DIN ISO TS 18234-5-2006 Traffic and Travel Information (TTI) - TTI via Transport Protocol Expert Group (TPEG) data-streams - Part 5 Public Transport Information (PTI) application (.pdf

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DIN ISO TS 18234-5-2006 Traffic and Travel Information (TTI) - TTI via Transport Protocol Expert Group (TPEG) data-streams - Part 5 Public Transport Information (PTI) application (.pdf_第1页
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DIN ISO TS 18234-5-2006 Traffic and Travel Information (TTI) - TTI via Transport Protocol Expert Group (TPEG) data-streams - Part 5 Public Transport Information (PTI) application (.pdf_第2页
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DIN ISO TS 18234-5-2006 Traffic and Travel Information (TTI) - TTI via Transport Protocol Expert Group (TPEG) data-streams - Part 5 Public Transport Information (PTI) application (.pdf_第3页
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DIN ISO TS 18234-5-2006 Traffic and Travel Information (TTI) - TTI via Transport Protocol Expert Group (TPEG) data-streams - Part 5 Public Transport Information (PTI) application (.pdf_第4页
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DIN ISO TS 18234-5-2006 Traffic and Travel Information (TTI) - TTI via Transport Protocol Expert Group (TPEG) data-streams - Part 5 Public Transport Information (PTI) application (.pdf_第5页
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1、November 2006 Normenausschuss Kraftfahrzeuge (FAKRA) im DINPreisgruppe 21DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V. Jede Art der Vervielfltigung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit Genehmigung des DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V., Berlin, gestattet.ICS 03.220.01; 35.240.60!,o)E“9760634www.din.deDVornormDI

2、N ISO/TS 18234-5Reise- und Verkehrsinformation (TTI) TTI ber Datenstrme der Transportprotokoll Expertengruppe (TPEG) Teil 5: Informationsanwendungen des ffentlichen Nahverkehrs(ISO/TS 18234-5:2006);Englische Fassung CEN ISO/TS 18234-5:2006Traffic and Travel Information (TTI) TTI via Transport Protoc

3、ol Expert Group (TPEG) data-streams Part 5: Public Transport Information (PTI) application (ISO/TS 18234-5:2006);English version CEN ISO/TS 18234-5:2006Informations sur le trafic et le tourisme (TTI) Messages TTI via les flux de donnes du groupe dexperts du protocole de transport(TPEG) Partie 5: App

4、lication dinformation de transport public (ISO/TS 18234-5:2006);Version anglaise CEN ISO/TS 18234-5:2006Alleinverkauf der Normen durch Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin www.beuth.deGesamtumfang 66 SeitenDIN ISO/TS 18234-5:2006-11 2 Nationales Vorwort Die europische Technische Spezifikation CEN ISO/TS

5、18234-5 wurde vom Technischen Komitee (TC) 278 Straenverkehrstelematik“ des Europischen Komitees fr Normung (CEN) ausgearbeitet, dessen Sekretariat vom NEN (Niederlande) gehalten wird. Das zustndige deutsche Normungsgremium ist das Gemeinschaftskomitee GK717 Straenverkehrs-telematik“ des Normungsaus

6、schusses Kraftfahrzeuge (FAKRA). Eine Vornorm ist das Ergebnis einer Normungsarbeit, das wegen bestimmter Vorbehalte zum Inhalt oder wegen des gegenber einer Norm abweichenden Aufstellungsverfahrens vom DIN noch nicht als Norm herausgegeben wird. Zur vorliegenden Vornorm wurde kein Entwurf verffentl

7、icht. Erfahrungen mit dieser Vornorm sind erbeten vorzugsweise als Datei per E-Mail an fakradin.de in Form einer Tabelle. Die Vorlage dieser Tabelle kann im Internet unter www.din.de/stellungnahme abgerufen werden; oder in Papierform an den Normenausschuss Kraftfahrzeuge (FAKRA) im DIN, 60079 Frankf

8、urt, Postfach 17 05 63 (Hausanschrift: Westendstrae 61, 60325 Frankfurt). Das Prsidium des DIN hat mit seinem Beschluss 1/2004 festgelegt, dass von dem in den Regeln der europischen Normungsarbeit von CEN/CENELEC verankerten Grundsatz, wonach Europische Normen in den drei offiziellen Sprachen Deutsc

9、h, Englisch und Franzsisch verffentlicht werden, in begrndeten Ausnahmefllen abgewichen und auf die deutsche Sprachfassung verzichtet werden kann. Fr die im Abschnitt 2 zitierten Internationalen Normen wird im Folgenden auf die entsprechenden Deutschen Normen hingewiesen: ISO/TS 18234-1 siehe DIN CE

10、N ISO/TS 18234-1 ISO/TS 18234-2 siehe DIN CEN ISO/TS 18234-2 ISO/TS 18234-6 siehe DIN CEN ISO/TS 18234-6 ISO 8601 siehe DIN ISO 8601 Vornorm DIN ISO/TS 18234-5:2006-11 3 Nationaler Anhang NA (informativ) Literaturhinweise DIN ISO/TS 18234-1, Reise- und Verkehrsinformation (TTI) TTI ber Datenstrme de

