DIN EN 24178-1993 Complete filled transport packages distribution trials information to be recorded (ISO 4178 1980) german version EN 24178 1992《满装的运输包装 分配尝试 要记录的信息》.pdf

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DIN EN 24178-1993 Complete filled transport packages distribution trials information to be recorded (ISO 4178 1980) german version EN 24178 1992《满装的运输包装 分配尝试 要记录的信息》.pdf_第1页
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DIN EN 24178-1993 Complete filled transport packages distribution trials information to be recorded (ISO 4178 1980) german version EN 24178 1992《满装的运输包装 分配尝试 要记录的信息》.pdf_第2页
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DIN EN 24178-1993 Complete filled transport packages distribution trials information to be recorded (ISO 4178 1980) german version EN 24178 1992《满装的运输包装 分配尝试 要记录的信息》.pdf_第3页
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DIN EN 24178-1993 Complete filled transport packages distribution trials information to be recorded (ISO 4178 1980) german version EN 24178 1992《满装的运输包装 分配尝试 要记录的信息》.pdf_第4页
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DIN EN 24178-1993 Complete filled transport packages distribution trials information to be recorded (ISO 4178 1980) german version EN 24178 1992《满装的运输包装 分配尝试 要记录的信息》.pdf_第5页
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1、 Womn?ihe,ii i 992 UDC.21.798.1: essais relhtifs au sy irrfmmatimns Probever- sand; auQzuzEsichnwr: 1992 E Q 1992. Capyriyht- reserved to: di EN- rnemhelis. Flage 2 EN 24 178: 1992 Faiewd Irr 1991, Intematjnnral Standa dWxibu8ianl trials; infmrnation to he recardedi was submit it edit the GEN Follbw

2、ing the paative msulPof the Pa: CEN/BT a+yeeditu submit IC0 4778: 1018a, witl-mut-madificPN/GENELEli: InterrraiiRegui$tiom, the fioilowing cauntries atieboiumd tn implement ?hisbiroperani Standard: Austriai Beigiurn, Denlmmk, Finland, Francle, Germany, Gireme, iceiand, Ireland, Itcily, Luxr;mbourg,

3、NeBherIandis, Mbrwcry, PoctbgaII, Spain, Swedkm, Switzerianid and Whited Kingdiam. Endlorrmenrt: rraVicce- Titretextlofithe Internatinna1 StandardilSO 41 78: 1 cP8a wasapproved byCEBJJaca European Standarrd w.ithroutany modificatiani kge3 EN 24 178 : 11923-2 The relatianstxip bstweeiu the bzards2 en

4、aowmtemd by- camplem, filled tratqmrtpackages irr a distrihiion swem and thg readzing damage that may be sustaimed by the; packagm andlor tbek mnms is irt irr the development oft new testi methe irai rdiniagi existing test metbds, and ni thc preparation oft appmpiate tm scfmdbliea The study of- smh

5、relatiorrchips is facilitated if, whenl carrying- wit distribunian triais invalvimg, campkt filled transport paclkggs+ adeqyate- informzitkprr is recordeid and fi such infwmrtioni is morxkdicurra uniforms basis. This-enablesproper mmparimm ta madg of data obrai diatdiff eemtim-amdi under vrriurus ci

6、ncumstanws. The purpose af tihis interrrratiorrat Smndardi is in aid? such crrrmparisa inuolving cmplete, filled tramport packag-es. Th-i Internatitianali Standard! sp-ecifies tke informtian to, be recareled whw casiiping outi distriutian trkfls involvin mmplem, filled tGlnspQrtl pmkages. It1 is app

7、licable to. distiriihuitiorat qtsa irr whiahl tiw hazards; of ctmkirrg, veicald impact, hlariznntal impact, andl vibraticm are enccuimmod armz likely ta beemouwteed. The hllawimgi infmmatiarr shall tOe-recondl?rd in th arder gjwrr. Whewpmsitzle, resulte shall be set out-in, tthekrm of. a tzbk fT tha

8、 dtnmian af; esch- oi the vaUimrus. aptxatians. carrriedi out om paxzkages; The results of the. trial shall be givpni and my a the! mmwt oR the Riadaging, imiudirrgi Ytinge andi method af se-aling; di1 the content% fil the hmdling aidsatraEhed or avail; d) packagds3, arrd tk- ore ni which they were

9、carried? OUT; a descriptionl of the- operations carnidi at1 OIT the C1imatic:conditianaT operation arhaerd in thtprrial shall be mordledi preferably by. means af- a$ cantirruaus; recarder. Ihfbrmkrr shaU1 be- recarded foc ea each! stage in- the tsiall at which packzges were sahd : cll tlhe aatnude;

