DIN 267-29-1993 Fasteners product grades for parts for bolted connections for use at temperatures ranging from -200 C to +700 C《紧固件 在-200℃~+700℃温度范围使用的螺栓连接件的产品等级》.pdf

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DIN 267-29-1993 Fasteners product grades for parts for bolted connections for use at temperatures ranging from -200 C to +700 C《紧固件 在-200℃~+700℃温度范围使用的螺栓连接件的产品等级》.pdf_第1页
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DIN 267-29-1993 Fasteners product grades for parts for bolted connections for use at temperatures ranging from -200 C to +700 C《紧固件 在-200℃~+700℃温度范围使用的螺栓连接件的产品等级》.pdf_第2页
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DIN 267-29-1993 Fasteners product grades for parts for bolted connections for use at temperatures ranging from -200 C to +700 C《紧固件 在-200℃~+700℃温度范围使用的螺栓连接件的产品等级》.pdf_第3页
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DIN 267-29-1993 Fasteners product grades for parts for bolted connections for use at temperatures ranging from -200 C to +700 C《紧固件 在-200℃~+700℃温度范围使用的螺栓连接件的产品等级》.pdf_第4页
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DIN 267-29-1993 Fasteners product grades for parts for bolted connections for use at temperatures ranging from -200 C to +700 C《紧固件 在-200℃~+700℃温度范围使用的螺栓连接件的产品等级》.pdf_第5页
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1、UDC 621.882 : 621.713 DEUTSCHE NORM August 1993 T2 T3 Fasteners Product grades for bolt/nut assemblies for service temperatures from - 200 “C to + 700 “C IS0 2768 - mK IS0 2768 - CL DIN - 267 Part 29 Internal thread (nut) External thread (bolt) Mechanische Verbindungselemente; Produktklassen fr Teil

2、e fr Schraubenverbindungen zum Einsatz bei Temperaturen von - 200 “C bis + 700 “C Tolerance zone 6H as in DIN 13 Part 14 Limits of thread size as in DIN 2510 Part 2 This standard, together with DIN 267 Part 13, August 1993 edition, supersedes DIN 267 Part 13, March 1980 edition. In keeping with curr

3、ent practice in standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a comma has been used throughout as the decimal rnarkeL 1 Scope and field of application This standard specifies product grades for bolt/nut assemblies for use at temperatures ranging from - 200C to + 70

4、0 “C. NOTE: Mechanical properties of bolts and nuts are specified in DIN 267 Part 13. DIN 267 Part 29 shall also apply where, in any existing documentation, reference is made to product grades TI, T2 or T3 as specified in DIN 267 Part 13, March 1980 edition. 2 Product grades Since the limits of thre

5、ad size and the geometrical tolerances specified in IS0 4759-1 do not apply to fasteners designed for service temperatures from - 200C to + 700C, this standard specifies product grades T1, T2 and T3 as a function of limits of thread size, dimensional tolerances, geometrical tolerances and surface ro

6、ughness. Table 1 applies to dimensions without tolerance indication. NOTE: The indication of product grades in the standard designation is identical to that given in IS0 4759-1. Table 1 : General tolerances I Product grade I General tolerances I T1 I IS02768 -fH I I 3 Screw thread Table 2: Thread to

7、lerances Thread profile as in DIN 13 Part 19 I Thread profile I NOTE: Where bolts or screws (e.g. hexagon head screws as specified in DIN EN 24014 with a thread as specified in DIN 2510 Part 2) are mated with nuts of heights not less than 0,8 d, as specified in DIN EN 24032, a greater clearance betw

8、een bolt and nut is produced which reduces the resistance of the thread to stripping. This should be checked by calculation where necessary. Continued on pages 2 to 8 Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin, has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen). DIN 267 Part 29 Engl. Price group 7 05.

9、94 Sales No. 0107 Page 2 DIN 267 Part 29 I I I c z 0- O 3- a=“ I rn m“ Cu NO 5 Qv? O O o* * ,o 5 Q$ “! 7 O I I m W 5- O In rn“ a:rn Cu ,o 5 F v) b + m L 3 cn O“ 3 5 LD O c - O m O WQ c .- hl= fi v) u- (u L O 2 3 td c 2 h o v) al o m 3 v) al c L Li alaal alalc cncnl- hhh iam DIN 267 Part 29 Page 3 b

10、db d, d, I, s z b d, d, 1, S z b d, d, dw 5 Dimensional tolerances The bolts, nuts and extension sleeves shown in the table are given by way of example. For other types of bolts, screws, nuts and extension sleeves, the tolerances specified shall apply analogously. Table 4: Dimensional tolerances +IT

