CIE 77-1988 Electric Light Sources State of the Art - 1987 (E)《艺术品的电子光源状态 1987(E)》.pdf

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2、e 27 - AUSTRIA CIE 77 AA 900bL45 0003443 592 This Technical Report has been Division 7 General Aspects of L the Commi ssi on Internati onal e II prepared by CIE Technical Committee 7-02 ghting and has been approved by the Counci de 1 Ecl ai rage for study and appl i cati on. document reports on curr

3、ent knowledge and experience within the specific f of of The el d of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE member- ship and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings

4、or Journal should be consulted regarding possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 7-02 de la Division 7 Aspects gnraux de lclairage et a et6 approuv par le Conseil de la Comnission Internationale de 1 Eclairage, pour tude et application. Le document t

5、raite des connaissances courantes et de lexprience dans le domaine spcifique indiqu de la lumire et de lclairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. I1 faut cepen- dant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. Pour connaitre dventuels ame

6、ndements, consulter les plus rcents comptes rendus ou le Journal de la CIE. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE-Technischen Komitee 7-02 der Division 7 Al lgemeine Aspekte der Beleuchtung ausgearbeitet und vom Rat der Commission Internationale de 1Eclairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet

7、 ber den derzeitigen Stand von Wissen und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. is soll te jedoch beachtet werden, da das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift i st. Di e neuesten CIE

8、-Tagungs- berichte oder das neueste CIE-Journal sollten im Hinblick auf mgliche sptere nderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press,

9、 these may not be comprehensive. Toute mention dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Erwhnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Bil

10、ligung durch die CIE. Obgleich groe Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mglich, daR diese nicht vollstndig sind. O CIE 1988 CIE 77 BB 9006145 0003YYY Y29 III The following members of T.C.7-02 (Sources) took part in the preparation

11、 of this report. Division 7 (General Aspects of Lighting) The Committee comes under. CIE U, Amlong P. Baxter D, Blanc A. Bouwknegt H. Csapody L. Di Fraia D. Dimitrov M. Gandolfo W. Gunqle J. Hormio A. Jack J. Juntunen T. Kanoh K. Karlsson W. Mathis Y. Matsushima A. Mendel M. Neurnannova D. Nikolov D

12、. Platt M. Plaza H, Prochazka M. San Martin B. Schaiin D. Seeger J. Sullivan M, Urculo M. van de Weijer F. Whittaker DDR Aus trai i a France Netherlands (Radiation Sources) Hungary Italy Bulgaria Spain U.S.A, (Light Sources) Finland Netherlands (Secretary) Finland Japan Finland Sw i t zerl and Japan

13、 Canada Czechoslovakia Bulgar ia Britain Spain Austria Spain Finland (Electronic Devices) FRG (Standardization) R.S.A. Spain Netherlands (Chairman) Britain CIE 77 88 OObLY5 00034Y5 3b5 IV Con ten t s Light Sour ces Trends in the Development of Incandescent Light Sources 1. Introduction 1.1 General S

14、ervice Incandescent Lamps 1.1.1. New Developments in General Service Lamps 1.1.2. Classic Wedge Base Lamp (Motor Car) Deve 1 opme n t s 1.2 Tungsten Halogen Incandescent Lamp 1.2.1. New Developments in Tungsten Halogen Lamps 1.2.2. New Developments in Tungsten Halogen Automotive Lamps Re fe re n c e

15、 s Trends in the Development of Low Pressure Discharge Light Sources 2. Introduction 2.1. Fluorescent Lamp 2.1.1. Fluorescent Lamp Phosphor Development 2.1.2. Fluorescent Lamp Discharge Development 2.1.3. New Fluorescent Lamp Designs 2.1.4. Compact Fluorescent Lamp Development 2.1.5. Compact Fluores

16、cent Lamp Experimental 2.1.6. Fluorescent Lamp behaviour on specific C t ud ies electronic circuits 2.2. Low Pressure Sodium Lamps Re fer en ces 2.2. i. Low Pressure Sodium Lamp Development Trends in the Development of High Intensity Discharge Li g h t Sources 3. Introduction 3.1. High Pressure Merc

17、ury Lamps 3.2. Metal Halide Lamps 3.1.1. Development in High Pressure Mercury Lamps 3.2.1. Development in Metal Halide Lamps 3.2.2. Lamp on special Circuitry 3.2.3. Fundamental Studies of Metal Halide Lamps 3.3.1. Developments of High Pressure Sodium Lamps 3.3. High Pressure Sodium Lamp Re f erence

18、s S umma ry Page 1-1 Page 1-1 Page 1-1 Page 1-3 Page 1-3 Page 1-3 Page 1-5 Page 1-6 Page 1-9 Page 1-9 Page 1-9 Page 1-12 Page 1-12 Page 1-12 Page 1-13 Page 1-13 Page 1-13 Page 1-16 Page 1-17 Page 1-22 Page 1-22 Page 1-22 Page 1-27 Page 1-27 Page 1-28 Page 1-28 Page 1-28 Page 1-28 Page 1-30 Page 1-34

19、 Overview Tables Page 1-35 CIE 77 88 900bL45 000344b 2TL Radiation Sources i. Introduction 2. Sources based on Incandescent Lamps 3. Discharge Lamps 3.1. Sources based on Low Pressure Discharges 3.1.1. The Low Pressure Mercury Discharge 3.1.2. Fluorescent Lamps 3.1.3. Low Pressure Xenon Lamps 3.1.4.

