DIN 18381-2016 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Installation of gas water and drainage pipe.pdf

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DIN 18381-2016 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Installation of gas water and drainage pipe.pdf_第1页
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1、 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 6 E n g l i s h p r i c e g r o u p 8 N o p a r t o f t h i s t r a n s l a t i o n m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p r i o r p e r m i s s i o n o f D I N D e u t s c h e s I n s t i t u t f r N o r m u n g e . V . , B e r l i n . B e u t h V e r l a g G m b H ,

2、 1 0 7 7 2 B e r l i n , G e r m a n y ,h a s t h e e x c l u s i v e r i g h t o f s a l e f o r G e r m a n S t a n d a r d s ( D I N - N o r m e n ) .I C S 9 1 . 0 1 0 . 2 0 ; 9 1 . 1 4 0 . 0 1!%sk“2568072www.din.deD I N 1 8 3 8 1G e r m a n c o n s t r u c t i o n c o n t r a c t p r o c e d u r

3、 e s ( V O B ) P a r t C : G e n e r a l t e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s i n c o n s t r u c t i o n c o n t r a c t s ( A T V ) I n s t a l l a t i o n o f g a s , w a t e r a n d d r a i n a g e p i p e w o r k i n s i d e b u i l d i n g s ,E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n o f D

4、I N 1 8 3 8 1 : 2 0 1 6 - 0 9V O B V e r g a b e - u n d V e r t r a g s o r d n u n g f r B a u l e i s t u n g e n T e i l C : A l l g e m e i n e T e c h n i s c h e V e r t r a g s b e d i n g u n g e n f r B a u l e i s t u n g e n ( A T V ) G a s - , W a s s e r - u n d E n t w s s e r u n g s

5、 a n l a g e n i n n e r h a l b v o n G e b u d e n ,E n g l i s c h e b e r s e t z u n g v o n D I N 1 8 3 8 1 : 2 0 1 6 - 0 9C a h i e r d e s c h a r g e s a l l e m a n d p o u r d e s t r a v a u x d e b t i m e n t ( V O B ) P a r t i e C : C l a u s e s t e c h n i q u e s g n r a l e s p o

6、 u r l e x c u t i o n d e s t r a v a u x d e b t i m e n t ( A T V ) T r a v a u x d e c o n d u i t e s g a z i r e s , d e a u e t d e a u x u s e s d a n s l e s b t i m e n t s ,T r a d u c t i o n a n g l a i s e d e D I N 1 8 3 8 1 : 2 0 1 6 - 0 9SupersedesD I N 1 8 3 8 1 : 2 0 1 2 - 0 9www.

7、beuth.deD o c u m e n t c o m p r i s e s 2 0 p a g e sDT r a n s l a t i o n b y D I N - S p r a c h e n d i e n s t .I n c a s e o f d o u b t , t h e G e r m a n - l a n g u a g e o r i g i n a l s h a l l b e c o n s i d e r e d a u t h o r i t a t i v e .03.17 DIN 18381:2016-09 2 A comma is use

8、d as the decimal marker. Foreword This document has been prepared by the Deutscher Vergabe- und Vertragsausschuss fr Bauleistungen (DVA) (German Committee for Construction Contract Procedures). Amendments This document differs from DIN 18381:2012-09 as follows: a) the document has been technically r

9、evised to reflect developments in the construction sector; b) the references to VOB/A have been updated; c) clause 5 “Settlement of accounts has been editorially revised; d) the normative references have been updated as of 2016-04. Previous editions DIN 1980: 1925-08 DIN 18381: 1955-07, 1958-12, 197

10、4-08, 1979-10, 1988-09, 1990-07, 1996-06, 1998-05, 2000-12, 2002-12, 2006-10, 2010-04, 2012-09 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applie

11、s. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. DIN 1960, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part A: General provisions relating to the award of construction contracts DIN 1961, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part

12、 B: General conditions of contract relating to the execution of construction work DIN 1986 (all parts), Drainage systems on private ground DIN 1986-4, Drainage systems on private ground Part 4: Application of sewer pipes and fittings as a function of their materials DIN 1986-100, Site drainage syste

13、ms Part 100: Specifications in relation to DIN EN 752 and DIN EN 12056 DIN 1988 (all parts), Codes of practice for drinking water installations DIN 1988-200, Codes of practice for drinking water installations Part 200: Installation Type A (closed system) Planning, components, apparatus, materials; D

14、VGW code of practice DIN 1988-600, Codes of practice for drinking water installations Part 600: Drinking water installations in connection with fire fighting and fire protection installations; DVGW code of practice DIN 4109, Sound insulation in buildings Requirements and testing DIN 18381:2016-09 3