11、15 H13 h12 h13 js13 hi3 js14 +IT15 h12 h13 js13 h13 js14 +IT15 h13 h12 dwmi, 5.1 Double end stud with waisted shank HI3 hl 2 h13 jsl5 h13 jsl5 I- - b 1 I, (for types KU and ZU)i) c - 4 - - - - - - Figure 1 h13 js15 +IT15 hl 3 hl 2 5.2 Waisted stud - - +IT 15 h13 h12 a“ Figure 2 5.3 Hexagon bolts wit

12、h waisted shank L rn a a“-.- rr (61 1 cl Figure 3 1 Figure 4 T3 T2 I +IT15 1 + IT 15 + jsl5 = smin - IT 16 for s 30 rnm DIN 267 Part 29 Page 5 Featu re 5.5 Extension sleeves dl d2 I Figure 8 Tolerance for product grade TI T2 T3 - hl 3 H14 - h14 - - - - 6 Geometrical tolerances Geometrical tolerances

13、 shall apply as such, i.e. no direct relationship exists between them and the particular method of production, measurement or gauging. Where the thread major diameter (i.e. the nominal thread diameter), d, is the datum feature, assessment shall be performed or measuring be carried out in the thread

14、flank. Table 5: Geometrical tolerances Feature 6.1 Concentricity, symmetry and run-out Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 With washer-faced portion Figure 12 Figure 13 (continued) T1 Tolerance, t, for product grade 2 IT 10 2 IT 13 2 IT 12 2 IT 12 T2 2 IT 13 2 IT 14 2 IT 13 2 IT 13 T3 2 IT 14 (applies only

15、 tc figure 11) 2 IT 14 Page 6 DIN 267 Part 29 Table 5 (continued) I Feature r-pq- With spigot (applies also to cap nuts with spigot) Figure 14 I Figure 15 6.2 Perpendicularity (values of land d, given in mm) Figure 16 Figure 17 I t-a Figure 18 For I), see page 7. Tolerance, t, for product grade T1 2

16、 IT 12 T2 2 IT 12 2 IT 11 T Up * to 56 0,02 upto 90 up to 125 t = 0,0175 * D, t = 0,009 O, t = 0,0175 - Dm T3 2 IT 12 (continued) DIN 267 Part 29 Page 7 T2 Table 5 (concluded) T3 Feature n 1 Figure 19 1 1 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 23 6.3 Run-out (values of t given in mm) tolerance system

17、for threads 1 mm in diameter and larger IS0 metric screw threads; basic profile and manufacturing profiles Fasteners; technical delivery conditions for bolt/nut assemblies with specific mechanical proper- ties, for service temperatures from - 200 “C to + 700 “C Bolted connections with waisted shank

18、bolts; metric screw thread with large clearance, nominal dimensions and limits Bolted connections with waisted shank bolts; stud bolts Determination of surface roughness parameters Ra, R, and R, with electric stylus instruments; concepts and measuring conditions Measurement of the profile peak heigh

19、t, P, of surfaces Hexagon head bolts; product grades A and B Hexagon nuts; style 1 ; product grades A and B Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance indications Geometrical tolerances for features without individual tolerance indications Previous editions DIN 267 Par

20、t 13: Amendments The following amendments have been made to DIN 267 Part 13, March 1980 edition. a) The specifications of the standard have been split between Parts 13 and 29. b) The scope of the standard has been amended. c) For general tolerances, IS0 2768-1 : 1989 and IS0 2768-2 : 19

21、89 shall apply. d) Specific dimensional tolerances for hexagon head screws without waisted shank and for nuts without washer- faced portion or spigot are no longer included. e) Dimensional tolerances for nuts with washer-faced portion (type NF as in DIN 2510 Part 5) have been specified. f) For exten

22、sion sleeves, product grade T1 is no longer specified. g) The symbols denoting the quantities have been harmonized with those used in the relevant product standards. Explanatory notes DIN 267 Part 13 has been split up into two Parts for the following reasons: 1 ) The mechanical properties (materials

23、, property classes) and product grades (tolerances) for fasteners are nor- mally specified in separate standards and are to be given separately when ordering the products. 2) Each standard can be used independently, i.e. the tolerances specified in DIN 267 Part 29 need not be com- plied with in the case of products for use at low temperatures as specified in DIN 267 Part 13. Cross references in both standards make it easier for the standards to be applied, particularly with regard to existing documentation. International Patent Classification F 16 B 035/00 F 16 B 037/00

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