DIN EN ISO 3381-2011 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement of noise inside railbound vehicles (ISO 3381 2005) German version EN ISO 3381 2011《轨道交通 声学 有轨车辆内的噪声测量(ISO 3381-2.pdf

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DIN EN ISO 3381-2011 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement of noise inside railbound vehicles (ISO 3381 2005) German version EN ISO 3381 2011《轨道交通 声学 有轨车辆内的噪声测量(ISO 3381-2.pdf_第1页
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DIN EN ISO 3381-2011 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement of noise inside railbound vehicles (ISO 3381 2005) German version EN ISO 3381 2011《轨道交通 声学 有轨车辆内的噪声测量(ISO 3381-2.pdf_第2页
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DIN EN ISO 3381-2011 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement of noise inside railbound vehicles (ISO 3381 2005) German version EN ISO 3381 2011《轨道交通 声学 有轨车辆内的噪声测量(ISO 3381-2.pdf_第3页
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DIN EN ISO 3381-2011 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement of noise inside railbound vehicles (ISO 3381 2005) German version EN ISO 3381 2011《轨道交通 声学 有轨车辆内的噪声测量(ISO 3381-2.pdf_第4页
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DIN EN ISO 3381-2011 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement of noise inside railbound vehicles (ISO 3381 2005) German version EN ISO 3381 2011《轨道交通 声学 有轨车辆内的噪声测量(ISO 3381-2.pdf_第5页
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1、May 2011 Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst.English price group 13No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).ICS 17

2、.140.30; 45.020!$p4,“1771709www.din.deDDIN EN ISO 3381Railway applications Acoustics Measurement of noise inside railbound vehicles (ISO 3381:2005)English translation of DIN EN ISO 3381:2011-05Bahnanwendungen Akustik Geruschmessungen in spurgebundenen Fahrzeugen (ISO 3381:2005)Englische bersetzung v

3、on DIN EN ISO 3381:2011-05Applications ferroviaires Acoustique Mesurage du bruit lintrieur des vhicules circulant sur rails (ISO 3381:2005)Traduction anglaise de DIN EN ISO 3381:2011-05SupersedesDIN EN ISO 3381:2005-11www.beuth.deDocument comprises pagesIn case of doubt, the German-language original

4、 shall be considered authoritative.2604.11 DIN EN ISO 3381:2011-05 A comma is used as the decimal marker. National foreword This standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 43 “Acoustics”, Subcommittee SC 1 “Noise” (Secretariat: DS, Denmark) in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN

5、/TC 256 “Railway applications” (Secretariat: DIN, Germany). The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Akustik, Lrmminderung und Schwingungstechnik im DIN und VDI (Acoustics, Noise Control and Vibration Engineering Standards Committee in DIN and VDI), Subcommitte

6、e NA 001-01-05-01 UA Spurgebundene Fahrzeuge Kenngren of Working Committee NA 001-01-05 AA Geruschemissionsmessungen an Fahrzeugen einschlielich Messungen im Fahrgastraum und am Arbeitsplatz. Annex ZA concerning the relationship between this standard and EU Directives has been brought in line with t

7、he essential requirements of the new Directive 2008/57/EC on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community, which replaces the previous Directives 96/48/EC “Interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system” and 2001/16/EC “Interoperability of the trans-European convention

8、al rail system” and revisions thereof. The technical content of DIN EN ISO 3381:2005-11 has not been modified. Amendments This standard differs from DIN EN ISO 3381:2005-11 as follows: a) Annex ZA has been updated in accordance with Directive 2008/57/EC. Previous editions DIN 45638: 1971-02 DIN EN I

9、SO 3381: 2005-11 2 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM EN ISO 3381 March 2011 ICS 17.140.30; 45.020 Supersedes EN ISO 3381:2005English Version Railway applications Acoustics Measurement of noise inside railbound vehicles (ISO 3381:2005) Applications ferroviaires Acoustique Mesurage du

10、bruit lintrieur des vhicules circulant sur rails (ISO 3381:2005) Bahnanwendungen Akustik Geruschmessungen in spurgebundenen Fahrzeugen (ISO 3381:2005) This European Standard was approved by CEN on 31 January 2011. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipul

11、ate the conditions for giving this EuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member. This European Sta

