DIN 51605-2016 Fuels for vegetable oil compatible combustion engines - Fuel from rapeseed oil - Requirements and test methods《内燃机可用植物油燃料 源于菜籽油的燃料 试验方法和要求》.pdf

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DIN 51605-2016 Fuels for vegetable oil compatible combustion engines - Fuel from rapeseed oil - Requirements and test methods《内燃机可用植物油燃料 源于菜籽油的燃料 试验方法和要求》.pdf_第1页
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DIN 51605-2016 Fuels for vegetable oil compatible combustion engines - Fuel from rapeseed oil - Requirements and test methods《内燃机可用植物油燃料 源于菜籽油的燃料 试验方法和要求》.pdf_第2页
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DIN 51605-2016 Fuels for vegetable oil compatible combustion engines - Fuel from rapeseed oil - Requirements and test methods《内燃机可用植物油燃料 源于菜籽油的燃料 试验方法和要求》.pdf_第3页
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DIN 51605-2016 Fuels for vegetable oil compatible combustion engines - Fuel from rapeseed oil - Requirements and test methods《内燃机可用植物油燃料 源于菜籽油的燃料 试验方法和要求》.pdf_第4页
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DIN 51605-2016 Fuels for vegetable oil compatible combustion engines - Fuel from rapeseed oil - Requirements and test methods《内燃机可用植物油燃料 源于菜籽油的燃料 试验方法和要求》.pdf_第5页
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1、January 2016 English price group 10No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).ICS 75.160.20!%UUB“2505031www.din.de

2、DIN 51605Fuels for vegetable oil compatible combustion engines Fuel from rapeseed oil Requirements and test methods,English translation of DIN 51605:2016-01Kraftstoffe fr pflanzenltaugliche Motoren Rapslkraftstoff Anforderungen und Prfverfahren,Englische bersetzung von DIN 51605:2016-01Combustibles

3、pour moteurs adapts aux huiles vgtales Combustible base dhuile de colza Exigences et mthodes dessai,Traduction anglaise de DIN 51605:2016-01SupersedesDIN 51605:2010-09www.beuth.deDocument comprises 16 pagesDTranslation by DIN-Sprachendienst.In case of doubt, the German-language original shall be con

4、sidered authoritative.04.17 DIN 51605:2016-01 2 A comma is used as the decimal marker. Contents Page Foreword 3 Introduction. 4 1 Scope . 5 2 Normative references . 5 3 Terms and definitions . 6 4 Product designation and marking 7 5 Requirements and testing . 7 5.1 General requirements . 7 5.2 Requi

5、rements for added additives . 9 5.3 Requirements for testing and compliance with the limit values in cases of dispute . 9 5.4 Particularities of the requirements for winter capability . 9 5.5 Particularities of the requirements for ignition quality 9 5.6 Additional requirements 10 5.6.1 Verification

6、 of the fuels origin from rapeseed oil . 10 5.6.2 Contents of ash-forming or sediment-forming elements 10 5.6.3 Distillation analysis 10 5.6.4 Information on density/temperature conversion . 10 6 Product treatment and sampling . 10 Annex A (normative) Adaptation of the test method according to DIN E

7、N 15195:2007-08 for the purposes of rapeseed oil fuel . 11 Annex B (informative) Verification of the oil identity 12 B.1 General information . 12 B.2 Methods of testing the fatty acid distribution . 12 B.3 Sterol analysis . 12 Annex C (informative) Further information on properties and test methods

8、. 14 C.1 General 14 C.2 Information on the viscosity for the temperature range from 10 C to 100 C . 14 Bibliography . 15 DIN 51605:2016-01 3 Foreword This document has been prepared by DIN-Normenausschuss Materialprfung (DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing), Working Group NA 062-06-32-02 UA Pr

9、fung von Rapsl als Kraftstoff fr pflanzenltaugliche Motoren of the Fachausschuss Minerall und Brennstoffnormung (Standardization Committee for Petroleum, Fuels, Lubricants and Related Products). Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of pa

10、tent rights. DIN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Amendments This standard differs from DIN 51605:2010-09 as follows: a) as an alternative to DIN EN ISO 3104, the kinematic viscosity can also be determined in accordance with draft standard DIN 51659-2; b)

11、the iodine value is determined in accordance with DIN EN ISO 3961, as this is more appropriate to the scope of this standard than the previous method. In cases of dispute, only the iodine value calculated according to DIN EN ISO 3961:2013-12, Annex B shall be used; c) the acid value is determined in

12、 accordance with DIN EN ISO 660, as this is more appropriate to the scope of this standard than the previous method. Previous editions DIN V 51605: 2006-07 DIN 51605: 2010-09 DIN 51605:2016-01 4 Introduction In this standard those properties of rapeseed oil fuel are specified which are required, as

13、a minimum, to ensure trouble-free use of the fuel in combustion engines that are compatible with vegetable oil. DIN 51605:2016-01 5 1 Scope This standard specifies the properties and limit values for the use of rapeseed oil as fuel for vegetable oil compatible combustion engines, together with the m

