CGSB 148 1 NO 3-M85-CAN CGSB-1985 Methods of Testing Geotextiles and Geomembranes Thickness of Geotextiles《土工织物和膜的测试方法 土工织物的厚度》.pdf

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CGSB 148 1 NO 3-M85-CAN CGSB-1985 Methods of Testing Geotextiles and Geomembranes Thickness of Geotextiles《土工织物和膜的测试方法 土工织物的厚度》.pdf_第1页
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CGSB 148 1 NO 3-M85-CAN CGSB-1985 Methods of Testing Geotextiles and Geomembranes Thickness of Geotextiles《土工织物和膜的测试方法 土工织物的厚度》.pdf_第2页
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CGSB 148 1 NO 3-M85-CAN CGSB-1985 Methods of Testing Geotextiles and Geomembranes Thickness of Geotextiles《土工织物和膜的测试方法 土工织物的厚度》.pdf_第3页
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CGSB 148 1 NO 3-M85-CAN CGSB-1985 Methods of Testing Geotextiles and Geomembranes Thickness of Geotextiles《土工织物和膜的测试方法 土工织物的厚度》.pdf_第4页
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CGSB 148 1 NO 3-M85-CAN CGSB-1985 Methods of Testing Geotextiles and Geomembranes Thickness of Geotextiles《土工织物和膜的测试方法 土工织物的厚度》.pdf_第5页
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2、ganisme de coordination du Systme de normes nationales, une fdration therefore, possible. Ces normes font lobjet dexamens priodiques; cest users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition from the pourquoi il est recommand aux utilisateurs de se procurer organization preparing the standard. ldition

3、la plus rcente de la norme auprs de lorganisme qui la prpare. National Standards of Canada are approved by the: Standards Council of Canada 350 Sparks Street . Ottawa, Ontario KIR 7.58 Les Norm nationales du Canada sont approuves par le: Conseil canadien des normes 350, rue Sparks Ottawa, Ontario KI

4、R 7S8 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD OFFICE DES NORMES GENISRALES DU CANADA E ON G OTEXTILES AND GEOMEMBRANES COMIT DES G If? OTEXTIL

5、ES ET GEOMEMBRANES (Membership at date of approval) (Composition la date dapprobation) cole Polytechnique Rollin, Dr A.L. Chair man/Pr sident National Research Council of Canada/Building Research Ontario Research Foundation Matriaux Techniques Ct Inc. Ontario Hydro Ministre des Transports, Qubec Que

6、bec Hydro DuPont Canada Inc. Polymer International (N.S.) Ltd. Nova Scotia Department of Transportation Terrafix Filter Fabrics Inc. DuPont Canada Inc! University of Guelph Royal Military College Universit Lavai Geotrol International Ontario Ministry of Transpor- Department of Transport C. Mirza Eng

7、ineering Inc. National Research Council of Canada/Chemistr y Dominion Textile Inc. Tex-El Inc. Socit dgnergie de la Baie James City of Calgary University of Western Ontario The Trow Group Ltd. University of Alberta, Civil Crown Zellerbach Paper Co. Ltd. Celanese Canada Inc. DuPont Canada Inc. Vale-H

8、armon Enterprises Ltd. Nilex Geotechnicai Products Inc. Department of Public Works EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. tation and Communications . Engineering Bozozuk, Dr M. Cashmore, Dr P. Ct, M.J. Cragg, C.B.H. Dallaire, G. Dascal, O. Eadie, W .R. Ellis, A.L. Gervais, F.A. Hewitt, D. Irwin, M.J. Irwi

9、n, Dr R.W. Jarrett, Dr P.M. King, Dr M. Klassen, E. Korgemagi, P. Lackey, B. Mirza, C. Mitton, M.T. Miss/ Mlle Moldvar, P. Morin, J. Par, J. Rodier, C.E. Rowe, Dr R.K. Sarafinchin, M. Scott, Dr J.D. Shand, S. Schweitzer, J. Turnbull, W. Vale, H.J. van Woudenberg, W. Vogan, R.W. Wallace, R.B. cole Po

10、lytechnique Conseil national de recherches du Ontario Research Foundation Matriaux Techniques Ct Inc. H ydro-On tario Ministre des Transports, Qubec H y dro-Qubec DuPont Canada Inc. Polymer International (NA) Ltd. Nova Scotia Department of Transportation Terrafix Filter Fabrics Inc. DuPont Canada In

