DLA A-A-20126 F-2008 FLOUR.pdf

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1、 AMSC N/A FSC 8920 METRICA-A-20126F December 29, 2008 SUPERSEDING A-A-20126E February 26, 2004 COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION FLOUR The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has authorized the use of this Commercial Item Description (CID). 1. SCOPE. This CID covers flour, packed in commercially accepta

2、ble containers, suitable for use by Federal, State, local governments, and other interested parties; and as a component of operational rations. 2. PURCHASER NOTES. 2.1 Purchasers shall specify the following: - Type(s) and style(s) of flour required (Sec. 3). - When analytical requirements are differ

3、ent than specified (Sec. 6.1). - When analytical requirements need to be verified (Sec. 6.2). - Manufacturers/distributors certification (Sec. 9.2) or USDA certification (Sec. 9.3). 2.2 Purchasers may specify the following: - Manufacturers quality assurance (Sec. 9.1 with 9.1.1) or (Sec. 9.1 with 9.

4、1.2). - Packaging requirements other than commercial (Sec. 10). 3. CLASSIFICATION. The flour shall conform to the following list which shall be specified in the solicitation, contract, or purchase order. Types and styles. Type I - Bread flour (Hard wheat flour) Type II - Bread flour (Bakers hard whe

5、at Hearth-style) (Hearth-style bread flour may contain potassium bromate added in a quantity not exceeding 25 parts to each million parts of finished flour to achieve maximum quality acceptance Hearth-style bread products.) Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-A-A-20126F 2Type III - General or All Purp

6、ose flour Type IV - Cake flour (Soft wheat flour) Type V - Pastry flour Type VI - Whole wheat flour Type VII - Rye Flour Type VIII - Oat Flour Type IX - Other Style A - Unbleached (Wheat flour which has not been treated with a maturing ingredient, a color modifying ingredient, or any combination of

7、maturing and color modifying ingredients.) Style B - Bleached (Wheat flour which has been treated with a maturing ingredient, a color modifying ingredient, or any combination of maturing and color modifying ingredients in accordance with 21 CFR 137.105.) 4. MANUFACTURERS/DISTRIBUTORS NOTES. Manufact

8、urers/distributors products shall meet the requirements of the: - Salient characteristics (Sec. 5). - Analytical requirements: as specified by the purchaser (Sec. 6). - Manufacturers/distributors product assurance (Sec. 7). - Regulatory requirements (Sec. 8). - Quality assurance provisions: as speci

9、fied by the purchaser (Sec. 9). - Packaging requirements other than commercial: as specified by the purchaser (Sec. 10). 5. SALIENT CHARACTERISTICS. 5.1 Raw ingredients. The flour shall be prepared from clean, sound grains and processed in accordance with current good manufacturing practices (21 CFR

10、 Part 110). 5.1.1 Wheat flour. Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation, contract, or purchase order the wheat shall be U.S. No. 2 grade or better. Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation, contract, or purchase order unclassed wheat and mixed wheat are excluded. Wheat flour shall comply

11、 with the U.S. Standards of Identity in 21 CFR 137.105 and whole wheat flour shall comply with the U.S. Standards of Identity in 21 CFR 137.200. Enrichment. The wheat flour, except for whole wheat flour, shall be enriched to conform to the U.S. Standards of Identity for Enriched Flour (21 CF

12、R 137.165). Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-A-A-20126F 3 Types of wheat flour. The six types of wheat flour shall be milled from wheat of the following classes: Types of wheat flour Classes of wheat Bread flour, bread flour (Hearth-style), and whole wheat flour Hard red spring Hard red win

13、ter Hard white wheat General or All Purpose flour Hard red spring Hard red winter Soft red winter Hard white wheat Soft white wheat Cake flour and pastry flour Soft red winter Soft white wheat 5.1.2 Rye flour. The rye shall be U.S. No. 2 grade or better. 5.1.3 Oat flour. The oat flour shall be food

14、grade, milled from sound, cleaned oats. The oats shall be U.S. No. 2 grade or better. 5.2 Processing. The flour shall be processed in accordance with current good manufacturing practices (21 CFR Part 110). 5.2.1 Wheat flour. The wheat flour shall be processed through a centrifugal impactor operated

15、at the equipment manufactures recommended speed and flow rate designed to insure the destruction of insect eggs and shall be bolted through a 9XX or finer sieve sifter. Impaction and bolting processes may be repeated at various points in the milling operation. One of these treatments shall occur imm