11、r Transportprotokoll Expertengruppe (TGEG) Teil 1: Einfhrung, Nummerierung und Versionen DIN ISO/TS 18234-2, Reise- und Verkehrsinformation (TTI) TTI ber Datenstrme der Transportprotokoll Expertengruppe (TGEG) Teil 2: Syntax, Semantik und Rahmenstruktur (SSF) DIN ISO/TS 18234-3 Reise- und Verkehrsin

12、formation (TTI) TTI ber Datenstrme der Transportprotokoll Expertengruppe (TPEG) Teil 3: Informationsanwendungen fr Dienste und Netzwerk (SNI) DIN ISO/TS 18234-4 Reise- und Verkehrsinformation (TTI) TTI ber Datenstrme der Transportprotokoll Expertengruppe (TPEG) Teil 4: Anwendungen fr Straenverkehrsm

13、eldungen (RTM) DIN ISO/TS 18234-6, Reise- und Verkehrsinformation (TTI) TTI ber Datenstrme der Transportprotokoll Expertengruppe (TGEG) Teil 6: Ortskodierung fr Anwendungen (TPEG-Loc) DIN ISO 8601, Datenelemente und Austauschformate Informationsaustausch Darstellung von Datum und Uhrzeit Vornorm DIN

14、 ISO/TS 18234-5:2006-11 4 Leerseite Vornorm TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SPCIFICATION TECHNIQUE TECHNISCHE SPEZIFIKATION CEN ISO/TS 18234-5 June 2006 ICS 03.220.01; 35.240.60 English Version Traffic and Travel Information (TTI) TTI via Transport Protocol Expert Group (TPEG) data-streams Part 5: Public Tr

15、ansport Information (PTI) application (ISO/TS 18234-5:2006) Informations sur le trafic et le tourisme (TTI) Messages TTI via les flux de donnes du groupe dexperts du protocole de transport (TPEG) Partie 5: Application dinformation de transport public (ISO/TS 18234-5:2006) Reise- und Verkehrsinformat

16、ion (TTI) ) TTI ber Datenstrme der Transportprotokoll Expertengruppe (TPEG) Teil 5: Informationsanwendungen des ffentlichen Nahverkehrs (ISO/TS 18234-5:2006) This Technical Specification (CEN/TS) was approved by CEN on 28 September 2004 for provisional application. The period of validity of this CEN

17、/TS is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to submit their comments, particularly on the question whether the CEN/TS can be converted into a European Standard. CEN members are required to announce the existence of this CEN/TS in the same way as for

18、an EN and to make the CEN/TS available promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in parallel to the CEN/TS) until the final decision about the possible conversion of the CEN/TS into an EN is reached. CEN members are the nati

19、onal standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kin

20、gdom. EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMIT EUROPEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNG Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels 2006 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. CEN/ISO TS 18234-5:

21、2006 ECEN ISO/TS 18234-5:2006 (E) 2 Contents Page Foreword3 Introduction .3 1 Scope 4 2 Normative references 6 3 Terms and definitions .6 4 Abbreviations.9 5 PTI application overview 11 5.1 Introduction. 11 5.2 TPEG-message concept. 12 5.3 TPEG-messages delivering additional information 14 5.4 Eleme

22、nts of a TPEG public transport information message 14 5.5 Message management container 16 5.6 Application event (PTI) container 18 5.7 Location referencing 19 6 PTI container . 20 6.1 Structure of public transport information 20 6.2 Notation . 21 6.3 PTI application component frame. 21 7 Message man

23、agement container 22 7.1 Mandatory elements . 22 7.2 Date and time elements 22 7.3 Severity and reliability elements. 23 7.4 Coding of the message management container 24 8 Event container. 25 8.1 Event description 25 8.2 Level one classes and their descriptions 25 8.3 Sub-level classes 25 8.4 End-u

24、ser presentation modes. 28 8.5 Coding structure. 31 8.6 Event container data types 32 8.7 Coding of event container . 32 8.8 PTI application primitives 38 8.9 TPEG tables (pti01 to pti34) indexing . 41 Bibliography. 62 Vornorm CEN ISO/TS 18234-5:2006 (E) 3 Foreword This document (CEN ISO/TS 18234-5:

25、2006) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 278 “Road transport and traffic telematics“, the secretariat of which is held by NEN, in collaboration with Technical Committee ISO/TC 204 “Transport information and control systems“. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the nationa

26、l standards organizations of the following countries are bound to announce this CEN Technical Specification: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Pola

27、nd, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Vornorm CEN ISO/TS 18234-5:2006 (E) 4 Introduction The TPEG technology uses a byte-oriented stream format, which may be carried on almost any digital bearer with an appropriate adaptation layer. TPEG-messages a

28、re delivered from service providers to end-users, and are used to transfer information from the database of a service provider to an end-users equipment. This CEN ISO Technical Specification describes the Public Transport Information Application, its underlying data structure as well as the means of