11、c. Universit de Guelph Royal Military College Universit Lavai Geotrol International Ministre des Transports et Ministre des Transports . C. Mirza Engineering Inc. Conseil national de recherches du Canada/Chimie Dominion Textile Inc. Tex-El Inc. Socit dtnergie de la Baie James Ville de Calgary Univer

12、sit Western Ontario The Trow Group Ltd. Universit de lAlberta, Gnie Crown Zellerbach Paper Co. Ltd. Celanese Canada Inc. DuPont Canada Inc. Vale-Harmon Enterprises Ltd. Nilex Geotechnical Products Inc. Ministre des Travaux publics EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. Canada/Recherches en btiment Communi

13、cations de lOntario civil CANICGSB- 148.1 *e- - Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB-148 *-1*N0.3-N85 * = 1874654 0034912 329 University of Alberta, Textiles

14、CN Rail (The Railway Association - Worth, A.W. Canadian General Standards . Dodd, W.B. des normes gnrales du Whitten, Mrs. M. Universit de lAlberta, Analyses CN Rail (LAssociation des chemins Analysis des textiles of Canada) Board Secretar ylsecrtaire Canada de fer du Canada) Acknowledgement

15、 is made for the French translation of this National Standard of Canada by the Translation Bureau of the Department of the Secretary of State. Nous remercions le Bureau des traductions du Secrtariat dgtat de la traduction franaise de la prsente Norme nationale du Canada. No./No 3485 CAN/CGSEl4%. 1 *

16、?“ - . . -A I .4 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB-348 *.3*N0.3-M85 * m 3874654 0034933 265 m Nationai Standard of Canada Norme nationale du Canada METHODS

17、 OF “G METHODES DESSAI POUR CAN/CGSB- 148.1. CGCS GEOTEXTILES AND GEOMEMBRANES . GEOTEXTILES ET Gl?OMEMBRANES &* Ottawa Cartada K1A 1G6 Thickness of Geotextiles fipaisseur des gotextiles No./NO 3485 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 This method is intended for measur- ing the nominal thickness of geotex- til

18、e fabrics as determined between parallel plane surf aces under a pres- sure of 2.0 kPa. 1.2 Since most geotextiles are compres- sible, the thickness measured will depend upon the pressure applied. For this reason it may be desirable to measure thickness at a series of pres- sures and to study the ge

19、neral rela- tionship between thickness and pres- sure. 2. PRINCIPLE The geotextile fabric is submitted to compression between .two parallel plane surf aces whose perpendicular separation is taken to be the thick- ness of the geotextile fabric at the pressure applied. 3. APPARATUS 3.1 The instrument

20、used for the determi- nation of the thickness of geotextile fabrics shall be capable of measure- . ment to the nearest 0.1 mm. It shall be equipped with a presser foot of not less than 25 mm outside dimen- sion. The instrument should be capa- ble of applying pressures over a range from 2 to 200 kPa

21、with an accuracy of 0.5% of the reading. The surfaces of the presser foot and the anvil of the instrument shall be both plane and parallel to within 0.1 mm. OBJET La prsente mthode a pour objet de mesurer lpaisseur nominale des gotex- tiles en les plaant entre deux surfaces planes parallles, sous un

22、e pression de 2.0 kPa. La plupart des gotextiles tant com- pressibles, lpaisseur mesure varie en fonction de la pression applique. Cest pourquoi il peut tre souhaitable de me- surer leur paisseur sous diverses pres: sions et dtudier ensuite la relation gnrale entre Ipaisseur et ia pressin. PRINCIPE

23、Le gotextile est comprim entre deux . surfaces planes paralleles, la distance perpendiculaire les sparant tant consi- dre comme lpaisseur du gotextile sous ia pression applique. APPAREILLAGE Lappareil employ pour dterminer lpaisseur des gotextiles doit pouvoir mesurer 0.1 mm pres. I1 doit tre pourvu

24、 dun pied presseur dau moins 25 mm de dimension extrieure. Lappa- reil doit permettre lapplication dune gamme de pressions allant de 2 200 kPa avec une prcision de 0.5%. Les surfaces du pied presseur et de la plaque de rfrence de lappareil doivent tre planes et parallles a 0.1 mm prs. Copyright Cana

25、dian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4. TEST SPECIMEN 4.1 The test specimen may be of any size provided that the smallest surface dimension is at least 25 mm greater than the outside dim

26、ension of the presser foot. 5. PROCEDURE 5.1 Unless otherwise specified, test the samples as received (Note 1). 5.2 Place the specimen upon the anvil of the instrument, flat but without ten- sion (Note 2). Lower the presser foot onto the fabric without impact until the specified pressure is establis

