DIN ISO 16016-2007 Technical product documentation - Protection notices for restricting the use of documents and products (ISO 16016 2000) nEnglish version of DIN ISO 16016 2007-12.pdf

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DIN ISO 16016-2007 Technical product documentation - Protection notices for restricting the use of documents and products (ISO 16016 2000) nEnglish version of DIN ISO 16016 2007-12.pdf_第1页
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DIN ISO 16016-2007 Technical product documentation - Protection notices for restricting the use of documents and products (ISO 16016 2000) nEnglish version of DIN ISO 16016 2007-12.pdf_第5页
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1、December 2007DEUTSCHE NORM English price group 8No part of this standard may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).ICS 01.110!$JC“1398832www.

2、din.deDDIN ISO 16016Technical product documentation Protection notices for restricting the use of documents and products(ISO 16016:2000)English version of DIN ISO 16016:2007-12Technische Produktdokumentation Schutzvermerke zur Beschrnkung der Nutzung von Dokumenten und Produkten(ISO 16016:2000)Engli

3、sche Fassung DIN ISO 16016:2007-12SupersedesDIN ISO 16016:2002-05www.beuth.deDocument comprises 9 pagesDIN ISO 16016:2007-12 2National foreword This standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 10 “Technical drawings, product definition and related documentation”, Subcommittee SC 1, “Bas

4、ic conventions”. The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Technische Grundlagen (Fundamental Technical Standards Committee), Technical Committee NA 152-06-01 AA Dokumentations-wesen. The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in

5、the Bibliography of this document are as follows: ISO/IEC Guide 2 DIN EN 45020:1998-07 ISO 639:1988 DIN 2335:1986-10 ISO 3166-1:1997 DIN EN ISO 3166-1:1998-04 ISO 10303-1:1994 DIN V ENV ISO 10303-1:1996-03 Amendments This standard differs from DIN 34:1998-01 as follows: a) The definition of the term

6、 document“ has been modified. b) The wording of the abridged version of the protection notice has been modified. c) The complete term for the object being protected may now be used in place of the circled character, where use of the latter is not possible. The following changes have been made to DIN

7、 ISO 16016:2002-05: These three changes a) to c) only apply to the German version of DIN ISO 16016:2002-05. Previous editions DIN 34: 1927-04, 1933-03, 1956x-08, 1977-10, 1998-01 DIN 16016: 2002-05 National Annex NA (informative) Bibliography 1 DIN V ENV ISO 10303-1:1996, Industrial automation syste

8、ms and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles (ISO 10303-1:1994) 2 DIN EN ISO 3166-1:1998, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions Part 1: Country codes (ISO 3166-1:1997) (superseded by DIN EN ISO 3166-1:2007

9、) DIN EN 45020:1998, Standardization and related activities General vocabulary (superseded by DIN EN 45020:2007) 4 DIN 2335:1986, Language symbols 3 IntroductionThe existence of document and product protection, as well as its extent, is primarily oriented towards fulfilling therequirements of indust

10、rial property rights and copyright law. In order to draw the attention of users to this legallyprovided protection, additional safeguards are recommended through the use of protection notices that forestall theimproper use of documents and products.Normally, full protection is afforded only by appro

11、priate contractual agreements between the involved parties. Theprotection notices specified in this International Standard serve to warn and explain. They are designed to facilitatethe furnishing of proof and offer additional safeguards to authors and holders of commercial protection rights.If any n

12、ational laws require additional or other requirements for national trade, for example the use of nationallanguage, those requirements are to be respected.The WIPO standards cited can be obtained from:34 chemin des ColombettesCH-1211 Geneva 20http:/www.wipo.intDIN ISO 16016:2007-123World Intellectual

13、 Property OrganizationTechnical product documentation Protection notices for restricting the use of documents and products 1 ScopeThis International Standard specifies the protection notices which serve to prevent the improper use of documentsand products whose usage is restricted.With the benefit o

14、f a uniform text, protection notices draw attention to the existence of an industrial property right orcopyright. Furthermore, they clearly show that the owner of the right claims legal protection to the fullest extentand, in addition to this, they restrict the utilization of the documents or produc

15、ts concerned.2 Normative referencesThe following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of thesepublications do not apply. However, parties

