CEPT T TPH 27 E-1975 Remuneration of the Administrations Providing Facilities for Restoring International Telecommunications Links Between CEPT-Member Administrations in the Event .pdf

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CEPT T TPH 27 E-1975 Remuneration of the Administrations Providing Facilities for Restoring International Telecommunications Links Between CEPT-Member Administrations in the Event .pdf_第1页
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CEPT T TPH 27 E-1975 Remuneration of the Administrations Providing Facilities for Restoring International Telecommunications Links Between CEPT-Member Administrations in the Event .pdf_第5页
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1、7 - CEPT T/TPH*27*E 75 2326434 0030228 2 M Tfiph 27 E Page 1 Recommendation T/Tph 27 (Malaga-Torremoiinos 1975, revised at Stockholm 1977, Lige 1978 and Nicosia 1990 (CAC) REMUNERATION OF THE ADMINISTRATIONS PROVIDING FACILITIES FOR RESTORING INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINKS BETWEEN CEPT-MEMBE

2、R ADMINISTRATIONS IN THE EVENT OF INTERRUPTIONS Recommendation proposed by the Working Group T/GT 2 “Tlphone” (Tph) Text of the Recommendation adopted by the “Telecommimicatioru” Commission : “The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, considering that - according to R

3、ecommendation T/Tph 21 E, it would be appropriate to provide line and terminal equipment for the restoration service, complete restoration should in principle be the envisaged aim, - the provision of restoration facilities is a service that the CEPT-member Administrations provide amongst themselves,

4、 - the remuneration of the Administrations providing facilities for restoration in the event of interruptions of international telecommunications links2 between CEPT Administrations should be subject to uniform regulations, - the growing importance and complexity of the international networks and th

5、e existence in the networks of capacity acquired under schemes of co-ownership or irrevocable rights of use have brought about a disproportionate increase in the administrative costs required to obtain certain billing information, - the revenue relating to the reciprocal provision of telecommunicati

6、ons facilities for restoring interrupted links represents oniy a small proportion of the total revenue in telecommunications received by the CEPT-member Administrations, - the revenue obtained from restoration of the interrupted links may represent sums that are less than the cost of obtaining the i

7、nformation required for billing, O recommemh that the CEPT-member Administrations apply the foliowing rules : 1. PREAMBLE 1.1. This Recommendation describes an efficient way for the Administrations or Recognised Private Operating Agencies (RPOAs) participating in the restoration groups to achieve a

8、fair distribution of their efforts in the joint provision of restoration facilities for the protection of the international telecommunications network. The provisions relating to specific restoration facilities made available on a permanent basis by one or more Administrations for the protection of

9、their high capacity submarine cables are the subject of Recommendation T/Tph 30 E. This Recommendation is applicable to links established between CEPT Administrations and RPOAs. However, by agreement with all parties concerned, the provisions of this Recommendation may be extended to links set up be

10、tween CEPT and extra-CEPT countries. O 1.2. 1.3. Due to faults or planned disconnections. In this Recommendation the term “international links” refers to the transmission units (circuits, groups, supergroups, digital blocks, etc.) established between the different countries. O Edition of July 10, 19

11、90 FF CEPT T/TPH*27*E 75 2326434 0030229 4 9 T/Tph 27 E Page 2 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 3. 4. PRINCIPLE Any telecommunications facility provided for restoration purposes at the request of a restoration group should be able to be the subject of compensation. However, in view of the short dura

12、tion of interruption in the terrestrial network, each restoration should not be the subject of indiscriminating compensation. Each restoration group (M.A.N.S., MEDRET, GRAE, etc.) should seek to achieve within the Group the fairest possible distribution of the restoration facilities provided by each

13、 country, without detriment to the efficacy of the restoration plans. Each restoration group concerned must calculate at regular intervals the balance of the different restoration facilities provided by each country within the framework of the said plan. Under this aspect, the annex attached to this

14、 Recommendation details a comparative method of evaluation relating to the quantity of restoration facilities provided by each Administration or RPOA. If the restoration group identifies an imbalance, the tolerance level of which is to be decided by the restoration group concerned, several options m

