DIN-Fachbericht CEN TR 15126-2005 Characterization of sludges - Good practice for landfilling of sludges and sludge treatment residues《污泥表征 污泥和污泥处理残留物掩埋的良好措施》.pdf

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DIN-Fachbericht CEN TR 15126-2005 Characterization of sludges - Good practice for landfilling of sludges and sludge treatment residues《污泥表征 污泥和污泥处理残留物掩埋的良好措施》.pdf_第1页
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DIN-Fachbericht CEN TR 15126-2005 Characterization of sludges - Good practice for landfilling of sludges and sludge treatment residues《污泥表征 污泥和污泥处理残留物掩埋的良好措施》.pdf_第2页
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DIN-Fachbericht CEN TR 15126-2005 Characterization of sludges - Good practice for landfilling of sludges and sludge treatment residues《污泥表征 污泥和污泥处理残留物掩埋的良好措施》.pdf_第3页
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DIN-Fachbericht CEN TR 15126-2005 Characterization of sludges - Good practice for landfilling of sludges and sludge treatment residues《污泥表征 污泥和污泥处理残留物掩埋的良好措施》.pdf_第4页
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DIN-Fachbericht CEN TR 15126-2005 Characterization of sludges - Good practice for landfilling of sludges and sludge treatment residues《污泥表征 污泥和污泥处理残留物掩埋的良好措施》.pdf_第5页
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1、November 2005Preisgruppe 13DIN Deutsches Institut f r Normung e.V. Jede Art der Vervielf ltigung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit Genehmigung des DIN Deutsches Institut f r Normung e. V., Berlin, gestattet.ICS 13.030.20G Y 9650483www.din.deXDIN-Fachbericht CEN/TR 15126Charakterisierung von Schl mmen Gute

2、 fachliche Praxis bei der Deponierung von Schlamm und R ckst ndenaus der SchlammbehandlungCharacterization of sludges Good practice for landfilling of sludges and sludge treatment residuesCaractrisation des boues Bonne pratique pour la mise en dcharge des boues et des rsidus de traitement des bouesA

3、lleinverkauf durch Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin www.beuth.deGesamtumfang 31 SeitenB55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03DIN CEN/TR 15126:2005-11 2 1 Vorwort Der vorliegende DIN-Fachbericht CEN/TR 15126 Charakterisierung von Schlmmen Gute fachliche Praxis bei der Depo

4、nierung von Schlamm und Rckstnden aus der Schlammbehandlung wurde im CEN/TC 308 Charakterisierung von Schlmmen erarbeitet. Deutschland war an der Erarbeitung ber den Arbeits-ausschuss AA I 1 Bodenschutz, Altlastensanierung und Entsorgung im Normenausschuss Wasserwesen (NAW) im DIN Deutsches Institut

5、 fr Normung e. V. beteiligt. Das ursprnglich mit dem Ziel der Verffentlichung als Europische Norm vorgesehene Projekt wurde im Rahmen der Befragung der im CEN vertretenen Mitgliedslnder zum Entwurf dieses Dokuments noch einmal ausfhrlich diskutiert und es wurde entschieden, dass die Verffentlichung

6、nicht als Europische Norm, sondern als Technischer Bericht des CEN erfolgen soll. Gegen die Verffentlichung als Europische Norm sprachen insbesondere die unterschiedlichen nationalen Rechtsvorschriften, die in Ergnzung zur Europischen Deponie-richtlinie 1 und der Europischen Klrschlammrichtlinie 2 d

7、en Umgang mit Schlmmen und Abfllen auf Abfalldeponien und dem Klrschlamm regeln und Manahmen fr seine Verwertung oder Beseitigung aufzeigen. Fr Deutschland sind hier insbesondere die TA Siedlungsabfall 3 die Abfallablagerungsverordnung 4 die Deponieverordnung 5 die Klrschlammverordnung 6 und das Kre

8、islaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz 7 zu nennen. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der derzeit in Deutschland stattfindenden kontroversen Diskussion zur Zukunft der Verwertung von Klrschlamm in der Landwirtschaft und aufgrund der guten Zusammenstellung der Sachverhalte zum Thema Klrschlamm im europis

9、chen Raum hat der fachlich zustndige AA I 1 beschlossen, den Bericht CEN/TR 15126 der ffentlichkeit in der englischen Originalfassung mit deutschem Vorwort zur Verfgung zu stellen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auf fnf DIN-Fachberichte, CEN/CR 13714 8, CEN/CR 13846 9, CEN/CR 13097 10, CEN/TR 13767 11

10、und CEN/TR 13768 12 des CEN/TC 308 Charakterisierung von Schlmmen verwiesen, die den vorliegenden Bericht thematisch ergnzen. Literatur 1 Entscheidung des Rates vom 19. Dezember 2002 zur Festlegung von Kriterien und Verfahren fr die Annahme von Abfllen auf Abfalldeponien gem Artikel 16 und Anhang II

