CIE 129-1998 Guide for Lighting Exterior Work Areas《外部工作区的照明指南》.pdf

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2、129-ENGL 1998 W 900b145 000594b by0 CIE 129 - 1998 This Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 5-13 of Division 5 “Exterior and other lighting applications“ and has been approved by the Board of Administration of the Commission Internationale de IEclairage for study and applic

3、ation. The document reports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The l

4、atest CIE Proceedings or CIE NEWS should be consulted regarding possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 5-13 de la Division 5 “Eclairage extrieur et autres applications“ et a et approuve par le Bureau dAdministration de la Commission Internationale d

5、e IEclairage, pour tude et application. Le document traite des connaissances courantes et de lexprience dans le domaine spkifique indiqub de la lumire et de lclairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. II faut cependant noter que ce document est indica

6、tif et non obligatoire. Pour connatre dventuels amendements, consulter les plus rcents comptes rendus de la CIE ou le CIE NEWS. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE Technischen Komitee 5-13 der Division 5 “Aussenbeleuchtung und andere Lichtanwendungen“ ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Commission

7、Internationale de IEclairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet ber den derzeitigen Stand des Wissens und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da das

8、Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte oder das CIE NRNS sollten im Hinblick auf mogliche sptere hderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the comp

9、ilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprehensive. Toute mention dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Etwhnung

10、von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE. Obgleich groe Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mglich, da diese nicht vollstndig sind. O CIE 1998 II - STD-CIE L29-ENGL 1998 900bL45 0005947 527 CIE 1

11、29 - 1998 Foreword The following members of TC 5-1 3 Lighting of Exterior Work Areas of CIE Division 5 took part in the preparation of this technical report: Members J Howth (Chairman) P Schwan (Secretary) P K Bandyopadhyay (Editor) J-H Audestad R S Beckford T Dri B Prejac P Pylvninen G Quere J Robe

12、rge P Spearing Consultants J-M Dijon M Isomura R San Martin B Weis Editors P K Bandyopadhyay J Horvth P Schwan Hungary Hungary India Noway USA Hungary Slovenia Finland France Canada Great Britain Belgium Japan Spain Germany India Hungary Hungary . STD-CIE 129-ENGL 1998 = 900bL45 0005748 4b3 CIE 129

13、. 1998 Table of Contents FOREWORD CONTENTS SUMMARY RESUME ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 111 IV v v v 1 . Introduction . 1 2 . 3 . 4 5 . Basic requirements . 1 2.1 2.2 Illuminance and luminance 1 Uniformity of illuminance 1 2.3 Glare limitation . 1 2.4 Colour quality . 4 2.5 Maintenance . 4 2.6 Environmental aspec

14、ts 5 2.7 Design 6 2.8 Measurement . 6 General values for exterior work areas 7 Application tables 9 4.1 Building sites 9 4.2 4.3 Canals and locks 9 Filling and service stations . 9 4.4 Harbours . 10 Industrial yards and storage areas . 10 4.6 Parking lots . 11 Petrochemical industries and other haza

15、rdous industries . 11 4.5 4.7 4.8 Power. electricity, gas, and heat plants 12 4.9 Railway areas 12 4.10 Saw mills . 14 4.11 Shipyards and docks 14 4.12 Water and sewage plants . 15 Bibliography . 16 IV CIE 129 - 1998 Guide for lighting exterior work areas Summary The present document updates and rep

16、laces Publication CIE 68-1986 “Guide to the lighting of exterior working areas“. The values published are based on illuminance concept. Further to the average maintained illuminance and minimum to average ratio, the minimum to maximum ratio was introduced. Glare is limited by Glare Rating (GR), The

17、values are “maintained“ and determined to achieve efficient working conditions, safe movement and traffic and safety/security of people and property. Work areas are divided into twelve sections and listed in the Application Tables. Attention is focused on design values. Other topics, as colour quali

18、ty, maintenance, environmental aspects, design and measurement are only mentioned in this paper, detailed recommendations or standards are to be sought for in relevant CIE and IS0 publications. Guide pour dclairage des lieux de travail lextrieur Rsum Le prsent document est une mise jour de la public