15、DIN 18299, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) General rules applying to all types of construction work DIN 18306, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction

16、 contracts (ATV) Trenchless pipelaying DIN 18307, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Laying of pressure pipework outside buildings DIN 50930-6, Corrosion behaviour of metallic materials in contact with water Part 6:

17、Evaluation process and requirements regarding the hygienic suitability in contact with drinking water DIN EN 806 (all parts), Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption DIN EN 1610, Construction and testing of drains and sewers DIN EN 1717, Protection aga

18、inst pollution of potable water in water installations and general requirements for devices to prevent pollution by backflow (DVGW code of practice) DIN EN 12056 (all parts), Gravity drainage systems inside buildings DIN EN 12056-1, Gravity drainage systems inside buildings Part 1: General and perfo

19、rmance requirements DIN EN 12502 (all parts), Protection of metallic materials against corrosion DIN EN 60051-1, Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories Part 1: Definitions and general requirements common to all parts DIN EN 60529 (VDE 0470-1), Degree

20、s of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) DIN EN 60848, GRAFCET Specification language for sequential function charts DIN EN 61082-1 (VDE 0040-1), Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology Part 1: Rules VDI 3813 series, Building automation and control systems (BACS)*)VDI 3814 series,

21、 Building automation and control systems (BACS)*)DVFG-TRF 2012, TRF 2012, Technische Regeln Flssiggas (Codes of practice for liquefied petroleum gas)*)DVGW G 600 DVGW-TRGI 2008 DVGW-TRGI G 600, Technische Regeln fr Gasinstallationen (Codes of practice for gas installations)*)DVGW W 551, Trinkwassere

22、rwrmungs- und Trinkwasserleitungsanlagen Technische Manahmen zur Verminderung des Legionellenwachstums Planung, Errichtung, Betrieb und Sanierung von Trinkwasser-Installationen (Hot water supply systems Measures to control the growth of Legionellae Design, construction, operation and renovation of d

23、rinking water supply systems)*)*)Author: VDI Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebudetechnik (VDI Society Civil Engineering and Building Services), VDI-Platz 1, 40468 Dsseldorf, www.vdi.de. Obtainable from: Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, www.beuth.de. *)Author: DVGW Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches

24、 e. V., Technisch wissenschaftlicher Verein (German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water), Josef-Wirmer-Str. 1-3, 53123 Bonn, www.dvgw.de. Obtainable from: wvgw Wirtschafts- und Verlagsgesellschaft Gas und Wasser mbH, Josef-Wirmer-Strae 3, 53123 Bonn, www.wvgw.de. DIN 18381:2016-09

25、 4 Contents Page 0 Details required for drafting the specification of works . 4 1 Scope 9 2 Materials and components . 9 3 Execution of work 10 4 Associated tasks and special tasks 16 5 Settlement of accounts 19 0 Details required for drafting the specification of works The following information sup

26、plements the general information specified in DIN 18299, clause 0. Without this information, a specification of works as required in 7 ff., 7 EU ff. or 7 VS ff. of VOB/A (DIN 1960) cannot be properly drawn up. This information does not form part of the contract. The specification of works shall, in

27、particular, include the following information as and when applicable. 0.1 Site information 0.1.1 Main wind direction. 0.1.2 Form of any excavations. 0.1.3 Surrounding buildings. 0.1.4 Any existing waterproofing of buildings or parts of buildings (e.g. tanking of basements). 0.1.5 Floor and roof stru

28、cture, type of insulation and waterproofing. 0.1.6 Type and extent of protection as required by VDE specifications. DIN 18381:2016-09 5 0.1.7 Type, constructional details, dimensions and location of any scaffolding installed by other contractors, and schedule for the installation or removal of such

29、scaffolding. 0.1.8 Natural ground level and flood level. 0.1.9 Type and location of the effluent discharge points to be made available to receive drainage points emanating from other trades. 0.2 Details of execution of work 0.2.1 Type, design, location, sizing and number of, and materials to be used

30、 for, the systems to be installed. 0.2.2 Scope of installation work to be carried out by the contractor with regard to the electrical wiring within the system, including connection to mains. 0.2.3 Type and energy requirements (e.g. in respect of thermal energy) of components that are not part of the

31、 contractual performance. 0.2.4 Pressure ratings specified for system components. 0.2.5 Provision of approval, test and acceptance records (e.g. test certificates for pressure vessels as stipulated in the Betriebssicherheitsverordnung (Industrial Safety Ordinance) or for systems carrying radioactive

