1、STDeCEPT CEPT/ERC/REC 21-lb E-ENGL 1778 2326414 OOl3170 T37 CEPTIERCIREC 21-16 E Page I Distribution: B Recommendation ERC 21-16 E (Turku 1996, Groningen 1998) CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT FOR LAND MOBILE SATELLITE SERVICE TERMINALS, LMSS Recommendation adopted by theworking Group “Radio Regulatory“ (WGRR)
2、 INTRODUCTION It is noted that the equipment covered by this Recommendation is within the scope of Directive 93/97/EEC supplementing Directive 9 1/263/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning telecommunications terminal equipment, including the mutual recognition of their
3、 conformity, in respect of satellite earth station. Since however a CTR has not been developed for the equipment, the mentioned Directive cannot yet be applied and therefore an interim CEPT conformity assessment procedure has been developed to make mutual recognition of conformity assessment possibl
4、e, when the equipment complies with the relevant essential requirements. “The European Conference of Postal and Telecornmunications Administrations, considering that the LMSS terminals are using the frequency bands 1626.5 MHz - 1645.5 MHz, 1656.5 MHz - 1660.5MHz and 14.0GHz - 14.25 GHz (uplink) and
5、1525.0MHz - 1544.0 MHz, 1555.0 MHz - 1559.0 MHz and 10.7 GHz - 11.7 GHz or 12.5 GHz - 12.75 GHz (downlink), that it would be advantageous for CEPT Administrations to have a common approach in harmonisation of the procedures for conformity assessment and marking of LMSS terminals, that within the EEA
6、 countries the LMSS terminals fall within the scope of the EC Directive 91/263/EEC i extended by EC Directive 93/97/EEC 2 which cover satellite earth station terminals and that these Directives provide for the testing of compliance with the essential requirements through a Notified Body, that equipm
7、ent may at the same time be subject to other regulations outside the scope of this Recommendation (e.g. EMC, electrical safety etc.), that in the absence of CTRs within the EEA countries, the granting of certificate of conformity is only possible against the relevant essential requirements, that CEP
8、T administrations permit LMSS terminals to be placed on the market provided that the equipment complies with the relevant essential requirements, that ETSI report ETR 169, Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Common Technical Regulations (CTs) in the Satellite Earth Stations equipment field h
9、as defined, except for equipment within the scope of ETS 300 423, the essential requirements for satellite terminal equipment (art. 4e of the Directive 91/263/EEC), see enclosed Annex I, that the Satellite Earth Station terminals declared to be directly connected to the public network can be require
10、d to fulfil the essential requirements for interconnection with PSTN. For these requirements manufacturers have to obtain supplementary certificate of conformity by each CEPT conformity assessment authority. In this case national marking can be required, Edition of 27 March, 1998 STD.CEPT CEPT/ERC/R
11、EC 21-1b E-ENGL 1998 D 232b414 0013L7L 975 9 CEPTIERCIREC 21-16 E Page 2 recommenh I) that CEPT administrations accept the certificate of conformity given by any CEPT conformity assessment authority to equipment in conformance with the requirements in the latest version of the relevant ETS or TBR, a
12、s detailed in Annex 1, following type testing at a testing laboratory accredited in accordance with the IS0 guide 25 or EN 45001 or a National Standard conforming to IS0 guide 25 or EN 45001, 2) that LMSS satellite terminal equipment shall bear a mark as specified in Annex II to this Recommendation,
13、 3) that, once LMSS satellite terminals have been granted certificate of conformity by any CEPT conformity assessment authority according to the requirements of Recommends 1 and 2 above, no additional conformity assessment information should be required by CEPT administrations except to identify the
14、 equipment. References i Council Directive 91/263/EEC: “On the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning telecommunications terminal equipment, including the mutual recognition of their conformity“. (The TTE Directive). 2 Council Directive 93/97/EEC: “Supplementing Directive 91/263/E
15、EC in respect of Satellite Earth Station equipment“. (The SES Directive). STD-CEPT CEPT/ERC/REC 23-Lb E-ENGL I1978 2326434 0033372 BOL W Requirement title Unwanted emission outside band Maximum unwanted emission in-band Off-axis emission density in the nominated bandwidth Processor monitoring Transm
16、it subsystem monitoring Power-onreset Control channel reception Network control commands Initial burst transmission CEPTIERCIREC 21-16 E Annex 1, Page 1 ETS 300 254 or ETS 300 423 or TBR 026 TBR 044 TBR 027 Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Not applicable Not applicab
17、le Applicable ETS 300 255 or Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable ANNEX 1 REQUIREMENTS FOR LMSS TERMINALS All requirements have to be docum
18、ented in test reports issued by accredited test laboratories. Edition of 27 March. 1998 STD-CEPT CEPT/ERC/REC 21-lb E-ENGL 1998 W 232b414 OOl13173 748 CEPTIERCIREC 21-15 E Annex 2, Page I ANNEX 2 THE MARKING FOR LAND MOBILE SATELLITE SERVICE TERMINALS, LMSS The marking shall be placed on the termina
19、l equipment in the following forms: (CEPTANMARSAT-C/LM/Y) (CEPT/INMARS AT-D/LM/) (CEPTANMARSAT-M/LM/Y) (CEPT/INMARSAT-phone/LM/Y) (CEPT/EUTELS ATIET-LMN) (CEPT/EUTELSAT/A S-LMN) (CEPT/EMS-PRODAT/LM/Y) (CEPTEMS-MSS ATILMN) Y is the symbol of the country where the equipment has been given certificate
20、of conformity. This symbol could be followed by the national authorisation number and the year when the certificate of conformity was given. The Inmarsat-D system embraces receive only and two way terminals, but two way terminals are usually referred to as Inmarsat-D+ terminals. Edition of 27 March. 1998