CEPT ERC REC 25-10 E-1995 Frequency Ranges for the Use of Temporary Terrestrial ENG OB Video Links During Events in Other CEPT Member Countries (Bonn 1995)《在其他CEPT成员国家发生事件期间使用临时地面E.pdf

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CEPT ERC REC 25-10 E-1995 Frequency Ranges for the Use of Temporary Terrestrial ENG OB Video Links During Events in Other CEPT Member Countries (Bonn 1995)《在其他CEPT成员国家发生事件期间使用临时地面E.pdf_第1页
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CEPT ERC REC 25-10 E-1995 Frequency Ranges for the Use of Temporary Terrestrial ENG OB Video Links During Events in Other CEPT Member Countries (Bonn 1995)《在其他CEPT成员国家发生事件期间使用临时地面E.pdf_第2页
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CEPT ERC REC 25-10 E-1995 Frequency Ranges for the Use of Temporary Terrestrial ENG OB Video Links During Events in Other CEPT Member Countries (Bonn 1995)《在其他CEPT成员国家发生事件期间使用临时地面E.pdf_第3页
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CEPT ERC REC 25-10 E-1995 Frequency Ranges for the Use of Temporary Terrestrial ENG OB Video Links During Events in Other CEPT Member Countries (Bonn 1995)《在其他CEPT成员国家发生事件期间使用临时地面E.pdf_第4页
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CEPT ERC REC 25-10 E-1995 Frequency Ranges for the Use of Temporary Terrestrial ENG OB Video Links During Events in Other CEPT Member Countries (Bonn 1995)《在其他CEPT成员国家发生事件期间使用临时地面E.pdf_第5页
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1、CEPTERUREC 25-10 E Page 1 Distribution: B CEPT/ERC/RECOMMENDATION 25-10 E (Bonn 1995) FREQUENCY RANGES FOR THE USE OF TEMPORARY TERRESTRIAL ENG/OB VIDEO LINKS DURING EVENTS IN OTHER CEP“ MEMBER COUNTRIES Recommendation proposed by the Working Group “Frequency Management“ (FM) Text of the Recommendat

2、ion adopted by the “European Radiocommunications Committee“ (ERC): INTRODUCTION Temporary terrestrial ENG/OB video links are used for a number of applications, mainly relating to services ancillary to broadcasting. The video links are operated to cata for a variety of broadcasting reqwirements, incl

3、uding TV Outside Broadcasting (programmes made outside a studio) and TV news gathering, including Electronic News Gathering. A feature of News Gathering is that the event to be reported upon may be unpredictable (time and location) and may necessitate a very rapid response. In such cases, it is very

4、 important that the delay and the procedures for frequency coordination and licensing are limited to the minimum. OB, on the other hand, is normaily planned in advance of an event. ENG/OB video links operate makly in non-harmonised frequency bands above 1 GHz, moreover, the use of this equipment is

5、not harmonised in CEPT member countries due to divergent national fieqnency plans and requirements. The Recommendation draws attention to the frequency bands currently used and identifies harmonised frequency tuning ranges that can be used for ENG/OB video links in other CEPT member countries. The c

6、oncept of harmonised tuning ranges has been adopted so as to enable standardised ENG/OB equipment to be used both in frequency bands allocated on a national basis for ENGIOB video links, as well as for occasional use in other fequency bands within the harmonised tuning range. With this concept maxim

7、um operational flexibility is assnred and there is no need for CEE wide harmonisation of specific frequency bands for ENG/OB video links. Furthermore guidance is given for the issuing of (temporary) licences. “The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, considering a) t

8、hat video link equipment such as Electronic News Gathering (ENG) and Outside Broadcasting (OB)3 are increasingly being used at national and international events in CEPT member countries; Tuning range is the frequency range within which the equipment is capable of being tuned to any one in a range of

9、 specified frequencies whilst maintaining the required technical and operational characteristics. ENG = Electronic News Gathering (ENG) is the collection of television news stories without the use of film, using small hand-held, electronic, colour cameras with microwave links to the news-room and/or

