1、Standard for: Norme: Doors, Steel, Contre-portes Combination en acier, avec Storm and moustiquaire Screen This standard contains requirements La prsente norme comprend les exi- and test methods for materials, gences et les mthodes dessai relati- construction and performance of ves aux matriaux, la c
2、onstruction et combination storm and screen doors au rendement des contre-portes avec intended primarily for residential moustiquaire, destines essentielle- construct ion. ment la construction domiciliaire. 82-GP-4M June/Juin 1979 Supersedes 82-GP-4a October 1974 Remplace (F)82-GP-4a Octobre 1974 Co
3、pyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 82-GP-YM 79 M 1874650 0023308 TOT M The CANADIAN GOVERNMENT SPEC1 F ICATI ONS BOARD, under whose auspices this standard has been dev
4、eloped, is a federal government agency engaged in the production of voluntary standards in a wide range of subject areas through the medium of standards committees and the consensus process. The standards committees are representative of relevant interests including producers, consumers and other us
5、ers, re- tailers, governments, educational institutions, technical, professional and trade societies, and research and testing organizations. The CGSB has been accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a national standards- writing organization. The standards that it develops and offers as Na
6、tional Standards of Canada conform to the criteria and procedures established for this pur- pose by the Standards Council of Canada. In addition to standards it publishes as National Standards, CGSB produces standards to meet particular needs, in response to requests from a variety of sources in bot
7、h the public and private sectors, La prsente norme a t labore sous les auspices de lOFFICE DES NORMES DU GOUVERNEMENT CANADIEN dont les comits des normes, qui se pro- noncent la majorit des voix, rdigent des normes facultatives intressant les domaines les plus divers. Les comits des normes sont comp
8、oss de groupes intresss aux normes ltude, notamment les fabricants, les consommateurs et autres usagers, les dtaillants, les gouvernements, les institutions denseignement, les associations techniques, professionnelles et commer- ciales, ainsi que les organismes de recherche et dessai. Le Conseil can
9、adien des normes a confr IONGC le titre dorganisme rdacteur de normes nationales. En consquence, les normes que lOffice labore et soumet titre des normes canadiennes se conforment aux critres et procdures tablies cette fin par le Conseil canadien des normes. Outre la publication de normes nationales
10、, IONGC rdige galement des normes visant des besoins particuliers la demande de plusieurs orga- nismes tant du secteur priv que du secteur public. Although the intended primary application of each standard is stated in its Definition or Scope clause, it is important to note that it remains the respo
11、nsibility of the user of the standard to judge its suitability for his particular purpose. Mme si la dfinition ou lobjet de chaque norme dter- mine de faon prcise lapplication premire que lon peut en faire, il faut remarquer cependant quil incombe lusager, au tout premier chef, de dcider si la norme
12、 peut servir aux fins quil envisage. CGSB standards are subject to periodic review to ensure that they keep abreast of technological progress. Sug- gestions for their improvement, which are always welcome, are brought to the notice of the standards committees concerned. Changes to standards are issu
13、ed either as separate amendment sheets or in revised edi- tions of the standards. tant donn lvolution technique, les normes de IONGC font lobjet de rvisions priodiques. Toutes les suggestions susceptibles den amliorer la teneur sont accueillies avec grand intrt et portes lattention des comits des no
14、rmes concerns. Les changements apports aux normes sont publis sous la forme de modificatifs distincts, ou incorpors dans les ditions rvises des normes. An up-to-date listing of CGSB standards, including details on latest issues and amendments, and ordering instructions, will be found in the Catalogu
15、e of Standards which is published annually, with a supplement, and is available without charge upon request. Une liste jour des normes de IONGC comprenant des renseignements sur les normes rcentes et les derniers modificatifs parus et sur la faon de se les procurer figure au Catalogue des normes pub
16、li chaque anne avec un supplment. Cette publication est gratuite et tout intress peut en faire la demande. Further information on the CGSB and its services and standards may be obtained from: Pour de plus amples renseignements sur IONGC, ses services et ses normes, sadresser : Canadian Government Sp