27、hed, and allow it to remain at this pres- sure for 30 s. Note the reading of the thickness. Make similar observa- tions on not fewer than ten different specimens selected from the sample. Alternatively, if a single large sam- ple is used, make observations at not fewer than ten locations on the Sam-

28、 ple. No measurement shall be made, however, within 100 mm of the edge of the sample unless the material is less than 500 mm wide, in which case measurements shall not be taken nearer to the edge than 1/10 of the width of the material. NOTE 1: In cases of dispute, the sample shall be brought to mois

29、ture equilibrium in an atmosphere of 20 2 2OC and 65 t 2% relative.humid- ity before testing. NOTE 2: The specimen shall not be allowed to overhang the edges of the anvil unless additional means of sup- port are provided to prevent arching or bowing of the specimen above the anvil. SPECIMEN DESSAI Q

30、uelle que soit la tqille du spcimen, sa plus petite dimension doit mesurer au moins 25 mm de plus que la dimension extrieure du pied presseur. MODE OPwATOIRE Sauf indication contraire, prouver les chantillons dans leur tat de rception (remarque i). Placer le spcimen plat sur ia plaque de rfrence de

31、lappareil, sans ltirer (remarque 2). Abaisser graduellement le pied presseur sur ltoffe jusqu ce que Ia pression prescrite soit applique, puis maintenir ltoffe sous cette pression pendant 30 s. Noter lpaisseur indique par lappareil. Mesurer lpaisseur dau moins dix spcimens diffrents slec- tionns de

32、lchantillon. Si lessai est effectu avec un seul grand chantillon, mesurer et noter lpaisseur de lchan- tillon en dix points au moins. Aucune mesure ne doit tre prise toutefois moins de 100 mm du bord de lchantil- lon, sauf si la largeur de ltoffe est infrieure 500 mm, auquel cas les me- sures doiven

33、t tre prises une distance du bord qui corresponde au moins 1/10 de la largeur de ltoffe. REMARQUE 1: En cas de litige, amener lchantillon un tat dquilibre hygro- mtrique en le piaant,avant lessai, dans une atmosphre de 20 t 2C et dune humidit relative de 65 2 2%. REMARQUE 2: Le spcimen ne doit pas d

34、passer les bords de la plaque de rf& rence sil nest pas retenu par des sup- ports qui lempchent de se cambrer ou de se voter. No./fQo SM85 . . Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

35、IHS-,-,-5.3 5.4 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 CGSB CAN/CGSBt348 3874b54 0034935 038 From successive measurements made on the same specimen at increasing pressures within the range 2 to 200 kPa, the thickness of a geotextile fabric may be plotted as a function of pressure. The thickness of the geotextile fabric

36、 corresponding to any pressure within the above range may be obtained from the graph plot- ted. Unless otherwise specified, the thick- ness corresponding to a pressure of 2.0 kPa shall be taken as the nominal thickness of the fabric. Frequently, however, the end use of the geotex- tile fabric will g

37、overn the choice of pressure for which the thickness of the material should be determined. REPORT Report the individual values (at least ten) and the average value for thick- ness under 2 kPa pressure as the nominal thickness. When a relationship between thick- ness and pressure is requested, plot a

38、 curve from the results obtained. If the fabric has been brought to equilibrium (Note i), report the room atmospheric conditions. State the number of this method: CAN/CGSB- 148.1 No 3-M85. A laide des mesures faites successive- ment sur un mme spcimen, sous des pressions variant entre 2 et 200 kPa,

39、il est possible de tracer une courbe re- prsentant lpaisseur du gotextile en fonction de la pression. Cette courbe permet de dterminer lpaisseur du gotextile pour toute pression particu- lire comprise dans la gamme de pres- sions mentionne prcedemment. Sauf indication contraire, lpaisseur mesure sou

40、s une pression de 2.0 kPa doit tre considre comme lpaisseur nominale de ltoffe. Toutefois, cest souvent lutilisation finale du &textile qui dterminera la pression appliquer pour mesurer lpaisseur. RAPPORT Noter chacune des paisseurs obtenues (au moins dix) et inscrire lpaisseur moyenne mesure sous u

41、ne pression de 2 kPa comme paisseur nominale. Lorsque ia relation entre lpaisseur et ia pression doit tre tablie, tracer une courbe laide des rsultats obtenus. Si lchantillon a t amen un tat dquilibre hygromtrique (remarque i), indiquer les conditions atmosphriques dans la chambre. Inscrire le numro de la prsente m- thode: CAN/CGSB- 148.1 No. 3-M85. , Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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