10、 portable video tape recorders. (CCIR report 803-2, annex to Volumes X and XI, parts 3). OB = Outside broadcasts is the temporary provision of programme making facilities at the location of ongoing news, sport or other events, lasting fom a few hours to several weeks. Outside Broadcasts are generall

11、y planned in advance, but it is often necessary to accommodate short notice changes of venue or unforeseen requirements. Video links are required for mobile links, portable links and cordless cameras at the OB location. Additionally. Video links may be required as part of a temporary point to point

12、connection between the OB van and the studio. Edition of May 1, 1995 STD-CEPT CEPT/ERC/REC 25-10 E-ENGL 1995 H 232b414 0014503 945 CEPT/ERC/REC 25-10 E Page 2 that the current analogue video link equipment has no continuous frequency tuning range and bandwidth adaptation facilities; that national br

13、oadcasters and programme makers may be required to operate in other CEPT member countries; that coordination may be required to ensure that the use of this equipment does not cause interference to other systems and service.; that the use of ENG/OB video link equipment on board aircraft shail be coor

14、dinated or authorid, if required, with the national civil aviation authorities; that lack of harmonised kxpency tuning ranges creates difidties for national broadcasters and programme makers when operating in other CEPT member countries; that there is a need for the identification of lequency timing

15、 ranges for the use of temporary terrestrial video link equipment during events in CEPT member countries; that identification of such frequency tuning ranges will also facilitate the development of standardised equipment; noting that the introduction of new technology may facilitate the development

16、of terrestrial ENG/OB video link equipment capable of operating more flexibly; recognising 1) that the ERC has agreed Report no. 25 relating to the Table of Harmonised Frequency Allocations and Utilisations in the frequency band 960 - 3400 MHz as the first step in development of the Table to be impl

17、emented in CEFT member countries not later than June 2008; 2) that in several CEFT member countries temporary terrestrial ENG/OB video links have already successfully shared frequency bands with tactical relay systems for military purposes and the fued service for Public Telecommunication Network or

18、ganisations; 3) that the CEPT Administrations have identified frequency bands and technical characteristics as set out in Annex 1 (to be developed) “Frequencies for temporary video links (services ancillary to broadcasting)“ ; recommends: 1) that CEPT Administrations should be flexible in considerin

19、g requests from foreign broadcasters and programme makers for the use of frequencies for temporary terrestrial ENG/OB video links as mentioned in : a) the table of national allocations for ENGIOB as given in Annex 1; b) Annex 2 of the Recommendation; Edition of May 1,1995 that the frequency tuning r

20、anges for future terrestrial ENG/OB video link equipment for temporary use in CElT member countries should be established in accordance with Annex 2, and that the technical characteristics for ENG/OB video links should be in conformity with Annex 3; that CEPT Administrations shaii indicate through i

21、ssning an individual licence, after coordination has been successfully obtained, that the use of ENGIOB video links equipment is authorised during a temporary stay, on a non-protected and non-interference basis; that CEFT Administrations should use simplified and flexible procedures for issuing temp

22、orary licences for the use of this equipment; that CEW Administrations should have readily available temporary licences and application forms for ENG/OB video Ws equipment. The application form may take the form as set out in Annex 4; that CEFT Administrations should encourage use of frequency range

23、s above 5 GHz for ENG/OB applications and only permit use of frequency ranges below 5 GHz for ENG/OB applications where required by propagation characteristics; that CEFT Administrations should encourage the introduction of ENG/OB video link equipment having continuous frequency tuning range and pos

24、sible bandwidth adaptation facilities.“ Edition of May 1, 1995 STDoCEPT CEPT/ERC/REC 25-10 E-ENGL 1995 = 232b41Y 0014505 718 W CEPTERCIREC 25-10 E Page 5 Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom ANNEX 1 (7.125 - 7.250) 10.4- 10.6 (11.8 - 12.0) (7.300 - 7.425) 10 GHz 12 GHz (3) 2.5 GHz

25、 10 - 10.68 (4) bands 7.778 - 7.918 8.142 - 8.282 band band bands (5) band band band 7.11 - 7.424 band band (6) 5.85 - 6.25 12.56-12.61 21 GHz (4 channels) (5 channels) 2.39-2.69 3.5-3.6 5.482 - (12 channels) 10.30 - 10.36 12.21 - 12.49 (15 chan.) (4 chan) 5.780 8.460 - 8.500 (3 channels) (12 channe

