DIN 6885-1-1968 Drive Type Fastenings without Taper Action Parallel Keys Keyways Deep Pattern《无锥形作用的传动型紧固件 平行键、键槽、深度型式》.pdf

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DIN 6885-1-1968 Drive Type Fastenings without Taper Action Parallel Keys Keyways Deep Pattern《无锥形作用的传动型紧固件 平行键、键槽、深度型式》.pdf_第1页
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DIN 6885-1-1968 Drive Type Fastenings without Taper Action Parallel Keys Keyways Deep Pattern《无锥形作用的传动型紧固件 平行键、键槽、深度型式》.pdf_第2页
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DIN 6885-1-1968 Drive Type Fastenings without Taper Action Parallel Keys Keyways Deep Pattern《无锥形作用的传动型紧固件 平行键、键槽、深度型式》.pdf_第3页
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DIN 6885-1-1968 Drive Type Fastenings without Taper Action Parallel Keys Keyways Deep Pattern《无锥形作用的传动型紧固件 平行键、键槽、深度型式》.pdf_第4页
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DIN 6885-1-1968 Drive Type Fastenings without Taper Action Parallel Keys Keyways Deep Pattern《无锥形作用的传动型紧固件 平行键、键槽、深度型式》.pdf_第5页
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1、r-“ .! ! B: 0 _; 2 . 5; i “5 o “ c: -co :i! -Ci .: !i c.!“O 2S =! c .“ ;: -:E -i t ! g c ,; E 0 z 2 1 0 z . . 1 .; , c -i 6 2 Ii e . 1 z I! o . tH -!d eH % UDC 621 886. 6 DEUTSCHE NORMEN Au gus t 1968 For conneetion witb. an ISO Reao-endation in course of preparation, Explanation. DIN Drive Type Fae

2、tenings w1 thout Taper Action round-ended1)2) !.tJ!.l!. aquare-ended1)2) Parallel lte;ya lte;ywa;ya 6885 “ l Deep Pattern Part 1 . 8 I I . lli tnehmerverbindungen ohne Anzug; Pa.!edern, Nuten, hohe Form L,3 I I !IE!_Q round-ended aquare-ended Hole ror retaining acrew Counterbore SactionK -L aize Bx7

3、 and upvarda vi th hole !or 1 retaining acrev above the atepped line accordin,; to 1 d, r I DIN 74 Part 2 K 10 V-1 - I f I 5!1 dl I I hl L w I “ ! I -d7 round-ended vith hol“ !or 2 retaining acreva3) belov the atepped line Hola !or jaeldng eerev sizes Sx? and 10x8 eize 12x8 and upwarda addi tionall;

4、y provided vi th 8eotion MN “M “ oo “ d6 _ I r II I:!$ “ d .!-I I 1“6 I aquare-ended wi th chamfer and hole ror aquare-ended vi th cha:afer an4 holea tor rr o;li:maz 1 retaining acrew 2 retaining ecrewa N 1 I l1? I I jO I I I j I N2 aquare-endM. vith cham!er and hole !or 1 pring dovel oleeve 0 ( I :

5、;J liEB p I I Sharp edgea reaoved ( all round) N3 Cham!er Radiuaing Ra41uaing o! ka;yva;y bottOll ( at aanu!acturer a choiee) !or ehatt and hub ( % . Designation o! a parallel ke;y Tne J. o! vidth b 12 a, height h 8111111and length l 56 aa: Parallal ke;y J. 12 X 8 x 56 Dill 6BB5 Dimensions in mm. IH

6、wJttttJ Width 2 3 4 6 I 10 12 14 16 11 20 22 25 21 32 36 40 45 50 56 63 70 10 90 100 re o e 1HRolH.e gb.tlt 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 10 11 12 14 14 16 11 20 22 25 21 32 32 36 40 45 50 Tor sha!t diaetr d1 4) ;er 6 8 10 12 17 21 30 38 “ 50 58 65 75 15 110 130 ISO 170 200 230 260 290 330 380 uo I 10 12 17 21 30 J

7、8 “ 50 58 65 75 85 95 110 130 ISO 170 200 230 260 290 330 380 uo 500 : Width b) :11; N9 2 3 5 6 8 10 12 u 16 11 20 22 75 23 32 36 .00 “ 50 “ 13 70 111 90 100 _: Depth t1oh back 1 11 25 3 35 5 5 lS 6 7 7 9 9 10 II 12 13 15 17 20 20 22 75 23 31 t-1 _ 1 orifit;“perw.var. +0,1 +0.2 +0.3 i Widtb b5 ,l.;!