20、 Non-conventional Low Pressure Discharge Lamps 3.2. Sources based on High Pressure Discharges 3.2.1. The High Pressure and Super High Pressure 3.2.2. The Metal Halide Discharge Lamp 3.2.3. Non-conventional Operation of High Pressure Mercury Discharges 3.2.4. High Pressure Xenon Lamps Mercury Dischar

21、ge 4. Applications 4.1. Lamps considered 4.2. Application areas considered Re fe r en ce s Tables Electronic Device s 1. Introduction 2. Electronic Starters and Ignitors for Discharge Lamps 2.1. Electronic Starting Devices for Fluorescent Lamps 2.1.1. Classification 2.1.2. Applications 2.2.1. Classi

22、fication 2.2.2. Applications 2.3.1. The Ignitor for the Low Pressure Sodium 2.2. Ignitors for High Pressure Discharge Lamps 2.3. Ignitors for Low Pressure Discharge Lamps Lamp Page 2-1 Page 2-2 Page 2-2 Page 2-3 Page 2-3 Page 2-3 Page 2-9 Page 2-10 Page 2-10 ?age 2-10 Page 2-11 Page 2-14 Page 2-14 P

23、age 2-15 Page 2-15 Page 2-16 Page 2-17 Page 2-18 Page 3-4 Page 3-4 Page 3-4 Page 3-5 Page 3-7 Page 3-7 Page 3-7 Page 3-9 Page 3-9 Page 3-9 CIE 77 88 7006145 0003447 138 = VT 3. Electronic Circuits as Mains Connection Devices for Light and Radiation Sources 3.1. Electronic Ballasts for Fluorescent La

24、mps for use on Mains Voltage AC (50/60Hz) 3.1.1. Classification 3.1.2. EM1 Considerations 3.1.3. Applications Discharge Lamps Pressure Discharge Lamps 3.3.1. Classification 3.3.2. Applications Incandescent Lamps 3.4.1. Classification 3.4.2. Appl ica t ions 3.2. Electronic Ballasts for other Low Pres

25、sure 3.3. Electronic Mains connection Circuits for High 3.4. Electronic Power Supplies for Low Voltage Halogen 3.5. Electronic Ballasts for Other Radiation Sources Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 3-1 O 3-1 O 3-1 O 3-1 6 3-1 8 3-19 3-20 3-20 3-22 3-22 3-23 3-23 3-24 4

26、. Electronic Circuits for Operation of Fluorescent Lamps Page 3-24 from other than Mains Sypply Sources 4.1. Transistorized Ballasts for Fluorescent Lamps for Page 3-24 use on Low Voltage DC 4.1.1. Application Page 3-24 4.2. Emergency Lighting Units with Internal Battery Page 3-25 charge Circuits 4.

27、2.1. Classification Page 3-25 4.2.1. Applications Page 3-26 5. Dimming Devices 5.1. Dimming Devices for Incandescent Lamps 5.1.1. Classification 5.1.2. Applications 5.2.1. Clascification 5.2.2. Appl ica t ions 5.3.1. Classification 5.3.2. Applications 5.2. Dimming Devices for Fluorescent Lamps 5.3.

28、Dimming Devices for High Pressure (HID) 5.4. The Low Pressure Sodium Lamps 6. Control System 6.1. Control Strategy 6.2. Control Principles 6.3. Signai Transmission Page Page Page Page Page Page Lamps Page Page Page Page Page 3-26 3-26 3-26 3-27 3-27 3-27 3-32 3-32 3-32 3-33 3-33 Page 3-34 Page 3-34

29、Page 3-35 Page 3-35 7. Conclusion Page 3-36 CIE 77 88 E 7006345 0003448 074 VI I Standard i zat ion Introduction Page 4-1 List of used IEC-standards for lamps, ballasts and Page 4-3 related components and of standards just in preparation Detailed Report on the State of the Art of Standardization 1.

30、GLS Tungsten Filament Lamps 2. Tungsten Halogen Lamps (non-vehicle) 3. Vehicle Lamps 4. Tubular Fluorescent Lamps 5. High Intensity Discharge Lamps 6. Ballasts and Starters for Tubular Fluorescent Lamps 7. Ballasts for High Intensity Discharge Lamps 8. Components for Discharge Lamps 9. Infra-red Emi

31、tters 10. Supplementary Publications Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 4-5 4-5 4-8 4-10 4-1 3 4-17 4-19 4-22 4-24 4-25 4-28 Annex: Status designation codes for IEC draft standards Page 4-29 used in this report CIE 77 88 W OObL45 0003449 TOO VI11 Electric light sources - State of

32、 the art-1987 Summary This quadrennial report covers the period 1982 to 1986. It describes the state of the art with respect to light sources, radiation sources and electronic devices used in connection with such sources. Standardization of light sources, radiation sources and electronic devices is

