2、USTRIA CIE 72 87 a 900bL4.5 0003085 318 This Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 1.6 (now within CIE Division 4) and has been approved by the Council of the Commission Internationale de 1 Eclairage for study and application. The document reports on current knowledge and exp
3、erience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or Journal should be consulted reg
4、arding possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 1.6 (maintenant partie de la Division 4 de la CIE), et a kt6 approuv, par le Conseil de la Commission Internationale de 1 Eclairage, pour tude et application. Le document traite des connaissances courant
5、es et de 1 exprience dans le domaine spcifique indiqu de la lumire et de 1 clairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. I1 faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. Pour connai tre d ventuel s amendements , consul ter 1 es p
6、l us rcents comptes rendus ou le Journal de la CIE. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE-Technischen Komitee 1.6 (z.Z. in der CIE Division 4) ausgearbeitet und vom Rat der Commission Internationale de 1 Ecl airage gebi 1 1 i gt worden. Das Dokument berichtet ber den derzeitigen Stand von Wissen und
7、 Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitg1 ieder und durch andere interessierte bestimmt. Es soll te jedoch beachtet werden, da das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neuesten CIE- Tagungsberichte oder das neueste CIE-Jou
8、rnal sollten in Hinblick auf mgliche sptere nderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprehensive. Toute ment
9、ion dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Di e Erwhnung von Organi sati onen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE. Obgleich groe Sorg
10、falt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichni ssen bi s zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, i st es mglich, da diese nicht vollstndig sind. O CIE 1987 i1 CIE 72 87 m OObLY5 000308b 254 Members of the sub-cornittee on Retroreflectors of CIE technical Comnittee 1.6 whose work is now covered by CI
11、E Division 4 Membres du sous-comi t des rtrorflecteurs du Comi t technique 1.6 de la CIE dont le travail est maintenand assum par la Division 4 de la CIE. s Mitglieder der Unter-Kommission “Retroreflektoren“ des technischen Komitees 1.6 der CIE dessen Arbeit jetzt von der Division 4 der CIE durchger
12、hrt wird. M. Artom (up to 1985) B. Brekke M. Dutruit P. Jainski R.O. Lozano ._ C.W. Mortimer K. Rumar W. Sator A.M. Serres H. Schmidt-Clausen D. Schreuder R.N. Schwab H.F. Stephenson B. Tansley Consultants P. Blaise L. Morren H, Terstiege P. Walraven Italy Norway Swi tzerl and, Chai man Germany, Fed
13、eral Republic Argentina Un i ted Ki ngdom Sweden South Africa France Germany, Federal Republ i c Nether1 ands U.S.A. United Kingdom Canada France Bel gi um Germany, Federal Republic Netherl ands I II CIE 72 87 I 9006345 0003087 390 I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. GUIDE TO THE PROPERTTES AND USES OF RETROREFL
14、ECTORS AT NIGHT TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE 1 TERMI NOLOGY 1 VISION AND VISIBILITY 2 LIGHT SOURCES AND RETROREFLECTION 4.1 Light sources (primary 1 ight sources) 4.2 Reflection 4.2.1 Various types of reflection 4.2.2 Visual signalling devices ,. PRISMATIC AND SPHERICAL LENS RETROREFLECTORS (secondary 1
15、ight sources) 6 5.1 Prismatic retroreflector (corner-cube retroreflector) 6 5.1.1 Refraction 7 5.1.2 Total internal reflection 8 5.1.3 Construction 10 5.1.4 Performance 10 . 5.2 Pri sma ti c retrore f 1 ec ti ng sheeting (mi cro corner-cube ) I? 5.3 Spherical lens retroreflectors 11 5.3.1 Cats-eye r
16、etroreflectors (macro-sphere) 12 5.3.2 Retroreflecti ng sheet i ng (mi cro-sphere) i3 Sheeting with exposed glass spheres 14 Sheeting with enclosed glass spheres 14 Sheeting with encapsulated glass spheres 15 5.4 Glass beaded surfaces 15 5.6 Categories of retroreflecting shee
17、t materials 16 5.5 Glass beads in road markings 15 EFFECT OF DEW, FOG AND FROST OW RETROREFLECTING SIGNS 6.1 Effect of dew 6.2 Effect of frost and rime 6.3 Effect of fog and mist 6.4 Return of performance following dew, frost and fog 16 16 17 17 17 DETERIORATION OF RETROREFLECTORS 18 7.1 General i t
18、i es 18 7.1.1 Cats-eye retroreflectors 18 7.1.3 Pri srnatic (micro-corner-cubes) retroreflecting sheeting 18 7.1.2 Prismatic (corner-cube) plastic retroreflectors 15 7.1.4 Micro-sphere retroreflecting sheeting 19 7.1.5 Micro-sphere retroreflecting fabric 19 IV CIE 72 87 OOblt45 0003088 027 I 8. QUAL
19、ITY CONTROL OF RETROREFLECTORS 8.1 Photometric characteristics 8.1.1 Measurement 8.1.2 Measurement of the photometric performance of retroreflective road markings 8.2 Colorimetric characteristics 8.3 Ourability TYPICAL USES OF RETROREFLECTORS AND RETROREFLECTING MATERIALS 9. 9.1. Road Traffic Signin
