CEPT T R 21-07 E-1989 Border Crossing and Use of Mobile Transmitter-Receivers in CEPT Member Countries《CEPT成员国内移动发射器-接收器的过境通道和使用》.pdf

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CEPT T R 21-07 E-1989 Border Crossing and Use of Mobile Transmitter-Receivers in CEPT Member Countries《CEPT成员国内移动发射器-接收器的过境通道和使用》.pdf_第1页
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CEPT T R 21-07 E-1989 Border Crossing and Use of Mobile Transmitter-Receivers in CEPT Member Countries《CEPT成员国内移动发射器-接收器的过境通道和使用》.pdf_第2页
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CEPT T R 21-07 E-1989 Border Crossing and Use of Mobile Transmitter-Receivers in CEPT Member Countries《CEPT成员国内移动发射器-接收器的过境通道和使用》.pdf_第3页
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CEPT T R 21-07 E-1989 Border Crossing and Use of Mobile Transmitter-Receivers in CEPT Member Countries《CEPT成员国内移动发射器-接收器的过境通道和使用》.pdf_第5页
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1、I W 2326434 O006511 T m! - ,f- / Page 1 Recommendation T/R 21-07 (Lecce 1989 (CR) BORDER CROSSING AND USE OF MOBILE TRANSMITTER-RECEIVERS IN CEPT MEMBER COUNTRIES Recommendation proposed by Working Group T/WG 15 “Radio Administration, Regulation and Frequency Management” (RARF) - Text of the Recomme

2、ndation adopted by the “Telecommunications” Commission: “The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, considering a) that the use of mobile transmitter-receivers is widespread and regulations vary from one country to another, b) that the transportation and use of mobile

3、transmitter-receivers, which are often installed in vehicles, might cause c) that it is a general aim of the CEPT member countries to ease border crossing and, if possible, the use of mobile problems when crossing borders, transmitter-receivers, and that it is therefore desirable for Administrations

4、 to have common regulations, not ng, ho we ver, that this Recommendation is without prejudice to national regulations administered by customs authoriies concern- ing the import and export of mobile transmitter-receivers, recommends that CEPT members take the necessary measures, described hereunder,

5、to facilitate the border crossing and/or use of mobile transmitter-receivers by visitors to their country, 1. that, at the request of another Administration, the use of mobile transmitter-receivers should, as far as possible, be ailowed in their countries or, if this is not possible, they should all

6、ow the transportation of mobile transmitter- receivers, 2. that Administrations should make such requests in the form given in Annex 2 and replies should be given in the form set out in Annex 3, 3. that in order to simplify the procedure as much as possible, Administrations should respond to request

7、s of this kind within a period of 2 months, 4. that, in order to avoid unnecessary administrative activity, Administrations initiating such requests should indicate if they are prepared to make arrangements for a register to be kept of all the agreements given by other Administrations concerning tha

8、t particular kind of equipment, and for keeping other Administrations informed of any changes, 5. that Administrations, where they grant individual licences for mobile equipment, should issue to those intending to cross borders a document of the form indicated in Annex 1, which records the agreement

9、s made in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Recommendation and shows those countries by which autorisation has been given, O 6. that Administrations should recognise any document containing the text indicated in Annex i, 7. that Administrations, where they do not grant licences or where they grant

10、 general licences, may accept on the basis of reciprocal agreements, as an alternative to a document of the form indicated in Annex 1, an approval mark which indicates that it is in conformity with a CEPT Recommendation or an ETS standard (ETSI), 8. that Administrations, also, in cases where they th

11、emselves as a visited country require licences, but the home Administration of the user does not grant these, should adopt the principles of paragraph 7.” Edition of January 15, 1990 - 232b434 0006532 3 1 A- GR- RSM- TIR 21-07 E Page 3 B- C- CH- D- DK- E- F- FL- GB- I- IRL- IS- L- M- MC- N- NL- P- S

12、- SCV- SF- TR- YU- Annex 1 Administration of Issue CEPT OFFICIAL CIRCULATION CARD based on CEPT Recommendation T/R 21-07 E FOR A MOBILE TRANS-ER-REXEIVER 1. Name and address of the licence holder: 2. Description of equipment or service authorised: 3. Date of Issue: Valid until: 4. The symbols in the

13、 list below indicate that the mobile transmitter-receiver: O. may neither be carried nor used, 1. may be carried but not used, 2. may be carried and used, in the country in question Abbreviations A Austria B Belgium C Cyprus CH Switzerland D Germany (Federal Republic of) DK Denmark E Spain F France

14、FL Liechtenstein GB United Kingdom GR Greece IRL Ireland IS Iceland I Italy L Luxembourg M Malta MC Monaco N Norway NL Netherlands P Portugal RSM San Marino S Sweden SCV Vatican City SF Finland TR Turkey YU Yugoslavia 5. This card does not affect the obligation to observe any conditions of use of th

15、e equipment or other regulations (including customs regulations in the countries in which it is used or carried). Edition of January 15, 1990 f - I 2326434 0006513 3 U TIR 21-07 E Page 4 6. This card has been issued by: Name: Address : Telephone: Telex : Telefax : 7, Officials requiring information

16、about this document should address their enquiries to the national radio licensing authority. Edition of January 15, 1990 2326434 0006534 5 E A- B- C- CH- D- DK- E- F- TIR 21-07 E Page 5 FL- GB- Administration dlivrant lautorisation CEPT GR- RSM- CARTE OFFICIELLE DE CIRCULATION POUR UN METTEUR-RCEPT

