1、 CIE 82 90 I 90Db145 0003837 912 I ISBN 3 900 734 I9 4 COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LECLAIRAGE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ILLUMINATION INTERNATIONALE BELEUCHTUNGSKOMMISSION 1913 -1988 Publication: CIE 82 - 1990 UDC: 628.9(09) Descriptors: Lighting, Illuminating Engineering 535.24(09) Photometry 535
2、.65 (09) Colorimdry CIE 82 90 9006145 0003838 859 m I HISTORY OF THE CIE 1913 - 1988 PREFACE The Commission Internationale de IEclairage is indebted to the two authors whose work has been combined to provide this new edition of the CIE History. Both have given long and distinguished service to the C
3、ommissin which ensures excellent qualification for the task they separately undertook. We can, with confidence, repeat the words which appeared in the 1963 edition: “We may be sure that the following pages . are a faithful and detailed account of what has been achieved by the CIE.“ Dr. J W T Walsh,
4、GBR President: 1955- 1959 Dr. A M Marsden, HKG President: 1985- 1987 CIE 82 90 900bL45 0003839 795 II CONTENTS The Photometric Commission 1 Zurich 1903 . 2 Zurich 1907 . 2 Zurich 1911 . 3 An Illumination Commission . 4 Berlin 191 3 . 4 Paris 1921 . 7 Geneva 1924 8 Bellagio 1927 and Saranac Inn 1928
5、. 10 Cambridge 1931 . 14 Berlin and Karlsruhe 1935 . 17 Scheveningen 1939 18 Paris 1948 22 Stockholm 1951 25 Zurich 1955 26 Brussels 1959 . 30 Vienna 1963 33 Washington 1967 . 37 1967-1971 . 37 Barcelona 1971 38 1971 - 1975 . 43 London 1975 . 44 1975 - 1979 . 44 Kyoto 1979 49 1935-1939 . 17 1939-194
6、8 . 21 1948-1951 . 25 1951 - 1955 . 26 1955- 1959 . 29 1959 - 1963 . 33 1963- 1967 . 34 1979 - 1983 . 50 Amsterdam 1983 . 53 1983 - 1987 . 54 Venice 1987 54 Postscript . 59 Appendix 1 Officers of the CIE 61 Appendix 2 Recorded Representation at CIE Sessions 64 Appendix 3 CIE Publication Activrty 67
7、Appendix 4 Growth of CIE 70 Index Text 71 Index Names identilied in Delegtion Leaders pictures . 75 - CIE 82 90 W 9006345 0003840 407 m III LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Or . J W T Walsh i Dr . A M Marsden . i Delegates Signatures - Berlin 191 3 . 5 Prof . T Vautier 6 Dr . E P Hyde . 6 Visit to the Edison L
8、aboratories . 11 Delegation Leaders - Cambridge 1931 . 12 Sir Clifford C Paterson 15 Dr . A R Meyer 15 Delegates - Berlin 1935 . 15 Prof . C Fabry 16 Delegation Leaders - Berlin 1935 . -16 Delegation Leaders - Scheveningen 1939 19 Delegation Leaders - Paris 1948 20 Prof . Dr . N A Halbertsma 20 Soci
9、al events - Paris 1948 . 23 Royal Visitor - Stockholm 1951 . 24 Dr . W Harrison . 24 Banquet - Stockholm 1951 . 27 Delegation Leaders- Zurich 1955 28 Delegation Leaders- Brussels 1959 . 31 Executive Comrnitte - Brussels 1959 32 Mr . I Fokker . 32 Prof . L Schneider . -32 Delegation Leaders- Vienna 1
10、963 35 Plenary Session - Vienna 36 Delegation Leaders - Washington 1967 . 39 Dr . D Vermeulen . 40 Mr . W R Stevens . 40 Delegation Leaders- Barcelona 1971 41 Delegates - Barcelona 42 Delegation Leaders- London 1975 . 45 Dr . S K Guth . 46 Banquet - London 46 Delegation Leaders - Kyoto 1979 47 High-
11、level matters - Kyoto 48 Action Committee - Warsaw 1980 48 Delegation Leaders - Amsterdam 1983 . 51 Prof . J B de Boer . 52 Social event - Amsterdam 52 Delegation Leaders - Venice i 987 55 Dr . G Wyszecki . 56 Prof . Or . H W Bodmann -56 Central Bureau - Vienna 1987 . -57 75th Anniversary - Ettlinge
12、n 1988 58 - CIE 82 90 I 9006345 0003843 343 IV FOREWORD In 1963, the history of the first 50 years of the CIE together with the 13 years of its predecessor, the CIP, appeared as Publication CIE 9. This is now out of print. In the issue of the CIE Journal celebrating the 75th birthday of the CIE (Vol
13、. 7/2, 1988) there appeared an article covering the history of the CIE from 1959 to 1988. This document, designated Publication CIE 82, is essentially a merger of the original CIE 9 with the 1988 Journal article, to provide a complete history of the first 75 years of the CIE. The editing of the two
14、components has been kept to the minimum to preserve as much of the original material as possible while retaining consistency between the text and the new appendices. These appendices seek to give an accurate statistical record of CIE officers, membership, participation, and publication over the whol
15、e period - not an easy task when there are gaps in the records of the early years and when there have been changes in national boundaries associated with two world wars. Any errors which come to light in this document should be laid at the door of the new author, Dr. A M Marsden, and not at that of
16、the original CIE historian Dr. J W T Walsh. AVANT PROPOS En 1963, lhistorique des cinquante premires annes de la CIE, et celle des treize annes de la CIP (Commission Internationale de Photmtrie) qui lavait prcde, avaient fait lobjet de la Publication CIE no 9. Cette Publication est maintenant puise.