10、af the paiskages; d the attitude of! each- package; di, the height af-ttre smck and, if ttSe pmcKag.es irrtlire-stack were asrrrmd, the aueraga: densjy aftbestack; e) this nature ofi th upper and lawr loading su fY thvz duratiani af. laading of prckages, prdmbiyl in the; farm afi ai cumulative fEqwr

11、rcy curve; 93; haw meamremems. WELTB carried aut); gil the cracking pattwr* if tite pa Whew applicable; rk follkming infofimaon shall ale5 be: recorded : kt rk+d The fotlowhg infurmatiom chalti h- recardedi fon each stage irn the triali ab which1 packages susucrinmi ueesitiml impact : It tk pmidom i

12、mthe vehide ab which, rrreamrementswe made; The firllowing information chal1 k- recorded for each srsrgzr ita ahes trial at which pacKagm were Wb-m.md : u-2 the: vibration. frequency ami amplitu tbre- ws CXE thm one vilbatinni fiequenncy. or amplitude the. uli6Wibiutiion cufivir shall bo gjven; g),

13、how measuremnts wm-carrietd om h) the tirne intervalsbetaweienidrope, if-mowthaniorre drap, peri package was inv.ol*d. d) the: diji1mtiar-r afvibratian; Where ap#icakde the follw. information chd al* be- resordkdi : jY the vehicle- on ara% irtvalued; kb the degree of1 Iaading of the:vehicl$ Where ap

14、plicable, the followjng infnmnalian shall alkm UDC 621.798.1 : 620.1657 DEUTSCHE NORM February 1993 Complete, filled transport packages Distribution trials Information to be recorded (IS0 41 78 : 1980) Enalish version of DIN EN 24 178 I EN24178 This standard incorporates the English version of I so

15、4 1 78 Versandfertige Packstcke; Probeversand; aufzuzeichnende Angaben (IS0 41 78 : 1980) European Standard EN 24 178 : 1992 has the status of a DIN Standard. National foreword This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/BT to adopt, without alteration, International

16、Standard IS0 41 78 : 1980 as a European Standard. The responsible German body involved in the preparation of this standard was the Normenausschu Verpackungswesen (Packaging Standards Committee). International Patent Classification B 65 B 055/00 B 65 B 061lOO G O1 M 019/00 EN comprises 5 pages. Beurh

17、 Verlag GmbH, Berlin, has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen). DIN EN 24 178 Eng/. Price group 6 08.93 Sales No. 1106 EUROPEAN STANDARD EUROPISCHE NORM NORME EUROPENNE EN 24 178 November 1992 UDC 621.798.1 : 620.165.7 Descriptors: Packing; complete, filled transport package

18、s; information; data acquisition. English version Complete, filled transport packages Distribution trials Information to be recorded (IS0 41 78 : 1980) Emballages dexpdition complets et pleins; essais relatifs au systme de distribution; informations a noter (IS0 4178 : 1980) Versandfertige Packstcke

19、; Probever- sand; aufzuzeichnende Angaben (IS0 41 78 : 1980) This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1992-10-30 and is identical to the IS0 Standard as referred to. CEN members are bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditionsfor giving this European S

20、tandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, Fren

21、ch, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, F

22、rance, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CEN European Committee for Standardization Comit Europen de Normalisation Europisches Komitee fr Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1 O50 Brussel

23、s Ref. No. EN 24 178 : 1992 E 0 1992. Copyright reserved to all CEN members. Page 2 EN 24 178 : 1992 Foreword In 1991, International Standard IS0 4178 : 1980 Complete, filled transport packages; distribution triais; information to be recorded was submitted to the CEN PQ procedure. Following the posi

24、tive result of the PQ, CEN/BT agreed to submit IS0 4178 : 1980, without modifications, to Formal Vote. The result was positive. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, and conflicting national standards wi

25、thdrawn, by May 1993 at the latest. In accordance with the CENEENELEC Internal Regulations, the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, S

26、weden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Endorsement notice The text of the International Standard IS0 41 78 : 1980 was approved by GEN as a European Standard without any modification. Page 3 EN 24 178: 1992 O Introduction The relationship between the hazards encountered by complete, filled transport

27、packages in a distribution system and the resulting damage that may be sustained by the packages and/or their contents is important in the development of new test methods, in refining existing test methods, and in the preparation of appropriate test schedules. The study of such relationships is faci

28、litated if, when carrying out distribution trials involving complete, filled transport packages, adequate information is recorded and if such information is recorded on a uniform basis. This enables proper comparisons to be made of data obtained at different times and under various circumstances. Th

29、e purpose of this International Standard is to aid such comparisons by specifying the information to be recorded. Its contents are likely to be of interest to all concerned with distribution trials involving complete, filled transport packages. 1 Scope and field of application This International Sta