26、ls) (6 channels) (2 channels) NATIONAL FREQUENCIES FOR TEMPORARY VIDEO LINKS (SERVICES ANCILLARY TO BROADCASTING) * Channels used for mobile links may in some cases (ENG) be used for temporary point to point links. Edition of May 1, 1995 STDmCEPT CEPTIERCIREC 25-10 E-ENGL 1995 232b414 0014506 654 a

27、CEPTERCIREC 25-10 E Page 6 Notes to the table : (1) The band 2.32 - 2.482 GHz includes 7 channels (2328.5; 2342,5; 2391,5; 2455; 2462; 2469; 2476 MHz). Additional channels are designated in the same frequency band (2300 - 2482 MHz) for uses other than ancillary broadcasting (industry, .). The indica

28、ted channels have a 14 MHz bandwidth and the maximum authorised power is limited to 20 W ERP (first three channels) or 5 W ERP (other channels). These channels are also used for ENG permanent reception points. The frequencies 2342.5 and 2469 MIIZ are under certain conditions. The band 10.4 - 10.68 G

29、Hz (25 channels) is used with a 2W max. power and a 10.5 MHz channel spacing. The band 11.7 - 12.10 GHz includes 5 channels (11.78502; 11.86174; 11.93846; 12.01518 GHz) of 14 MHz bandwidth, used with a ma. power of 250 mW. Channel spacing at 21 GHz is 28 MHz (26 channels allocated to broadcasters or

30、 DBP Telekom) and the power limit is 100 mW HF. (2) The use of the 7 GE band and of the 12 GHz band will be phased oat within a short time and the range 10.4 - 10.6 GHz will be the main operational range. (3) 6 channels at 10 GHz (10.511; 10.539; 10.567; 10.595; 10.623; 10.651 GHz) and 6 channels at

31、 12GHz (11.715; 11.743; 11.771; 11.981; 12.009; 12.037 GHz). Channels at 2.5 GHz may be used ifnecessary. (4) Temporary point to point links to the studios are operated in the same frequencies as the mobile links, at 2.5 GHz. (5) in the band 5.85 - 6.25 GHz, 4 channels are used (5.85625; 5.88590 5.9

32、1555; 6.175 GHz). At 12 GHz (12.56325; 12.59125; 12.59825; 12.60525; 12.61225 GHz), channels are used for permanent systems. (6) Channels at 3 GHz have a 20 MHz bandwidth. 10 channels are designated in the 5 GHz band with a 20 MHz bandwidth (5.482; 5.506; 5.530; 5.554; 5.578; 5.6925; 5.7175; 5.7425;

33、 5.780 5.805 GHz). Channels of 20 MHz are used in the band 7.11 - 7.424 GHz (7.125; 7.16; 7.197; 7.211; 7.225; 7.239; 7.31215; 7.3475; 7.372; 7.386; 7.4; 7.414 GHz), Ui the band 8.46 - 8.50 GHz (2 channels) and in the band 10.30 - 10.36 GHz (3 channels). 12 channels of 25 MHz are used at 12 GHz (12.

34、2125; 12.2375; 12.2625; 12.2875; 12.3125; 12.3375; 12.3625; 12.3875; 12.4125; 12.4375; 12.4625; 12.4875 GHz). Edition of May 1, 1995 STD.CEPT CEPT/ERC/REC 25-10 E-ENGL 1975 m 2326434 0014507 590 m CEPT/ERC/REC 25-10 E Page 7 ANNEX 2 FREQUENCY TUNING RANGES FOR FUTURE TERRESTRIAL ENG/OB VIDEO LINK EQ

35、UIPMENT FOR TEMPORARY USE IN OTHER CEPT COUNTRIES Frequency huiing range I-= Primary ENGIOB eppiica tions (see note 1) Cordless cameras Temporary point-to-point I links I Remarks Availability in CEPT 2300 - 2600 3400 - 3600 4400 - 5000 MHz MHz MHz X X X X note 2 I Ix (+ (+I (+ + + + + + (+ + (+ + +