17、 Dans le numro du CIE Journal consacr la clbration du soixante quinzime anniversaire de la CIE (vol. 7, no 2, 1988), on a fait paraitre un article retraant lhistoire de la CIE de 1959 a 1988. Le prsent document, Publication CIE no 82, est essentiellement la fusion de la Publication CIE no 9 et de la
18、rticle du CIE Journal de 1988, pour donner un historique complet des soixante quinze premieres annes de la CIE. Les amnagements rendus necessaires par la publication conjointe de ces deux textes ont t limites au minimum afin de prserver autant que possible les documents dorigine tout en respectant l
19、a coherence entre le texte et les nouvelles annexes. Ces annexes cherchent donner une revue prcise des personnalits officielles, des participations et des publications de la CIE, pendant toute cette priode - tche qui na pas t rendue facile par les lacunes dans les enregistrements et par les modifica
20、tions de frontires entre tats dues aux deux guerres mondiales. Toutes les erreurs qui pourraient tre mises en lumire dans ce document, devront tre attribues au nouvel auteur, le Dr. A M Marsden, et non au premier historien de la CIE, le Dr. J W T Walsh. VORWORT Im Jahre 1963 erschien die Geschichte
21、der ersten 50 Jahre der CIE einschlielich der 13 Jahre ihrer Vorgngerin, der CIP, als CIE Publikation No. 9. Diese Publikation ist inzwischen vergriffen. In der Jubilumsausgabe des CIE Journals anllich des 75sten Geburtstages der CIE (Vol. 7/2, 1988) erschien ein Artikel, der die darauffolgende Gesc
22、hichte von 1959 bis 1988 darstellte. Das vorliegende Dokument, das als CIE Publikation No. 82 herausgegeben wird, ist eine Zusammenfassung der ursprnglichen Publikation CIE No. 9 mit dem im oben erwhnten CIE Journal erschienenen Artikel und gibt die kom- plette Geschichte der ersten 75 Jahre der CIE
23、 wieder. Die Bearbeitung beider Dokumente wurde auf ein Minimum reduziert, um einerseits mglichst viel vom Originalmaterial zu erhalten, andererseits aber eine mglichst gute ber- einstimmung zwischen dem Text und den neuen Anhngen zu gewhrleisten. Diese Anhnge versuchen eine genaue statistische Aufz
24、hlung der CIE Vorstandsmitglieder, Mitgliedschaten, Tagungsteilnehmerlisten und Publikationen ber die ganze Zeitperiode zu geben. Dies war keine leichte Aufgabe, da in den Aufzeichnungen der ersten Jahre Lcken bestanden und nationale Lndergrenzen sich infolge zweier Weltkriege nderten. Fr etwaige no
25、ch vorhan- dene Fehler ist der neue Autor, Dr. A M Marsden und nicht mehr Dr. J W T Walsh, der Autor der originalen Historie verantwortlich. CIE 82 90 9006145 0003842 28T 1 THE PHOTOMETRIC COMMISSION Although the Commission Internationale de IEclairage was born in 1913, the numbering of its Sessions
26、 has always included those of its predecessor, the Commission Internationale de Photomtrie. It is therefore appropriate that this history should begin with some account of the foundation of the CIP and its activities before it was enlarged in scope and membership to form the present Commission. The
27、first steps towards the formation of an international body concerned with light measurement were taken at the International Gas Congress, held during the Paris Exhibition of 1900. On 3 September some 400 gas engineers and others gathered in the Palais des Congrs at the Exhibition, under the chairman
28、ship of Prof. T Vautier, the then President of the Socit Technique de lindustrie du Gaz de France. During the course of his opening address Prof. Vautier referred to the desirability of having some general agreement on methods of measuring the light given by incandescent gas lamps and in the discuss
29、ion which followed a paper on The Photometry of Incandescent Gas Mantles“, read at the opening meeting of the Congress, he proposed the following resolution: “Le Congrs International de llndustrie du Gaz, considrant quil est de lintrt gnral et commun des producteurs aussi bien que des consommateurs
30、de gaz dtre exactement renseigns sur le pouvoir clairant des becs employs pour lclairage incandescence, dcide: Une Commission internationale sera nomme leffet de fixer les rgles suivre dans les observations photomtriques des becs incandescence par le gaz; Le Bureau du Congrs est charg de procder lor
31、ganisation de cette Commission internationale. I This resolution was adopted unanimously and on the following afternoon Prof. Vautier announced that the Bureau of the Congress had met and, acting on the resolution, had decided on the constitution of the new Commission. It would consist of four membe
32、rs from France, four from Germany and four from Great Britain with one member from each of the following countries: Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States of America. The offices were to be at the headquarters of the French Society, Prof. T Vautier and P
33、Delahaye (Secretary of the Congress) were nominated as President and Secretary respectively and it was proposed that the first meeting should be held at Zurich, although no date was fixed. These proposals were adopted unanimously by the Congress and thus the Commission Internationale de Photomtrie w