8、r:!:!i f9 m 2 3 5 6 8 10 12 “ 16 11 20 22 75 23 32 36 J “ 50 “ 13 70 111 90 100 1 “ 1.8 23 28 33 33 3 3 38 0 “ 5 s; 7 9 10 11 124 12 “ 15 17 “ :1 6 3earancper.var +0,1 +0.2 +0.3 ta.= Det ) 0) 1,7 2,2 2 2 2,9 3. 3. 3,9 4. ,1 8,1 9,1 ,1 1,1 1,1 13,1 2 :!?Yer_;Jnlln.;-, 0.9 1.2 6, 18, +0,1 + .2 + ., M6

9、Iiii8 J J 3. _.“_ I“ .5 o,: 9 10 u 16 18 20 t,+ 2,5 3,5 5 6 8 “ “ “ “ . “ 18 “ Zl 6 32 36 “ “ 50 cnaoxer or raouo min 0.16 075 040 06 1 16 2 r mo 0,75 0, 0.1“ :;. Wei = :C For coDDection wit an ISO Reoo endation in course of preparation, see Explanations. i_ .c: -b 1-, V/. “ -o 0 CU: -; a.r:ot . uoc

10、: l lf tr “ c: . - EJ! : .!: Cl_ .“ _ .,.c: . _., c: .!“C -r: _.,_ round-ended aquare-ended Hole for retaining aer ew c: cn u a. r: o z -z - .!: : 0 z i5 “U 01 c : 01 e .t:. c Cl i :) r: ! i l : :1 : 0 1i : Cl i5 : -a 1i Cl z zt aize 8x7 and upwarda with hole for 1 retaining screw above the atepped

11、line Counterbore SectionJ(-L according to d, DIN 74 Part 2 ) -!- round-ended with holea tor 2 retaining acrewa3) below the atepped line aizea 8x7 and 10x8 aize 12x8 and upwards Hole for jaelcing screw Seotion M-N additionall:r provided with tapped hole for 1 or 2 jacking screwa M I 1Y ,;t I p aquare

12、-ended with holea for 2 retaining aerewa3) below the atepped line aizea 8x7 and 10x8 aize 12x8 and upwards additionall:r provided with tapped hole for 1 or 2 jaeking screws I ;r 5/ I “61 square-ended with eham!er and hole for 1 retaining screw -1;.!1 -q - I i!r +I I “; earag“f,; or overi tl Width b5

13、HUinil A tb back 6 c earance .111 Det ) 2 :fi?ver g f, MJ.b!aUIII8 ,.;nau er or rao:.us , Rad1us1ng of keyway bottoa t Length I) K:; 6 I 10 12 14 16 -o 11 20 22 25 21 32 36 40 45 50 -o 56 63 70 10 90 100 110 125 140 160 180 -I 200 220 250 280 320 360 400 we:.gn-.; oeouctl.on or Holes ! Holes tor par

14、all1 retaining key screws, jacking -screws and spring dowel Holes eleeYee for shatt Retaining eorew (chet head 7rew aoc.t9Il DIN 84 or DIN 6 12 I !.fM.-tUT .lor material and 1; 211 length l 56 llllll: Parallel ke:r .l 12 x 8 x 56 DIN 6885 -tTDC 621 886,6 DEUTSCHE NORMEN August 1968 DIN T,ype FasteDi

15、ngs without Taper Action Drive 6885 Parallel l:eys Keyways -1 Deep Pattern Pcnt 1 . Mitnehmerverbindungen ohne Anzug; Pa.Bfedern, Nuten, hohe Form -. “ t Dimensions in mm tiofko! Widtb b 2 3 4 5 6 I 10 12 14 16 11 20 22 25 21 32 36 40 45 50 56 63 70 80 90 100 :l2 .12U 611ao1Heignt 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8

16、 9 10 11 12 14 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 32 36 40 45 50 4 over 6 8 10 12 17 22 30 38 “ 50 58 65 75 85 95 110 130 150 170 200 230 260 290 330 380 .uo ; diameter d1 ) to 8 10 12 17 22 30 38 44 50 58 65 75 85 95 110 130 150 170 200 230 260 290 330 380 .uo 500 b) Ught :rl.t _ !J elitling fit N9 2 3 4 5 6

17、8 10 12 u 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 36 40 45 50 56 63 70 80 90 100 tbtb back 1.2 1.8 2 5 3 35 4 5 5 55 6 7 7.5 9 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 20 20 22 25 28 31 1 eart;“perm var. +0,1 +0.2 +0,3 or ove b5);ffIni1fif9.rS9 . 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 2il 32 36 AO 45 50 56 63 70 80 90 100 th back 1 1 4 18 23