16、ediately before entrance of the flour into the packing machinery. 5.2.2 Rye flour. The rye flour shall be processed through a centrifugal impactor to destroy insect eggs as necessary, during the processing, but at least immediately prior to entering the packing machinery. 5.2.3 Oat flour. The oat fl

17、our shall be dehulled oats that have been steamed and ground to produce a stable flour in which enzyme activity is functionally negative. 5.3 Finished product. The flour shall be suitable for use in baking processes presently in common industrial use for the product(s) as specified by the type of fl

18、our and application. The rye and oat flours shall be suitable for use in combination with other food ingredients for preparation of varietal bakery products. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSA-A-20126F 45.3.1 Appearance and color. The wheat

19、 flour shall have a characteristic white or cream color of either bleached or unbleached wheat flour. The rye flour shall be a moderately refined product consisting of rye endosperm and small amounts of other parts of the rye kernel and shall have a good, characteristic, very light, grayish-brown co

20、lor. The oat flour shall have a characteristic beige or tan color of oats. 5.3.2 Odor and flavor. The wheat flour shall possess a natural wheat-flour flavor and odor. The rye flour shall possess a natural rye-flour flavor and odor. The oat flour shall possess a natural oat nut-like flavor and odor.

21、The flour(s) shall be free from rancid, bitter, musty, sour, and other undesirable flavors and odors. 5.3.3 Texture. The flours shall be free flowing and free from lumps that do not fall apart with light finger pressure. 5.4 Age requirement. Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation, contract,

22、or purchase order, the flour shall be processed and packaged not more than 60 days prior to delivery to the purchaser. Age requirements for Department of Defense (DoD) procurements shall be specified in the solicitation, contract or purchase order. 6. ANALYTICAL AND PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. 6.1 Analyt

23、ical and physical requirements. Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation, contract, or purchase order, the flour shall conform to the following requirements listed in Table I, Table II, or Table III. Table I. Analytical and physical requirements for wheat flour Protein level 1/ Ash level 1/ Mo

24、isture Type (Percent) (Percent) (Percent) FN Units or GAA 2/ Min. Max. Max. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Bread flour 3/ 12.0 - - 0.50 14.0 225 - 300 300 - 600 Bread flour 13.3 - - 0.56 14.0 200 - 300 350 - 600 (Hearth-style) General or All 9.0 - - 0.50 15.0 225 - 300 300 - 600 Purpose flour 4/ Cake flou

25、r 5/ - - 9.3 0.42 13.5 350 - - - - - Pastry flour - - 10.5 0.48 14.0 350 - - - - - Whole wheat 13.0 - - 1.90 15.0 250 - - - - - flour Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-A-A-20126F 5 1/ Requirements are based on maximum percent moisture for each type and are calculated on a moisture free basis as not

26、more than the sum of 1/20 of the percent protein (moisture free) plus 0.35. 2/ Falling Number (FN) applies to all flours containing diastatic barley malt. Grain Amylase Analyzer (GAA) applies to flours containing fungal alpha-amylase. (1 to 2.5 g fungal alpha-amylase/45.36 kg 100 lb. enriched flour.

27、) 3/ Bread flour shall produce bread with a specific volume of not less than 4.8 when tested for specific volume by the rapeseed method. 4/ General or All Purpose flour shall produce a cake with a specific volume of not less than 2.2 without gas pockets when tested for specific volume. 5/ pH level s

28、hall be not less than 4.3 nor more than 4.7. Table II. Analytical and particle size requirements for rye flour Maximum amount permitted on U.S. Ash level 6/ Moisture Standard woven-wire cloth sieve (Percent) (Percent) (Percent) Maximum Maximum No. 50 No. 100 1.5 13.5 1.0 20.0 6/ Requirements are bas

29、ed on 13.5 percent moisture. Table III. Analytical requirements for oat flour 7/ Maximum amount permitted on Protein level Fat Ash Moisture U.S. Standard woven-wire cloth sieve (Percent) (Percent) (Percent) (Percent) (Percent) Minimum Maximum Maximum Maximum No. 35 No. 100 13.5 8.0 2.2 10.0 2.0 75.0

30、 7/ Requirements are based on 10.0 percent moisture. 6.2 Product verification: When USDA verification of analytical requirements is specified in the solicitation, contract, or purchase order, analytical testing shall be performed on a composite sample. The composite sample shall be 113.40 g (4 oz) a

31、nd prepared from subsamples drawn from randomly selected containers. Subsamples shall be a minimum of one bag/package and shall contain the appropriate number of bags/packages to yield 113.40 g (4 oz) sample when composited. Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-A-A-20126F 66.3 Analytical testing. Analy