32、 waste water). 0.2.6 Requirements with respect to non-destructive testing of high pressure pipes and pipes that are difficult to reach when installed. 0.2.7 Type, dimensions and number of any samples and mock-ups to be submitted, and where these are to be installed. 0.2.8 Nature and scope of any mea

33、sures in respect of winter construction work. 0.2.9 Any special protection of building and systems components, fixtures, furniture and the like. 0.2.10 Information on the implementation of a hygiene concept. 0.2.11 Any special requirements to be met by wall and floor penetrations. 0.2.12 Any require

34、ments relating to fire and radiation protection, sound or thermal insulation, damp-proofing, energy efficiency and airtightness of building envelope. Type and scope of necessary measures. 0.2.13 Requirements to be met by pipework installed on unfinished floors. 0.2.14 Requirements to be met by the t

35、hermal insulation of pipework installed on unfinished floors. 0.2.15 Any exceptional physical or chemical conditions to which materials and components will be exposed after installation. 0.2.16 Type and scope of any corrosion protection work (see subclauses 2.1 and 3.1.1) und work to prevent scaling

36、 (see subclause 3.1.1). 0.2.17 Results of the water analysis to assess resistance to chemical corrosion according to DIN 50930-6 and DIN EN 12502 (all parts). DIN 18381:2016-09 6 0.2.18 Type, design, extent and dimensions of thermal insulation and of insulation against condensation water. 0.2.19 Typ

37、e and extent of provisional measures (e.g. temporary water supply and discharge of waste water). 0.2.20 Any separate parts of the work prior or subsequent to the main work. Dates set for completion and commissioning, in stages where applicable. 0.2.21 Interfaces with other trades. 0.2.22 Information

38、 in respect of building automation and control systems (e.g. interfaces, interface definition). 0.2.23 Type and scope of work to enable commissioning involving other trades. 0.2.24 Type and extent of documentation to be provided and handed over before installation or to add to the as-built documenta

39、tion, e.g.: function and system diagrams, as-built plans of the systems installed, parts list, detailing all measurement and control equipment, electrical wiring diagram and, where appropriate, control circuit diagram, drawn up as specified in DIN EN 60848, description of functional characteristics,

40、 including those of the control system, with control circuit diagram, records of final settings and measurements made in connection with the adjustment of the system prior to commissioning, spare parts lists, calculation of energy demand, calculation of networks and set values, diagrams and paramete

41、rs for machinery, information lists (in the case of measurement and control systems operating on the basis of DDC technology (see VDI 38141). 0.2.25 Information on whether function measurements are to be carried out. 0.2.26 Type and scope of tightness and pressure tests on the system, and details of

42、 appliances to be removed and reinstalled, or sealed. 0.2.27 Type, scope and technique used for flushing the pipework of the drinking water supply systems, in particular length and position of the distribution pipes in the basement, number and size of risers, number of storeys, 1)Author: VDI Gesells

43、chaft Bauen und Gebudetechnik (VDI Society Civil Engineering and Building Services), VDI-Platz 1, 40468 Dsseldorf, www.vdi.de. Obtainable from: Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, www.beuth.de. DIN 18381:2016-09 7 number of draw-off points, type of draw-of points and valves (in-wall and on-wall), in-wa

44、ll cisterns, and the like, location of point where the building drainage system connects to the public sewerage system or to a domestic sewage treatment plant. 0.2.28 Information required for flushing the pipework (type, scope and technique), where the drainage system or sections of it are to be flu

45、shed as specified in subclause 4.2.22, in particular the following: length and size of pipework to be flushed, details of how to dispose of the flushing water. 0.2.29 Type, scope and technique used to disinfect drinking water pipework as in subclause 4.2.27. 0.2.30 Information on whether a maintenan

46、ce contract is also to be tendered. 0.2.31 Nature and scope of the planning documentation and calculations to be supplied to the contractor to permit assessment and installation of the system. 0.2.32 Any aggressive and contaminated substances, and how they are to be treated. 0.2.33 Details regarding

47、 the capacity to accommodate loads due to suspended system components and equipment. 0.2.34 Type and scope of checking/testing existing gas, drinking water and drainage water pipework and equipment. 0.2.35 Type and scope of marking of pipework. 0.2.36 Information relevant for the location of draw-of

48、f points (e.g. valves) and of drains or outlets (e.g. for tiling). 0.2.37 Information whether components are to be made from measurements taken on site or from drawings. 0.2.38 Type, condition and strength of material (e.g. steel, concrete, plastered/rendered or non-plastered/non-rendered masonry, timber). Type of wall and floor coverings to be used. 0.2.39 Type, design, number and dimensions of edgings and connections to/junctions with structures and other building elements (e.g. airtight joints). 0.2.40 Type, design, location and d

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