1、Page 1 Recommendation T/S 22-01 (by correspondence, May 1987) SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICE CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATION PRESENTATION Recommendation proposed by Working Group T/WG 11 “Signalling, Protocols and Switching” (SPS) I Text of the Recomniendation revised adopted by “Telecornmunicatiois” Commiwon: “
2、The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, considering - that the interconnection of ISDNs in Europe is an important requirement for European Administrations (see GAP - that the implementation aspects of ISDN supplementary services should be harmonised to allow the sta
3、ndardisa- - that for the description of ISDN network capabilities the Functional Principles as defined in Recommendation report of the EEC), tion of the signalling on the user network interface and between ISDN networks, T/N 03-01 should be followed, secommeiids to the members of the CEPT in order t
4、o interconnect their ISDNs, apply the following recommendations.” O Contents 1. DEFINITION . 2 2. PROSE DESCRIPTION 2 I l 3. DYNAMIC DESCRIPTION 2 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.2.3. 4.3. 4.3.1. 4.3.2. FUNCTIONS AM) INFORMATION FLOWS 2 General aspects . 2 Functions . 3 AEF XI. Determination of the cal
5、ling national ISDN nimber . 3 AEF X2. Deterinination of the international nimber . 4 AEF X3. Determination of the calling partys nimber for o#eritig to the called party . 6 Information flows 7 Public network . 7 Private network 8 Edition of August 15, 1987 I CEPT T/S*22-O1*E 7 m 2326414 0007793 7 m
6、TIS 22-01 E Page 2 1. DEFINITION This supplementary service provides for the ability to indicate the ISDN number of the calling line with possible additional address information to the called party. 2. PROSE DESCRIFTION The prose description considered is that provided in Recommendation T/SF 3 1-07.
7、 3. DYNAMIC DESCRIPTION Destination side: t I Get the appropriate I information Setup l 4. FUNCTIONS AND INFORMATION FLOWS 4.1. General apects The CLI will be delivered to the called party by his local exchange or ISPBX during the call establishment if the CLI is available and presentation allowed.
8、If CLI is not available in the destination local exchange at call request, the destination local exchange optionally may request the CLI from the originating local exchange. The specifications of functions for CLI include adaptations for private network implementations (in a fuil private environment
9、) and mobile network implementations. These aspects are reflected in special notes: - indicates notes included to meet private network requirements - i indicate notes included to meet mobile network requirements. Edition of August 15, 1987 CEPT T/S*22-OL*E 87 23261)31) 0007791) 9 TIS 22-01 E Page 3
10、4.2. Functions The following functions (AEFs) have been specified: AEF XI. Determiiiation of the calling iintional ISDN number i 4.2.1. The ability of an ISDN component to determine the national ISDN numa of a cs related indicators and if present, the subaddress. The number may contain prefixes. (-)
11、 LOCATION: ling party I Originating (ISDN) local exchange, ISPBX or mobile exchange (if considered as integral part of the ISDN). Yes O CL identity = default number Add ev. missing part of CL identity + SET SI = net- SET SI = user work provided provided, veri- (option) fied and passed (option) O SET
12、 PI = presen- SET PI = presen- tation restricted tation allowed I SET type of number 2 t Continue call handling v O Edition of August 15, 1987 EXAMPLES OF VERIFICATIONS - identification of the access wrong - number not in range - network destination code wrong - insufficient number of digits ABBREVI
13、ATIONS : CL: Calling Line PI: Presentation Indicator SI: Screening Indicator : Calling national ISDN number = private : Default number = network number - national ISDN number (for outgoing calls to - extension number - private network number : SI = private network provided : Type of number = private
14、 network number I: 2: the public network) Calling national ISDN number = caliing interna- tional ISDN number Type of number = national number CEPT T/S*22-01*E 87 W 2326414 0007795 O W T/S 22-01 E Page 4 4.2.2. AEF X2. Determination of the international number The ability of an ISDN component to dete