32、sis shall be made in accordance with the following methods described in the Approved Methods of the AACC International, the Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International, and as specified below. Test Method Protein 46-30 8/ Ash 08-01 Moisture 44-15A or 925.09 (AOAC) FN units 56-81B pH 02-52

33、 Specific volume 9/ Fungal alpha amylase 22-12 Fat 30-10 8/ Use percent crude protein = % nitrogen x 5.70. 9/ See section 6.6.2, Rapeseed displacement method. 6.4 Test results. The test results for protein level, moisture, fat, and sieve analysis shall be reported to the nearest 0.1 percent. The tes

34、t results for ash level in rye and oat flour shall be reported to the nearest 0.1 percent, while wheat flour shall be reported to the nearest 0.01 percent. FN test results shall be reported to the nearest unit. The test results for specific volume and pH shall be reported to the nearest 0.1 value. A

35、ny result not conforming to the finished product requirements shall be cause for rejection of the lot. 6.5 Filth test. All tests required to determine compliance with the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in regard to insects, insect fragments, rodent hairs, rodent excreta, and

36、other filth shall be made in accordance with the Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International or the Approved Methods of the AACC International. 6.6 Specific volume test. 6.6.1 Mixing procedure. General purpose flour (cake formula). Cream Step 1 ingredients together. Add and mix in

37、 Step 2 ingredients. After dry ingredients have been thoroughly blended, add 591.47 mL (20 fl oz) of water to 2.27 kg (80 oz) of blended cake mix and mix for 2 minutes in a mechanical blender on second speed. Add an additional 591.47 mL (20 fl oz) of water and mix until a smooth batter is obtained.

38、Before batter is poured into a cake pan, lightly grease the sides of the pan and add a release-type parchment paper to the bottom of the pan. Bake 450 gm of batter at Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-A-A-20126F 7 176.67C (350F) for 30 minutes in a round layer cake pan having inside dimensions of 20

39、.32 by 3.157 cm (8 by 1- in). Step 1 Parts by weight Sugar 43.4 Shortening (Nonemulsified plastic vegetable shortening) 9.5 Salt 0.75 Mono- and diglycerides 0.40 Sodium aluminum phosphate 0.50 Coated monocalcium phosphate 0.05 Step 2 General purpose flour 41.4 Egg albumen 1.5 Nonfat dried milk 2.0 B

40、icarbonate of soda 0.5 Bread flour (bread formula). Procedures shall be performed in accordance with AACC Approved Method 10-11, Sponge-Dough, Pound-Loaf. 6.6.2 Rapeseed displacement method. Determination of specific volume for cake and bread shall be accomplished by the rapeseed displacemen

41、t method. The volume shall be measured after cake or bread cools at least 2 hours in a room or chamber not exceeding 23.33C (74F), 55 percent relative humidity. Remove cooled cake or loaf from pan, place in a container which is higher and greater in perimeter than the cake. Fill the void space in th

42、e container containing the product with rapeseed so that the rapeseed is level with the top edge of the container. Measure this amount of rapeseed in whole milliliters using a graduated cylinder or equivalent measuring device. Remove product from the container and weigh the product. The weight shall

43、 be calculated in terms of whole grams. Fill the empty container with rapeseed so that the rapeseed is level with the top edge of the container. Measure this amount of rapeseed as specified above. Calculate specific volume as follows: Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-A-A-20126F 8Volume of rapeseed

44、Volume of rapeseed in the empty container - in the void space in the container containing the _ product = Specific volume Weight of product (Cake volume shall be ascertained by subtracting volume of unoccupied space in container from container volume.) 7. MANUFACTURERS/DISTRIBUTORS PRODUCT ASSURANCE

45、. The manufacturer/ distributor shall certify that the flour provided shall meet the salient characteristics of this CID, conform to their own specifications, standards, and quality assurance practices, and be the same flour for sale in the commercial market. The purchaser reserves the right to requ

46、ire proof of conformance. 8. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS. The delivered flour shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local mandatory requirements and regulations relating to the preparation, packaging, labeling, storage, distribution, and sale of flour within the commercial marketplace. De

47、livered flour shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, and regulations promulgated thereunder. The flour shall comply with the allergen labeling requirements of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. 9. QUALITY AS

48、SURANCE PROVISIONS. Purchaser shall specify 9.2 or 9.3; purchaser may specify 9.1 with 9.1.1 or 9.1 with 9.1.2. 9.1 Manufacturers quality assurance. When required in the solicitation, contract, or purchase order, the product manufacturer shall be required to provide evidence, by certificate, that the manufacturing plant has undertaken one of the following quality assurance measures within 12 months prior to providing a bid, or no later than 10 business da

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