14、ethods to be applied for testing these properties. The use of rapeseed oil in compliance with this standard as fuel is only permitted for vegetable oil compatible combustion engines. The parameters laid down in this standard are not designed to be used for testing the suitability of used rapeseed oi

15、l as fuel. A distinction needs to be made between rapeseed oil in accordance with this standard and fatty acid methyl esters (“biodiesel”) according to DIN EN 14214. Properties of other vegetable oils and blends of various vegetable oils for use as fuel are specified in DIN 51623. NOTE For the purpo

16、ses of this document, “% (m/m)” is used to express the mass fraction of a substance. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For u

17、ndated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. DIN 51623, Fuels for vegetable oil compatible combustion engines Fuel from vegetable oil Requirements and test methods DIN 51627-6, Automotive Fuels Test methods Part 6: Direct determination of trace

18、 elements in vegetable oils by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP OES) E DIN 51659-2, Lubricants Test methods Part 2: Determination of the kinematic viscosity of used lubricating oils by Stabinger viscometer DIN 51750-1, Sampling of petroleum products General information D

19、IN 51750-2, Sampling of liquid petroleum products DIN 51900-1, Testing of solid and liquid fuels Determination of gross calorific value by the bomb calorimeter and calculation of net calorific value Part 1: Principles, apparatus, methods DIN 51900-2, Testing of solid and liquid fuels Determination o

20、f gross calorific value by the bomb calorimeter and calculation of net calorific value Part 2: Method using isoperibol or static jacket calorimeter DIN 51900-3, Testing of solid and liquid fuels Determination of gross calorific value by the bomb calorimeter and calculation of net calorific value Par

21、t 3: Method using adiabatic jacket DIN EN 12662:1998-10, Liquid petroleum products Determination of contamination in middle distillates DIN EN 14112, Fat and oil derivatives Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) Determination of oxidation stability (accelerated oxidation test) DIN EN 14214, Automotive fue

22、ls Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for diesel engines Requirements and test methods DIN 51605:2016-01 6 DIN EN 15195:2007-08, Liquid petroleum products Determination of ignition delay and derived cetane number (DCN) of middle distillate fuels by combustion in a constant volume chamber DIN EN ISO 660

23、, Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of acid value and acidity DIN EN ISO 2719, Determination of flash point Pensky-Martens closed cup method DIN EN ISO 3104, Petroleum products Transparent and opaque liquids Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity DIN

24、 EN ISO 3170, Petroleum liquids Manual sampling DIN EN ISO 3675, Crude petroleum and petroleum products Determination of density Oscillating U-tube method DIN EN ISO 3961, Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of iodine value DIN EN ISO 4259, Petroleum products Determination and applicati

25、on of precision data in relation to methods of test DIN EN ISO 12185, Crude petroleum and petroleum products Determination of density Oscillating U-tube method DIN EN ISO 12937, Petroleum products Determination of water Coulometric Karl Fischer titration method DIN EN ISO 20846, Petroleum products D

26、etermination of sulfur content of automotive fuels Ultraviolet fluorescence method DIN EN ISO 20884, Petroleum products Determination of sulfur content of automotive fuels Wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following t

27、erms and definitions apply. 3.1. vegetable oil oil obtained from oleaginous parts of plants Note 1 to entry: Such parts are e.g. seeds, fruits and germ buds. Vegetable oils are virtually anhydrous and consist mainly of triacylglycerides (esters from glycerol and fatty acids) and small amounts of fat

28、-soluble substances from the vegetable base material such as phosphatides, waxes, non-saponifiable components, mono- and diglycerides as well as free fatty acids. 3.2. vegetable oil compatible combustion engine engine system which is designed for the use of vegetable oils as fuel or which is adapted

29、 for this use by means of subsequent retrofitting measures and for which the respective releases or guarantee bonds issued by the engine manufacturers or the retrofitters are available Note 1 to entry: The engine system according to the scope of this standard consists of the generally known componen

30、ts of a self-igniting combustion engine including exhaust gas after-treatment such as oxidation catalytic converters, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology or exhaust gas particle filters as well as the components specifically required for operation with vegetable oil. DIN 51605:2016-01 7 3

31、.3. vegetable oil refining procedural steps for the reduction of undesired concomitant substances and solids in the vegetable oils Note 1 to entry: Such procedural steps are, for example, degumming (delecithinization), deacidification (neutralization), bleaching and steaming (deodorization). Note 2

32、to entry: Undesired concomitant substances are, for example, free fatty acids as well as sediment-forming and ash-forming elements. 3.4. product delivery point filling station, filling pump or other location where vegetable oil fuel according to this standard is delivered for the purpose of operatin

33、g vegetable oil compatible combustion engines 4 Product designation and marking Rapeseed oil for use as fuel in vegetable oil compatible combustion engines shall be designated as follows: Rapeseed oil fuel DIN 51605 NOTE At the product delivery points (3.4) a uniform, clearly visible and unmistakabl

