CGSB 3-GP-855M-1979 Ethylene Glycol Uninhibited Standard for《关于氧化乙二醇的标准》.pdf

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1、CGSB 3-GP-855M 79 m 1874650 0014b50 8bO m Standard for: Norme: Ethylene thylne glycol Glycol, non inhib Uninhibited This standard applies to one grade of La prsente norme sapplique une uninhibited, ethyleneglycol intended classe dthylne glycol non inhib for use as a heat transfer fluid. destin servi

2、r de liquide de trans- mission de chaleur. 3-GP-855M October/Octobre 1979 Supersedes 3-GP-855 March 1960 Remplace (F)3-GP-855 Mars 1960 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,

3、-CGSB 3-GP-8551 79 D 374b50 0034651 7T7 The CANADIAN GOVERNMENT SPEC1 F ICATI ONS BOARD, under whose auspices this standard has been developed, is a federal government agency engaged in the production of voluntary standards in a wide range of subject areas through the medium of standards committees

4、and the consensus process. The standards committees are representative of relevant interests including producers, consumers and other users, re- tailers, governments, educational institutions, technical, professional and trde societies, and research and testing organizations. The CGSB iias been accr

5、edited by the Standards Council of Canada as a national standards- writing organization. The standards that it develops and offers as National Standards of Canada conform to the criteria and procedures established for this pur- pose by the Standards Council of Canada. In addition to standards it pub

6、lishes as National Standards, CGSB produces standards to meet particular needs, in response to requests from a variety of sources in both the public and private sectors. Although the intended primary application of each standard is stated in its Definition or Scope clause, it is important to note th

7、at it remains the responsibility of the user of the standard to judge its suitability for his particular purpose. CGSB standards are subject to periodic review to ensure that they keep abreast of technological progress. Sup gestions for their improvement, which are always welcome, are brought to the

8、 notice of the standards committees concerned. Changes to standards are issued either as separate amendment sheets or in revised di- tions of the standards. An up-todate listing of CGSB standards, including details on latest issues and amendments, and ordering instructions, will be found in the Cata

9、logue of Standards which is published annually, with a supplement, and is available without charge upon request. Further information on the CGSB and its services and standards may be obtained from: Canadian Government Specifications Board Hull, Qubec Canada K1A OS5 La prsente norme a t labore sous l

10、es auspices de lOFFICE DES NORMES DU GOUVERNEMENT CANADIEN dont les comits des normes, qui se pro- noncent la majorit des voix, rdigent des normes facultatives intressant les domaines les plus divers. Les comits des normes sont composs de groupes intresss aux normes ltude, notamment les fabricants,

11、les consommateurs et autres usagers, les dtaillants, les gouvernements, les institutions denseignement, les associations techniques, professionnelles et commer- ciales, ainsi que les organismes de recherche et dessai. Le Conseil canadien des normes a confr IONGC le titre dorganisme rdacteur de norme

12、s nationales. En :onsquence, les normes que lOffice labore et soumet titre des normes canadiennes se conforment aux critres et procdures tablies cette fin par le Conseil canadien des normes. Outre la publication de normes nationales, IOFIGC rdige galement des normes visant des besoins particuliers l

13、a demande de plusieurs orga- nismes tant du secteur priv que du secteur public. Mme si la dfinition ou lobjet de chaque norme dter- mine de faon prcise lapplication premire que lon peut en faire, il faut remarquer cependant quil incombe lusager, au tout premier chef, de dcider si la norme peut servi

14、r aux fins quil envisage. tant donn lvolution technique, les normes de IONGC font lobjet de rvisions priodiques. Toutes les suggestions siisceptibles den amliorer la teneur sont accueillies avec grand intrt et portes lattention des comits des normes concerns. Les changements apports aux normes sont

15、publis sous la forme de modificatifs distincts, ou incorpors dans les ditions rvises des normes. Une liste jour des normes de IONGC comprenant des renseignements sur les normes rcentes et les derniers modificatifs parus et sur la faon de se les procurer figure au Catalogue des normes publi chaque an

16、ne avec un supplbment. Cette publication est gratuite et tout intress peut en faire la demande. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur IONGC, ses services et ses normes, sadresser : LOffice des normes du gouvernement canadien Hull (Qubec) Canada K1A OS5 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Pro

17、vided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 3-GP-855M 79 3874650 0034652 633 m I $(. Specifications Board STANDARD FOR: ETHYLENE GLYCOL, LIN INHIBITED Off ice des normes NORME: THYLNE GLYCOL NON INHIB This standard is ex

18、pressed in SI (Metric) units in Les valeurs de la prsente norme sont exprimes en response to the requirements of Canadas metric unites SI (metriques) conformment aux exigences conversion program, By agreement with the Com- du Programme canadien de conversion au systme rriittee on Petroleum Products

