DIN 18421-2016 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Insulation of service installations《德国建筑合同程.pdf

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1、 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 6 E n g l i s h p r i c e g r o u p 8 N o p a r t o f t h i s t r a n s l a t i o n m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p r i o r p e r m i s s i o n o f D I N D e u t s c h e s I n s t i t u t f r N o r m u n g e . V . , B e r l i n . B e u t h V e r l a g G m b H ,

2、 1 0 7 7 2 B e r l i n , G e r m a n y ,h a s t h e e x c l u s i v e r i g h t o f s a l e f o r G e r m a n S t a n d a r d s ( D I N - N o r m e n ) .I C S 1 3 . 2 2 0 . 9 9 ; 9 1 . 0 1 0 . 2 0!%sn“2568075www.din.deD I N 1 8 4 2 1G e r m a n c o n s t r u c t i o n c o n t r a c t p r o c e d u r

3、 e s ( V O B ) P a r t C : G e n e r a l t e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s i n c o n s t r u c t i o n c o n t r a c t s ( A T V ) I n s u l a t i o n o f s e r v i c e i n s t a l l a t i o n s ,E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n o f D I N 1 8 4 2 1 : 2 0 1 6 - 0 9V O B V e r g a b e -

4、 u n d V e r t r a g s o r d n u n g f r B a u l e i s t u n g e n T e i l C : A l l g e m e i n e T e c h n i s c h e V e r t r a g s b e d i n g u n g e n f r B a u l e i s t u n g e n ( A T V ) D m m - u n d B r a n d s c h u t z a r b e i t e n a n t e c h n i s c h e n A n l a g e n ,E n g l i

5、s c h e b e r s e t z u n g v o n D I N 1 8 4 2 1 : 2 0 1 6 - 0 9C a h i e r d e s c h a r g e s a l l e m a n d p o u r d e s t r a v a u x d e b t i m e n t ( V O B ) P a r t i e C : C l a u s e s t e c h n i q u e s g n r a l e s p o u r l e x c u t i o n d e s t r a v a u x d e b t i m e n t ( A

6、 T V ) T r a v a u x d i s o l a t i o n p o u r d e s i n s t a l l a t i o n s t e c h n i q u e s ,T r a d u c t i o n a n g l a i s e d e D I N 1 8 4 2 1 : 2 0 1 6 - 0 9SupersedesD I N 1 8 4 2 1 : 2 0 1 2 - 0 9www.beuth.deD o c u m e n t c o m p r i s e s 2 2 p a g e sDT r a n s l a t i o n b y

7、D I N - S p r a c h e n d i e n s t .I n c a s e o f d o u b t , t h e G e r m a n - l a n g u a g e o r i g i n a l s h a l l b e c o n s i d e r e d a u t h o r i t a t i v e .04.17 DIN 18421:2016-09 2 A comma is used as the decimal marker. Foreword This document has been prepared by the Deutscher

8、 Vergabe- und Vertragsausschuss for Bauleistungen (DVA) (German Committee for Construction Contract Procedures). Amendments This document differs from DIN 18421:2012-09 as follows: a) the document has been technically revised to reflect developments in the construction sector; b) clause 5 “Settlemen

9、t of accounts has been restructured; c) the normative references have been updated as of 2016-04. Previous editions DIN 18421: 1961-02, 1976-09, 1979-10, 1988-09, 1990-07, 1992-12, 1996-06, 1998-05, 2000-12, 2006-10, 2010-04, 2012-09 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part,

10、 are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. DIN 1960, German construction contract procedures (V

11、OB) Part A: General provisions relating to the award of construction contracts DIN 1961, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part B: General conditions of contract relating to the execution of construction work DIN 4102 (all parts), Fire behaviour of building materials and building compone

12、nts DIN 4140, Insulation work on industrial installations and building equipment Execution of thermal and cold insulations DIN 18299, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) General rules applying to all types of construc

13、tion work DIN EN 18379:2016-09, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Installation of air conditioning systems DIN EN 13501 (all parts), Fire classification of construction products and building elements DIN 18421:2016-

14、09 3 Contents Page 0 Details required for drafting the specification of works . 3 1 Scope 8 2 Materials and components . 8 3 Execution of work 8 4 Associated tasks and special tasks 9 5 Settlement of accounts 11 0 Details required for drafting the specification of works The following information sup

15、plements the general information specified in DIN 18299, clause 0. Without this information, a specification of works as required in 7 ff., 7 EU ff. or 7 VS ff. cannot be properly drawn up. This information does not form part of the contract. The specification of works shall, in particular, include

16、the following information as and when applicable. 0.1 Site information 0.1.1 Siting of units to be insulated or protected against fire, accounted for separately (e.g. according to height above floor, storey). 0.1.2 Type, location, dimensions and constructional details of any scaffolding installed by