36、+ + + + (+ + + (+I + 10.00 - 10.68 21.20 - 24-50 47.20 - 50.20 GHz GHz GHz note6 I note7 I + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4. + +I+I+ +I+I+ (+ + + Edition of May 1, 1995 STD-CEPT CEPT/ERC/REC 25-10 E-ENGL 1995 2326434 0034508 427 m CEPT/ERC/REC 25-1 O E Page 8 Frequency tuning rang

37、e 2300 - 2600 3400 - 3600 4400 - 5000 10.00 - 10.68 21.20 - 24.50 47.20 - 50.20 MHz MHz MHZ GHz GHz GHz Primary ENGIOB applications (see note 1) Mobile 01 portable X X X links Cordless cameras X X X X note 2 I Temporary point to mint iinks IxIxIxI Switzerland + + + + Turkey + + + United Kingdom + +

38、+ + Vatican city + Tuning range where request can be made in this country - Tuning range not available for ENG/OB in this country ( ) Coordination in this frequency range may take more time Notes to the table: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The primary requirement for video links for temporary use is likely t

39、o be mobile links, portable links or cordless cameras. Temporary point to point links may occasionally be required. Further details of these typical ENGIOB video link applications are given in Annex 3. This frequency tuning range is widely used for existing cordless cameras. Future equipment should

40、preferably use the tuning ranges 10.00 - 10.68 GHz, 21.20 - 24.50 GJ3z or 47.20 - 50.20 GE. Except 2483.5 - 2500 MHz when MSS is introduced; 2500 -2600MHz MOB except aeronautical; 2300 - 2500 MHz available for air-ground-air use. Available for air-ground-air use. 4800 - SOO0 MHz MOB except aeronauti

41、cal. 10.55 - 10.68 GHz MOB except aeronautical. Except . 21.4 - 22.0 GHz when HDTV is introduced; 22.0 - 22.5 GH MOB except aeronautical; harmonised core bands are 21.2 - 21.4 GHz, 22.6 - 23.0 GHz and 24.25 - 24.5 GHz. Edition of May 1, 1995 STDmCEPT CEPT/ERC/REC 25-10 E-ENGL 1995 2326434 0014509 36

42、3 W CEPTERCIREC 25-10 E Page 9 3 0 in V o z z f fi c s 2 g v) 4 O .d m a d E (P 6 8 v) V 3 c1 V 2 d .8 E Edition of May 1, 1995 ANNEX 4 MODEL APPLICATION FORM FOR A TEMPORARY LICENCE FOR THE USE OF ENG/OB EQUIPMENT DURING EVENTS IN HOST CEPT MEMBER COUNTRIES Applicant details Name Address Cityhuntry

43、 Name of contact person Telephone Telefax Address where the licence should be sent to Details of event Description of event: Exact location of use Geograph. coordinates of location Name of contact person on location Telephone Telefax Datdtime Particulars of radio eauipment Type of link) Number of ra

44、dio equipment Desired transmitting frequency Tuning range of equipment Bandwidth Class of emission Maximum radiated power Maximum antenna height (a.g.1.) PolaTisation of antenna .MHz/GHz . MHZ . dBW . meter om MI-WGHz to WGHz . Use of the radio eaubment Mobile O (please indicate area) Fixed O (pleas

45、e indicate location) Airborne O (please indicate height) Details of use Is the radio equipment licensed or exempted of licensing m your own country? O O exempted licensed (please submit a copy) Additional information . . . This form should be submitted to the Administration concerned Signature of Ap

46、plicant Date Name (BLOCK LETTERS) Edition of May 1, 1995 M 2326434 0014306 T20 9 CEPTERCAZEC 25-10 Frequency ranges for the use of temporary terrestrial ENG/OB video links during events in other CEP“ member countries Adm Imp1 Remarks ALB Planned AUT Under study DNK Yes F Yes FIN Yes Regulation on radio frequency bands in the Republic of Slovenia HNG Under study HOL Yes study NOR Yes POR Yes SUI IYes I


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