17、ecifications Board Hull, Qubec Canada K1A OS5 LOffice des normes du gouvernement canadien Hull (Qubec) Canada K1A OS5 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_ CGSB 82-GP-4M 7
18、9 W 1874650 0021309 946 W Specifications Board STANDARD FOR: DOORS, STEEL, COMBINATION STORM AND SCREEN Office des normes NORME: CONTRE-PORTES EN ACIER, AVEC MO UST I QUAI R E This standard is expressed in SI (Metric) units in Les valeurs de la prsente norme sont exprimes en response to the requirem
19、ents of Canadas metric units SI (mtriques) conformment aux exigences conversion program. By agreement with the Com- du Programme canadien de conversion au systme mittee on Metal Combination Doors it supersedes mtrique. Le comit des contre-portes en mtal 82-GP-4a, October 1974 which expressed the req
20、uire- est daccord que la prsente remplace la norme ments in yard/pound units. (F)82-GP-4a doctobre 1974 dont les valeurs taient exprimes en units verge-livre. 82-GP-4M June/Juin 1979 Supersedes 82-GP-4a October 1974 Remplace (F)82-GP-4a Octobre 1974 PUBLISHED BY CANADIAN GOVERNMENT SPECIFICATIONS BO
22、a autoris National Symbol for Metric Conversion lutilisation du symbole national de conversion au systme mtrique. D Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-COMMITTEE ON METAL
23、COMBINATION DOORS COMITE DES CONTRE-PORTES EN METAL (Membership at date of approval by the Committee) (Composition la date dapprobation) Alberta Labour BMP Assessors Ltd. Department of Public Works Insulated Glass Manufacturers Association Warnock Hersey International Ltd. Department of National Def
24、ence Labra Door Ltd. Indal Ltd. Alcan-Price Extrusions Ltd. Reynolds Extrusion Co. Ltd. Ideal Builders Hardware Corporation Gazebo Manufacturing Inc. Department of National Defence Humphrey Products of Winnipeg Ltd. Department of Transport Association provinciale de lindustrie du bois ouvr du Qubec
25、Inc. Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation National Research Council of Canada Rusco of Canada Ltd. Department of Consumer and Corporate Alcan Building Products Wescraft Manufacturing Ltd. Canadian Government Specifications Board of Canada Affairs Aikman, A.J. M. Allan, B.C. Barber, R. Butler, E.
26、P. Chell, M.F. Coulson, B.K. Davidson, C. Davis, R.S. Gibson, J.M. Groves, G. Jospe, J, D. Lucas, R.E. McGregor, K.S. Pubantz, A. Rice, T. Roy, C. Cawers, J.W. Solvason, K. R. Tanti, J.E. Virtue, W.R. Wilding, M.F. Young, B. Balcome, G.H. Secretary/Secrtaire Ministre du Travail, Alberta BMP Assessor
27、s Ltd. Ministre des Travaux publics Association canadienne des fabricants de Warnock Hersey International Ltd. Ministre de la Dfense nationale Labra Door Ltd. Indal Ltd. Alcan-Price Extrusions Ltd. La Cie de Profils Reynolds Lte Ideal Builders Hardware Corporation Gazebo Manufacturing Inc. Ministre
28、de la Dfense nationale Humphrey Products of Winnipeg Ltd. Ministre des Transports Association provinciale de lindustrie du bois ouvr du Qubec Inc. Socit centrale dhypothques et de logement Conseil national de recherches du Canada Rusco of Canada Ltd. Ministre de la Consommation et des Produits de bt
29、iments Alcan Wescraft Manufacturing Ltd. Office des normes du gouvernement canadien double vitrage Corporations 82-GP-4M Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1. sc CGSB 82-
30、GP-4M 79 1874650 0021311 5T4 82-GP-4M JunelJuin 1979 SupersedeslRemplace 82-GP-4a OctoberIOctobre 1974 CANADIAN GOVERNMENT SPECIFICATIONS BOARD Standard for DOORS, STEEL, COMBINATION STORM AND SCREEN E 1.1 This standard contains requirements and test methods for materials, construction and performan
31、ce of com- bination storm and screen doors intended primarily for residential construction. The doors are of steel construction with self-storing or interchangeable glass and screen inserts complete with hardware. 2. APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS 2.1 The following publications are applicable to this stand
32、ard: 2.1.1 Canadian Government Specifications Board (CGSB) 1-GP-71 - Methods of Testing Paints and Pigments CAN2-12.1-M -Glass, Safety, Tempered or Lami- CAN2-12.1 l-M - Glass, Wired, Safety CAN2-12.12-M - Performance of Plastic Safety 19-GP-5M - Sealing Compound, One Component, 19-GP-9M - Sealing C
33、ompound, One Component, 19-GP-13M - Sealing Compound, One Component, 19-GP-16M - Sealing Compound, One Component, 19-GP-18M - Sealing Compound, One Component, nated Glazing Material Acrylic Base, Solvent Curing Silicone Base, Chemical Curing Polysulphide Base, Chemical Curing Polyurethane Base, Chem