12、ndard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the na

13、tional standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switze

14、rland and United Kingdom. EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMIT EUROPEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNG Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels 2011 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. E

15、N ISO 3381:2011: EContents Page Foreword 3 1 Scope .4 2 Normative references .4 3 Terms and definitions.4 4 Measurement quantities .7 5 Instrumentation.8 6 Test conditions .8 7 Test procedure 12 8 Test report .13 Annex A (normative) Rail roughness measurement specifications 14 Annex B (informative)

16、Major influence parameters on track noise including track dynamics. 20 Bibliography 24Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 2008/57/EC 212EN ISO 3381:2011 (E) DIN EN ISO 3381:2011-05 Foreword The text of ISO 3381:2005 has be

17、en prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 43 “Acoustics” of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and has been taken over as EN ISO 3381:2011 by Technical Committee CEN/TC 256 “Railway applications” the secretariat of which is held by DIN. This European Standard shall be given the

18、 status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by September 2011, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by September 2011. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may b

19、e the subject of patent rights. CEN and/or CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. This document supersedes EN ISO 3381:2005. This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN/CENELEC/ETSI by the European Commission and the European Free Trade

20、Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive 2008/57/EC. For relationship with EU Directive 2008/57/EC, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document. The “Recast” Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the interoperability of

21、 the rail system within the Community was published on 17th June 2008. The two previous EU directives 96/48/EC and 2001/16/EC on the interoperability of the High Speed and Conventional rail systems within the Community will therefore be repealed with effect from 19th July 2010. At this date the harm

22、onised standards for the railway field will have to refer to the new Directive. Annex ZA is amended to address this need. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium

23、, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Endorsement

24、notice The text of ISO 3381:2005 has been approved by CEN as a EN ISO 3381:2011 without any modification. 3EN ISO 3381:2011 (E) DIN EN ISO 3381:2011-05 1 Scope This European Standard specifies the conditions for obtaining reproducible and comparable measurement results of levels and spectra of noise

25、 inside all kinds of vehicles on rails or other types of fixed track, hereinafter conventionally called “train”, except for track maintenance vehicles in operation. This standard is applicable for: type testing; periodic monitoring testing. The results may be used, for example: to characterise the n

26、oise inside these vehicles; to compare the internal noise of various vehicles on a particular track section. The test procedures specified in this European Standard are of engineering grade (grade 2, with a precision of 2 dB), that is the preferred one for noise declaration purposes, as defined in E

27、N ISO 12001. The standard describes tests during different operating conditions, i.e. driving, accelerating, decelerating and standstill. The chosen operating conditions are decided by the relevant authority or the train owner/operator. It is not mandatory to perform tests at all conditions. Infraso

28、und and messages intelligibility are not treated in this standard. The procedures specified for accelerating and decelerating tests are of survey grade. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the ed

29、ition cited applies. For undated references the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN 60942, Electroacoustics Sound calibrators (IEC 60942:2003) EN 61260, Electroacoustics Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters (IEC 61260:1995) EN 61672-1:2003, Elec

30、troacoustics Sound level meters Part 1: Specifications (IEC 61672-1:2002) 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this European Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 type test for noise emission of railbound vehicles type test measurement performed to prove that, or to check i

31、f, a vehicle delivered by the manufacturer complies with the noise specifications ISO 2005 All rights reserved 4EN ISO 3381:2011 (E) DIN EN ISO 3381:2011-05 3.2 monitoring test for noise emission of railbound vehicles monitoring test measurement performed to check that the noise of one or more vehic

32、les, taken among individual units in a consignment of vehicles, is within prescribed limits or to check if the noise of the vehicle has changed since initial delivery or after modification 3.3 roughness r root mean square (RMS) value of the amplitude variation of the running surface of a rail in the

33、 direction of motion (longitudinal level) measured over a rail length, expressed in m 3.4 roughness level Lrlevel given by the equation: 102r0lg ( / ) dBLrr= (1) where Lris the roughness level in dB; r is the RMS roughness in m; r0the reference roughness; r0=1 m. This definition applies to values me

34、asured either as a wavelength spectrum or in a particular wavelength band centred at (expressed in m) 3.5 sound pressure p(t) root mean square (RMS) value of a fluctuating pressure superimposed on the static atmospheric pressure measured over a certain time period, expressed in Pa 3.6 sound pressure

