CLC TS 50429-2005 Optical fibre cables Sewer cables Family specification for cables to be installed in storm and sanitary sewers《光缆 地下电缆 安装在雨水道和卫生间下水道的光缆的系列规范》.pdf

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CLC TS 50429-2005 Optical fibre cables Sewer cables Family specification for cables to be installed in storm and sanitary sewers《光缆 地下电缆 安装在雨水道和卫生间下水道的光缆的系列规范》.pdf_第1页
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CLC TS 50429-2005 Optical fibre cables Sewer cables Family specification for cables to be installed in storm and sanitary sewers《光缆 地下电缆 安装在雨水道和卫生间下水道的光缆的系列规范》.pdf_第2页
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CLC TS 50429-2005 Optical fibre cables Sewer cables Family specification for cables to be installed in storm and sanitary sewers《光缆 地下电缆 安装在雨水道和卫生间下水道的光缆的系列规范》.pdf_第3页
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CLC TS 50429-2005 Optical fibre cables Sewer cables Family specification for cables to be installed in storm and sanitary sewers《光缆 地下电缆 安装在雨水道和卫生间下水道的光缆的系列规范》.pdf_第4页
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CLC TS 50429-2005 Optical fibre cables Sewer cables Family specification for cables to be installed in storm and sanitary sewers《光缆 地下电缆 安装在雨水道和卫生间下水道的光缆的系列规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、DRAFT FOR DEVELOPMENT DD CLC/TS 50429:2005 Optical fibre cables Sewer cables Family specification for cables to be installed in storm and sanitary sewers ICS 33.180.10 DD CLC/TS 50429:2005 This Draft for Development was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on

2、23 February 2005 BSI 23 February 2005 ISBN 0 580 45566 1 National foreword This Draft for Development is the official English language version of CLC/TS 50429:2005. This publication is not to be regarded as a British Standard. It is being issued in the Draft for Development series of publications an

3、d is of a provisional nature because the technology is still at a developmental stage. It should be applied on this provisional basis, so that information and experience of its practical application may be obtained. Comments arising from the use of this Draft for Development are requested so that UK

4、 experience can be reported to the European organization responsible for its conversion to a European Standard. A review of this publication will be initiated 2 years after its publication by the European organization so that a decision can be taken on its status at the end of its 3-year life. Notif

5、ication of the start of the review period will be made in an announcement in the appropriate issue of Update Standards. According to the replies received by the end of the review period, the responsible BSI Committee will decide whether to support the conversion into a European Standard, to extend t

6、he life of the Technical Specification or to withdraw it. Comments should be sent in writing to the Secretary of BSI Subcommittee GEL/86/1, Optical fibres and cables, at 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL, giving the document reference and clause number and proposing, where possible, an appropria

7、te revision of the text. A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Catalogue under the sectio

8、n entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Search” facility of the BSI Electronic Catalogue or of British Standards Online. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the CLC/TS title page, pages 2 to 35 and a back cover. The BSI c

9、opyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date CommentsTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CLC/TS 50429 SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUE TECHNISCHE SPEZIFIKATION February 2005 CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standa

10、rdization Comit Europen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europisches Komitee fr Elektrotechnische Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels 2005 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members. Ref. No. CLC/TS 50429:2

11、005 E ICS 33.180.10 English version Optical fibre cables Sewer cables Family specification for cables to be installed in storm and sanitary sewers Lichtwellenleiterkabel Kabel fr Abwasserkanle Familienspezifikation fr Kabel zu Montage in Abwasserkanlen This Technical Specification was approved by CE

12、NELEC on 2004-09-11. CENELEC members are required to announce the existence of this TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the TS available promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force. CENELEC members are the national elec

13、trotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. C

14、LC/TS 50429:2005 - 2 - Foreword This Technical Specification was prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 86A, Optical fibres and optical fibre cables. The text of the draft was submitted to the vote and was approved by CENELEC as CLC/TS 50429 on 2004-09-11. The following date was fixed: lates

15、t date by which the existence of the CLC/TS has to be announced at national level (doa) 2005-03-11 _ - 3 - CLC/TS 50429:2005 Contents 1 Scope 5 2 Normative references5 3 Symbols 6 4 Family specification for sewer cables and conduits for installation by blowing and/or pulling in sewers (blank detail

16、specification and minimum requirements) 7 4.1 Construction7 4.1.1 General. 7 4.1.2 Conduits 7 4.1.3 Sewer cables7 4.1.4 Rodent protection 8 4.2 Product descriptions 8 4.2.1 Sewer cables description 8 Cable for installation within conduits (previously fixed to the sewer wall). 8 Cable

