DIN-Fachbericht CEN TR 15046-2005 Wood preservatives - Artificial weathering of treated wood prior to biological testing - UV-radiation and water-spraying procedure English version.pdf

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1、 Mai 2005DIN-Fachbericht CEN/TR 15046Holzschutzmittel Knstliche Bewitterung von behandeltem Holz vorbiologischen Prfungen Beanspruchung mit UV-Strahlung und Wassersprhen;Englische Fassung CEN/TR 15046:2005ICS 71.100.50Nationales VorwortDieses Dokument wurde vom Technischen Komitee CEN/TC 38 Dauerhaf

2、tigkeit von Holz und Holz-produkten“ erarbeitet. Fr die Deutsche Mitarbeit ist der Arbeitsausschuss NMP 412 Prfung vonHolzschutzmitteln“ zustndig. DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V. Jede Art der Vervielfltigung, auch auszugsweise,nur mit Genehmigung des DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V. , B

3、erlin gestattet.Alleinverkauf der Normen durch Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 BerlinPreisgruppe8www.din.dewww.beuth.deGesamtumfang 15 SeitenWood preservatives Artifical weathering of treated wood prior to biological testing UV-radiation and water-spraying procedure;English version CEN/TR 15046:2005Produit

4、s de prservation du bois Exposition artificielle aux intempries des bois traits avant essais biologiques Epreuves de rayonnement UV et de pulvrisation deau;Version anglaise CEN/TR 15046:2005B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03DIN-Fachbericht CEN/TR 15046:2005-052 Leer

5、seite B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03TECHNICAL REPORTRAPPORT TECHNIQUETECHNISCHER BERICHTCEN/TR 15046March 2005ICS 71.100.50English versionWood preservatives Artificial weathering of treated wood priorto biological testing UV-radiation and water-sprayingprocedure

6、Produits de prservation du bois Exposition artificielleaux intempries des bois traits avant essais biologiques Epreuves de rayonnement UV et de pulvrisation deauHolzschutzmittel Knstliche Bewitterung vonbehandeltem Holz vor biologischen Prfungen Beanspruchung mit UV-Strahlung und WassersprhenThis Te

7、chnical Report was approved by CEN on 3 February 2005. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 38.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lit

8、huania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMIT EUROPEN DE NORMALISATIONEUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNGManagement Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels 2005 CEN All rig

9、hts of exploitation in any form and by any means reservedworldwide for CEN national Members.Ref. No. CEN/TR 15046:2005: EB55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15046:2005 (E)2ContentsPage1 Scope 52 Principle . 53 Material and apparatus . 53.1 Material. 53.2 Appara

10、tus. 54 Test specimens . 74.1 Definition and origin . 74.2 Number of test specimens . 75 Procedure. 75.1 Artificial weathering 75.2 Duration of the artificial weathering procedure. 105.3 Drying . 105.4 Repairing the end-sealing 106 Destination of the test specimens after the artificial weathering pr

11、ocedure 107 Test report 10Annex A (informative) Example of a suitable test specimens holder 11B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15046:2005 (E)3ForewordThis document (CEN/TR 15046:2005) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 38 Durability ofwood and d

12、erived materials, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the followingcountries are bound to announce this Technical Report: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,Estonia, Finland, France, Germa

13、ny, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and theUnited Kingdom.B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15046:2005 (E)4IntroductionThis do

14、cument is based on the results of the S.M.T. Project: F.A.C.T, SMT 4 CT 96 2135 and in particular inaccordance with the findings of Task 1 which consisted of a study of artificial weathering techniques for theconditioning of treated test blocks prior to biological test. (see the summary of the resea

15、rch in CEN/TR 14723)B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15046:2005 (E)51 ScopeThis document specifies a method for the artificial weathering of test specimens of treated wood, which areused in the testing of the biological efficacy of wood preservatives.This me

16、thod is applicable to:a) the pre-conditioning of test specimens prior to their being subjected to a biological test; orb) assessment of loss of effectiveness by comparing the performance in a biological test of treated testspecimens subjected to this procedure with others that have not undergone any

17、 artificial weatheringprocedure.NOTE The method can also be used for pre-conditioning of wood-based panel products, which may or may not havereceived preservative treatment.2 PrincipleArtificial weathering for a specified period in a device providing UV-radiation and spraying of demineralisedwater,