34、e marking shall be ensured, which can clearly be differentiated from that of fuels in normal daily usage. Respective guidelines are given in 10. BImSchV 1. 5 Requirements and testing 5.1 General requirements Rapeseed oil fuel in accordance with the requirements of this standard consists of vegetable

35、 oil, produced from the seeds of rape (Brassica napus or Brassica rapa 2), usually 00 rape varieties with low glucosinolate and erucic acid contents. Other rape varieties (e.g. with a high oleic acid content) can also be used for the production of rapeseed oil fuel, provided the vegetable oil obtain

36、ed fully complies with all the requirements and limit values given in this standard. Rapeseed oil fuel that satisfies the requirements of this standard is produced by mechanical extraction or by mechanical extraction involving solvent extraction. In any case, the contents of solids and of undesired

37、concomitant substances such as free fatty acids as well as sediment-forming and ash-forming elements in the rapeseed oil fuel shall be minimized by suitable measures such as refining or solid-liquid separation (see also Table 1). Care shall be taken to ensure that no harmful components are brought i

38、n by using these measures. According to the requirements of this standard, rapeseed oil for the production of fuel shall not have been used otherwise before (e.g. as frying oil, lubricant or hydraulic oil), as this previous use can lead to substantial alteration of the rapeseed oil. Furthermore it s

39、hall be ensured that rapeseed oil fuel can at no point be mixed with other fuel types such as diesel fuel. If denaturation of rapeseed oil fuel is required, blending with fatty acid methyl ester in accordance with DIN EN 14214 up to a maximum concentration of 2,5 % (m/m) is recommended. Denaturation

40、 of rapeseed oil fuel using diesel fuel is not permitted. NOTE If a suitable mixing unit for the denaturation is not available, fatty acid methyl ester should be mixed with rapeseed oil fuel to ensure the homogeneity of the blend. Irrespective of the previously mentioned specifications, rapeseed oil

41、 fuel in accordance with this standard shall comply with all requirements given in 5.2 to 5.6 and in Table 1. DIN 51605:2016-01 8 Table 1 Requirements, test methods and limit values Property Unit Limit value Test methodsamin. max. Visual examination Free of visible contamination, sediments and free

42、water Density at 15 Cb kg/m3910,0 925,0 DIN EN ISO 3675 or DIN EN ISO 12185 Kinematic viscosity at 40 C mm2/s 36,0 E DIN 51659-2 or DIN EN ISO 3104 Net calorific valuecMJ/kgd36,0 DIN 51900-1 and DIN 51900-2 or DIN 51900-1 and DIN 51900-3 Iodine value g iodine/ 100 g 125 DIN EN ISO 3961eAcid value mg

43、 KOH/g 2,00 DIN EN ISO 660 Flash point according to Pensky-Martens C 101f DIN EN ISO 2719 Ignition quality 40g See 5.5 Oxidation stability at 110 C h 6,0 DIN EN 14112 Total contamination mg/kg 24 DIN EN 12662hSulphur content mg/kg 10,0 DIN EN ISO 20884 or DIN EN ISO 20846 Phosphorus content mg/kg 3,

44、0 DIN 51627-6 Calcium content mg/kg 1,0 DIN 51627-6 Magnesium content mg/kg 1,0 DIN 51627-6 Water content mg/kgi 750 DIN EN ISO 12937 aSee also 5.3. bFor the density/temperature conversion, see 5.6.4. cTypical mean net calorific values serving as failure data on the market lie in the range of approx

45、imately 37,5 MJ/kg. dContrary to the recommendation given in DIN 51900-1, the net calorific value is not expressed in kilojoule/kilogram (kJ/kg) or joule/gram (J/g) but in Megajoule/kilogram (MJ/kg). eIn cases of dispute, only the iodine value according to DIN EN ISO 3961:2013-12, Annex B shall be u

46、sed. fThe measurement of the flash point shall only be stopped above 110 C. The property 101 C or the actually measured value is indicated. Usually, the flash point of rapeseed oil fuel without additives is above 220 C. g Typical mean DCN serving as failure data on the market lies in the range of 44

47、,5. hThe test method is not yet applicable to vegetable oil fuel due to a lack of precision and, therefore, cannot be used in cases of dispute. iContrary to the recommendation given in DIN EN ISO 12937, the water content is not expressed as a mass fraction in percent but in milligram per kilogram (m

48、g/kg). DIN 51605:2016-01 9 5.2 Requirements for added additives The use of additives is permitted for the purposes of quality improvement. The addition of suitable concentrations of additives is possible, provided this does not result in any deterioration in the operating performance or effectivenes

49、s of the purification of exhaust gases. Other technical means having the same effect may also be used. The classification of rapeseed oil fuel as “non-hazardous to water” 3 shall remain valid even after the addition of additives. NOTE Additives are used, for instance, to improve the oxidation stability 4 5. 5.3 Requirements for testing and compliance with the limit

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