33、also covered. The application of light sources and radiation sources is briefly summarized in table form. Stand des Wissens der elektrischen Lichtquellen-1987 Zusammenfassung Dieser Vierjahresbericht umfat die Periode 1982 bis 1986 und beschreibt den neuesten Stand des Wissens auf dem Gebiet der Lic

34、htquellen, Strahlungsquellen und elektronischen Hilfsgerten, die im Zusammenhang mit diesen Quellen benutzt werden. Die Normung von Lichtquellen, Stahlungsquellen und elektronischen Hilfsgeraten wird auch behandelt. Die Anwendung von Lichtquellen und Strahlungsquellen wird knapp in Form von Tabellen

35、 dargestellt. Ltat de lart des sources lumineuses lectriques-1987 Rsum Ce rapport quadriennal couvre le priode de 1982 jusqu 1986 et decrit ltat de lart lgard des sources lumineuses, sources de radiation et appareils lectroniques utiliss en combinaison avec ces sources. En outre, ce rapport dcrit la

36、 normalisation de sources lumineuses, sources de radiation et appareils lectroniques. Dans une table on peut trouver un rsum de lapplication des sources lumineuses et des sources de radiation. 1. CIE i7 88 II 9006345 0003450 722 W 1-1 ELECTRIC LIGET SOURCES PART I - TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INCA

37、NDESCENT LIGBT SOURCES ntroduc t ion The incandescent lamp is the oldest of the major electric light source families. The viability of this source over the years is a consequence of its many advantages and relatively few disadvantages. Simplicity, low cost construction, and excellent colour renditio

38、n are major attributes of this class of light source. 1.1. General Service Incandescent Lamp The general service lamp, a major subdivision of the incandescent lamp family, is made of three parts. These include a mount incorporating a tungsten filament, a soft glass (generally soda lime glass) bulb a

39、nd an inert filling gas. Because of the simplicity of construction, these lamps can be made at high speeds yielding a good source of illumination at a low cost. A typical lamp is shown in Figure 1. 1.1.1. New Developments in General Service Lamps Of recent years, with emphasis on energy savings due

40、to cost of generating electricity, the disadvantages of the general service lamps, such as low efficacy (90 % of energy is dissipated as infrared radiation) and short life has resulted in major efforts to replace this light source with more efficient arc discharge sources. Even so or as a consequenc

41、e, development studies have been underway to increase both efficacy and life of the incandescent source. 123 I?. The incandescent lamp (general service lamp) is in a general passive state. One area of change is the substitution of powder coated bulbs in place of hydrofluoric acid etching. The motiva

42、ting force for this change is environmental consideration. An improved electrostatic coating method has been developed 4. This coating method has yielded a small increase in transmission (+ 1 %) and a reduction of peak luminance by a actor of 3. A survey of decorative lamps has been published . CIE

43、77 88 7006345 0003453 667 1-2 a Q O CD c a, - I u) c, t E a - .- + I I a Q) u) (d a al 3 o 3 u) c 3 L w L w .ci t .- o o ul c .I a, U LI a o I- T CIE 77 88 0 9006345 0003452 5T5 W 1-3 A number of experimental studies have been reported characterizing the tungsten used in incandescent filaments. Pape

44、rs have been presented discussing the role of potassum yqncentration on properties of tungsten as a filament . Other studies have dealt with a study of properties gthermal, electrical, luminous, etc.) of tungsten filaments . The transport of tungsten from a fiJament through an inert gas has been an

45、object of study . Effort has been directed to the economiyostudy of lamps relative to their life and performance . 63 , , 1.1.2. Classic Wedge Base Lamp (Motor Car) Developments Xenon gas filled 2 W and 3 W wedge base lamps hyye been developed for automobile dashboard application . They have been de

46、veloped to fill a demand for smaller and brighter sources. In comparison to the conventional vacuum lamp, they yield a higher efficacy, 10 lm/W compared to 6.7 lm/W and an increased colour temperature - 2690 K as compared to 2420 K and a smaller diameter 6.5 mm compared to 10 mm. 1.2. Tungsten Halog

47、en Incandescent Lamp The tungsten halogen lamp is a second major subdivision of the incandescent family. Again, the construction of this lamp is relatively simple but a number of significant differences exists between the general service lamp and the tungsten halogen lamp. The light generating eleme

48、nt is a tungsten filament; the enclosing envelope is fabricated from either a hard glass or a fused silica (quartz). The third element, the filling gas, includes a halogen compound. The halogen compound most frequently incorporates either bromine or iodine, Typical lamps are presented as Figure 2. 1

49、.2.1. New Developments in Tunqsten Halogen Lamps !)?Qe tungsten halogen lamp continues to experience change . Studies are continuing on he use of fluorine to facilitate tungsten transport 4. Passivation layers to protect against fluorine attack of quartz have been investigated . Other studies of tungsten halogen lam s have been concerned with tungsten transport processes l5 morphological ch nges of the tungsten and associated hot spot formation and with the identification of resultant 5fngsten compounds i


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