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DLA MIL-C-43647-1969 CASE INDIVIDUAL SURVIVAL KIT ARMY《军用救生背包特有药筒》.pdf_第1页
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1、2 b MIL-C-43647 16 7977706 0425471 5 MIL-C - 436 47 (GL) 18 June 1969 i. MILITARY SPEC IFICAT ION CASES, INDIVIDUAL, SURVIVAL KIT, ARMY 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers three types of survival kit cases. 1.2 Classification.- Cases shall be of the following types, as specified (see 6.2): Type I

2、 - Case, Outer, Hot and Cold Climate Survival Kits Type II - Case, Outer, Over Water Survival Kit Type III - Case, Inner, Survival Kits, Individual, Army ?- 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part

3、 of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL UU-P-268 - Paper, Kraft, Untreated, wrapping PPP-B-601 - Boxes , Wood , Cleat ed-P lywood PPP-B-636 - Box, Fiberboard PPP-F-320 - Fiberboard; Corrugated and Solid, Sheet Stock (Container Grade). and Cut Shapes MILITARY MIL

4、-P-10547 - Liners, Case and Sheet, Overwrap; Water- Vaporproof- or Waterproof, Flexible FSC 8465 Obtained From GLOBAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENIS 2625 SaHickory St. Santa Ana, CA 92707 (71 41540-9870: (800)854-1179 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from I

5、HS-,-,-MIL-C-43647 16 9777706 0425Li92 7 M 9 M1.L -C - 43 6 47 (GL ) STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-105 MIL-STD-129 MIL-STD-147 DRAWINGS US ARMY NATICK LABORATORIES 11 - 1-188 11 -1- 190 11- 1-192 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for - Marking For Shipment and Storage Inspection by Attributes - Palletiz

6、ed and Containerized Unit Loads 4011 x 48“ 4 Way (Partial) Pallet Skids, Runners, or Pallet- Type Base - Case, Survival Kit, Individual, Over Water, Army, Outer; Assembly and Details - Case, Survival Kit, Individual, Hot or Cold, Army, Outer; Assembly and Details - Case, Survival Kit, Individual, In

7、ner, Army; Assembly and Details (Miniature copies of the above listed drawings, identified as figures 1 through 3, are attached for information only.) (Copies of specifications, standards, publications and drawings re- quired by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be o

8、btained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 2.2 Other publications.- The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. the issues in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for pro- posal shall apply: Unless otherwi

9、se indicated, / 2 _ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-43b47 16 m 7777906 0425473 7 m MIL-C - 43 6 47 (GL ) L NATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BOARD National Motor Freight Classification (Application for copies shall be addressed to the Nat

10、ional Classifica- tion Board, 1616 P Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036). UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION COMMITTEE Uniform Freight Classification (Application for copies shall be addressed to the Uniform Classification Committee, 202 Union Station, Chicago, Ill., 60606) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 First article

11、.- Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), prior to starting production, the supplier shall submit to or make ready for the contracting officer or his authorized representative one or more samples of the finished item for inspection as. specified in paragraph 4.2 of this specification. factured in the

12、 same facilities and by the production tools and methods to be used for manufacture of the production items. the preproduction sample authorizes the supplier to commence production but does not relieve the supplier of responsibility for compliance with all applicable provisions of this specification

13、. The preproduction sample shall be manu- The approval of 3.2 Materials.- Materials shall conform to requirements specified on the applicable drawings and subsidiary specifications, standards and drawings applicable thereto. 3.3 Construction.- Construction details shall conform to the appli- cable d

14、rawings and subsidiary specifications, standards and drawings referenced thereon and as specified herein. 3.3.1 Stitching.- Stitching defects, such as skipped or broken stitches and runoffs shall be overstitched not less than 1 inch past ends of defect in accordance with the required stitch pattern.