17、s for direct installation into the sewer duct 9 4.2.2 Conduit description . 10 4.3 Optical fibres.11 4.3.1 Single-mode dispersion unshifted (B1.1) optical fibre 11 4.3.2 Single mode dispersion shifted (B2) optical fibre. 11 4.3.3 Single mode non-zero dispersion (B4) optical fibre . 11 4.3.4 Multimod

18、e fibres 12 4.4 Sewer cable constructions 12 4.4.1 Cable for insallation within conduits (previously fixed to the sewer wall) 12 4.4.2 Cable for direct installation into the sewer duct . 13 4.4.3 Conduit construction . 14 4.5 Installation and operating conditions . 14 4.5.1 Tests applicable14 4.5.2

19、Installation conditions 15 4.6 Mechanical and environmental tests . 15 4.6.1 Conduit . 15 Tests applicable15 Details of family requirements and test conditions for conduits . 16 Pressure.16 Tensile performance.16 Kink.16 Crush17 Impac

20、t.17 Flexibility.17 4.6.2 Cable for installation within conduits (previously fixed to the sewer wall). 18 Tests applicable18 Details of family requirements and test conditions for sewer cable tests . 19 Tensile performance.19 Repeated bending. 19

21、.3 Torsion20 Bend.20 Crush20 CLC/TS 50429:2005 - 4 - Impact.21 Temperature cycling21 Details of family requirements and test conditions for blowing performance of sewer cables to be installed in conduits 22 4.6.3 Cables for direct installation into the

22、 sewer duct 23 Test applicable23 Details of family requirements and test conditions for sewer cables 24 Tensile performance.24 Repeated bending. 24 Torsion25 Bend . 25 Crush25 Impact.26 Temperature cycling26 4.7 Ex

23、amples of conduits and sewer cables 27 4.7.1 Cables for installation within conduits 27 Dielectric sewer cables . 27 Sewer cable installed within a conduit. 28 4.7.2 Cables for direct installation into the sewer duct 29 Cables to be screwed to the sewer inner wall 29

24、Cables for spanning between manholes, similarly to aerial cables 30 Cables for laying on the ground of the sewer 31 4.8 Examples of installation schemes . 32 4.8.1 Installation within conduits. 32 Conduit robotized installation 32 Spring loaded stainless-steel ring 33 4.8.2 I

25、nstallation directly into the sewer 33 Cable screwed to the inner sewer wall by means of an installation robot 33 Cable spanned between manholes, similarly to aerial cables 34 Cable laid on the ground of the sewer. 34 Annnex A (informative) O.F. cabl es for non-man-accessible

26、 sewers. 35 - 5 - CLC/TS 50429:2005 1 Scope This document is a family specification that covers sewer cables and conduits for installation by blowing and/ or pulling in non-man accessible storm and sanitary sewers, also applicable for man-accessible and lateral ones. Systems built with components co

27、vered by this standard are subject to the requirements of sectional specifications EN 60794-3 and EN 60794-4 where applicable. Sewer cable and conduit constructions have to meet the different requirements of the sewer operating companies and / or associations regarding chemical, environmental, opera

28、tional, cleaning and in general maintenance conditions. A table of preferential applications, describing sewer cable characteristics versus methods of installation is reported in Annex A for non-man accessible sewers. Clause 4 describes a blank detail specification for sewer cables and conduits for

29、installation by blowing and/or pulling in storm and sanitary sewers. It incorporates some minimum requirements. Detail specifications may be prepared on the basis of this family specification. The parameters specified in this standard may be affected by measurement uncertainty arising either from me

30、asurement errors or calibration errors due to lack of suitable standards. Acceptance criteria should be interpreted with respect to this consideration. The number of fibres tested is representative of the sewer cable and should be agreed between the customer and supplier. 2 Normative references The

31、following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN 60068-2-2 Environmental testing (IEC 60068-2-2) EN

32、 60793-1-20 Optical fibres - Part 1-20: Measurement methods and test procedures - Fibre geometry (IEC 60793-1-20) EN 60793-1-40 Optical fibres - Part 1-40: Measurement methods and test procedures Attenuation (IEC 60793-1-40) EN 60793-1-44 Optical fibres - Part 1-44: Measurement methods and test proc

33、edures - Cut-off wavelength (IEC 60793-1-44) EN 60793-2 Optical fibres - Part 2: Product specifications (IEC 60793-2) EN 60794-1-1 Optical fibre cables - Part 1-1: Generic specification General (IEC 60794-1-1) EN 60794-1-2 Optical fibre cables - Part 1-2: Generic specification - Basic optical cable

