CGSB 32 301-M87-CAN CGSB-1987 Canola Meal《菜籽粕》.pdf

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1、NATIONAL STANDARD OF CANADA Ca Canad Office nola ian Gei des no CGSB CAN/CGSB- t32.30L-H87 tt W LB74654 00240b9 T79 Meal ieral Standai mes gnral NORME NATI O NA LE DU CANADA Tourteau de canola Eds Board CGCs les du Canada OGC C ANICGSB-32.30 SupersedesiRemplace CAN/CGSB-32.301-76 bM87 Copyright Cana

2、dian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB- *32.301-M87 * m 1874654 0024070 790 m The CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CGSB), under whose auspices this standard has been develop

3、ed is a government agency within the Federal Department of Supply and Services. The CCSB is engaged in the production of voluntary standards in a wide range of subject areas through the media of standards committees and the consensus process. The standards committees are composed of representatives

4、of relevant interests including producers, consumers and other users, retailers, governments, educational institutions, tech- nical, professional and trade societies, and research and test- ing organizations. Any given standard is developed on the consensus of views expressed by such representatives

5、. The Ministers Advisory Council on CCSB reviews the results of the consensus process. The CCSB has been accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a national standards-writing organization. The standards that it develops and offers as National Standards of Canada conform to the criteria and p

6、rocedures established for this purpose by the Standards Council of Canada. In addition to standards it publishes as national standards, the CGSB produces standards to meet particular needs, in response to requests from a variety of sources in both the public and private sectors. Both CCSB standards

7、and national standards developed by the CGSB are developed in conformance with the policies described in the Policy Manual for the Development and Maintenance of Standards by CCSB. CCSB standards are subject to review and revision at any time, so as to ensure that they keep abreast of technological

8、progress. Suggestions for their improvement, which are al- ways welcome, should be brought to the notice of the stand- ards committees concerned. Changes to standards are issued either as separate amendment sheets or in new editions of standards. An up-to-date listing of CGSB standards, including de

9、tails on latest issues and amendments, and ordering instructions, will be found in the Catalogue of Standards and Qualified Products Lists which is published annually and is available without charge upon request. Although the intended primary application of this standard is stated in its Scope, it i

10、s important to note that it remains the responsibility of the users of the standard to judge its suitabil- ity for their particular purpose. Many tests required by CGSB standards are inherently hazard- ous. The CCSB neither assumes nor accepts any responsibility for any injury or damage that may occ

11、ur during or as the result of tests, wherever performed. The CGSB takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted with any item connected with this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights are entirely

12、 their own responsibility. Further information on the CCSB and its services and stanb ards may be obtained from: The Secretary Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada KIA 1G6 La psente norme a t labore sous les auspices de qui est un organisme fidrai relevant du ministbe des Appro- visionnem

13、ents et Services. LONCC participe la production de normes facultatives dans une gamme tendue de domaines, par lentremise de ses comits des normes qui se prononcent par consensus. Les comits des normes sont composs de reprsentants des groupes intresss aux normes ltude, notamment les fabricants, les c

14、onsommateurs et autres utili- sateurs, les dtaillants, les gouvernements, les institutions denseignement, les associations techniques, professionnelles et commerciales ainsi que les organismes de recherche et des- sai. Chaque norme est labore avec laccord de tous les reprsentants. Le C,onseil consul

15、tatif du Ministre pour IONGC passe en revue les decisions prises par consensus. IOFFICE DES NORMES GENERALES DU CANADA (ONCC), ) Le Conseil canadien des normes a confr IONGC le titre dorganisme rdacteur de normes nationales. En consquence, les normes que lOffice labore et soumet titre de Normes nati

16、onales du Canada se conforment aux critres et procdures tablis cette fin par le Conseil canadien des normes. Outre la publication de normes nationales, IONCC rdige galement des normes visant des besoins particuliers,; la demande de plusieurs organismes tant du secteur prive que du secteur public. Le

17、s normes de IONGC et les normes nationales tablies par cet organisme sont conformes aux politiques nonces dans le Manuel des politiques dlaboration et de mise jour des normes de IONGC. this remains the continuing responsibility of the accredited standards-wnting organization. Those who have a need t

18、o apply standards are encouraged to use National Standards of Canada whenever practicable. These standards are subject to periodic review; therefore, users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition from the organization preparing the standard. The responsibility for approving National Standards of