34、ical Curing Silicone Base, Solvent Curing 19-GP-25M - Sealing Compound, One Component, 19-GP-26M - Sealing Compound, One Component, Polysulphide Base, Air Curing Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene Base (for Exterior use only) 31-GP-105M - Coating, Conversion, Zinc Phosphate, for Paint Base 31-GP-115 - Co
35、ating, Conversion, Chromate, for Zinc and Cadmium 41-GP-19M - Extrusions, Vinyl, Rigid, for Windows and Doors OBJET OFFICE DES NORMES DU GOUVERNEMENT CANADIEN Norme CONTRE-PORTES EN ACIER, AVEC MOUSTIQUAIRE La prsente norme comprend les exigences et les m- thodes dessai relatives aux matriaux, la co
36、nstruc- tion et au rendement des contre-portes avec mousti- quaire, destines essentiellement la construction domiciliaire. Les portes sont faites en acier et sont munies de contre-fentres incorpores ou interchan- geables avec moustiquaire y compris les ferrures. PUBLICATIONS APPLICABLES Les publicat
37、ions suivantes sappliquent la prsente norme: Office des normes du gouvernement canadien (ONGC) 1-GP-71 - Mthodes dessai des peintures et pigments CAN2-12.1-M - Verre de scurit, tremp ou lamin CAN2-12.1 I-M - Verre de scurit, arm CAN2-12.12-M - Qualit de vitrage de scurit en plastique 19-GP-5M - Mast
38、ic dtanchit, un seul composant, base acrylique, polymrisation par solvant 19-GP-9M - Mastic dtanchit, un seul composant, base de silicone, polymrisation chimique 19-GP-13M - Masticdtanchit, un seul composant, base de polysulfure, polymrisation chimique 19-GP-16M - Mastic dtanchit, un composant, base
39、 de polyurthanne polymrisation chimique 19-GP-18M - Mastic dtanchit, un seul composant, base de silicone, polymrisation par vaporation du solvant base de polysulfure, polymrisation par lair base de polythylne chlorosulfon (pour utiliser lextrieur seulement) 31-GP-105M - Revtement de conversion, phos
40、phate de zinc, base de peinture 31-GP-115 - Revtement de conversion, chromate et phosphate, pour les surfaces de zinc ou de cadmium 41-GP-19M - Profils vinyliques rigides pour fentres et portes 19-GP-25M - Mastic dtanchit, un composant, 19-GP-26M - Mastic dtanchit, un composant, 1 Copyright Canadian
41、 General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 2-GP-4M 79 = L874650 002L3L2 430 m 41-GP-20M - Nonrigid Vinyl Extrusions, for 79-GP-1M - Screens, Aluminum Frame, Window Windows and Doors 41-GP-20M
42、 - Profils vinyliques souples pour fentres 79-GP-1M - Moustiquaires, cadre en aluminium, pour 82-GP-3M - Contre-portes en aluminium, avec mous- et portes fentres tiquaire 82-GP-3M - Doors, Aluminum, Combination, Storm and Screen Canadian Standards Association (CSA) 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 3. 3.1 3.1.1
43、 4. 4.1 2 Association canadienne de normalisation (ACNOR) HZ.11 - Zinc Base Alloy Die Castings HZ.11 - Zinc Base Alloy Die Castings The Aluminum Association (AA) The Aluminum Association (AA) Aluminum Standards and Data Aluminum Standards and Data American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Am
44、erican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A 93 - Specification for Zinc Coated Sheets A 164 - Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Steel A 165 - Electrodeposited Coatings of Cadmium on A 366 - Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets, Commer- B 117 -Salt Spray (Fog) Testing D 659 - Method of Evaluating
45、 Degree of Resistance to Chalking of Exterior Paints D 660 - Method of Evaluating Degree of Resistance to Checking of Exterior Paints D 661 - Method of Evaluating Degree of Resistance to Cracking of Exterior Paints D 1005 - Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Organic Coatings Steel cial Quality A 9
46、3 -Specification for Zinc Coated Sheets A 164 - Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Steel A 165 - Electrodeposited Coatings of Cadmium on A 366 - Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets, Commer- B 117 - Salt Spray (Fog) Testing D 659 - Method of Evaluating Degree of Resistance to Chalking of Exterior Paint
47、s D 660 - Method of Evaluating Degree of Resistance to Checking of Exterior Paints D 661 - Method of Evaluating Degree of Resistance to Cracking of Exterior Paints D 1005 - Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Organic Coatings Steel cial Quality Reference to the above publications is to the latest i
48、ssues unless otherwise specified by the authority applying this standard. Sauf indication contraire de lautorit appliquant la prsente norme, ces publications sentendent de Idi- tion la plus rcente. CLASSI FICATION CLASSI FICATION Steel combination doors according to this standard shall be of the following types as specified (par. 6.1): Les contre-portes en acier avec moustiquaire, fournies sur rfrence la prsente norme, doivent tre livres dans les types suivants qui sont prescrits (par. 6.1): Type 1 - Se