18、of test specimens that have been prepared for biological testing of the efficacy of a wood preservativeagainst fungi or insects, using the appropriate standard methods.3 Material and apparatus3.1 Material3.1.1 Water, demineralised.NOTE For example water conforming to the grade 3 specified in EN ISO

19、3696 may be used.3.1.2 End-sealing material, according to the specifications recommended in the standard test method to beapplied after the artificial weathering.3.2 Apparatus3.2.1 Test chamberThe test chamber is made from corrosion resistant material in which are housed the lamps, a heated water tr

20、ay,spray nozzles and test specimen racks. LampsThe UV lamp emits UV light from a low pressure mercury arc. The required spectral distribution is achieved by acareful selection of the type of phosphor coating on the inner surface of the lamp and the nature of the glassused in the construction

21、of the tubes.Unless otherwise specified or mutually agreed the lamp shall be of the following type:Lamp, commonly called UVA 340, has a peak emission at 340 nm and the relative spectral irradiance is given inTable 1.B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15046:200

22、5 (E)6Table 1 Relative spectral irradiance of lampWavelength Relative spectral irradianceanm %270 400 270270 280280 300300 320320 340340 360360 380380 4001000007,8 0,829,6 3,034,4 3,420,9 2,17,3 0,7aThe spectral irradiance between 270 nm and 400 nm is defined as 100 %. Device for wetting the

23、test specimensThe test specimens shall be wetted by spray of water. To prevent spotting on to the test specimens waterdemineralised (3.1.1) shall be used.The spray water shall not be used in a circulation system.Note A spraying device could be capable to spray about 3 l/min. Intermittent spray, e.g.

24、 5 s spray followed by 15 srest should be programmable to save water. Black panel thermometerSet the apparatus to operate at the specified parameters, and the temperature shall be monitored by a remotesensor attached to the black panel. The black panel thermometer shall be exposed to the same

25、 exposureconditions as the specimens. The black panel thermometer shall be calibrated in accordance with themanufacturers recommendations. Irradiance controlApparatus equipped with an irradiance control system shall be calibrated in accordance with the manufacturersrecommendations.Lamps in ap

26、paratus without irradiance control system need to be rotated and replaced in accordance withthe manufacturers recommendations to compensate for lamp ageing.B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15046:2005 (E)73.2.2 Test specimens holderThe test specimens holder s

27、hall be of stainless steel. They shall guarantee a sufficient distancebetween the test specimens and the holder sheet in order not to hinder the runoff of the spray waterand a fixed distance to the UV- lamps.An example of a suitable test specimens holder is given in Annex A.3.2.3 Deep-freezer contro

28、lled at a temperature of (- 18 2)C.3.2.4 Conditioning chamber controlled at a temperature of (20 2) C and (65 5) % relative humidity forconditioning the test specimens.4 Test specimens4.1 Definition and originThe test specimens and their preparation are defined in the standards concerning the biolog

29、ical tests towhich they are intended to be subjected.The artificial weathering procedure shall be carried out at the end of the conditioning period that followsthe treatment of the test specimens described in the relevant biological test standard.4.2 Number of test specimensThe number of test specim

30、ens to be artificially weathered shall be as required by the standarddescribing the relevant biological tests, bearing in mind that the weathering procedure shall be appliedboth to treated test specimens that are subjected to biological agents and to control test specimens.The control test specimens

31、 are of the following kinds: treated test specimens that are not be subjected to attack by biological agents after artificial weathering.These will serve as controls for changes in mass in those tests in which this factor is taken intoconsideration. One set of these control test specimens shall be p

32、rovided for each concentration; untreated control test specimens, which, after artificial weathering, are subjected to the biological tests tocheck any variation in the behaviour of untreated wood. One set of these control test specimens shall beprovided for the whole of one test; control test speci

33、mens of timber treated with solvent or diluent if necessary.5 Procedure5.1 Artificial weatheringFix the test specimens in the test specimens holders (3.2.2 and Annex A) and insert the test specimensholders in the test chamber (3.2.1).Expose the test specimens to the weathering programme given in Tab

34、le 2.NOTE The weathering procedure should start on a Tuesday.The given programme lasts 336 h. Repeat the programme twice in continuation, which means to programmethe total run of the weathering device to 672 h.B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15046:2005 (E)8