29、 encoding and decoding hierarchically structured messages containing public (i.e. collective) transport information. This application is intended to provide service providers, including broadcasters, with a means to transmit to an end-user public transport related travel news. The scope of TPEG is i

30、ntended to cover content as diverse as network disruption, cancellations and even aspects of timetable information. Messages generated can be classified to fit into user perceived categories. The underlying data elements used for these classifications are taken from a superset that, the designers be

31、lieve, is a complete set of elements needed to fully describe the broadest range of public transport information. The Broadcast Management Committee of the European Broadcast Union (EBU) established the B/TPEG project group in autumn 1997 with the mandate to develop, as soon as possible, a new proto

32、col for broadcasting traffic and travel-related information in the multimedia environment. The TPEG technology, its applications and service features are designed to enable travel-related messages to be coded, decoded, filtered and understood by humans (visually and/or audibly in the users language)

33、 and by agent systems. One year later in December 1998, the B/TPEG group produced its first public specifications. Two documents were released. Part 2 (TPEG-SSF, CEN ISO/TS 18234-2) described the Syntax, Semantics and Framing structure, which will be used for all TPEG applications. Part 4 (TPEG-RTM,

34、 CEN ISO/TS 18234-4) described the first application, for Road Traffic Messages. CEN/TC 278/WG 4, in conjunction with ISO/TC 204/WG 10, established a project group comprising the members of B/TPEG and they have continued the work concurrently since March 1999. Since then two further parts have been

35、developed to make the initial complete set of four parts, enabling the implementation of a consistent service. Part 3 (TPEG-SNI, CEN ISO/TS 18234-3) describes the Service and Network Information Application, which is likely to be used by all service implementations to ensure appropriate referencing

36、from one service source to another. Part 1 (TPEG-INV, CEN ISO/TS 18234-1) completed the work, by describing the other parts and their relationships; it also contains the application IDs used within the other parts. In April 2000, the B/TPEG group released revised Parts 1 to 4, all four parts having

37、been reviewed and updated in the light of initial implementation results. Thus a consistent suite of specifications, ready for wide scale implementation, was submitted to the CEN/ISO commenting process. In November 2001, after extensive response to the comments received and from many internally sugg

38、ested improvements, all four parts were completed for the next stage: the Parallel Formal Vote in CEN and ISO. But a major step forward has been to develop the so-called TPEG-Loc location referencing method, which enables both map-based TPEG-decoders and non map-based ones to deliver either map-base

39、d location referencing or human readable information. Part 6 (TPEG-Loc, CEN ISO/TS 18234-6) is now a separate specification and is used in association with the other parts of CEN ISO/TS 18234 to provide comprehensive location referencing. Additionally Part 5, the Public Transport Information Applica

40、tion (TPEG-PTI, CEN ISO/TS 18234-5), has been developed and been through the commenting process. This Technical Specification, CEN ISO/TS 18234-5, provides a full specification for the public (i.e. collective) transport information application. This document has been prepared by CEN/TC 278, Road Tra

41、nsport and Traffic Telematics in co-operation with ISO/TC 204, Intelligent Transport Systems. During the development of the TPEG technology a number of versions have been documented and various trials implemented using various versions of the specifications. At the time of the publication of this Te

42、chnical Specification, all parts are fully inter-workable and no specific dependencies exist. This Technical Specification has the technical version number TPEG-PTI_3.0/001.Scope Vornorm CEN ISO/TS 18234-5:2006 (E) 5 1 Scope This Technical Specification describes the Public Transport Information (PT

43、I) Application, which is intended to cover all modes of public (i.e. collective) transport as well as inter-urban and intra-urban travel. The application is designed to allow the efficient and language independent delivery of public transport information directly from service provider to end-users.

44、The term “application” is used in TPEG specifications to describe specific applications, such as in this case the public transport information application, which comprises three information containers: the message management container, the application event container and the TPEG-location container.

45、 The first two containers are fully described herein and the TPEG-location container is described in CEN ISO/TS 18234-6. Each TPEG Application (e.g. TPEG-PTI) is assigned a unique number that is called the Application IDentification (AID). An AID is defined whenever a new application is developed. T

46、he AID is used within the TPEG-Service and Network Information Application (CEN ISO/TS 18234-3) to indicate how to process TPEG content and allows routing of data to an appropriate Application decoder. AID = 0002 (hex) is assigned to the TPEG-PTI application, described in this specification. The TPE

47、G-PTI application aims at describing “legs” of a journey also described as “rides” by other methodologies. However, it is important to note that TPEG-PTI is not limited to describing single services, because it also allows the more general description of route, service and area-wide problems. Public

48、 (or collective) transport information is usually consumed in one of four principle ways as follows: Leader board information as used at stations or terminals; A report on the state of a network; The description of an individual service; As a news flash report. The elements needed to provide informa

49、tion for any one of the four end-user presentation modes are largely the same. The end-user focus of TPEG applications makes it useful to be able to mimic presentations, to which end-users are accustomed, for example a railway station indicator board. TPEG-PTI messages can therefore group data elements to present one of the following end-user presentation modes: Incident message report; Station/terminal information; Route information;

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