17、 other contractors, and schedule for the installation or removal of such scaffolding. 0.2 Details of execution of work 0.2.1 Types, materials and dimensions of units to be insulated (e.g. indicating material numbers), and any corrosion protection, and of units, equipment, etc. to be protected agains

18、t fire. 0.2.2 Type, thickness and properties of insulation (as in DIN 4140). DIN 18421:2016-09 4 0.2.3 Type, materials, dimensions and design of claddings and of any elements intended to provide fire protection. 0.2.4 Any special characteristics of insulation or fire protection (e.g. fire behaviour,

19、 water repellency, freedom from silicone, chloride ions content, inorganic salts content). 0.2.5 Any requirements for insulating and fire protection systems relating to fire and radiation protection, sound or thermal insulation (hot and cold) and damp-proofing. Fire resistance class according to DIN

20、 4102 (all parts) and DIN EN 13501 (all parts). 0.2.6 Protection of insulation against mechanical and other external actions. Requirements as a result of wind loads, operating incident and fire safety concepts. 0.2.7 Conditions necessary for the assessment and execution of the insulation (e.g. opera

21、ting and ambient temperature, temperatures when operating incidents occur). 0.2.8 Identification of areas in which access is difficult or obstructed (e.g. where working space is restricted or distances are smaller than the minimum distances specified in DIN 4140). 0.2.9 Any restrictions with regard

22、to work processes, such as preclusion of welding or drilling, or preclusion of any contact of units to be insulated or protected with metal, any limitations on the mass of insulating or protective systems. 0.2.10 Information whether the units to be insulated are designed for continuous, intermittent

23、 or alternating temperature operation (see DIN 4140). 0.2.11 Any exceptional physical or chemical conditions to which materials and components will be exposed after installation (e.g. vibration, aggressive water, soil or gas). 0.2.12 Any specifications of the client with respect to workmanship. 0.2.

24、13 For insulation: type, location, dimensions and number of blanks, reinforcing packing for duct flanges, reinforcing packing for supports, cutouts, flashings, roses, bends, lids, inserts, end pieces of claddings and fire protective coverings (e.g. end caps), flexible caps for supports, caps, trouse

25、r pieces, boxes, offsets, DIN 18421:2016-09 5 tapered elbows, tapered sections, annular sections, cladding throats, fitting pieces, rain deflectors, end faces, connectors, supporting structures, separators for claddings and fire protective coverings, transformation pieces, connections/junctions with

26、 other adjacent components (floor, ceiling, wall) for claddings, sections individually measuring 1 m2, fire stops measuring 1 m2in area. Table 1 Size classes for rectangular ducting and the associated special sections, e.g. cap ends, sealing covers, separators, overlaps, fitting pieces and direction

27、al (turning) vanes No. Straight sections Special sections Length of longest edge without insulation Size class Spacing 1 L 1 F 1 Up to 500 2 L 2 F 2 Over 500 up to 1 000 3 L 3 F 3 Over 1 000 up to 1 500 4 L 4 F 4 Over 1 500 up to 2 000 5 L 5 F 5 Over 2 000 0.5.3 Volume (m3), accounted for separately

28、 according to type of installation and size: foamed, loose-filled, tamped or fire protective insulation in chases, shafts, pipe ducts, as well as in cavities in vessels, containers, columns and tanks. 0.5.4 Number of items, accounted for separately according to diameter, length, circumference, radiu

29、s of bend, angle of bend, or according to other factors influencing the amount of work required (e.g. special cross-sectional shapes of connections or penetrations, or connectors branching off at different angles): blanks, reinforcing packing for ducting flanges, reinforcing packing for supports, DI

30、N 18421:2016-09 7 cutouts, flashings, roses, bends, lids, inserts, end pieces of claddings and fire protective coverings (e.g. end caps), flexible caps for supports, caps with a surface area 1 m2, trouser pieces, boxes with a surface area 1 m2, offsets, tapered elbows, tapered sections, annular sect

31、ions, cladding throats, fitting pieces, rain deflectors, end faces, connectors, supporting structures, fixed casings separators for claddings and fire protective coverings, transformation pieces, connections/junctions with other adjacent components (floor, ceiling, wall) for claddings, sections indi

32、vidually measuring 0,01 m2 0,025 m2; 0,025 m2 0,05 m2; 0,05 m2 0,075 m2; 0,075 m2 0,1 m2; 0,1 m2 0,25 m2; 0,25 m2 0,5 m2; 0,5 m2 0,75 m2; 0,75 m2300 mm. 5.2.4 When calculating the length of insulation on tapered pipes, half the length of the insulating material shall be accounted for on the basis of