19、it supersedes 3-GP-855, mtrique. Le comit des produits ptroliers est March 1960 which expressed the requirements in daccord que la prsente remplace la norme yardlpound units. (F)3-GP-855 de mars 1960 dont les valeurs taient exprimes en units verge-livre. 3-GP-855M October/Octobre 1979 Supersedes 3-G

20、P-855 March 1960 PUBLISHED BY CANADIAN GOVERNMENT SPECIFICATIONS BOARD, HULL, QUEBEC K1A OS5 C MINISTER OF SUPPLY AND SERVICES CANADA - 1979 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form mithout the prior permission of the publisher Remplace (F)3-G P- 855 Mars 1960 PUBLIEE PAR LOFFICE DE

21、S NORMES DL GOUVERNEMENT CANADIEN, HULL (auEef K IA os5 C MINISTRE DES APPROVISIONNEMENTS + SERVICES Aucune partie de cette publication ne VO . . . uroduite daucune manire sans la permission pr. 4 I* .diteUr CANADA - 1979 Metric Commission Canada has granted use of the National Symbol for Metric Con

22、version La Commission du systme mtrique C I *,:i , I ,v%teme iutoric lutilisation du symbole national de COILV mtrique A Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 3-GP-855M

23、 79 m 1874650 0014653 57“ m Department of Transport Golden Eagle Canada Ltd. Quebec Hydro imperial Oil Ltd. Department of National Defence Department of Industry and Commerce (Manitoba) Heating, Refrigerating ?search Council of Alberta Relations (Ontario) Atrofina Canada Ltd. jtional Research Counci

24、l of Canada Air Canada CGSBIDSS COMMITTEE ON PETROLEUM PRODUCTS COMIT DES PRODUITS PTROLIERS (Membership at date of approval by the Committee) (Composition la date dapprobation) Alexander, A.M. Archambault, R. Attendu, M.C. Caverhill, J.R. Charanduk, R. Chochinov, N.A. Cryer, S.K. Czornyj, N. Dougla

25、s, P.J. Fairman, A.G.C. Furimsky, Dr E. Grimsey, R.G. Hartwick, Capt D.R. Jones, R.E. Krygsman, L. La bud a, J. MacLeod, J.L. Miller, J. Perry, G.T. Rogers, R.W. Samoil, L.B. Sampath, Dr P. Smith, G.R. Stott, G. Mrs./Mme Turcotte, P. Whyte, Dr R.B. Chairman/Prsident Wittenberg, A. Robinson, R.J. Sec

26、retary/Secrtaire Ministre des Transports Aiqle dor Canada Lte Hydro-Qubec Compagnie ptrolire impriale Lte Miri:stre de la Dfense nationale Ministre de lindustrie et Commerce (Manitoba) Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Institute of Canada Sun Oil Company Ltd. Burmah-Castro1 Canada Ltd. B.P.

27、Ptroles Lte Ministre de lnergie, des Mines et des Ressources Ministre de la Dfense nationale Ministre de la Dfense nationale Ministre de la Dfense nationale Ministre des Pches et Ocans Ministre de lEnvironnement Texaco Canada Lte Texasgulf Canada Ltd. Shell Canada Lte Gulf Oil Canada Lte Ministre de

28、s Transports Pratt & Whitney Aircraft of Can. Ltd. Ministre de la Consommation et du Commerce Conseil de recherches de lAlberta (Ontario) Petrofina Canada Lte Conseil national de recherches du Canada Air Canada ONGUMAS 3-GP-855M Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under licens

29、e with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 3-GP-855M 79 1874650 0014b54 406 CANADIAN GOVERNMENT SPECIFICATIONS BOARD Standard for ETHYLENE GLYCOL, UNINHIBITED 3-GP-855M Octobe r/Octobre 1979 SupersedeslRemplace 3-GP-855 March/Mars i960 OFFICE D

30、ES NORMES DU GOUVERNEMENT CANADIEN Norme THYLNE GLYCOL NON INHIBE 1. SCOPE OBJET 1.1 This standard applies to one grade of uninhibited, ethylene glycol intended for use as a heat transfer fluid. mission de chaleur. La prsente norme sapplique une classe dthylne glycol non inhib destin servir de liqui

31、de de trans- 2. APPILICABLE PUBLICATIONS PUB LI CATIONS APPLICABLES 2.1 The following publications are applicable to this standard. norme. Les publications suivantes sappliquent la prsente 2.1.1 Canadian Government Specifications Board (CGSB) Office des normes du gouvernement canadien (ONGC) 3-GP-0

32、- Methods of Testing Petroleum and Associated Products. 3-GP-0 - Mthodes dessai des produits ptroliers et produits connexes. 2.1.2 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) AnniJai Standards for Engine Antifreezes. Annual Standards for Engine