11、 der Richtlinie 1999/31/EG, ABl. EG Nr. L 011 S. 27 2 Richtlinie 86/278/EWG des Rates vom 12. Juni 1986 ber den Schutz der Umwelt und insbesondere der Bden bei der Verwendung von Klrschlamm in der Landwirtschaft, ABl. EG Nr. L 181 S. 6 3 Dritte allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zum Abfallgesetz (TA S

12、iedlungsabfall), Technische Anleitung zur Verwertung, Behandlung und sonstigen Entsorgung von Siedlungsabfllen vom 14. Mai. 1993, BAnz Nr. 99a S. 1 4 Verordnung ber die umweltvertrgliche Ablagerung von Siedlungsabfllen (Abfallablagerungs-verordnung AbfAblV) vom 20. Februar 2001, BGBl. I S. 305 5 Ver

13、ordnung ber Deponien und Langzeitlager (Deponieverordnung DepV) vom 24. Juli 2002, BGBl. I S. 2807 B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03DIN CEN/TR 15126:2005-11 3 6 Klrschlammverordnung (AbfKlrV) vom 15. April 1992, BGBl. I S. 912 7 Gesetz zur Frderung der Kreislaufwir

14、tschaft und Sicherung der umweltvertrglichen Beseitigung von Abfllen (Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz KrW-/AbfG) vom 27. September 1994, BGBl. I S. 2705 8 DIN-Fachbericht 118, Charakterisierung von Schlmmen Management von Schlamm zur Verwertung oder Beseitigung 9 DIN-Fachbericht 123, Charakte

15、risierung von Schlmmen Manahmen zur Sicherung und Erweiterung der Mglichkeiten zur Schlammverwertung und -beseitigung 10 DIN-Fachbericht CEN/CR 13097, Charakterisierung von Schlmmen Gute Praxis bei der Verwendung von Schlmmen in der Landwirtschaft 11 DIN-Fachbericht CEN/TR 13767, Charakterisierung v

16、on Schlmmen Anleitung fr die gute fachliche Praxis bei der Verbrennung von Schlamm mit und ohne Fett und Rechengut 12 DIN-Fachbericht CEN/TR 13768, Charakterisierung von Schlmmen Anleitung fr die gute fachliche Praxis bei der gemeinsamen Verbrennung von Schlmmen und Haushaltsabfllen B55EB1B3E14C2210

17、9E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03DIN CEN/TR 15126:2005-11 4 Leerseite B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03TECHNICAL REPORT RAPPORT TECHNIQUE TECHNISCHER BERICHT CEN/TR 15126 July 2005 ICS 13.030.20 English Version Characterization of sludges - Good

18、practice for landfilling of sludges and sludge treatment residues Caractrisation des boues - Bonne pratique pour la mise en dcharge des boues et des rsidus de traitement des boues Charakterisierung von Schlmmen - Gute fachliche Praxis bei der Deponierung von Schlamm und Rckstnden aus der Schlammbeha

19、ndlung This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 24 April 2005. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 308. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Ita

20、ly, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMIT EUROPEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNG Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Bruss

21、els 2005 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. CEN/TR 15126:2005: EB55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15126:2004 (E) 2 Contents Page Foreword3 Introduction .4 1 Scope 5 2 Normative ref

22、erences 5 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations5 4 Outline of landfill processes.6 4.1 General6 4.2 Inputs 8 4.2.1 Water .8 4.2.2 Solids 8 4.2.3 Gases 8 4.3 Processes.8 4.3.1 Microbiological activity .8 4.3.2 Solution/precipitation9 4.3.3 Volatilization.9 4.3.4 Sorption reactions .9 4.3.5 Filtratio

23、n9 4.4 Outputs .9 5 Current position and European perspective 12 6 Legislative position 12 7 Economics. 13 8 Treatment requirements. 13 9 Operational aspects . 15 9.1 General. 15 9.2 Co-disposal of sludges and baled municipal waste . 15 9.3 Co-disposal of sludges and loose municipal waste . 16 9.4 M

24、onofills for sludge disposal 18 9.5 Sludge in cover materials 18 9.5.1 Temporary cover. 18 9.5.2 Final cover . 19 10 Environmental aspects 19 10.1 General. 19 10.2 Leachate 19 10.3 Methane generation 20 10.4 Void space and settlement 20 10.5 Other environmental factors 20 10.5.1 Odour . 20 10.5.2 Co

25、ntamination of mobile plant 20 10.5.3 Fire and dust . 20 Annex A Current landfill legislation in EU Member States. 22 Annex B Composition of leachates . 25 Bibliography. 27 B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15126:2004 (E) 3 Foreword This document (CEN/TR 1512

26、6:2005) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 308 Characterization of sludges, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR. This document is voluntarily presented in the form of a CEN Technical Report because most of its content is not completely in line with practice and regulations in each

27、 Member State. This document gives recommendations for good practice concerning the landfilling of sludges and sludge treatment residues, but existing national regulations remain in force. B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15126:2004 (E) 4 Introduction All th

28、e recommendations in this document constitute a framework within which the landfilling process can be proposed as a substitute for field spreading, or in addition to specific or combined incinerations, or any other process. This document should be read in the context of the requirements of Directive

