1.5 If an administration does not respond during this period the notifying Ad

35、ministration shall send a reminder with a request to respond within 4 weeks. An administration which has not responded by the end of the 4 week period shall be deemed to have given its consent; 4.1.6 the notifying administration; If a Co-ordination request is rejected, the reason for rejection has t

36、o be communicated to 4.1.7 A report of all the comments received shall be prepared by the notifying administration including, ifnecessary, a new proposal and this report shall be presented to ER0 who will now all administrations in accordance with $4.1.3; 4.1.8 accordingly; On completion of a succes

37、sful co-ordination ER0 shall modify the Schiever Plan 4.1.9 inform ER0 who will amend the Schiever Plan accordingly. If a station is withdrawn om the Schiever Plan the notifying administration shall 4.2 The Modifications Procedure must also be applied if the base of the antenna tower moves by four k

38、ilometres or more or the height of the antenna changes by more than ten metres. A change in height of ten metres equates to a change in ground station radius coverage equivalent to a maximum move of the antenna tower of four kilometres for all antenna heights exceeding twenty two metres above mean s

39、ea level. 5 Extended Range Waiver 5.1 The Schiever Plan is based on a maximum range for each En-Route Ground Station (ERGS) of 240 km, except for stations adjacent to sea water where the range can be extended to 350 km to maximise the overall coverage of TPTS. 5.2 An Extended Range Waiver is an exce

40、ption to the Schiever Plan. It is intended to provide coverage in thin route areas such as in some parts of Eastern and Southern Europe, particularly in the early stages of development of a network where it would be uneconomic to build a more complete infrastructure. Stations to which frequencies ha

41、ve been assigned in accordance with the Schiever Plan shall have precedence over any station operating under an ERW. STDWCEPT ERC/DEC/(97)08-ENGL 1997 = 2326434 0034223 118 9 1 a. , hex 1 5.3 coverage for a temporary period of time, may be granted under the following conditions: An Extended Range Wa

42、iver, which permits a Ground Station to operate with extended range 5.3.1 In exceptional circumstances an Extended Range Waiver (ERW) shall be granted permitting an ERGS to operate with extended range beyond 240 km but not exceeding 350 km and shall in all cases be considered to be a temporary measu

43、re. Exceptional circumstances include the need to provide seamless coverage in areas where traffic density is for the moment insufficient to justify implementing all stations in an area, or the failure of a station resulting in the need to provide temporary extended coverage of an area; 5.3.2 applie

44、d, but see also $5.3.3. administration must indicate the expected time period for operation under the ERW; Before implementing an Extended Range Waiver, the procedures in 84.1 must be In addition to the details required in $3.1 the notifying 5.3.3 In urgent situations such as the failure of a ground

45、 station the concerned administration may extend the range of operation of a ground station providing that analysis of the Plan using the criteria at Appendix A demonstrates that this extension is possible without causing interference to operational stations of other administrations. Administrations

46、 with stations listed in the Plan which could be affected shall be informed immediately, and their agreement sought to the ERW. The ER0 shall be informed at the same time. Administrations shall endeavour to respond promptly to the request. 5.3.4 On successful completion of the procedures in $4.1 the

47、 station details shall be entered in the Schiever Plan by ER0 with an appropriate remark to indicate that the station is operating under an ERW, 5.3.5 The ERW station%all be obliged to revert to normal range when neighbouring stations are introduced extending the overall coverage and reducing the ne

48、ed for extended range operation, or when, in the case of the earlier failure of another station which resulted in the ERW, that station resumes operation; 5.3.6 If, by the end of the period in $5.3.2, there is no request to maintain the ERW then the ERW shall be cancelled in the Schiever Plan. Prolo

49、ngation of the period shall be subject to the agreement of all affected administrations. 6 Bringing Assignments Into Use 6.1 It is the responsibility of an administration to authorise the date and time at which its assignments in the Schiever Plan may be brought into use. Due to the cellular nature of the kequency plan (i-e., requiring the handover of aircraft stations between ground stations) it is important that the operational implementation of new assignments or changes to existing operational assignments are made on a Co-ordinated and synchronised basis involving a


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