15、ay be considered by the Administrations and RPOAs whose contribution is judged to be too small, for reducing or eliminating the deficit in their services: - making additional investments, within the shortest possible time, with a view to providing more restoration facilities for the needs of the gro

16、up concerned; - requesting the help of the restoration group to revise the existing restoration plans with the aim of modifying the number of standby facilities made available to the group; - remunerating, on the basis of a charge per restoration unit, the Administrations and RPOAs whose contributio

17、n has exceeded the tolerable level determined by the restoration group, proportionate to the additional restoration facilities provided by these Administrations and RPOAs. Provided a tolerable imbalance in the restoration facilities provided by the Administrations and RPOAs taking part in the plans

18、is identified by the restoration group, all remuneration for any individual restoration should be prohibited. OTHER METHODS Insofar as a restoration group or an Administration believes that the method of compensation envisaged by this Recommendation is not applicable, it must look into, by bilateral

19、 or multilateral agreement, other solutions, including one which consists in paying remuneration for the restoration facilities on the basis of the restoration actually carried out at the time of interruption. In the latter case, the tariff provisions set out in the CCITT Recommendations (D.300 R -

20、D.152) and if, appropriate, those of the CEPT, shall be applicable. FAULTS OR DISCONNECTIONS CAUSED BY THIRD PARTIES If a fault or disconnection is caused by the activity of an outside organisation, the restoration costs, to be debited to these parties, shall be determined in agreement between the A

21、dministrations and RPOAs concerned on the basis of tariffs fixed by the CCITT or international telecommunications bodies. The information to be provided by the Administrations or RPOAs is indicated below: a) Designation of the interrupted link. b) Designation of the international links restored. c)

22、Period of use of the restoration facilities. d) In the case of the restoration of a submarine cable, the restored capacity for each co-owner or holder of e) Calculation of charges.” an irrevocable right of use in relation to the total capacity in operation, for each standby facility. Edition of July

23、 10, 199P-. T/Tph 27 E Page 3 Annex PROPOSED METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE BALANCE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES PROVIDED FOR RESTORATION PURPOSES 1. There must be separate calculations for the analogue and digital networks. 2. Only the telecommunications facilities used in the restoration plans for

24、 restoring international links may feature in the calculations. Moreover, the following rules should be observed: a) CEPT links, set up in the area served by a restoration group, shall be taken into account in accordance with the examples given below; b) CEPT links, set up in the area served by seve

25、ral CEPT restoration groups, should be divided into sections. The section falling entirely within the area served by a given restoration group should be taken into account for the calculations by the terminal Administration of that group; c) links, one end of which terminates in a CEPT country and t

26、he other in a country outside CEET, should not be included in the calculations on balanced facilities. 3. Determine the total number of supergroups/km or digital blocks/km provided by each Administration to route 4. Determine the total number of supergroups/km or digital blocks/km provided by each A

27、dministration for 5. Determine the total number of supergroups/km or digital blocks/km over which, in the area served by the 6. Determine the total number of supergroups/km or digital blocks/km envisaged for restoration in the area served 7. Determine the percentage of the balance of the traffic fac

28、ilities using the formula given below: international traffic. restoration purposes. restoration group, the international traffic of all the Administrations concerned is routed. by the restoration group. Capacity of the traffic facilities to be restored by each Administration (Ta) Total capacity of t

29、he traffic facilities to be restored (Tt) (relation of the result of the calculation made under numbers 3 and 5). 8. Determine the percentage of the balance of the restoration facilities using the formula: Tb = Capacity of the restoration facilities provided by each Administration (Ra) Total capacit

30、y of the restoration facilities provided (Rt) Rb = (relation of the result of the calculations made under numbers 4 and 6). O O Edition of July 10, 1990 9. The restoration group shall determine the tolerable imbalance ceiling by comparing, for each Administration, the percentages of the traffic faci

31、lities and the restoration facilities provided. Notes: a) The following distances (CCIT Recommendation D.300 R) should be taken into account: - commercial distances for calculation of the national sections of the telecommunications facilities; - distances that are officially recognised and published