34、as founded. At a subsequent meeting of the Congress the unification of screw-threads used in gas engineering was considered and it was resolved that this matter, too, should be referred to the newly appointed Commission. - CIE 82 90 .I 9006145 0003843 11b 2 ZURICH 1903 It will be seen that the origi
35、nal CIP, unlike the CIE of today, was a body of very restricted membership, with a severely limited programme of work. Its first Session was held at the Zurich Polytechnikum from 19 to 22 June 1903, when 13 of the appointed members (including the officers) and one co-opted member were present. Five
36、papers were presented by their authors, one of them dealing with the relative luminous intensities of the various flame standards then in use. The discussion on this paper led to a recommendation that there should be further comparisons of the Carcel, Hefner and (10 candle) Vernon Harcourt lamps, wi
37、th the aim of fixing the relative values of the units based on these standards. At this first Session the Commission approved a lengthy programme of work, one item being the establishment of detailed rules for the photometry of incandescent gas lamps. The subject of the unification of screw-threads
38、was referred to a committee. The records of this and subsequent Sessions, under the title “Recueil des Travaux et Compte Rendu des Sances“, were published by the Socit Technique de lIndustrie du Gaz. They were in the French language throughout, but it was agreed that editions in English and German m
39、ight be published by the corresponding technical societies. In fact, an English version was published by the Institution of Gas Engineers in 1906 and this was reproduced by the American Gas Institute in 191 1. Both this and a German version published in the Journal fr Gasbeleuchtung for 1903 contain
40、ed translations of the papers presented at the meetings. (For the subsequent Sessions in 1907 and 191 1, translations were published in the pages of the leading gas journals in England and in Germany, the English version belng reproduced in the Proceedings of the American Gas Institute for 191 1 .)
41、The costs of the Session were defrayed by the different national gas societies in amount proportional to the numbers of their representatives. ZURICH 1907 At the end of the 1903 Session if was decided that the Commission should meet again as soon as the work agreed upon had been completed, or in two
42、 years time at the latest, but in fact the second Session was not held until 1907. This time the venue was the Hotel Bellevue in Zurich and the meetings were held there from 18 to 20 July. There had been several changes In membership owing to death or resignation and those present numbered one less
43、than in 1903. In addition, however, there were representatives appointed by the national laboratories of France, Germany and Great Britain. These were respectively F Laporte, E Brodhun and C C Paterson. It is noticeable that this extension of membership was the direct result of the decision taken in
44、 1903 to initiate a comparison between the various flame standards. Of the six papers presented at the second Session no less than three, one from each of the countries with a national laboratory, described such comparisons and it was obvious that this subject was the most important item on the Comm
45、issions programme. To prosecute the work more effectively a committee, consisting of the President with F Laporte, E Brodhun and C C Paterson, was given the task of fixing the ratios between the units derived from the different flame standards when used under normal atmospheric conditions. A possibl
46、e alternative to the flame standards was the Violle standard, proposed in 1881. This depended on the use of platinum at its melting point and a resolution was passed instructing the Bureau of the Commission to approach the national laboratories with a request that they should study the constancy of
47、the melting point of platinum because of its importance in photometry. 3 Among the other matters of interest raised during discussions at this Session of the CIP was the measurement of mean spherical candle-power. It was reported that the use of the Ulbricht sphere for this purpose was being studied
48、, both at the Physikalisch-technische Reichsanstalt in Charlottenburg and at the Laboratoire Central dElectricit in Paris. It was at this Session, too, that the growing interest of the electrical industry in the photometry of light sources was first mentioned. Reference should be made here to work w
49、hich was going on at this time with the object of reconciling the different photometric units employed in different parts of the world. Carbon filament electric lamps were used for a series of international comparisons carried out by the national laboratories and as the outcome of these measurements the laboratories of France, Great Britain and the USA announced that from 1 July 1909, the American candle, the British candle and the French bougi