20、g 9.1.1 Traffic signs 9.1.2 Road markings 9.1.3 Pedestrians 9.1.4 Motor vehicles 9.1.5 Cyclists 9.1.6 Motorcyclists 9.1.7 Obstacles and hazards of any kind 9.2. Railways 9.3. Industrial plants, underground mines, public buildings 9.4 Marine navigation and search and rescue at sea 9.5 Inland waterway
21、s 9.6 Airports and aviation 9.7 Retroreflectors viewed over long distances 10. BIBLIOGRAPHY Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Annex 6 Annex 7 Annex 8 Representation of a goniometer Table I Chromaticity coordinates of retroreflecting materials Table II Definition of Class I and II retroreflecti
22、ng materials Chromaticity regions for the colour of retroreflecting materials Coefficient of retroreflection R of retroreflectors as a function of the entrance angle 8 Coefficient of retroreflection R of retroreflectors as a function of the observation angle Q Calculation of the distance between a v
23、ehicle and a traffic sign Terms and calculation for the effect of atmospheric transmissivity losses on performance 1 Atmospheric transmissivity 2 Metecirol ogi cal optical range 3 Allards law 4 Visual threshold; threshold illuminance 5 Calculation of the range of a retroreflecting sign by means of a
24、 nomogram luminescent 1 ight sources as distinct from retroreflection V 20 20 21 24 24 25 26 26 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 34 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 43 43 43 43 44 45 50 SUMMARY This Pub1 ication describes the properties, characteristics and uses of retroreflectors at night and has been wr
25、itten for people who, in one way or another, have to deal with retroreflectors in their professional activity. It has been edited in simple language so as to make it easily understandable to persons with a limited knowledge of optics and lighting technology. Sections 2, 3 and 4 introduce the fundame
26、ntals of the subject. Explanations regarding the construction and the functioning of. the different optical systems of retroreflectors (prismatic, spherical lens retroreflectors) are given in section 5. The effect of dew, fog and frost on retroreflectors is dealt with in section 6 and the deteriorat
27、ion of retroreflectors is discussed in section 7. Section 8 deals with the various tests for photometric and colorimetric performance and the resistance and durability of materials which are generally carried out as a measure of quality. Section 9 enumerates the many typical uses of retroreflectors
28、and retro- reflecting sheetings for road, railway, airport, waterways, sea navigation, search and rescue, vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians and safety signs at the place of work. The selected bibliography on retroreflectors is to be found in section 10. There are 8 annexes to the publication contai
29、ning drawings, charts, tables, diagrams and calcul ation methods associated with the equipment mentioned in the text. Cette publication dcrit les proprits, caractristiques et utilisations des rtrorflecteurs de nuit et a t crite pour les personnes qui, dune faon ou de lautre, ont faire avec les rtror
30、flecteurs dans leur activit professionnelle. Elle a t rdige dans un langage simple afin de la rendre facilement comprhensible aux personnes ayant une connaissance limite de loptique et de la technique de lclairage. Les chapitres 2, 3 et 4 traitent les questions fondamentales du sujet. Des explicatio
31、ns concernant la construction et le fonctionnement des diffrents systmes optiques des rtrorflecteurs (prismatiques, lentilles sphriques) figurent au chapitre 5. Les effets de la rose, du brouillard et du gel sur les rtrorflecteurs sont traits au chapitre 6 et la dtrio- ration de ces derniers est dis
32、cute au chapitre 7. Les diffrents essais photomtriques et colorirntriques ainsi que ceux de rsistance et durabilit qui sont gnralement effectus pour tablir la qualit des matriaux sont expliqus au chapitre 8. Vi CIE 72 87 9006345 0003090 785 I Les nombreuses utilisations typiques des rtrorflecteurs e
33、t des film rtro- rflchissants pour les routes, chemins de fer, aroports, voies navigables intrieures, navigation en mer, recherche et sauvetage, vhicules, cyclistes et pietons ainsi que pour la signalisation de scurit dans les usines sont indiques au chapitre 9. La bibliographie selectionne concerna
34、nt les rtro- reflecteurs se trouve au chapitre IO. La publication comprend 8 annexes contenant des dessins, tableaux, graphiques et diagrammes ainsi que des mCthodes de calcul concernant les caractristiques et les quipements mentionns dans le texte. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Diese Verffentlichung beschreibt d