34、test procedures (IEC 60794-1-2) EN 60794-3 Optical fibre cables - Part 3: Sectional specification - Outdoor cables Duct, buried and aerial cables (IEC 60794-3) EN 60794-3-10 Optical fibre cables - Part 3-10: Family specification - Outdoor cables - Duct and directly buried optical telecommunication c

35、ables (IEC 60794-3-10) EN 60794-4 2003 Optical fibre cables - Part 3: Sectional specification Aerial optical cables along electrical power lines (IEC 60794-4:2003) CLC/TS 50429:2005 - 6 - EN 60811-1-1 1995 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables and optical cabl

36、es - Part 1-1: Methods for general application - Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions - Tests for determining the mechanical properties (IEC 60811-1-1:1993) EN 60811-5-1 1999 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Commontest methods - Part 5-1: Methods specifi

37、c to filling compounds - Drop point - Separation of oil - Lower temperature brittleness - Total acid number - Absence of corrosive components - Permittivity at 23 C - D.C. resistivity at 23 C and 100 C (IEC 60811-5-1:1990, mod) EN 187105 Single mode optical cable (duct/direct buried installation) HD

38、 402 S2 1984 Standard colours for insulation for low-frequency cables and wires (IEC 60304:1982) 3 Symbols For the purposes of this document, the following symbols apply: CCcabled fibre cut-off wavelength d nominal outer diameter of the sewer cable DS detail specification T Othreshold tensile load b

39、elow which no attenuation and/or fibre strain increase should occur in the tensile performance test T Mthe acceptable amount of short-term tensile load that can be applied to the cable without permanent degradation of the characteristics of the fibres in the tensile performance test T AItemperature

40、cycling test low-temperature limit according to EN 60794-1-2, method Fl T A2temperature cycling test low-temperature limit according to EN 60794-1-2, method Fl T B1temperature cycling test high-temperature limit according to EN 60794-1-2, method Fl T B2temperature cycling test high-temperature limit

41、 according to EN 60794-1-2, method Fl t 1temperature cycling dwell time n x d a value times cable outer diameter used for bends, mandrels, etc. - 7 - CLC/TS 50429:2005 4 Family specification for sewer cables and conduits for installation by blowing and/or pulling in sewers (blank detail specificatio

42、n and minimum requirements) 4.1 Construction 4.1.1 General In addition to the constructional requirements of sectional specifications EN 60794-3 and EN 60794-4, where applicable, the following considerations apply to the sewer cables and/or conduits. The sewer cables and/or conduits shall be designe

43、d and manufactured for an expected operating lifetime of at least 15 years. It shall be possible to install or remove the cable in or from the sewer throughout the operational lifetime. The materials in the sewer cable and / or as well as accessories including fixing elements and conduits shall not

44、present a health hazard within its intended use. 4.1.2 Conduits In case of use, the conduits with outer nominal diameters ranging from 10 mm to 16 mm shall be able to resist pressure differences needed for installation by blowing. They shall be circular and, if needed, corrugated in cross-section th

45、roughout their length; the inner surface shall have a low coefficient of friction. The material shall withstand all possible chemical attacks by the sewer liquid itself, as for instance the stainless steel type VA4. Inner- and outer-diameter and overall minimum wall thickness shall be specified. 4.1

46、.3 Sewer cables A sewer cable in accordance to this specification should be suitable for installation in non-man accessible storm and sanitary sewers by the following installation methods, also applicable for man-accessible sewers and for lateral sewer systems: blowing and /or pulling into a conduit

47、, previously fixed to the sewer wall or, for laterals, placed in between the lateral sewer wall and the in-liner system; direct installation into the sewer duct, according to the following applications: o drilling and screwing to the inner wall; o spanning between manholes, etc., similarly to aerial

48、 cables; o laying on the ground of the sewer. The attenuation of the installed cable at the operational wavelength(s) shall not exceed values agreed between the customer and supplier. There shall be no fibre splice in a delivery length unless otherwise agreed by the customer and supplier. It shall b

49、e possible to identify each individual fibre throughout the length of the sewer cable. CLC/TS 50429:2005 - 8 - 4.1.4 Rodent protection Rodent protection is generally needed but there is presently no standard test to measure the level of rodent protection. It is recognized that an effective protection is provided by a metallic layer at level of conduit or cable. Other solutions using non metallic elements, for example rigid glass members or glass tapes are under co


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