15、rmine the international number of the calling subscriber and related indicators and if present, the subaddress. (-) Initiate handling of CL identity No not available LOCATION: Originating international transit exchange # PRESENTATION MAY BE RESTRICTED DUE TO: - national regulations - presentation in
16、dicator SET PI = presen- tation restricted No i Continue call handling ABBREVIATIONS : CL: Calling Line Pi: Presentation Indicator SI: Screening Indicator Edition of August 15, 1987 T/S 22-01 E Page 5 Initiate handling LOCATION: Destination international transit exchange Set PI = number not availabl
17、e Add international prefix (option) Keep PI and SI as provided Continue call handling Edition of August 15, 1987 ABBREVIAIONS : CL: Caing Line PI: Presentation Indicator SI: Screening Indicator CEPT T/S*22-OL*E 7 m 232b4L4 0007797 4 m TIS 22-01 E Page 6 4.2.3. AEF X3. Determination of the calling pa
18、rty?s number for offering to the called party The ability of an ISDN component to determine the number of a calling party, related indicators and if present, the subaddress. The calling party?s number given to an extension user in an ISPBX will include outgoing prefix if the call is originated or pa
19、ssed through the public network, (-) Initiate handling of CL identity No information about the identity of the calling party is sent to LJ the called party A Set PI = presenta- tion restricted CL identity will not be presented to the called party y presenttion restrictions V (Note I) I Set PI = pres
20、enta- tion allowed keep SI as provided LOCATION: Destination local exchange or ISPBX ABBREVIATIONS : CL: Calling Line CLI: Calling Line Identification PI: Presentation Indicator SI: Screening Indicator Request calling line identity not available i r 1 Continue call handling (Note 1). Presentation ma
21、y be restricted or OverridL-n due to: - national regulations - presentation indicator The request option is not available in private networks An ISPBX will have to add the outgoing prefix if the call was originated or passed through the public network .- Edition of August 15, 1987 CEPT T/S*22-OL*E 8
22、7 m 2326434 0007798 b m TIS 22-01 E Page 7 4.3. Information 0ows 4.3.1. Public network LOCAL MCHNGE OR IWTER?lATIOIIAL I l#R I 10 20 30 40 50 w o - 60 70 80 rqo - 80 O0 110 120 ir40 I SETUP TEEr- MOBILE EXCHAIIGE 7 EX-A - AEF X1 - 7 AEF X1 - RElUESI FOR CLI IJUMBER + INDICATORS a IrJOTE 21 EXCHABGE
24、SETUP )r SEW? #UMBER + IPJOICATORS (tJOTE 41 c SETUP IIIOICATORS (MOTE 4) e # In case of a national call this setup is sent to a national trunk exchange or LE-B; function AEF X2 is not needed. ABBREVIATIONS : CLI: Calling Line Identication LE-B: Destination Exchange RNR: Reference Number T: Transit
25、Exchange TE: Terminal Equipment AEF: Additional Elementary Function EX-A: Original Exchange Edition of August 15, 1987 CEPT T/S*22-OL*E 7 E 232b414 0007799 T/S 22-01 E Page 8 4.3.2. Private network - RNR 10 20 30 40 - 50 END 60 - 70 END I SETUP G % indicators can be: - presentation indicator (allowe
26、d/restricted/not available due to interworking) - screening indicator (network provided/subscriber provided, verified and passed) (option) - type of number (national/international). Note 3. %the number contains: - international number - no information (e.g. presentation restriction) - if present: su
27、baddress; % indicators can. be: - presentation indicator (alIowed/restricted/not available due to interworking) - screening indicator (network provided/subscriber provided, veried and passed) (option). Note 4. %the number contains: - no information (depending on indicators) - national number (for na
28、tional calls) - international number (for international calls) - if present: subaddress; % indicators can be: - presentation indicator (allowed/restricted/not available due to intenvorking) - screening indicator (network provided/subscriber provided, verified and passed) (option) - type of number (n
29、ational/international). Note 5, %the number contains: - no information - part of the extension number (e.g. selection on a passive bus) - extension number or private network number - optional: subaddress. Nofe 6. %the number contains: - extension number or private network number - if present: subaddress; % indicators can be: - presentation indicator (allowed/restricted/not available due to interworking) - screening indicator (private network provided/user provided, veried and passed) - type of number. Edition of August 15, 1987