CEPT ERC REC 14-01 E-1995 Radio-Frequency Channel Arrangements for High Capacity Analogue and Digital Radio-Relay Systems Operating in the Band 5925 MHz - 6425 MHz《在5925 MHz-6425 M.pdf

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CEPT ERC REC 14-01 E-1995 Radio-Frequency Channel Arrangements for High Capacity Analogue and Digital Radio-Relay Systems Operating in the Band 5925 MHz - 6425 MHz《在5925 MHz-6425 M.pdf_第1页
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CEPT ERC REC 14-01 E-1995 Radio-Frequency Channel Arrangements for High Capacity Analogue and Digital Radio-Relay Systems Operating in the Band 5925 MHz - 6425 MHz《在5925 MHz-6425 M.pdf_第2页
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CEPT ERC REC 14-01 E-1995 Radio-Frequency Channel Arrangements for High Capacity Analogue and Digital Radio-Relay Systems Operating in the Band 5925 MHz - 6425 MHz《在5925 MHz-6425 M.pdf_第3页
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CEPT ERC REC 14-01 E-1995 Radio-Frequency Channel Arrangements for High Capacity Analogue and Digital Radio-Relay Systems Operating in the Band 5925 MHz - 6425 MHz《在5925 MHz-6425 M.pdf_第4页
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CEPT ERC REC 14-01 E-1995 Radio-Frequency Channel Arrangements for High Capacity Analogue and Digital Radio-Relay Systems Operating in the Band 5925 MHz - 6425 MHz《在5925 MHz-6425 M.pdf_第5页
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2、 by the Working Group “Spectrum Engineering“ (WGSE) Text of the Recommendation adopied by the “Eiiropean Radiocommunications Conimittee“ (ERC): “The European Confereiice of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, considering that it is sometimes desirable to be able to interconnect radio-rela

3、y systems on international circuits in the 6 GHz band at radio frequencies, that, in a frequency band 500 M11z wide, it may be desirable to interconnect up to eight go and eight return channels, that economy may be achieved if at least four go and four return channels can be interconnected between s

4、ystems, each of which uses common transmit-receive antennas, that many interfering effects can be substantially reduced by a carefully planned arrangement of the radio frequencies in radio-relay systems employing several radio-frequency channels, that the use of certain types of modulation permits t

5、he use of the radio-frequency channel arrangements defined for 1800 telephone channel systems for the transmission of digital channels with a bit rate of the order of 140 Mbit/s or synchronous digital hierarchy bit rates, that for these digital radio systems, further economies are possible by accomm

6、odating up to eight go and eight return channels on a single antenna, that it may sometimes be desirable to interleave additional radio-frequency channels between those of the main pattern, that there may be a desire to interconnect more than eight go and eight return radio-frequency channels, each

7、with a capacity significantly lower than 1800 telephone channels, that it is also highly desirable to be able to operate systems using a mix of analogue and digital radio channels on the same route, I 0) there are technical and economical advantages in adopting harmonised channel plans, noting a) th

8、at this recommendation is based on the ITU-R Recommendation F.383, Editioii nf Aiigust 7.6. 1996 CEPTIERCIREC 14-01 E Page 2 recornmen in systems for 1800 channels, or the equivalent, and digital high capacity digital systems, it may not be practical, because of the bandwidth of the modulated carrie

9、r, to use interleaved frequencies, Note 1 : Actual bit rates including overhead may be as much as 5% or more higher than net transmission rates. Note 2: When common transmit-receive antennas are used and not more than four channels are accommodated on a single antenna, channel frequencies may be sel

10、ected, by agreement between administrations, by making n = 1, 3, 5 and 7 in the lower half of the band, and n = 2, 4, 6 and 8 in the upper half of the band. If a second similar antenna is used for four further channels, the channel frequencies may be selected by making n = 2, 4, 6 and 8 in the lower

11、 half of the band and n = 1, 3, 5 and 7 in the upper half of the band, but if only three further channels are required, the channel frequencies may be selected by making n = 2, 4, and 6 in the lower half of the band and n = 3, 5 and 7 in the upper half of the band to avoid the difficulty of separati

12、ng frequencies 8 and 1 . Edition of August 26, 1996 CEPT CEPT/ERC/REC l14-01*E 95 = 2326434 0013004 38T CEPTIERCIREC 14-01 E Page 3 6) that up to 16 go and return radio-frequency channels, each with a capaciy of up to 600 telephone channels, may be obtained on the same route if the additional radio-

13、frequency channels are used simultaneously, with those of the main pattern. Different polarisations should be used alternately for adjacent radio- frequency channels in the same half of the band (Note 3), 7) that the preferred centre frequency is 6175.0 MHz; other centre frequencies may be used by a

14、greement between the administrations concerned. Note 3: he use of n single antenria working allows foi seven go and seven return channels based on the preferred arrangement n pokirisation arid eight go and eight return channels based on the alternative arrangement of polarisation. Edition of Aupiist

15、 26, l)OC, CEPT CEPT/ERC/REC LLi-OLUE 95 2326434 0013005 2Lb CEPTIERCIREC 14-01 E Page 4 Left blank Edition of August 26, 1996 CEPT CEPT/ERC/REC I4-OI*E 95 2326414 0013006 I52 CEPTIERCIREC 14-01 E Annex I, Page 1 Annex I 1. DERIVATION OF RADIO FREQUENCY CHANNELS The radio frequency channel arrangeme

16、nt for carrier spacings of29.65 MHz shall be derived as follows: Let fo fn fn be the frequency (Mliz) of the centre of the band of frequencies occupied, be the centre Fiequency (MHz) of oiie radio-frequency channel in the lower half of the band, be the centre frequency (MHz) of one radio-frequency c

17、hannel in the upper half of the band, then the frequencies (MI Iz) of individual channels are expressed by the following relationships: lower half of the band: upper half of the band: fn = fo - 259.45 -t 29.65 n fn = fo - 7.41 + 29.65 n where II = I, 2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8 2. CALCULATED PARAMETERS ACCORDING TO ITU-R REC. 746 Z I S: lower giiard band Z2S: upper guard band 3. OCCUPIED SPECTRUM: 5925 - 6425 MHz Figure I 5.375 MHz :+ - -b 14.84 MHz ;.1 b: 5.376 MHz 4 -b 8 x 29.65 MHz 8 x 29.65 MHz I 5925 MHz 6425 MHz


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