19、Canada rests with the: Slandards Council of Canada, 350 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontano. K1R 7SB Le CONSEIL CANADIEN DES NORMES est Iorganisme de coordination du Systme de normes nabonales, une fderation dorganismes independants et autonomes qui travatlknt au dveloppement et a lamlioration de la norma

20、lisation volontaire daw lintrt national. Les principaux buts du Conseil sont dencourager et de promouvoir la normalisation volontaire comme moyen damliorer Ieconomte nationale, damliorer la sante, la securite et le bien-etre du public, daider et de proteger le consommateur, de faciliter le commerce

21、national et international et de favoriser la coopration internationale dans le domaine de la normalisation. Une Norme nationale du Canada est une norme, approuv6e par le Conseil canadien des normes, qui reflte une entente raisonnable parmi les points de vue dun certain nombre de personnes comptentes

22、 dont les intrts runis forment, au degr le plus eleve possible, une reprsentation quilibrix? des producteurs, utilisateurs, consommateurs et dautres personnes intresses, selon le domaine envisag. II sagit gnralement dune norme qui peut apporter une contribution apprciable, en temps opportun, a lintr

23、t national. Lapprobation dune norme en tant que Norme nationaie du Canada .indique quelle est conforme aux critres et mthodes tablis par le Conseil canadien des normes. Lapprobation ne porte pas sur laspect technique de la norme; cet aspect demeure la responsibilite de lorganisme rdacteur de normes

24、accrkdite. II est recommand aux personnes qui ont besoin de normes de se servir des Nonnes nationales du Canada lorsque la chose est possibie. Ces normes font Iobjet dexamens priodiques; cest pourquoi il est recommande aux utilisateurs de se procurer lkdfiion b plus rbnte de la norme aupres de Iorga

25、nisme qui la prpare. La responsabilit dapprouver les Normes nationales du Canada incombe au: Conseil canadien des nonnes 350, rue Sparks Ottawa, Ontario. K1R 7S8 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wi

26、thout license from IHS-,-,-NATIONAL STANDARD OF CANADA CANOLA MEAL CGSB CAN/CGSB- m32.302-M87 mx H 1874654 0024072 5b3 m CAN/CGSB-32.301-M87 CANCGSB-32.301-76 Supersedes/Remplace NORME NATIONALE DU CANADA TOURTEAU DE CANOLA Prepared bypreparee par Approved byiApprouve par le Canadian General Standar

27、ds Board sa Standards Council of Canada lOffice des normes gnrales du Canada - Conseil canadien des normes Published April 1987 by the Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 Publie, avril 1987, par lOffice des normes gnrales du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 Minister of Supply and Ce

28、Mces Canada - 1987 No pari of this publication may be reproduced in any fm without the prior permission of the publisher. Ministre des Approvisionnements et SeMces Canada - 1987 Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite daucune manire sans la permission prbiabk de IWir. S Copyright C

29、anadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB- *32.30L-M8? tt W 3874654 0024073 4TT CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD OFFICE DES NORMES GNRALES DU CANADA COMMITTEE ON CANOLA MEAL

30、COMIT DU TOURTEAU DE CANOLA (Membership at date of approval) (Composition la date dapprobation) Canbra Foods Ltd. Technical University of Nova Scotia Canola Crushers of Western Canada POS Pilot Plant Corporation Canadian Feed Industry Association Campbell, Dr S.J. Chairmaniprsident Ackman, Dr R.G. B

31、roeska, R. Carr, R. Creighton, B. Canadian Grain Commission Department of Regional Industrial Expansion Department of Supply and Services Daun, Dr J. DeLeeuw, A.J. Doust, W .H. Interprovincial Cooperative Ltd. CSP Foods Ltd. Department of Agriculture University of Guelph Canadian Coast Guard Departm

32、ent of Agriculture Canola Council of Canada Ralston Purina Canada Inc. Maple Leaf Monarch NARP Processors Ltd. Grain Marketing Bureau Canadian General Standards Board Ducken, B. Dyck, J. Ho, Dr S.K. Leeson, Dr S. MacKay, B.F. McGregor, Dr D.I. McGregor, E. Ms./Mme McLaughlin, D.R. McNamara, J. Patel

33、, N. Sigal, S. Siikanen, E. Ms./Mme Secretary/Secrtaire Canbra Foods Ltd. Universit technique de Nouvelle-cosse Canola Crushers of Western Canada POS Pilot Plant Corporation Association canadienne des industries de lalimentation animale Commission canadienne des grains Ministre de lExpansion industr