35、 level Lplevel given by the equation: 1020lg ( ( )/ ) dBpLptp=(2) where Lpis the sound pressure level in dB; p(t) is the RMS sound pressure in Pa; p0 the reference sound pressure; p0. = 20 Pa. NOTE Definitions from 3.6 to 3.11 apply to values measured either as a frequency spectrum or in a particula

36、r frequency band of centre f (expressed in Hz). 5EN ISO 3381:2011 (E) DIN EN ISO 3381:2011-05 3.7 A-weighted sound pressure level LpAsound pressure level obtained by using the frequency weighting A (see EN 61672-1), given by the following equation: (2AA010 lg ( ) ) dBpLptp= (3) where LpAis the A-wei

37、ghted sound pressure level in dB; pA(t) is the RMS A-weighted sound pressure in Pa; p0 the reference sound pressure; p0. = 20 Pa. 3.8 AF-weighted maximum sound pressure level LpAFmaxmaximum value of the A-weighted sound pressure level determined during the measurement time interval T by using time w

38、eighting fast F EN 61672-1 3.9 A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level LpAeq,TA-weighted sound pressure level given by the following equation: ()2Aeq,200110 lg d dBTApTptLtTp=(4) where LpAeq,Tis the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level in dB; T is the measurement time

39、interval in s; pA(t) is the A-weighted instantaneous sound pressure in Pa; p0 the reference sound pressure; p0= 20 Pa. 3.10 A-weighted short-term equivalent continuous sound pressure level LpAeq,1sA-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (see 3.9) where the measurement time interval T i

40、s one second (T = 1s) 3.11 A-weighted equivalent continuous impulsive sound pressure level LpAIeq,TA-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level determined by using time weighting impulse I (see EN 61672-1) given by the following equation: 6EN ISO 3381:2011 (E) DIN EN ISO 3381:2011-05 ()2AIA

41、Ieq,200110 lg d dBTpTptLtTp=(5) where LpAIeq,Tis the A-weighted equivalent continuous impulsive sound pressure level in dB; T is the measurement time interval in s; pAI(t) is the A-weighted instantaneous sound pressure using time weighting I (Impulse) in Pa; p0 the reference sound pressure; p0. = 20

42、 Pa. 3.12 noise with impulsive character noise which contains an isolated event or a series of such events. The impulsive character is conventionally confirmed if the difference between LpAleq,Tand LpAeq,Tis greater than 3 dB 3.13 noise with tonal character noise which contains audible tones 4 Measu

43、rement quantities 4.1 General The quantities to be measured at all microphone positions for both type and monitoring tests are specified below. 4.2 Frequency analysis is required for type tests while it is optional for monitoring tests. The typical 1/3 octave band frequency range is from 31,5 Hz to

44、8 kHz according to EN ISO 266. It is important, however, that the lower frequency limit is chosen to ensure that the product of the lowest bandwidth and signal duration exceeds unity. 4.3 In presence of noise with suspected impulsive character, both LpAIeq,T and LpAeq,Tshall be measured. If they dif

45、fer by more than 3 dB the impulsive character is conventionally confirmed. 4.4 In presence of noise with suspected tonal character, at each microphone position it is suggested to make frequency analysis measurements according to 4.2. 4.5 The measurement quantity for trains running at constant speed

46、is the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level, LpAeq,T. Additionally, the A-weighted short-term equivalent continuous sound pressure level, LpAeq,1smay be measured. 4.6 For measurements on stationary vehicles, in presence of noise with suspected impulsive character, at each microphone

47、 position it is suggested to make two measurements: one with time weighting slow S, the other with time weighting impulse I (see EN 61672-1). 4.7 The measuring quantities for accelerating or braking tests shall be the maximum AF-weighted sound pressure level, LpAFmax, and the A-weighted equivalent c

48、ontinuous sound pressure level, LpAeq,T. The measurement time interval,T is defined in Clause 7. 7EN ISO 3381:2011 (E) DIN EN ISO 3381:2011-05 5 Instrumentation The instrumentation system, including the microphones, cables and recording devices shall meet the requirements for a type 1 instrument specified in EN 61672-1. The microphones shall have an essentially flat frequency response in a free sound field. The one-third-octave band filters shall meet the re

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