DIN EN 1742-1998 Determination of shear strength between different layers or multilayer components made of autoclaved aerated concrete or lightweight aggregate concrete with open s.pdf

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1、DEUTSCHE NORM June 1998 DIN EN 1742 Determination of shear strength between different layers of multilayer components made of autoclaved aerated concrete or lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure Enalish version of DIN EN 1742 ICs 91.1 00.30 Descriptors: Concrete, shear strength, multila

2、yer components, testing. Bestimmung der Scherfestigkeit zwischen den verschiedenen Schichten mehrschichtiger Bauteile aus dampfgehrtetem Porenbeton oder haufwerksporigem Leichtbeton European Standard EN 1742 : 1998 has the status of a DIN Standard. A comma is used as the decimal marker. National for

3、eword This standard has been prepared by CEN/TC 177. The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschu Bauwesen (Building and Civil Engineering Standards Committee), Technical Committee Vorgefertigte Bauteile aus Porenbeton und haufwerksporigem Leichtbeton. EN comprises 8

4、 pages. No pari of this standard may be reproduced without the prior permission of Ref. No. DIN EN 1742 : 1998-0 V Deutsches Institut fr Nonung e. V., Berlin. Luth Verlag GmbH, D-10772 Berlin, has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen). English price group 05 Sales No . . 1105

5、 10.98 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM EN 1742 April 1998 ICs 91.1 00.30 Descriptors: Concrete, shear strength, multilayer components, testing English version Determination of shear strength between different layers of multilayer components made of autoclaved aerated concrete or li

6、ghtweight aggregate concrete with open structure Dtermination de la rsistance au cisaillement entre les diffrentes couches dlments multicouches raliss en bton cellulaire autoclav ou en bton de granulats lgers structure ouverte Bestimmung der Scherfestigkeit zwischen den verschiedenen Schichten mehrs

7、chichtiger Bauteile aus dampfgehrtetem Porenbeton oder haufwerksporigem Leichtbeton This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1998-03-25. CEN members are bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a nati

8、onal standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any

9、 other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Ge

10、rmany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. CEN European Committee for Standardization Comit Europen de Normalisation Europisches Komitee fr Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, 8-1050 Brussels

11、 O 1998. CEN - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national members. Ref. No. EN 1742: 1998 E Page 2 EN 1742 : 1998 Contents Foreword 1 2 3 4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6 7 8 Scope Normative references Principle Apparatus Test specimens Sample Shape and

12、size of test specimens Number of test specimens Preparation of test specimens Measurement of test specimens Conditioning of test specimens Testing procedure Test results Test report Page 3 -l 3 3 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 Page 3 EN 1742 : 1998 Foreword This European Standard has been prepared by Techn

13、ical Committee CEN/TC 177 “Prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete or light-weight aggregate concrete with open structure“, the secretariat of which is held by DIN. In order to meet the performance requirements as laid down in the product standards for prefabricated compon

14、ents of autoclaved aerated concrete and of lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure, a number of standardized test methods are necessary. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by

15、October 1998, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by October 1998. According to the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmar

16、k, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. 1 Scope This European Standard specifies a method of determining the shear strength under short-term loading between the different layers of pre

17、fabricated multilayer components made of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) according to prEN 12602 or lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure (LAC) according to prEN 1520. This test method is suitable only for evaluation of conformity purposes during production of multilayer components. 2

18、 Normative references This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisi

19、ons of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. EN 1353 Determination of moisture content of autoclaved aerated concrete EN 13 56: 1996 Performanc

20、e test for prefabricated reinforced components made of autoclaved aerated concrete or lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure under transverse load prEN 1520 prEN 12602 Prefabricated components of lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure Prefabricated reinforced components of au

21、toclaved aerated concrete. Page 4 EN 1742 : 1998 3 Principle The shear strength between different layers of a multilayer component is determined by applying a horizontal compression force acting in the longitudinal direction of the component (or a section thereof, see 5.2) at one end face on the bot

22、tom layer, while the component is laid in a horizontal position on two roller supports near its ends. The component is supported at the opposite end at the top layer to prevent horizontal displacement and uplift. The shear strength is calculated from the resulting shear force acting in the plane of

23、the component at fracture, divided by the measured length and width of component. 4 Apparatus a) a saw, capable of cutting test specimens from big reinforced components; b) length measuring devices (e.g. calipers and/or metre), capable of measuring the dimensions of test specimens to an accuracy of

24、1 mm; c) a support frame with rollers (diameter at least 40 mm) and adjustable supports according to figure 1; d) a jack, capable of applying a compressive load without shock. The precision of the jack and of the load indication shall be such that the failure load can be determined to an accuracy of