30、ndard specifies the information to be recorded when carrying out distribution trials involving complete, filled transport packages. It is applicable to distribution systems in which the hazards of stacking, vertical impact, horizontal impact, and vibration are encountered or are likely to be encount

31、ered. 2 Information to be recorded The following information shall be recorded in the order given. Where possible, results shall be set out in the form of a table. 2.1 Description of trial e) the time intervals between the various operations carried out on the package(s1; f) the duration of each of

32、the various operations carried out on packages; g) the modes of transport, if any, involved at each stage of the trial. 2.2 Results of trial The results of the trial shall be given and may be quoted in terms of the reduction in quality of the package and/or its con- tents, by the extent of los of pa

33、ckage contents, by the extent of damage to the package and/or its contents, or in terms of measurements made on the package and/or the contents. Preferably, the results shall be in such terms that changes in the factors under investigation in the trial can be correctly assigned to the operations and

34、 hazards in the distribution system that produce them. 2.3 Package A description of each package shall be given, including a) mass, in kilograms; b) dimensions (actual), in millimetres; c) the nature of the packaging, including fittings and method of sealing; d) the contents; e) the marking of the p

35、ackage; f) the handling aids attached or available for use. A brief description of the trial shall be given, including : 2.4 Hazards in trial a) the purpose of the trial; b) a brief description of the packagek) used; ci the starting point and destination of the packageis), if a journey was involved;

36、 di a description of the operations carried out on the packages), and the order in which they were carried out: Climatic conditions at each operation or hazard in the trial shall be recorded, preferably by means of a continuous recorder. Where necessary, operations involving the same hazard shall be

37、 recorded separately. Information shall be recorded for each type of hazard as follows. Page 4 EN 24 178: 1992 2.4.1 Stacking 2.4.3 Horizontal impact The following information shall be recorded for each stage in the trial at which packages sustained horizontal impact : a) the number of packages obse

38、rved or measured: The following information shall be recorded for each stage in the trial at which packages were stacked : a) the number of packages stacked; b) the number of packageson which no load was superim- posed; cl the attitude of each package; d) the height of the stack and, if the packages

39、 in the stack were assorted, the average density of the stack; e) the nature of the upper and lower loading surfaces; f) the duration of loading of packages, preferably in the form of a cumulative frequency curve; g) the stacking pattern, if the packages in the stack were identical; bl the number of

40、 packages which sustained no impact; c) the attitude of the packages; d) the form of the cumulative frequency distribution for velocity of impact, but if this is not possible, the 5 and 50 and 95 % le points shall be recorded for 1 to n impacts on an individual package; e) the number of impacts: f)

41、the nature of the impact surfaces: g) how measurements were carried out; h) the time interval between impacts, if the trial comprises several operations involving horizontal impact. hi how measurements were carried out. Where applicable, the following information shall also be recorded : 2.4.2 Verti

42、cal impact The foilowing information shall be recorded for each stage in the trial at which packages sustained vertical impact : a) the number of packages observed or measured; bi the number of packages which sustained no drop: j) the vehicle or craft involved; k) the degree of loading of the vehicl

43、e; I) the positions in the vehicle at which measurements were made; m) the route and type of terrain (or sea or air conditions). ci the attitude of the packages; 2.4.4 Vibration d) the drop heights, preferably in the form of a cumulative frequency distribution of drop height but, if this is not poss

44、i- ble, the 5 and 50 and 95 % le points shall be recorded whenever possible; e) the number of drops; f) the nature of the impact surfaces; g) how measurements were carried out; h) the time intervals between drops, if more than one drop per package was involved. Where applicable the following informa

45、tion shall also be recorded : j the vehicle or craft involved; k) the degree of loading of the vehicle; I) made; m) the route and type of terrain (or sea or air conditions). the positions in the vehicle at which measurements were The following information shall be recorded for each stage in the tria

46、l at which packages were vibrated : a) the number of packages on which measurements were made; b) the attitude of the packages: ci the vibration frequency and amplitude. If there was more than one vibration frequency or amplitude, the distribution curve shall be given; d) the duration of vibration;

47、e) the magnitude of the superimposed load, if any, in kilograms; f) how measurements were carried out and the records analysed . Where applicable, the following information shall also be recorded : g) the vehicle or craft involved; Page 5 EN 24 178: 1992 h) the degree of loading of the vehicle; 2.5

48、General information The following general information shall also be recorded : j) made; the positions in the vehicle at which measurements were a) organization(s1 and individuals concerned in the trial and in the analysis of the results; ki the route and type of terrain (or sea or air conditions). b) any other relevant information.

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