CGSB 49 6-M78-CAN CGSB SUPP 1-1991 Application of the Canada Standard System for the Sizing of Girls- and Boys- Apparel.pdf

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1、CGSB CAN/CGSB- 49.6-178 * L8711b50 00072119 299 1 NATIONAL STANDARD OF CANADA SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO CANlCGSB-49.6- M78 APPLICATION OF ME CANADA STANDARD SYSTEM FOR THE SIZING OF GIRLS AND BOYS APPAREL This supplement provides additional information to CANlCGS8-49.6-M78. It consists of imperial size in

2、dicator body measurements for girls and boys and may be used in mnjunaion with the dimensional standards for chiklrens, girls and boys garments. This information is not mandatory in the application of CANICGSB-49.6-M78. CAWCGSB-49.6478 Supplement No. 11 Supplement no 1 JuneIJuin 1991 NORME NATIONALE

3、 DU CANADA SUPPLEMENT No I A CANICGSB-49.6-M78 APPLICATION DU SYSTEME DE TAILLES CANADA STANDARD DES VETEMENTS POUR FILLES ET GARCONS Le present supplenent enonce des renseignements q-i saiourern a la none CAN/CGSE49.6-M78. II comarend lesmesures du corps, en unites imriales, dete&inanl la taiile de

4、s garpns et des filles, et peut 6tre utiiise de concert avec les nones dimensionneiles pour vetemenis denfants, de filles et de garqons. Ces renseignements ne constituent pas une exigence obligatoire pour la mlse en vigueur de CANICGSB-49.6-M78. Prepared by/Prbpa& par Approved by/Approuv& par le Can

5、adian General Standards Board -9 Standards Council of Canada IOffice des normes generales du Canada Conseil canadien des normes Published June 1991 by the Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada KIA 1G6 Publiee, juin 1991, par IOffice des normes generales du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1 A 1 G6 O

6、MiniSter Of Sum and Swvks Canada - 1991 Emisbe des Appmvlsionnemenls st Services Canada - 1991 0 No part of this publicailon may be reproduced in any form Aucunw panie de cene publica6on ne peut &e reproduite without lhw prior mission of the publisher. daueune manibe sans ia permission pr6alable de

7、Iaiteur. Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB- 49.b-M78 * I LA74650 0007250 TOO II CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD OFFICE DES NORMES GENEWS DU CANADA COMMITE

8、E ON GARMENT SIZES FOR CHILDREN AND INFANTS corr DES TAILLES DE VETEMEMS POUR ENFANTS FT BBES (Membership at date of approval) (Composition 2 la date $approbation) Sears Canada Inc. The Retail Research Labcratories I d Canada Canadian Home Economics Association Apparel Manufacturers Asscciation of O

9、ntario Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs L. Davis Textiles Hudsons Bay Company Apparel Technical Seces Consumers Association of Canada 0 Can“ The T. Eaton Ccmpany Ltd. Consultant Gdon Fraser Consultant Universiiy of Guelph Canadian General Standards Board Baker. S. Mn./Mm ChairpersoWPresi

10、dente Boyd, J. Boynton, E. Mrsm“ Bryan. F.J. Cosrnan, V. MsJMme Davis, K. Hagerman. A. MsJMma Hidunan, P. Humphries, M. MsJMma Jack, C. MsJMm Kondo. Y. MsJW Liesmer-Cape, J. MSJW McMurran, 3. Staples, M.L Wall, Dr M. Bideshi, D.k Secretary/Seutalre Sears Canada Inc. Les Laboratoires canadiens pour l

11、a recherche du commerce de dhil !-Association canadienne dbconomie famiiiale Apparel Manufacturers Association of Ontario Minissre des Consommateun et des Societds L Davis Textiles Compagnie de la Baie dHudson Apparel Technical Services Association des consommateurs du Canada La Compagnie T. Eaton C

12、anada Ltee Grafton Fraser Expert-mnseil Universitb de Gueiph Office des nones gbnerales du Canada Advlowledgrnenl is made for the French translation of this National Standard of Canada by the Translation Bureau of the Department of the Smretary of State. Nous remercions le Bureau des iraductions du

13、Sacrbtariaf dttat de la tradudion franse de la prasente Norme nationale du Canada Supplement No. 1 to CANICGSE4S.6M78 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB- 11


15、 3 4 5 6 6X 7 6 10 12 14 16 + Les val6iba lnrdrqveaz sont der Bquivalem, A 1/4p pr&, des mByIres &h?que.s mntenuss dm la me CAUICGSB-49.6-M78. “ C0iwsp-d B une jamL?e moyanne. “CcnespMlautDurdetailedelainure&colps. CODE DE TAlUE TCS 2 3 4 5 6 6X 7 8 10 12 14 16 MESURESDUCORPS MESURESOUCORPS Tourde t

16、aille- 19-114 1W4 20 20-112 10-34 21-114 21-112 21-314 22-314 23-314 24-34 2544 Hauteur de taille“ I9 21 23 25 27 28 29-114 30-114 32-34 36114 37-114 37-314 Tour de poitrine 21-114 22 22-34 23-112 24-112 24-34 25-1/4 26 27-112 29-114 30-34 32-114 Tour de hanches 19-34 20-3/4 21-244 22-34 23-112 24-1