16、 to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged toinvestigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Forundated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IECmaintain re

17、gisters of currently valid International Standards.WIPO Standard ST.3, Two-letter codes for the representation of states, other entities and organizations.WIPO Standard ST.16, Standard code for the identification of different kinds of patent documents.3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this

18、International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.3.1documentany medium with information recorded on or in it.ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996, definition 3.1, note 21NOTE This definition covers paper documents, electronic data, software programmes, graphics, videos and recordedsounds.3.2product

19、a thing or substance produced by a natural or artificial processISO 10303-1:19942DIN ISO 16016:2007-1244 Indication of protection rights4.1 GeneralIt is recommended that holders or licensees of protection rights who wish to draw attention to these rights andavoid their infringement use the markings

20、specified in 4.2 to CopyrightThe existence of a copyright is indicated byGbe either the character C in a circle:Ge3 Name of owner of original or transferred rights, followed by the year of the first publication of thedocumentNOTE This notice corresponds to article III, paragraph 1 of the Uni

21、versal Copyright Convention, which also providesthat the mentioned data be designated in a manner that expresses the reservation of copyright with sufficient clarity.Gbe or by the designation:“Copyright reserved”4.3 Patents and Utility ModelsThe existence of a patent notice is indicated by the chara

22、cter P in a circle, and that of a utility model notice by thecharacter U in a circle, followed by these three data elements:Gbe the country code according to WIPO Standard ST.3 (corresponding to ISO 3166-13supplemented by thecode for international organizations concerned with commercial protection l

23、aws);Gbe the publication or registration number;Gbe letter code according to WIPO-Standard ST.16.EXAMPLE 1Ga1P FR 2 775 254 A1EXAMPLE 2Ga1U US 5,927,354 B4.4 Designs (Industrial Designs)Designs may be designated by the term “registered design” or “design patent”. The existence of a design isindicate

24、d by the character D in a circle, followed by these two data elements:Gbe the country code (see 4.3);Gbe the registration or publication number of the design.EXAMPLEGa1D DE 496 00 00014.5 UseThe above-mentioned notices may be used when citing protected documents or products in other publications suc

25、has catalogues, offers or brochures. If it is not possible to use the circled character, for example because it is notwithin the character set of the text-processing system being used, the complete term shall be typed for example,Utility Model CH 679439 B5.DIN ISO 16016:2007-125The copyright notice

26、refers to the prohibition of physical reproduction, while notices for patents, utility models anddesigns refer to the prohibition of the use for commercial purposes of the technical principle on which the relatedobject (or process) is based, and forbid reproduction or copying for commercial use. The

27、se protection notices donot affect the communication of information on the documents or products in question.5 Wording of mention protecting the documents5.1 Complete versionFor additional protection of the content or information, it is recommended that the following wording be employed:“The reprodu

28、ction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents toothers without express authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. Allrights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.”The exp

29、licit term for the document concerned (for example, technical drawing, instruction etc.) may be used instead of the word “document” where this is judged to be preferable. The restriction of the use of a document maybe suspended by means of the written consent of the holder of the protection rights.I

30、t is recommended that the documents destined for cession to other language partners be provided with one of thelanguage versions of the protection notice presented in Annex A.5.2 Abridged versionWhere use of the complete version is not expedient the following abridged version may be used:“Refer to p

31、rotection notice ISO 16016”However, this version should be avoided wherever possible.DIN ISO 16016:2007-126Annex A(informative)Translations of the protection notice given in 5.1Table A.1Language code(language name)in conformancewith ISO 6394Textcs(Czech)Reprodukovn, en a poskytnut tohoto dokumentu,

32、jeho st nebo jeho obsahu tet osob je bezvslovnho souhlasu zakzno. Poruen zkazu vede k odpovdnosti za vzniklou kodu. Vsechnaprva jsou vyhrazena rovn vppadech registrovanho patentu, prmyslovho vzoru nebovtvarnho nvrhu.da(Danish)Dette dokument m ikke videregives til andre eller mangfoldiggres, og dets

33、indhold m ikke udnytteseller offentliggres, uden vores udtrykkelige tilladelse. Overtrdelser af dette vil medfre krav omskadeserstatning. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes, srling retten til gennemfrelse af patent-,brugsmodel- eller mnsterbeskyttelse.de(German)Weitergabe sowie Vervielfltigung dieses Doku