17、EUR MOBILE fonde sur la Recommandation CEPT T/R 21-07 I- IRL- IS- L- M- MC- N- NI- P- S- SCV- SF- TR- YU- 1. Nom et adresse du dtenteur de la licence: 2. Description de lquipement ou du service autoris: 3. Date de dlivrance: Valide jusqu : 4. Les symboles dans la liste ci-dessous indiquent que lmett

18、eur-rcepteur mobile: O. ne peut ni tre transport ni tre utilis, i. peut tre transport mais pas utilis, 2. peut tre transport et utilis, dans le pays en question Abrviations A Autriche I Italie B Belgique L Luxembourg C Chypre M Malte CH Suisse MC Monaco D Allemagne (Rpublique fdrale d) N Norvge DK D

19、anemark NL Pays-Bas E Espagne P Portugal F France RSM Saint-Marin FL Liechtenstein .S Sude GB Royaume-Uni SCV Cit du Vatican GR Grce SF Finlande IRL Irlande TR Turquie IS Islande YU Yougoslavie 5. Cette carte ne dispense pas de lobligation de respecter toutes les rgles dutilisation de lquipement et

20、autres rglements (incluant les rglements douaniers des pays dans lesquels il est utilis ou transport). Edition of January 15, 1990 4 1 f 5 i i I 2326414 000b515 7 TIR 21-07 E Page 6 6. Cette carte a t dlivre par: Nom : Adresse: Tlphone: Tlex : Tlcopie: 7. Les autorits officielles dsirant des informa

21、tions sur ce document devront adresser leurs requtes lAutorit nationale dlivrant les licences radiolectriques. Edition of January 15, 1990 = 2326414 0006516 9 I! GR- RSM- TIR 21-07 E Page 7 I- IRL- IS- L- M- MC- N- NL- P- S- SCV- SF- TR- Yu- Ausstellende Verwaltung CEPT OFFIZIELLE ZIRKULATIONSKARTE

22、FR EIN MOBILES SENDEEMPFANGS-FUNKGERT auf der Grundlage der CEPT-Empfehlung T/R 21-07 1. Name und Anschrift des Genehmigungsinhabers: 2. Beschreibung des genehmigten Gertes oder Funkdienstes : 3. Ausstellungsdatum: Gltig bis: 4. Die folgenden Symbole geben an, da das mobile Sende-Empfangs-Funkgert i

23、n dem betreffenden Land (siehe Tabelle) : O. weder mitgefhrt noch betrieben werden darf, 1. mitgefhrt, aber nicht betrieben werden darf, 2. mitgefhrt und betrieben werden darf. Abkiirztmngen A sterreich B Belgien C Zypern CH Schweiz D Bundesrepublik Deutschland DK Dnemark E Spanien F Frankreich FL L

24、iechtenstein GB Vereinigtes Knigreich GR Griechenland IRL Irland IS Island I Italien L Luxemburg M Malta MC Monaco N Norwegen NL Niederlande P Portugal RSM San Marino S Schweden SCV Vatikanstadt SF Finnland TR Trkei YU Jugoslawien 5. Diese Berechtigungskarte entbindet den Inhaber nicht von der Verpf

25、lichtung zur Beachtung jeglicher betrieblichen Auflagen oder sonstiger Vorschriften (einschlielich Zollvorschriften der Lnder, in denen das Gert betrieben oder mitgefhrt wird). Edition of January 15, 1990 i=- ) I Y 7 2326434 0006537 O TIR 21-07 E Page 8 6. Diese Karte wurde ausgestellt von: Name: An

26、schrift : Telephon: Telex : Telefax : 7. Behrden, die Ausknfte ber diese Karte bentigen, sollten sich an die Funkgenehmigungsbehrde ihres Landes wenden. Edition of January 15, 1990 -y I 2326434 0006518 2 m! TIR 21-07 E Page 9 Annex 2 MODEL REQUEST FOR BORDER CROSSING AND USE OF MOBILE TRANSMITTER-RE

27、CEIVERS IN CEET MEMBERS COUNTRIES In accordance with CEPT Recommendation T/R 21-07 E my Administration would like to know if your Administra- tion could accept the use/transportation of radiocommunication equipment with the following details: 1. Initiating Administration. 2. Description of equipment

28、 or service. 3. Frequencies of operation. 4. Specification number (CEPT/ETSI) and other relevant technical details. 5. Expected introduction date. 6. Licence regime applied by the initiating Administration. 7. Licensing authority. 8. Contact for discussion of technical details. * In order to minimis

29、e Administrations activities my Administration will Co-ordinate information about mutual licence recognition agreements and inform all participating Administrations about progress. * My Administration is not in a position to Co-ordinate information about mutual licence recognition agreements or to i

30、nform all participating Administrations about progress. * Text to be selected by the Administration. In accordance with paragraph 3 of the above-mentioned Recommendation you are kindly requested to give your e response to this request not later than (date). This request has been addressed to the fol

31、lowing Administrations : My Administration has already reached an agreement with a number of other Administrations, which are listed below together with the type of agreement, i.e.: 1. May be carried but not used. 2. May be carried and used. O Edition of January 15, 1990 I 2326434 000b539 4 E I TIR

32、21-07 E Page 11 Annex 3 DECLARATION The Administration of vices of the following type (description of equipment and/or service) (O) may neither be carried nor used in herc.,y declares that equipment and/or ser- (country) (1) may be carried but not used in (country) (2) may be carried and used in (country) (any special restrictions) The responsible authority and contact for enquiries concerning this equipment is : Name: Address: Telephone: Telex : Telefax: Edition of January 15, 1990 7 - j !

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