19、ation CIE 68-1986 .Guide de lclairage des lieux de travail lextrieur“, et la remplace. Les valeurs indiques sont bases sur le concept de lclairement. En plus de lclairement moyen maintenir et du rapport entre les clairements minimum et moyen, le rapport entre les clairements minimum et maximum t int

20、roduit. La notion dblouissement est definie par lindice dblouissement dincapacit (GR). Les valeurs sont des valeurs . maintenif et fixes pour permettre laccomplissement efficace du travail, la scurit des dplacements et de la circulation, ainsi que la scurit des personnes et des biens. Les lieux de t

21、ravail sont rpartis en douze sections et indiques dans le tableau dapplication. Lattention est attire sur les valeurs prendre lors de ltablissement du projet. Dautres sujets, comme la qualit des couleurs, la maintenance, les aspects environnementaux, ltude et les mesures sont seulement mentionnes da

22、ns ce texte, les normes et recommandations dtailles sont rechercher dans les publications CIE et IS0 appropries. Leitfaden zur Beleuchtung von Arbeitspltzen im Freien Zusammenfassung Das vorliegende Dokument ist eine Neuauflage und ersetzt die Publikation CIE 68-1986 “Leitfaden zur Beleuchtung von A

23、rbeitspltzen im Freien“. Die verffentlichten Werte basieren auf dem Begriff Beleuchtungsstrke. Zustzlich zur durchschnittlich aufrechterhaltenen Beleuchtungsstarke (Wartungswert) und zum Minimum- Durchschnitt-Verhaltnis wurde das Minimum-Maximum-Verhltnis eingefuhrt. Blendung wird laut der Blendungs

24、bemessungsformel (GR) begrenzt. Die Werte sind als Wartungswerte zu verstehen, und wurden festgelegt, um effiziente Arbeitsbedingungen, sichere Fortbewegung und Verkehrssicherheit sowie Sicherheit von Personen und Eigentum zu erreichen. Die Arbeitspltze werden in 12 Bereiche eingeteilt und in den An

25、wendungstabellen aufgelistet. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird den Planungswerten gewidmet. Andere Themen, wie Farbqualitt, Instandhaltung, Umweltaspekte, Planung und Messung, werden in dieser Arbeit nur erwhnt, fr detaillierte Empfehlungen oder Normen sind die relevanten CIE und ISO- Publikationen zu

26、konsultieren. V STD-CIE 129-ENGL 1998 m 900bl145 0005950 O11 m CIE 129 - 1998 1. Introduction The aim of this document is to provide guidance for the design of lighting for exterior work areas. It gives criteria for appropriate lighting values only. The designer must take into account all the other

27、requirements of the authorities concerned. The objectives of lighting for exterior work areas are to ensure: - efficient working conditions, - safe movement and traffic, - safety and security of people and property. 2. Basic requirements 2.7 Illuminance and luminance Visual performance improves with

28、 an increase in the size of details examined, the luminance contrast between details and the adaptation level (.e. the average background luminance). Characteristics of the object examined can rarely be changed, but are worth considering, whenever possible. For example, larger signs, light colours a

29、gainst dark background or vice versa. The visual environment is generally too complex to allow a calculation of luminance. As luminance is defined as an effect of illuminance on a surface with certain reflection properties, illuminance is generally used as design criterion. Illuminance values in thi

30、s guide are generally considered as horizontal values at the height of the work task. If it is not known, use 1 m above ground level. For traffic areas all the values are speCmed at ground level. As visual tasks often rekr to planes other than horizontal, the typical elevation angle of the object ex

31、amined should be used. 2.2 Unifomiity of illuminance Since it takes time to adapt to low luminance levels, large luminance differences in the visual field reduce visibility, particularly by alternating bright and dark visual objects. Uniformity rau0 is generally defined as the ratio of minimum to av

32、erage illuminance values (E,., 4 is the equivalent veiling luminance (cd/mL) caused by the luminaires of the installation. is the equivalent veiling luminance (cd/m2) produced by the environment (the illuminated area). is the Glare Rating describing the degree of glare When the illuminated area is t

33、he background observed producing L, Lve GR GR = 27 + 24 - log (L,lLV2) With the earth reflectance assumed as totally diffuse, the equivalent veiling luminance 2 CIE 129 - 1998 radiated from the environment Lve may be approximately calculated with the formula where La“ P J5alf The lower the value of

