2、BES 75008 PARIS - FRANCE COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services - CIE 64 84 900bL45 0002685 Lb This report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 2.2 Detectors. It has been approved by the majority of the Technical Committee and is recommend
3、ed for study and application. This report is not an Officially Agreed CIE Recommendation approved by the National Committees of the Member Countries of the CIE. It should be noted that any recommendations in this report are advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE Proceedings or CIE Journal should
4、 be consulted regarding the current status of this report and possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport a t prpar par le Comit Technique 2.2 Detecteurs de la CIE. I1 a t approuv par la majorit du Comit Technique et il est recommand pour tude et application. Ce rapport nest pas une Recommandation of
5、ficielle de la CIE, approuve par les Comits Nationaux des Pays Membres de la CIE. I1 doit tre not que toute recommandation y figurant est donne titre de conseil et non dobligation. En ce qui concerne la situation prsente de ce Rapport et dventuelles modifications, il faut consulter le plus rcent Com
6、pte Rendu de Session ou de la CIE Journal. Dieser Bericht wurde vom Technischen Komitee 2.2 Detektoren der CIE ausgearbeitet. Er wurde durch die Mehrheit des Technischen Komitees gebilligt und wird zum Studium und zur Anwendung empfohlen. Dieser Bericht ist keine offiziell anerkannte CIE Empfehlung,
7、 der die Nationalen Komitees der Mitgliedslander der CIE zugestimmt haben. Es sei darauf hingewiesen, dass jede Empfehlung in diesem Bericht als Anleitung dient und nicht verbindlich ist. Was den gegenwrtingen Status dieses Berichtes und mgliche Nachfolge-Ausgaben angeht, ziehe man die neuesten CIE-
8、Tagungsberichte oder das CIE Journal zu Rate. o CIE 1984 -II- COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesThe following members of Committee TC-2.2 took part in the preparation of the technical report: Les membres suivant du comit TC-2.2 ont particips a
9、 la prparation du rapport technique: Die folgenden Mitarbeiter des Komitees TC-2.2 haben sich an der Ausarbeitung des Technischen Berichtes beteiligt: Chairman: Hengstberger, F.* South Africa Andreytchine, R. Artom, M.* Balder, J.J. Betts, D.B.* Blaser, P. Budde, W.* Cogno, J. A. Corrons, A.* Farmer
10、, A. J.D. Geutler, G.* Kisdal, B. Ignatiev, V.G. Janest, A. Krtil, J. Musa, G. Nanjo, M. Nielsen, O. Ottoson, A. Pastiels, R.* Reiter, H. Riemann, M. Schanda, J.* Timonen, T. Zalewski , E. F. * LipOWski, M. Bu1 ga r i a Italy Netherlands Great Britain Switzerland Canada Argentine Spain Australia Ger
11、many, Fed. Rep. No may USSR France Czechoslovakia Poland Romania Japan Denmark Sweden Belgium Austria German Dem. Rep. tingary Finland USA Subcommittee on Si-photodiodes: Chairman : Budde, W. Bastie, J. Bischoff, K. Bril, A. Deszi, G. Gundlach, D. Kok, C.J. Ldedquist, L.E. Mstl, K. Morren, L. Nndel,
12、 S. bule, A. Stanioch, W. Watson, R. Canada France Germany, Fed. Rep. Netherlands Hungary Germany, Fed. Rep. South Africa Sweden Germany, Fed. Rep. Belgium German Dem. Rep. Germany, Fed. Rep. Poland U.S.A. and members of TC-2.2 marked * above COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicense
13、d by Information Handling ServicesCIE 64 84 D 9006345 0002687 799 W SUMMARY This Technical Report outlines procedures for determining the spectral responsivity function of photodetectors. The report is divided into two parts: 1. The determination of the relative spectral responsivity function. Vario
14、us methods are presented and instrumental details are discussed. Sources of errors are listed together with diagnostic tests and proposals for remedial action. 2. The absolute calibration. Three different methods are presented for transforming the relative spectral data into absolute values. This re