29、 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste which applies to the landfill of sludge and any other relevant regulations, standards and codes of practice which may prevail locally within Member States. B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15126:2004 (E) 5 1 Scope This CE

30、N Technical Report gives one of a series of sludge management options and describes good practice for the disposal of sludges and sludge treatment residues to landfill where national regulations permit. This document is applicable to the sludges described in the scope of CEN/TC 308, i.e. specificall

31、y derived from: storm water handling; night soil; urban wastewater collecting systems; urban wastewater treatment plants; treating industrial wastewater similar to urban wastewater (as defined in Directive 91/271/EEC); water supply treatment plants; water distribution systems; but excluding hazardou

32、s sludges from industry. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. E

33、N 1085:1997, Waste water treatment Vocabulary EN 12832:1999, Characterisation of sludges Utilization and disposal of sludges Vocabulary EN 13965-1:2004, Characterization of waste Terminology Part 1: Materials related terms and definitions EN 13965-2:2004, Characterization of waste Terminology Part 2

34、: Management related terms and definitions CR 13714, Characterisation of sludges Sludge management in relation to use or disposal 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 12832:1999, EN 1085:1997, EN 13965-1:2004, EN 13965-2:2004

35、 and also in the following Directives apply: Directive 91/271/EC concerning urban wastewater treatment Directive 75/442/EC the waste framework directive as amended by Directive 91/156/EC Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste. Directive 2001/77/EC on renewable energy. B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8E

36、A43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15126:2004 (E) 6 For the understanding of this document, these abbreviated terms apply: BIO: Biomass BOD: Biological Oxygen Demand COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand CSO: Chemically Stabilized Organic DPM: Decomposable Plant Material MSW: Municipal Solid W

37、aste PSO: Physically Stabilized Organic RPM: Resistant Plant Material TOC: Total Organic Carbon VFA: Volatile Fatty Acids WWTP: 4 Outline of landfill processes 4.1 General The landfill processes which are of importance for understanding the potential for controlling waste stabilization are the physi

38、cal, chemical and microbial activities which lead to the modification of waste, from often complex substances with significant pollution potential to simpler compounds which can be environmentally benign. In the case of a landfill containing degradable waste, the principal processes of interest are

39、those which lead to the breakdown of complex organic compounds found in the putrescible fraction of non-inert waste, and the influence of the by-products of degradation on the mobility and availability of other compounds and elements. At a simple conceptual level, a landfill can be viewed as a react

40、or vessel in which solid, water and gaseous inputs are subject to a variety of processes which produce solid, liquid and gaseous waste products. The reactor model for landfill processes is shown schematically in Figure 1, with the inputs, processes and outputs summarized briefly below. B55EB1B3E14C2

41、2109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15126:2004 (E) 7 Figure 1 Schematic representation of landfill processes B55EB1B3E14C22109E918E8EA43EDB30F09CC9B7EF8DD9NormCD - Stand 2007-03CEN/TR 15126:2004 (E) 8 4.2 Inputs 4.2.1 Water The principal water input at modern, managed, cell

42、ular landfill sites is rainfall which can gain direct access to waste during the filling phase for each cell and indirectly by percolation through capping and restoration layers after each cell is finished. Solid waste contains absorbed water and mixed household waste typically carries about 25 % wa

43、ter on a wet mass basis. Sludges contain about 10 % to 95 % water according to the extent of dewatering and drying treatment they have received (for information concerning national regulations about the water content, see Annex A). 4.2.2 Solids Sludge, household waste and to a lesser extent commerci

44、al and industrial waste, contain putrescible materials which degrade within the landfill environment, giving rise to potentially polluting liquid and gaseous products. The process of degradation can create conditions in which other, non-organic compounds can pass into solution or enter a gaseous pha

45、se. About 20 % of household waste is rapidly biodegradable (putrescible) and a further 30 % more slowly degradable (cellulosic materials such as paper). In the case of sludge, about 30 % is rapidly biodegradable, 40 % progressively more slowly degradable and the remaining 30 % is non-degradable, ino

46、rganic ash. Articles 5.1 and 5.2 of the Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC) require that the biodegradable municipal waste deposited in landfill should be reduced progressively so that by 2016 the amount (by mass) of biodegradable municipal waste should not be more than 35 % of the mass produced in 1995

47、. These targets will be achieved in part by composting and separation and recycling of waste. Sludge for landfill disposal should be stabilized (for instance, by aerobic or anaerobic digestion or by composting or lime stabilization or by acid treatment) to remove the rapidly biodegradable fraction a

48、nd dewatered because liquid waste is unacceptable according to Article 5.3 of the Landfill Directive. However, under Article 2 (q), liquid waste is defined as any waste in liquid form including wastewaters, but excluding sludge. 4.2.3 Gases The pore spaces of inert or slowly reactive solid waste arr

49、iving at a landfill normally contain a gaseous mixture close to that of the atmosphere, that is 79 % nitrogen and slightly less than 21 % oxygen, with the balance composed principally of carbon dioxide and trace amounts of other gases. The pore gases of putrescible waste can reflect rapid decomposition, in terms of reduced oxygen and increased carbon dioxide levels before deposi

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