17、/2 24-1/2 25-12 27-1/2 29-112 31-112 33-12 Tourde hanches 19-314 2034 27-34 22-34 23-112 24-112 24-V2 25-12 27-112 29-112 31 -112 33-11:! Hauteur de taille“ 19 21 23 25 27 28 24114 30-114 33-314 36-114 37-114 373/4 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot

18、 for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB- 49.b-B7B * I lr87rlb50 0007252 883 1 APPENDIX A CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD CANADA STANDARD SEES CHILDRENS STANDARDS IMPERIAL SlZE INDICATOR BODY MEASUREMENTS* GIRLS - REGULAR RANGE All dimensions are

19、 in inches. UPPER PART OR WHOLE BODY LOWER PART OF BODY CSS SIZE CODE 2 3 4 5 6 6X 7 8 10 12 14 16 Values given are the approximate imperial equivalenn of the msmb measurements mntajned m CAAVCGSB49.6-M78, accurate to !be nearest 1/4 in. Corresponds m regular leg. “ Corresponds to lower My waist gim

20、. css SIZE CODE 2 3 4 s 6 6X 7 8 10 12 14 16 BODY DIMENSIONS Chest Girth 21-114 22 22-34 23-112 24-112 24-34 25-114 26 27-112 29-114 30-34 32-114 BODY DIMENSIONS Chest Girth“ 1 9-1 14 1 9-314 20 20-112 10-314 21-114 21-1l2 21-34 22-314 23-314 24-314 25-314 Hip Girth 19-314 20-34 21-314 22-34 23-1R 2

21、4-112 24-11:! 25-112 27-112 29-112 31-112 33-112 Waist Height* 19 21 23 25 27 28 24114 30.114 33-34 36-114 37-114 37-34 Hip Girth 19-34 20-314 21-314 22-314 23-1/2 24-1/2 24-1M 25-112 27-112 29-112 31-1/2 33-112 Waist Height“ 19 21 23 25 27 28 29-114 30-114 33-314 36-114 37-114 37-314 Copyright Cana

22、dian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB- 47.b-N78 * I 1874b50 0007253 71T I OFFICE DES NORMES GERALES DU CANADA NORMES RELATIVES AUX TAIUES CANADA STANDARD WUR ENFAMS MESURES

23、DU CORPS D-RMINANT LA TAIUE EN UNITES IMPERIALES* GARCONS - TAILLE MOYENNE PARTIE SUPIEURE OU TOTAL& DU CORPS MESURES DU CORPS CODE DE TAILLE Tourde Tour de Hauteur Hauteur TCS pitrine hanches de de taille“ fwrche“ 2 22 1W4 19 - 3 22-34 20-34 21 - 4 23-112 21-314 23 - 5 24- 22-3/4 25 - 6 25-114 2511

24、2 27 - 6X 1 24-1R 2&1/4 - 7 26 24-112 - 21112 8 2S3/4 25112 - 22-112 10 28-1/4 27-1/2 - 25-114 12 30 291R - 27-34 14 31-112 31-112 - 29 16 33 33-112 - 29-34 18 34-34 351R - 30-112 20 36-114 37-112 - 31 Toutes les mesures sont en pouces. MESURES DU CORPS CODE DE TAILLE Tourde Tourde Hauteur Hauteur T

25、CS taille- hanches de de Les Milem MiquBes sani des Bquivalem, B 114 pc pr& des mesures mdiriques mntenues dans la mnne CAN/CGSB49.&M78. “ Conespond B une lambe nmyenne. “ ConespMd au iwr de taille de /a perse infMeure du wrps. Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license

26、 with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB- ti9.b-M78 * I 187r1b50 0007254 b5b I APPENDIX B CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD CANADA STANDARD SaES CHILDRENS STANDARDS IMPERIAL SlZE INDICATOR BODY MEASUREMENTS BOYS - REGULAR RANGE Ail dim

27、ensions are in inches. .* corresponds 8, mguiar leg. - Ckesponds to lower body waist girth UPPER PART OR WHOLE BODY LOWER PART OF BODY Supplement No. 1 to CAWCGSB-49M CSS SIZE CODE 2 3 4 5 6 6X 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Values given am the approximate imperial equivalenis of the mefrk measurements conta

28、jnsd in CAWCGSB-49.6-M78, accurate to !he nearest 1/4 In. CSS SIZE Code 2 3 4 5 6 6X 7 8 10 12 14 16 16 20 BODY DIMENSIONS BODY DIMENSIONS Chest GirUl 22 22-34 23-1R 24-1R 25-114 25-112 26 2644 28114 30 31112 33 34314 36-114 Waist Girth“ 20 20-112 20-34 21-114 21-34 22 22-112 22-314 23-314 24-314 25

29、-314 26-34 27-314 28-314 Hip Girth 19-314 20-34 21-34 22-314 23-112 24-112 24-112 25112 27-112 29-112 31-112 33-112 35-112 37-112 Hip Girth 19-314 20-314 21-314 22-314 23-112 24112 24112 25-112 27-112 24112 31-112 333-112 35-112 37.112 Waist Height“ 19 21 23 25 27 28114 - - - - - - - - Waist Height“

30、 19 21 23 25 27 28-114 - - - - - - - - Cmlch Height“ - - - - - - 21-112 22-112 25-114 27-314 29 29-314 30-112 31 Crotch Height“ - - - - - - 21-112 22-112 25-114 27-314 29 24314 30-1 12 31 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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