1、NOTICE OF INACTIVATION AN3111 NOTICE 1 27 October 1998 AIR FORCE-NAVY AERONAUTICAL STANDARD RING-BONDWG, ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR This notice should be filed in fiont of AN3 1 1 1, dated 22 October 1948. AN31 1 1 is inactive for new design and is no longer used, except for replacement purposes. When acq
2、uisition of the product is no longer required, the specification will be canceled. Custodians: Air Force - 85 Navy - AS Army - AV Reviewers: Air Force - 99 hy-MI Preparing activity: DLA - GS (Project 5975- 13 1 O) AMSC NIA FSC 5975 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Licensed by Information Handling Services