25、f 3 YO. The measuring range shall be such that the failure load is higher than one-tenth of the upper limit of the range. e) (if required) a load cell placed between the jack and the support frame, capable of recording the compressive force with the accuracy and within the range specified in d); f)

26、(optional) a device for measurement of displacements between individual layers. Page 5 EN 1742 : 1998 8- If / r, 6 5 X Test specimen Jack Load distribution beam Soft fibre board (intermediate layer) Moveable rollers Support frame Upper support (adjustable) Horizontal support Figure 1: Typical test s

27、et-up Page 6 EN 1742 : 1998 5 Test specimens 5.1 Sample The sample for the preparation of the test specimens shall be taken in such a manner that it is representative of the product to be investigated. 5.2 Shape and size of test specimens The test specimen usually consists of a whole multilayer comp

28、onent or a section thereof. Preferably, the length of the test specimen should be between (2 and 3) m and its width between (0,5 and 1,0) m. Components with width over 1 ,O m may be cut in longitudinal direction, components with length over 3 m may be cut to a length of (2 to 3) m. 5.3 Number of tes

29、t specimens Three test specimens shall be tested, unless otherwise specified in a relevant European Standard. 5.4 Preparation of test specimens If necessary, test specimens shall be cut from larger components by means of a saw. 5.5 Measurement of test specimens The length of the test specimens shall

30、 be measured along the centre lines on the surfaces of both outer layers. The width (not including the width of any tongue) shall be measured over the whole thickness of the test specimen at a distance of 100 mm from both ends. In addition, the thicknesses of the individual layers shall be measured

31、, mainly to ascertain that there are no significant deviations from the nominal values. Significant deviations shall be noted in the test report. 5.6 Conditioning of test specimens The components shall be allowed to have the minimum curing time prescribed by the manufacturer. At the time of testing

32、the mass related moisture content of the outer layers shall be between (10 and 40) YO for AAC and at least 5 % for LAC. This shall be checked after the shear test on test specimens taken from the central parts of the outer layers. The determination of the moisture content shall be performed accordin

33、g to EN 1353 in the case of AAC and according to clause 7 of EN 1356: 1996 in the case of LAC. The temperature of the test specimens shall be in equilibrium with that of the test premises, but shall never be below O “C at the time of test. Page 7 EN 1742 : 1998 6 Testing procedure The test specimens

34、 shall be placed in the support frame on two rollers and positioned in such a way that the entire end face of the top layer is in contact with the horizontal support. Between the horizontal support and the end face of the top layer an intermediate layer of soft fibre board with a width equal to the

35、thickness of the top layer shall be inserted. The support fiame shall be provided with a device capable of preventing uplift of the end of the test specimen during application of the test load. Support conditions are shown in figure 1. The load shall be applied to the end face of the bottom layer at

36、 the opposite end of the test specimen. It shall be carefully centred in relation to the longitudinal axis of the test specimen and the centre plane of the bottom layer and shall be evenly distributed over the full width of the test specimen by means of a sufficiently rigid steel section and an inte

37、rmediate layer of soft fibre board with a width equal to the thickness of the bottom layer. The load may be applied continuously or in steps. The loading rate shall be such that the failure load is reached after about 3 min. If required, the displacement between the individual layers should be measu

38、red at the ends of the test specimen as a function of the applied load. After the shear test the moisture content of the bottom layer and the top layer shall be determined as specified in 5.6. 7 Test results The shear strength between the different layers shall be calculated using equation (i): wher

39、e: z F is the in plane shear strength, in newtons per square millimetre; is the failure load, in newtons; b, b, /,I2 are the values for the width and the length of the test specimen determined in accordance with 5.5, in millimetres. .( i) The shear strength of the individual test specimens and the m

40、ean value shall be expressed to the nearest 0,Ol N/mm2. Page 8 EN 1742 : 1998 8 Test report The test report shall include the following: a) identification of the components; b) date of manufacture or other code; c) place and date of testing, testing institute and person responsible for testing; d) n

41、umber and date of issue of this European Standard; e) description of components with indication of sizes and interesting material properties of individual layers; f) measured dimensions of individual test specimens; g) description of preparation of test specimens; h) type and place of failure; j) sh

42、ear strength of each individual test specimen and mean value; k) (if measured) displacement between individual layers as a function of the applied load or of the calculated shear stress (table or graph); 1) moisture content of the outer layers; m) observations during the test; n) (if appropriate) deviations from the standard method of testing; o) a declaration that the testing has been carried out in accordance with this European Standard except as detailed in 8n).

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