32、 in CCITT documents for submarine cable sections; - commercial distances between borders in transit cases. b) The restoration links (supergroups or digital blocks) crossing third countries in transit, or those acquired by a third party through irrevocable rights of use, should be regarded as belongi

33、ng to the country that pays the transit costs (example 5). c) The restoration links (supergroups or digital blocks) that are routed over the capacity of a third country shall be attributed by the terminal Administration concerned to those countries that are holders of irrevocable rights of use. d) T

34、he traffic links (supergroups or digital blocks) shall be attributed to the terminal Administrations only. e) Each link (supergroups or digital blocks) may only be counted once. f) Some examples follow to illustrate the calculations. - CEPT T/TP#*Z?*E 75 232b414 0010231 2 T/Tph 27 E Page 4 TERMINAL

35、TRAFFIC LINKS Example No. 1 Trafic link established by submarine cable. Sections between LONDON and MARSEILLES by submarine cable (LDN-MARS 6001 via UK-FRANCE 1). UK/BTI FRANCE UK-FRANCE 1 I l LDN MARS + 100 km -b- 200 km b: 800 km b The sections are divided as follows: UK/BTI : national section + !

36、4 distance by submarine cable: 200 2 100 + - = 200 km 200 2 FRANCE: 800 + - = 900 km Example No. 2 Traffic link not established by submarine cable. Sections between DENMARK and the FED. REP. of GERMANY not routed via submarine cable (KOLDING- DSSELDORF 6005). DENMARK FRG KOLD DSSD + 100 km -b4 650 k

37、m b Border The sections are divided into km as follows: DENMARK: national section up to the border: 100 km FRG: 650 km Example No. 3 Traffic link passing through other countries. Section between the NETHERLANDS and SPAIN through the UNITED KINGDOM (AMSTERDAM- MADRID 6003). NETHERLANDS UNITED KINGDOM

38、 SPAIN AMS UK-NL1 O UK-SP3 MDD I I I I I +- 150 km -b+ 150km -b+ 500 km -b- 900 km The sections are divided into km as follows: NETHERLANDS: bt 400 km -b National section to the NL + !4 cable distance UK-NL10 + YZ transit distance in UK + % cable distance UK-SP3: 150 500 900 2 2 2 150 + - + - + - =

39、925 km SPAIN : National section in SPAIN + Yi cable distance UK-SP3 + Yi transit distance in UK + YZ cable distance UK-NL10: 900 500 150 2 2 2 400 + - -!- - + - = 1,175 km. _- Edition of July 10, 199p=-, - -. I - - -=, -_ CEPT T/TPH*Z7*E 75 m 232b434 0030232 4 m T/Tph 21 E Page 5 TERMINAL RESTORATIO

40、N LINKS Example No. 4 Restoration link established by submarine cable. Standby section L-BRUS 60804 over submarine cable UK-BEL3. UK/BTI LDN UK-BEL3 BELGIUM BRUS I I - 100 km +- 100 km b- 100 km b The sections are divided into km as follows: UK/BTI: National section + ?A distance of the submarine ca

41、ble: 1 O0 2 100 + - = 150 km 100 2 BELGIUM: 100 + - = 150 km The two countries are entitled to use their own irrevocable rights of use in the UK-BEL3 cable. Example No. 5 Restoration link established by submarine cable. Standby sections between the UNITED KINGDOM and BELGIUM by submarine cable UK-NL

42、10. O UNITED KINGDOM LDN NETHERLANDS UK-NL10 BELGIUM BRUS I I I I I +- 150 km - .- 200 km b- 150 km - b+ 50 km -b Notes: 1) The capacity of the UK-NLlO cable is the property of the UNITED KINGDOM and the NETHERLANDS. 2) Remuneration is not paid for transit through the NETHERLANDS. The sections are d

43、ivided into km as follows: UK/BTI: National section + Yi distance UK-NL10 cable is: 150 + - 200 = 250 km 2 % national section of the NETHERLANDS: _- 150 - 75 km (cf. Note 2). 2 BELGIUM : National section of BELGIUM : 50 km. Yi national section of the NETHERLANDS (cf. Note 2) + % section of submarine cable (cf. Note I): 150 200 - f - = 175 km 2 2 Edition of July 10, 1990 -


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