34、ments, Verwertung und Mitteilung seines Inhaltsverboten, soweit nicht ausdrcklich gestattet. Zuwiderhandlungen verpflichten zu Schadenersatz. AlleRechte fr den Fall der Patent-, Gebrauchsmuster- oder Geschmacksmustereintragung vorbehalten.es(Spanish)Sin nuestra expresa autorizacin, queda terminantem

35、ente prohibida la reproduccin total o parcial deeste documento, as como su uso indebido y/o su exhibicin o comunicacinaterceros.Delosinfractores se exigir el correspondiente resarcimiento de daos y perjuicios. Quedan reservadostodos los derechos inherentes, en especial los de patentes, de modelos re

36、gistrados y estticos.fr(French)Toute communication ou reproduction de ce document, sous quelque forme que ce soit, et touteexploitation ou communication de son contenu sont interdites, sauf autorisation crite expresse. Toutmanquement cette rgle est illicite et expose son auteur au versement de domma

37、ges et intrts.Tous droits rservs pour le cas de la dlivrance dun brevet, dun modle dutilit ou dun modle deprsentation.it(Italian) vietato consegnare a terzi o riprodurre questo documento, utilizzarne il contenuto o renderlocomunque noto a terzi senza esplicita autorizzazione. Ogni infrazione comport

38、a il risarcimento deidanni subiti. Sono riservati tutti i diritti derivanti dalla concessione di brevetti per invenzioni industrialidi utilit o di brevetti per modelli ornamentali.ja(Japanese)nl(Dutch)Zonder uitdrukkelijke voorafgaande toestemming is het verboden dit document dan wel de hierinvervat

39、te informatie te gebruiken voor andere doeleinden dan waarvoor de informatie is vrijgegeven,dan wel te vermenigvuldigen, verspreiden of op enige andere wijze aan derden bekend te maken.Overtreders zijn verplicht de hieruit voortvloeiende schade te vergoeden. Alle rechten zijnvoorbehouden, in het bij

40、zonder het recht om octrooien, gebruiksmodellen en siermodellen aan tevragen.DIN ISO 16016:2007-127Table A.1 (continued)Language code(language name)in conformancewith ISO 639Textno(Norwegian)Kopiering, distribusjon og utnyttelse av dette dokumentet svel som offentliggjring av dets innholduten vr utt

41、rykklige tillatelse er ikke tillatt. Overtredelse vil medfre krav om skadeserstatning. Allerettigheter forbeholdes, srlig retten til gjennemfrelse av patent-, bruksmodel- ellermnsterbeskyttelse.pl(Polish)Reprodukcja, rozpowszechnianie i wykorzystywanie niniejszego dokumentu, jak rwnieprzekazywanie j

42、ego zawartoci innym, bez uzyskania formalnego upowanienia, s zabronione.Naruszajcy ten zakaz bd zobowizani do wyrwnania strat. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeone wprzypadku udzielenia patentu na wynalazek, prawa ochronnego na wzruytkowy lub wzrprzemyslowy.pt(Portuguese)A reproduo, a distribuiescedillaoeauti

43、lizaescedillao deste documento, assim como a comunicaodoseucontedo a terceiros, so proibidas sem autorizao expressa. Os infractores seroresponsabilizados por perdas e danos. Todos os direitos so reservados no caso da concessodeuma patente, modelo de utilidade ou desenho industrial.ru(Russian)sv(Swed

44、ish)Detta dokument frinteutanvrt tillstnd utlmnas till obehrig eller kopieras; ej heller fr dessinnehll delges oberhriga eller utnyttjas. vertrdelse medfr skadestndsansvar. Alla rttigheterfrbehlls, srskilt rtten att inlmma patent-, bruksmnster- eller mnsteranskningar.zh(Chinese)DIN ISO 16016:2007-12

45、8Bibliography1 ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996, Standardization and related activities General vocabulary.2 ISO 10303-1:1994, Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation andexchange Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles.3 ISO 3166-1:1997, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions Part 1:Country codes.4 ISO 639:1988, Code for the representation of names of languages.DIN ISO 16016:2007-129

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