15、port is intended to serve as a guide for anyone wishing to assemble, test or modify new or existing instruments. Its purpose is to stimulate critical judgement of various options in every phase of the development of such instrumentation rather than to present a single solution. RESUM Ce rapport tech
16、nique dcrit les procdures suivre afin de dterminer la courbe de rponse spectrale dun photodtecteur. Le rapport est divis en deux parties: 1. La dtermination de la courbe de rponse spectrale relative. Plusieurs mthodes sont prsentes, et les dtails instrumentaux sont discuts. Les sources derreur sont
17、catalogues, avec diffrents essais pour fins de vrification et des suggestions pour corriger les problmes. 2. Ltalonnage absolu. Trois mthodes diffrentes sont prsentes pour transformer les donnes spectrales relatives en valeurs absolues. Ce rapport a t conu pour servir de guide quiconque dsirerait mo
18、nter, vrifier ou modifier des instruments nouveaux ou dj en opration. Le but de ce rapport est de permettre au lecteur de faire un jugement critique des diffrentes options possibles toutes les phases de dveloppement de ce genre dinstrumentation, plutt que de prsenter une seule solution. -1v- COPYRIG
19、HT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 64 84 9006345 0002688 625 M ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Dieser Technische Bericht beschreibt Methoden zur Bestimnung der spektralen Empfindlichkeitsverteilung von Photoempfngern. Der Bericht ist in zwei Teile geteilt: 1. Be
20、stimmung der relativen spektralen Empfindlichkeits- Verteilung. Verschiedene Methoden werden vorgeschlagen und instrumentelle Details werden besprochen. Fehlerquellen werden aufgezhlt zusammen mit diagnostischen Experimenten und mit Methoden zur Korrektur. 2. Die absolute Kalibrierung. Drei verschie
21、dene Methoden zur Umwandlung relativer Daten in absolute werden besprochen. Der Zweck dieses Berichtes ist es, als Anleitung fr Personen zu dienen, die beabsichtigen neue oder existierende Gerate zu entwickeln oder zu modifizieren. Er will kritische Beurteilung verschiedener Mglichkeiten in allen Ph
22、asen der Entwicklung solcher Instrumente anregen. -v- COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 64 84 9006l45 0002689 5bl = Table of Contents O. Introduction 0.1 Purpose of the report 0.2 Organization of the report 0.3 Terminology 1. Determinatio
23、n of the relative spectral responsivity function 1.1 The calibration quantity 1.2 Basic methods 1.2.1 Mrect comparison method 1.2.2 Substitution method 1.2.3 Broad band filter method 1.3 Basic elements of instrumentation 1.3.1 Sources of radiation 1.3.2 Wavelength selection 1.3.3 Beam switching mech
24、anisms 1.3.4 Reference detectors 1.3.5 Optical elements 1.4 Operational considerations 1.5 Sources of errors 1.5.1 The reference detector Selectivity PAGE 1 1 2 3 7 7 8 8 8 11 11 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 20 Drift of dark signal and/or responsivity 22 Time effects 23 No
25、n-linearity 22 1.5.2 Monochromators 24 Wavelength error Non-uniformity Stray radiation Polarization 24 25 26 28 1.5.3 The optical system 29 Spectral non-symmetry of both beams 29 Precision of mirror movement 30 Mffuse stray radiation 32
26、 Diffraction at apertures 32 -VI- COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services - CIE 64 BY 7006345 0002670 283 1.5.4 Sample detector Non-linearity Dark current correction Non-uniformity Drifts Interference at dete
27、ctor windows 2. The absolute calibration 2.1 Silicon photodiode self-calibration 2.1.1 Reflectance measurements 2.1.2 Front region recombination loss 2.1.3 Back region recombination loss 2.1.4 The external quantum efficiency and responsivity 2.1.5 Spectral dependence of the collection efficiency 2.1
28、.6 Accuracy of the method PAGE 33 33 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 41 42 44 45 45 2.1.7 Selectin of a Si-photodiode for self -calibration 47 2.1.8 Transferring the absolute responsivity calibration 49 to other detectors 2.2 Electrically calibrated radiometers 50 2.3 Calibration by means of standard sources.