34、ielle rgionale Ministre des Approvisionnements et Interprovincial Cooperative Ltd. CSP Foods Ltd. Ministre de lAgriculture Universit de Guelph Garde ctire canadienne Ministre de lAgriculture Conseil de canola du Canada Services Ralston Purina Canada Inc. Maple Leaf Monarch NARP Processors Ltd. Burea

35、u de commercialisation des grains Office des normes gnrales du Canada Acknowledgement is made for the French translation of this National Standard of Canada by the Translation Bureau of the Deparimeni of the Secretary of State. Nous remercions i8 Bureau des traductions du Secrtariat &Etat de ia trad

36、uction franase de b prsente Nom nationale du Canada. CANICGSB-32301 -Ma7 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB- f32.30L-fl87 ff = 1874654 0024074 336 i. 1.1 2.

37、 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.2 3. 3.1 CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDSBOARD CANICGSB-32.301 -M87 CANICGSB-32.301-76 SupersedesiRem place OFFICE DES NORMES GNRALESDUCANADA CANOLA MEAL TOURTEAU DE CANOLA SCOPE OBJET This standard applies to canola meal intended to be La presente norme sa

38、pplique au tourteau de canola destin used as feed. Canola meal is obtained from the a tre employe dans lalimentation du btail. Le tourteau de processing of commercial canola seed derived from canola resulte de la transformation de la graine commerciale the species Brassica napos L. or Brassica campe

39、stris de canola a partir des espces Brassica napus L. ou L., or both, by an expellerisolvent or solvent extraction Brassica campestris L., ou les deux, par pressoir/solvant ou method. par la mthode dextraction au solvant. APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS APPLICABLES The following publications ar

40、e applicable to this Les publications suivantes sappliquent a la presente norme: standard: Canadian General Standards Board CANiCGSB-8.1 - Sieves, Testing, Woven Wire, Inch CANiCGSB-8.1 - Tamis de contrle en toile mtallique, Canadian Coast Guard Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes. Canadian

41、 Grain Commission, Grain Research Commission canadienne des grains, Laboratoire de Laboratory recherches sur les grains Glucosinolate Analysis of Rapeseed and Canola. Department of Agriculture Canada Feeds Act and Regulations. Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Trade Mark Register, Registr

42、ation No. 243,139. American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS) Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC. Office des normes generales du Canada Series. non mtriques. Garde ctire canadienne Code of Safe Practice fo

43、r Solid Bulk Cargoes. Glucosinolate Analysis of Rapeseed and Canola. Ministre de lAgriculture Loi et Rglement sur les aliments du btail. Ministre de la Consommation et des Corporations Registre des marques de commerce, no denregistrement American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS) Official and Tentative Me

44、thods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC. 243,139. Reference to the above publications is to the latest issues. The sources for these publications are shown in the Notes section. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS In addition to meeting the req

45、uirements of this standard, canola meal shall meet the relevant requirements of the publications specified in par. 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4 and 2.1.5. Ces publications sentendent de ldition la plus rcente. La source de diffusion est indiqu dans la section intitule Remarques. EXIGENCES GNRALES En plus de

46、satisfaire aux exigences de la prsente norme, le tourteau de canola doit se conformer aux exigences applicables des documents prescrits aux al. 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4 et 2.1.5. 1 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networkin

47、g permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.2 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 5. 5.1 5.2 The canola meal shall be of fair merchantable quality, free flowing and substantially free from flammable solvent, chaff, dirt and other impurities. DETAtL REQUIREMENTS The canola meal shall contain not more than 30 pol of any on

48、e or any mixture of 3-butenyl glucosinolate, 4-pentenyl glucosinolate, 2-hydroxy- 3-butenyi glucosinolate and 2-hydroxy-4-pentenyl glucosinolate per gram sample when sampled and analyzed as specified in section 5. Canola meal shall conform to the requirements given in Table 1 when sampled and analyzed as specified in section 5. TABLE 1 Detail Requlrements for Canola Meal Characteristic Requirements Protein, % by mass, min. Oil (Fat), Yo by mass, max. 35 4 Moisture, Oh by mass, max. Crude Fibre, 10 by mass, max. Glucosinolate, poi/g of sample, max. Meal Screen Analysis - At least 90% by ma


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