18、 28 33 33 33 38 0 44 49 54 54 64 74 84 9 4110 4 11 ti 12 4 12 ti 144 154 I 17.4 I 19 s 6 c earanceperm.var. +0,1 +0,2 +0.3 t ) . o.s 0,9 _l 1.2 1,7 2,2 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,9 3,4 3,4 3,9 4,4 4,4 1 5,4 1 6,4 7,1 8,1_! 9,1 10,1 1,1 1,1 13,1 U,1 I 16,1 I 18,1 2 rth ver-“ ze? nerm.ve.r, +0,1 +0.2 +_0,3 a - - -

19、 I 3 3 l 3 3,5 I 4 4$ 5 5,5 5,5 6,5 7 8 9 10 13 1 13 1 14 16 18 20 -;rmlilmum8 J d 1 + 2,5 3,5 4 5 6 8 8 a 9 I 12 14 u . 16 18 21 23 26 za 32 32 36 40 45 50 1r rad.l.ue min 016 025 0 40 06 1 I 6 2.5 I mox. 0,25 0,40 0,60 0,8 1,2 2 3 : o! ke;rwa;r mox. 016 025 040 06 I 1 6 25 min. 0,08 0,16 0,25 0,4

20、0) 1.2 2 I) _perm. rar. Jtey KeywaJ Weight (?,85 kg/dm3) for T;ype B kg/1000 piecee 10) . 6 0188 0,423 8 0.251 0.565 I 01 0 0314 0707 1.26 195 2 0,377 O.BAS 1.51 2.35 -0440 0989 1)6 2)5 394 6 -0,2 +0,2 0 502 1 13 201 314 452 I 0565 127 2.26 3 53 509 793 :o 0628 141 2.51 392 565 880 :2 1.55 2 76 432

21、6.22 9 67 138 :5 177 3U 491 707 11 0 15 7 :a 198 3.52 550 791 12,3 17 6 211 12 2.26 402 628 9 04 14,1 20,1 24 I 16 2.54 4.52 706 10.2 15.8 226 271 35.6 10 502 7.85 11 17 6 251 301 396 15 565 883 12J 19,8 28.3 339 445 56.5 iO -0,3 +0,3 9.81 141 22,0 31 4 377 49.5 628 77:1 i6 110 15.8 24,6 35 2 42,2 5

22、5 4 70 3 870 106 i3 178 27,7 39 6 47.5 62.3 79 1 979 119 152 0 198 30,8 440 52.8 69.2 880 109 132 169 10 35.2 50.2 60.3 791 100 124 151 193 0 39,6 565 67_,8 890 113 140 170 218 10 62,8 754 989 126 155 188 242 10 69,1 82,9 109 138 171 207 266 15 94,2 124 157 194 235 302 10 106 138 176 218 264 338 10

23、158 201 249 301 387 10 -0,5 +0,5 226 280 339 435 10 311 377 484 10 414 532 10 1-604 10 10 10 10 .eduction or Type A 0,013 0,045 0108 0,211 0,364 0,755 1 35 1 94 297 4,31 600 8,09 114 ds 3,4 4.5 5.5 6,6 d, 6 8 10 11 Holee for d, M3 M4 M5 M6 r parallel d.S1 8 X 56 DIN 6885 4) Where mating dimensions a

24、re concerned, and particularly those of parallel shaft ende, the correlation of parallel key cross-sections to shaft nominal diameters must be observed without fail. The correlation of parallel key cross-sections to coned shaft ende and the dimensions for the keyway depth are to be taken from the st

25、andards dealing with coned shaft ends. 5) The indicated tolerance zones for keyway widths hold good as the normal case for milled keyways. Other tolerance zones must be indicated specially. For widths of broached keyways, lSA class IT8ie recommended inetead of IT9 (that is to eay P8 instead of P9, N

26、 instead of N9 and JS8 instead of JS9). For sliding fits, tolerance zone H9 is recommended for the shaft keyway and 010 for the hub keyway. 6) In workshop drawings the dimensions t1 and (d1- t1) as well as t2 and (d1 + t2) can be shown side by side. In 111an1 eases, however, the dimensions t1 and (d

27、1 + t2l are sufficisnt. At the same time, tbe permissible variations and Parallel key Width b 25 28 32 36 40 45 50 56 63 70 80 90 100 Height h 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 32 36 40 45 50 Shaft keyway previously 8,7 9,9 11,1 12,3 13,5 15,3 17 19,3 19,6 22 24.6 27,5 30,.4 depth t1 new 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 2

28、0 20 22 25 . 28 31 Hub keyway previously 5,4 6,2 7,1 7,9 8,7 9,9 11.2 12,9 12,6 14,2 15,6 17) 19.8 depth t2 with back clearllllll!new 5,4 6,4 7,4 8,4 9,4 10,4 11,4 12,4 12,4 14,4 15,4 17,4 19,5 possible over-old, shaft size when hub - - - - -0,3 0 -0 0,1 0,1 mated new, Minimum new, shaft - - -0,1 0,3 0,1 - - - - - -to minimum old, hub

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