33、 Antifreezes. E29 - Recommended Practice for Indicating which Places of Figures are to be Considered Significant in Specified Limiting Values. E29 - Recommended Practice for Indicating which Places of Figures are to be Considered Significant in Specified Limiting Values. 2.2 Reference to the above p

34、ublications is to the latest issues. rcente. Ces publications sentendent de ldition la plus 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS EXIGENCES GNRALES 3.1 The material shall consist essentially of ethylene glycol. It shall be clear, colorless and free from suspended matver. de matires en suspension. Le produit doit

35、se composer essentiellement dthy- lene glycol. II doit tre limpide, incolore et exempt 4. DElAI L REQUIREMENTS EXIGENCES PARTICULIRES NOTE: The ethylene glycol shall comply with the following detail requirements: the limits of which are absolute and not subject to correction for tolerance of test me

36、thods (par. 5.41. REMARQUE: Lthylne glycol doit satisfaire aux exigences particulires suivantes dont /es limites sont absolues et ne peuvent tre corriges pour tenir compte des tolrances des mthodes dessai (par. 5.4). 1 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGS

37、BNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 3-GP-855M 79 m L87Yb50 003qb55 342 = 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 Min. O Relative Density at 15 C Distillation IBP, Oc 95 Vol %, “c Dry Point, “C Ash.C7, mass Acidity (a

38、s acetic acid), /c mass Alkalinity to phenolphthalein Chlorine (as NaCI), % mass Sulfate, 72 mass Max. 1.118 - 200 200 209 0.01 0.01 Nil Nant 0.01 0.01 When 50 mL of the ethylene glycol are mixed with 50 mL of distilled water, cooled to -30C and kept at this temperature for one hour with frequent st

39、irring, there shall be no deposition of solid matter. INSPECTION Acceptance Tests - Acceptance tests shall consist of tests for ail requirements of this specification. Acceptance Test Sample - A sample of not less than 1 L shall be provided for acceptance tests and shall be obtained in accordance wi

40、th ASTM D 11 76, Sampling and Preparing Aqueous Solutions of Engine Antifreeze. Testing - The methods of testing shall be those in CGSB 3-GP-0 or in ASTM Standards on Engine Antifreezes as specified, using the procedure prescribed with each requirement. Distillation Range - ASTM D 1078 shall be used

41、 except that the barometric correction is 0.0322“C/O.l kPa, positive for pressures above 101.325 kPa and negative for pressures below 101.325 kPa. Boiling chips may be used if required. Test Method Mthode dessai ASTM D 1122 ASTM D 1078“ ASTM D 11 19 ASTM D 161 3 par. 5.3.2 AI. ASTM D 3634 3-GP-01105

42、.3 Densit relative 15OC Distillation Point initial dbullition 95% en volume distill, “C Point sec, “C Cendres, % en masse Acidit (acide actique) 76 en masse Alcalinit la phnolphtaline Chlore (NaCI) % en masse Sulfate, % en masse Lorsquon mlange 50 mL dthylne glycol et 50 mL deau distille, puis quon

43、refroidit le mlange -30C en le maintenant cette temprature pen- dant une heure et en le remuant frquemment, il ne doit y avoir aucun dpt de matires solides. INSPECTION Essaisde rception - Les essais de rception doivent comprendre les essais relatifs a toutes les exigences de la prsente norme. chanti

44、llon destin aux essais de rception - Un chantillon dau moins 1 L doit &re fourni aux fins dessais de rception. II doit tre prlev con- formment D 1176 de IASTM, Sampling and Preparing Aqueous Solutions for Engine Antifreeze. Essais - Les mthodes dessai sont celles qui sont dcrites dans la norme 3-GP-

45、0 de IONGC ou encore dans la publication de IASTM intitule Standards on Engine Antifreezes suivant les prescriptions, le mode opratoire tant celui qui est prescrit chaque exigen- ce. Intervalle de distillation - Utiliser D 1078 de IASTM, sauf que la correction baromtrique doit tre de 0.0322C/0.1 kPa

46、, positive pour les pressions sup- rieures 101.325 kPa et ngative pour les pressions infrieures 101.325 kPa. Au besoin, se servir de granules bullition. *see par. 5.3.1 Voir al. 5.3.1 2 3-GP-855M Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo repro

47、duction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 3-GP-855M 79 1i874b50 00L4b5b 289 5.3.2 Alkaliniry - Place 50 mL of sample and 50 mL of receritly boiled and cooled distilled water in a flask and add 0.5 mL of phenolphthalein indicator solution. There shall be no evidence of a pink

48、coloration on adding the indicator. 5.4 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.3.1 Assevsrnent of Conformance to the Standard - In respect to tests carried out by the inspection laboratory, average results shall be used if multirle deteiminations are made. For those test methods where repeatability data are given, the average value derived from the individual results that agree with,n the repeatability limits may be used at the discretion of the Inspection Authority, provided an indic


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