35、Without switching off the weathering device , at the end of step 19 remove the test specimens holders with thetest specimens in place and transfer the whole assembly to the freezer (3.2.3) and leave then there for 24 h(step 20). Transfer the test specimens in their holders to the weathering apparatu

36、s. Repeat this procedure atthe end of step 23.The position of the test specimens holders in the device shall be changed through rotation every 7 days.The UV exposure temperature shall not exceed 50 C. The corresponding irradiance set point shall notexceed 1,03 W/(mnm) at 340 nmThe temperature of the

37、 dark (conditioning) phase shall not exceed 40 C.NOTE The flow of demineralised water should be round about 3 l/min.B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15046:2005 (E)9Table 2 Artificial weathering programmeDay Step N Step of the programmeDuration(h:min)Cycle N1

38、 Tuesday 1UV a24:002Spray b04:003Condc02:002 Wednesday 4 Spray 10:005 Cond 02:006 Spray 06:00Thursday 7 UV 24:008 Spray 04:009 Cond 02:00 C14 Friday 10 Spray 10:0011 Cond 02:0012 Spray 06:005 Saturday 13 UV 23:0014 Cond 01:0015 Spray 04:0016 Cond 02:006 Sunday 17 Spray 10:0018 Cond 02:0019 Spray 06:

39、007 Monday 20 Cond sped. Meanwhile storedin the freezer24:00Tuesday 21 Sub-cycle step 22-23 repeat 72 x 8 13 to 22 UV 01:42 C2Sunday 23 Spray 00:1814 Monday 24 Cond spe. Meanwhile storedin the freezer24:0025 Final step go to step 1 Programme duration set at 672 haUV-lightbSpraying of demineralised w

40、atercConditioning no light. In some devices, this step can only be realized with the program step “Cond“ (=condensation whichmeans production of dew)d Special conditioningB55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15046:2005 (E)105.2 Duration of the artificial weather

41、ing procedureThe total duration of the artificial weathering shall be 672 h (= 4 weeks).5.3 DryingStand the test specimens in the conditioning chamber (see 3.2.4), on one of their narrow sides on a non-absorbent support of a material which does not react with the treated test specimens and taking ca

42、re to leavea gap of at least 10 mm between individual test specimens, allowing a free flow of air around the testspecimens.Allow the test specimens to stand for at least two weeks or until constant mass i.e. until two consecutiveweighing 24 h apart are the same 0,1 g.5.4 Repairing the end-sealingIn

43、the case of end-sealed cross sections of specimens (e.g. for ENV 839) repair any sealing broken by theartificial weathering procedure. Use the end-sealing material recommended in the respective test standard(see 3.1.2).6 Destination of the test specimens after the artificial weathering procedureThe

44、test specimens are suitable for use in biological tests in accordance with the appropriate standards,commencing from the clause describing the procedure for exposing the test specimens to the test organisms(insects or fungi).As the test specimens are exposed to the artificial weathering only with on

45、e of their broad faces, the exposedfaces shall be laid towards the fungi on the culture media (e.g. EN 113 or ENV 839) respectively the insectsshall be applied at the exposed faces (e.g. EN 46 or EN 47).7 Test reportQuote the artificial weathering procedure by giving the number of this document (i.e

46、. CEN/TR 15046) in thetest report for each biological test.B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15046:2005 (E)11Annex A(informative)Example of a suitable test specimens holderA suitable test specimens holder design is shown in Figures A.1 and A.2.Key1 Metal shee

47、t2 Clamp of spring steel3 Screw or weldFigure A.1 Plan view : Position of clamps (screwed or welded on) on metal sheetB55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15046:2005 (E)12Key1 Wood2 Light3 Clamp of spring steel4 Test specimen5 Metal sheet6 Screw or weldFigure A.

48、2 Location of the test specimens within the clampsB55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15046:2005 (E)13BibliographyEN 46, Wood preservatives Determination of the preventive action against recently hatched larvae ofHylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) (Laboratory method

49、)EN 47, Wood preservatives Determination of the toxic values against Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) larvae(Laboratory method)EN 113, Wood preservatives Test method for determining the protective effectiveness against wooddestroying basidiomycetes - Determination of the toxic valuesENV 839, Wood preservatives Determination of the protective effectiveness against wood destroyingbasidiomycetes Application by surface treatmentCEN/TR 14723:2003, Dur

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