35、ie Eigenschaften, Charakteristiken und Anwendungen der Retroreflektoren bei Nacht und wurde fur Personen, die in ihrer Berufstatigkeit in irgend einer Meise mit Retroreflektoren zu tun haben, geschrieben. Sie wurde in einer einfachen Sprache abgefasst, damit Personen mit beschrnkter Kenntnis der Opt
36、ik und der Lichttechnik sie leicht verstehen knnen. In den Kapiteln 2, 3 und 4 werden die grund- stzl ichen Fragen des Themas errtert. Erklrungen ber die Struktur und das Funktionieren der verschiedenen opti schen Retroref 1 ektorensys teme (prismat ische , sphrische Linsen) sind unter Kapitel 5 auf
37、gefhrt. Die Wirkung von Tau, Nebel und Frost auf die Retroreflektoren wird in Kapitel 6 und die Verschlechterung derselben in Kapitel 7 behandelt. Die verschiedenen Tests zur Kontrolle der photometrischen und farbrnetrischen Leistung sowie der Widerstandsfhigkeit und Haltbarkeit des Materials , die
38、gewhn1 ich zur Festsetzung des Gtemasstabs durchgefuhrt werden, werden in Kapitel 8 dargelegt. In Kapitel 9 werden die zahlreichen typischen Anwendungsmglichkeiten der Retroreflektoren und retroreflektierenden Folien fir die Strassen, Eisen- bahnen, Flughfen, Binnenwasserstrassen, See-Navigation, Su
39、ch- und Rettungs- aktionen, Fahrzeuge, Radfahrer und Fussgnger sowie fr die Sicherheitsmarkie- rungen in Fabriken angegeben. Die ausgewhlte Literatur ber Retroreflektoren ist in Kapitel 10 aufgefhrt. Der Verffentlichung sind 8 Zeichnungen, Tabe1 len, Diagramme und Rechnungs- methoden ber die im Text
40、 erwhnten Eigenschaften und Einrichtungen beigelegt (Beilagen 1 bis 8). VI1 CIE 72 87 7006345 0003091 bL1 I 1 SCOPE A publication for the information of transport and traffic engineers, police and fire executives, mariners, airport officials, legislators and administrators concerned with marking and
41、 signalling and with the night-time safety of people and equi pment . 2 TERMINOLOGY The terms used in this Guide are based on the CIE International Lighting Vocabulary 4th Edition and CIE Publication No. 54, 1982 ( Ret roref 1 ec t i on, De f i ni ti on a nd Measurement ) . The various geometric par
42、ameters involved in retroreflection are shown in figures No. 21 and 22. General photometric terms used are: - Candela (cd) SI unit of luminous intensity. As an indication, it is approximately the luminous intensity of a candle flame. - Illuminance (E) (at a point of a ,surface) Quotient of the eleme
43、ntary luminous flux falling on an element of the surface around the point being considered by the area of this surface element. Unit: lux (ix). i.e. lumens per square metre - Luminance (L) Quotient of the luminous intensity dI of the surface element in the given direction by the area dA of the ortho
44、gonal projection of this surface element on a plane erpendicular to the considered direction (projected or apparent area P . dI dA cos 8 or L = dI tdA) proj. L= where 9 is the angle between the direction of observation and the normal to the surface element. Unit: candela per square metre (cd m“) . -
45、 Luminance factor (Bv) (at a point on the surface of a non-self-radiatins body). Ratio of the luminance af the body to that of a perfect reflecting or transmitting diffuser identically illuminated. - - Luminous intensity (I) (of a source in a given direction) Amount of light emitted by a source in a
46、 given direction. Unit: candela (cd). - Lux (lx) SI unit of illuminance: illuminance produced at a distance of 1 m by a source of 1 candela on a surface perpendicular to the direction of the incident light. 1 3 VISION AND VISIBILITY The human bein9 does not see well in darkness. In a completely blac
47、k location, for example in a cave where there is absolutely no light, he does not see anything at all. For man to see, tome light must enter his eyes. At night, one sees a lamp, a fire, vehicle headlamps or a glow-worn because of the light they emit directly. They are self-luminous and are thus prim
48、ary light sources. Objects which are not self-luminous can also be seen in darkness by the licht which is reflected from their surface. These objects are secondary 1 ight sources. Non-luminous and non-reflecting bodies (black bodies) are visible in the dark through contrast with a lighter background
49、 against which they stand out, In other words, for a human being to see, either direct light rays from a light source, or indirect (reflected) light rays must enter his eyes. The special receptors in the eye which permit vision are: - the cones, predominantly located at the centre of the retina (fovea), End - the rods, more numerous than the cones and distributed outside the fovea in the retina. The cones are mainly ac