33、 the dimensions and insulation thickness or cladding circumference of the connecting pipes on one side and the other half on the basis of those on the other side. 5.2.5 In the case of pipe bundles in which the pipes are insulated individually, the insulation of each pipe and the cladding covering al

34、l the pipes together shall be calculated. This applies by analogy to pipes with a fire protective insulation. 5.2.6 In the case of pipe bundles in which the pipes are not insulated individually, the insulation of the pipe bundle and the cladding covering all the pipes together shall be calculated. T

35、his applies by analogy to pipes with a fire protective insulation. 5.2.7 When accounting according to area, for external insulation, areas shall be calculated according to the greatest surface area of the finished cladding or insulation. When calculating the area of internal insulation, this shall b

36、e based on the surface to be insulated before the insulating materials are fitted. This applies by analogy to pipes with a fire protective insulation. 5.2.8 The area of circular end faces (disregarding the cylindrical parts) shall be determined as follows. flat end faces: A = 0,079 6 U2funnel-shaped

37、 end face, with h : da 1 : 10: A = 0,082 U2dished end face, with da 10 m: A = 0,082 U2dished end face, with da 10 m: A = 0,079 6 U2+ 3,14 h2end face in the form of a hemisphere: A = 0,159 1 U2end face in the form of a paraboloid: A = 0,109 U2DIN 18421:2016-09 13 In the above, A is the area of the en

38、d face (m2); dais the outside diameter of the end face (m); U is the outer circumference of the end face (m); h is the height of the funnel or dish (m). 5.3 Deductions No deduction shall be made for the following: 5.3.1 When accounting by length: interruptions in the insulating layers, claddings and

39、 fire protective coverings individually measuring 300 mm, e.g. due to walls, ceilings, steel girders and other structural elements, interruptions in the insulating layers, claddings and fire protective coverings individually measuring 300 mm due to fitments, e.g. pumps, stops, valves, flanged, screw

40、ed and welded joints. 5.3.2 When accounting by area: recesses and cutouts individually measuring 0,5 m2in area1), cutouts that are not made until erection has started or has been completed, irrespective of their size, penetrations for fire stops, flanges in air-conditioning ducts. 5.3.3 When account

41、ing by volume: the volume of pipes with an outside diameter of 12 cm and of other pipes of cross section 125 cm2, penetrations for fire stops. 5.3.4 No deduction shall be made for the following: blanks, supports, cutouts, flashings/roses, bends, 1)An area of 0,5 m2 is that of a square with sides of

42、length 70 cm and a circle with a diameter of 80 cm. DIN 18421:2016-09 14 lids, inserts, trouser pieces, offsets, tapered elbows, tapered sections, annular sections, cladding throats, fitting pieces, rain deflectors, connectors, supporting structures, separators for claddings and fire protective cove

43、rings, transformation pieces. 5.4 Individual provisions 5.4.1 Insulating layers with claddings Where insulating layers are provided with claddings, the dimensions of the cladding shall be calculated. 5.4.2 Separate accounting The following shall be accounted for separately, irrespective of whether o

44、r not deductions are to be made for them: blanks, supports, reinforcing packing, cutouts, flashings, roses, bends, lids, inserts, end pieces of claddings and fire protective coverings (e.g. end caps), trouser pieces, offsets, tapered elbows, tapered sections, fitting of annular sections, DIN 18421:2

45、016-09 15 cladding throats, fitting pieces, rain deflectors, end faces, connectors, supporting structures, separators for claddings and fire protective coverings, transformation pieces, connections/junctions with adjacent components (floor, ceiling, wall) for claddings. 5.4.3 Boxes For flange boxes,

46、 two cutouts are included in the work. For valve boxes three cutouts are included in the work. Each further cutout shall be calculated separately. 5.4.4 Ducting and independent fire insulation ducts Special sections as in Table 2 and sections of classes F 1 to F 5 as in Table 1 (see subclause 0.5.2)

47、 with a calculated surface area 900 2(a + b) l for fitting sections: l + 200 2 Trapezoidal section TL f = fmax 2222bfcfbc+)(aal 3 Straight section LT l 900 2(a + b) l 4 Connection piece SU l 900 c = a 2(a + b) ( )( )22dbl +5 DIN 18379:2016-09, line 5 does not apply for insulation. DIN 18421:2016-09

48、17 Table 2 (continued) Dimensions in millimetres No. Designation Symbol SizeaDiagram and notation Section and view from left Largest circumference UmaxbGreatest length a to c or d lmaxb6 Radius elbow, symmetrical BS e 500 f 500 2(a + b) ( )febr+1807 Radius elbow, asymmetrical BA c = a e 500 f 500 Condition b d: 2(a + b) ( )febr+180Condition b 900) shall be based

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