29、54 References 59 Bibliography 66 -VII- COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesO. INTRODUCTION Knowledge of the spectral responsivity function of photo- electric detectors is a fundamental requirement for many radiometric, photometric and colorimetr
30、ic applications. Instrumentation for the determination of this function has been assembled in a number of institutes. However, in various intercomparisons organized by the CIE and other organizations, unexpectedly large differences were found between the data from the participating laboratories (Bud
31、de and Sanders, 1973; Budde, 1984). The members of CIE Technical Committee TC-2.2 agreed that a CIE Technical Report should be prepared in which spectral responsivity measurements are discussed. This report is based on the knowledge and opinions of the members of the Committee. It represents to some
32、 extent the present status of the subject and therefore is of temporary significance. Future developments may supersede present-day technology and may render some aspects of this report obsolete. Such development is encouraged and this report should not be considered the last word on the measurement
33、 of spectral responsivity functions, thereby inhibiting further work on improving the technology. Instead, it is hoped that periodic reviews of the report will incorporate such new developments and that such revisions will keep this document up to date and useful. 0.1 Purpose of the report The purpo
34、se of this report is to discuss methods and instrumentation for spectral responsivity measurements. It is intended -1- COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE b4 84 9006145 O002692 056 a8 a guide for anyone wishing to assemble, test or modify i
35、nstrumentation for such measurements. There is no ideal scheme or - instrumentation for this purpose; consequently for several aspects, various options are presented. However, strong recommendations are made on certain points and preferred methods are pointed out. Special attention is given to sourc
36、es of errors, diagnostic tests and corrections. It is emphasized that this report does not suggest one universal scheme for spectral responsivity measurements because such a scheme does not appear to be known yet. The underlying purpose of this report is to stimlate a critical judgement of various o
37、ptions in every phase of the development of new instrumentation or of various aspects of existing instrumentation. 0.2 Organization of the report The determination of a spectral responsivity function can be, and is usually, made in two stages: First, the relative spectral responsivity function is de
38、termined by means of a thermal or other reference detector; in the second stage the absolute calibration is performed, usually at one wavelength. Consequently the main body of this report is organized in two parts: Part 1. The determination of the relative spectral responsivity function Part 2. Meth
39、ods for absolute calibration. It is, of course, feasible to combine the two operations in one step if the absolute spectral responsivity function of the -2- COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE b4 84 900bL45 0002693 T2 reference detector is
40、known and certain instrumental conditions are met. However, in many applications only the relative spectral responsivity function is required. On the other hand a simple procedure may be required to verify the absolute calibration of a detector after some period of use. Therefore the division into t
41、he two separate operations appears quite useful and is adopted. O. 3 Terminology The definitions presented in this Section are taken from existing CIE documents (CIE Publication No. 53) and/or the draft of the revised CIE Vocabulary. In some cases parts of the definitions which are not relevant for
42、this document have been omitted. Detector (of optical radiation) Device in which incident optical radiation produces a measurable physical effect. Photoelectric detector Detector of optical radiation that utilizes the interaction between radiation and matter resulting in the absorption of photons an
43、d the liberation of electrons from their equilibrium states, thereby generating an electrical potential or current, or a change in electrical resistance, excluding electrical phenomena caused by temperature changes. Thermal detector of radiation; thermal (radiation) detector Detector of optical radi
44、ation in which a measurable physical effect is produced by the heating of the part that absorbs radiation. -3- COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 64 84 = 900614.5 0002694 929 = Photoemissive cell, phototube Photoelectric detector that utili
45、zes emission of electrons caused by optical radiation. Photomultiplier A photoelectric detector comprising a photocathode, an anode, and an electron-multiplication device that uses the secondary emission of dynodes or channels between photocathode and anode. Photoresistor, photoconductive cell Photo
46、electric device that utilizes a change of electrical conductivity produced by electrons liberated by the absorption of optical radiation. Photodiode Photoelectric detector in which a photocurrent is generated by absorption of optical radiation in the neighbourhood of a pa junction between two semico
47、nductors, or of a junction between a semi- conductor and a metal. (Radiation) thermocouple (radiation) thermopile Thermal detector of optical radiation in which the electromotive force produced in a single thermovoltaic junction in several thermovoltaic junctions is used to measure the heating effec
48、t produced by absorbed radiation. Input (for a detector of optical radiation) Radiometric or photometric quantity that a detector of radiation is being used to measure or detect. Pyroelectric detector Thermal detector of optical radiation that utilizes the time rate of change of the temperature depe
49、ndence of the spontaneous -4- COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Serviceselectric polarization, or of long-lived polarization, of certain dielectric materials. Output (for a detector of optical radiation) Change in a physical quantity, usually electrical, yielded by a detector in response to an optical input. - Note: This electrical quantity may, for example, be current, voltage or resistance; the output may also be chemical, a