34、GR, the better the glare restriction is. Further information can be found in Publication CIE 112-1994. The recommended glare limiting values GR for different visual and work tasks on exterior work areas are given in Table 3.1. For viewing tasks of decisive importance or long viewing periods in work

35、areas it is advisable to use glare rating values lower by 5 units than the GR, If observers positions are known, then the calculation should be made for those is the average luminance of the area observed (cdm); is the average reflectance of the area (usually 0,2); is the average horizontal illumina

36、nce (lux) of the area observed. specified. positions. The observer may be positioned individually or on a specified line (Figure 2). Sideview I Figure 2. The observers positions on a line. The observer faces the mast with the greatest number of floodlights, or the largest group of luminaires generat

37、ing the greatest glare. The viewing direction is 2“ below horizontal. 10 observer positions are spaced at h3, where h is the mounting height. If yi 70“ then d=h/3, if y7Oo then the mounting height is not higher than 15 metres; the luminaires are not inclined more than 5“ upwards from the horizontal.

38、 - - Observer position s Q maits 8 8 Figure 3. The observers positons on a grid. The observers are positioned longitudinally and transversely at an even distance of about h13 from one another. (h is the mounting height.) The viewing directions run parallel and at each point, they are 2“ below horizo

39、ntal. The main viewing direction(s) of the specifc task should be chosen. If it is not known, all the eight directions should be calculated to identify the greatest glare. 2.4 Colour quality The colour quality of light sources is characterised by colour appearance and colour rendering. The colour ap

40、pearance of the light can be described by the correlated colour temperature (K). Colour rendering of lamps is often described by the general cobur rendering index (&=O to IOO), or by colour rendering classes (Class I to 4). Table 2.2 shows the colour rendering classes and typical applications. Data

41、for colour rendering of light sources should be sought from the manufacturers. 2.5 Maintenance The average illuminance should not fall below a value called maintained average illuminance. It is specified as an average illuminance at the time maintenance must be carried out. Maintenance factor is the

42、 ratio of the illuminance at the time maintenance must be carried out to the illuminance when the installation is new. All the illuminance values given in this report are maintained values, except those used for calculation of glare rating (Chapter 2.3.). 4 STD=CIE L29-ENGL 1998 900b145 0005954 767

43、CIE 129 - 1998 Table 2.2. Colour rendering classes for exterior lighting * = not ai General colour rendering index and colour quality (Ra) Applications 80 I Ra Incandescent (I) Only when selection by colour is required. Excellent Fluorescent (F) Induction Metal halide (M) White HPS (S-H) Colour impr

44、oved HPS (S-M) 60 I Ra e 80 Good 40 S Ra 60 Mercury (Q) Generally acceptable Satisfactory 20 I Ra 40 Tolerable High Pressure Sodium (S) discrimination has licable i Pressure Sodium HPS = H () = Letters in brackets show IEC signs It is necessary to prevent confusion beween the colour of general light

45、ing and signal lights. 2.6 Environmen ta/ aspects Obtrusive light, whether it keeps one awake through a bedroom window or impedes ones view of stars and the night sky, is a form of pollution and a waste of energy. Recommendations: Choose the most energy-efficient solution. Switch off lights when not

46、 required. Direct light below the horizontal, wherever possible to illuminate the object to be lit. If there is no alternative to up-lighting, then the use of shields and baies will help keep spill light to a minimum. Use specially designed lighting equipment that, once installed, minimise the sprea

47、d of light near to or above the horizontal. Do not over light. Keep to the Guide for lighting tasks. Pay special attention to recycling faulty light sources and other components to avoid environmental pollution. Search for and follow all the standards and recommendations on environmental protection

48、relevant to the area of lighting design. 5 CIE 129 - 1998 2.7 Design The point-by-point calcu!ation method should be used to obtain an average illuminance value and uniformity ratios. The calculation area should be divided into a rectangular grid. (Figure 4.) Grids approximating a square are preferr

49、ed, the ratio of length to width of a grid cell should be kept between 0,5 and 2. The maximum grid cell size ) should be and prlO where d is the width of the calculation area (in metres). p is the maximum grid cell size (in metres). The horizontal illuminance is calculated on the average height of the task. If no specific task is defined the calculation height is lm above ground level, for traffic areas on ground level. In the case of irr


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