15、 Except as otherwise specified in for automatic machinery, ends of stitching shall be backstitched 1/2 inch minimum except where ends are turned under in a hem or held down by other stitching. Thread tension shall be maintained so that there will be no loose stitching and the lock will be em

16、bedded in the materials sewn. All thread ends shall be trimmed. Automatic machinery.- Automatic machines may be used to generate any of the stitch patterns specified on the drawings, provided all stitching and thread requirements are met. Ends of stitching shall be secured with a minimum of

17、three tying and overlapping or back stitches. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-43647 16 W 7777706 042547q O Grommet setting.- The hole for the grommet shall be smaller than the grommet barrel. barrel through the hole an

18、d clinching securely without cutting the material. The grommet shall be set by forcing the Marking for identification.- Each type I and II case shall be marked for identification. The marking shall conform to type IV, class 9 label of DDD-L-20. Data, location and character sizes shall be as

19、speci- fied on the applicable drawings. 3.4 Workmanship.- The workmanship shall conform to the quality es- tablished by this specification. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection.- Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible fo

20、r the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the in- spection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Govern- ment. T

21、he Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspec- tions set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed require- ment s. 4.1.1 Sampling for inspection.- Sampling for inspection shall be in accordance with M

22、IL-STD-105. Classification of inspection.- Inspection shall be classi- fied as follows: a. Inspection of first article b. Inspection of materials and components c. Inspection of end item d. Inspection of preparation for delivery 4.2 1nspections.- 4.2.1 First article inspection.- When require

23、d (see 6.2.), inspection of the preproduction sample or samples shall be made of a completely fabricated item for all provisions of this document applicable to end item inspection. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-43647 16 W 77

24、77906 0425475 2 MIL-C-43647 (GL) E 4.2.2 Components and material inspection.- In accordance with 4.1 above, components and materials shall be inspected and tested in accordance with all requirements of referenced specifications, draw- ings and standards unless otherwise excluded, amended, modified o

25、r qualified in this document or applicable purchase document. In-process inspection.- Inspection shall be made at appro- priate stages of fabrication and assembly to determine conformance to the requirements of this document. ?The Government reserves the right to exclude from consideration f

26、or acceptance any component or materials for which in-process .inspection has indicated nonconformance. 4.2.3 Inspection of end item and preparation for delivery.- Lots shall be expressed in units of cases, containers or palletized loads as applicable. Inspection shall be classified as follows: a. E

27、xamination of end item for visual characteristics b. Examination of end item dimension c. Examination of packaging, packing and marking d. Examination of palletization Inspection levels and acceptable quality levels (AQLfs).- Inspection levels and AQLls, expressed in defects per 100 units, s

28、hall be as follows: Inspection levels AQLis For Examination in II 2.5 Major 10.0 Total For Examination in s -2 6.5 For Examination in s -2 4.0 For Examination in s-1 6.5 Examination of visual end item characteristics.- The sample unit for this examination shal

29、l be one case. Characteristics to be ex- amined and the defects applicable thereto shall be as follows: 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-43647 Lb 7739906 0425496 4 MIL-(2-43647 (GL) Classification Examine Defect Major Minor C l

30、o th, webbing and Any component not type, tape (as applicable) class, grade, size or color specified X Any spot or stain visible after assembly, not re- movable without damaging fabric or finish X Any spot or stain visible after assembly, remov- able without damaging fabric or finish X Thread As s e

31、mb ly Construction and wo rkmanship Not type or size specified Not color specified Any component missing or not assembled as speci- fied, not otherwise classified herein Seams and stitching: Open seams One inch or more Less than one inch NOTE: One or more broken or two or more continuous skipped or

32、run-off stitches constitute an open seam. A double stitched seam is con- sidered open when one or both sides of the seam are open. X X X X X 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- c MIL-C-43647 Lb m Ob 0425497 b MIL-C-43647 (GL) Classific

33、ation Examine Defect Major Minor seams and stitching (contd) Raw edges More than 3/4 inch when securely caught in stitching. X NOTE: To be scored only when edge is required to be turned under and stitched. Raw edges not securely caught in stitching shall be classified as open seams. Run-Offs (See op

34、en seams) Tension Stitches per inch Seam or stitch type not as specified Loose, resulting in a loosely exposed top or bobbin thread; tight, resulting in excessive puckering of fabric at s wms One stitch less than min- imum specified Two or more stitches less than minimm specified One or more stitche

35、s in excess of maximum speci- f ied X X X X X NOTE: To be scored only when the condition exists on the major portion of the seam. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-C-43647 26 7777906 0425iqB B = MIL-2-43647 (GL) L Classification

36、Examine Defect Major Minor Thread breaks and skipped stitches Overstitched less than 1 inch NOTE: Thread breaks not lockstitched shall be classified as open Stitching margins, gage on double needle stitching Stitching ends General Slide fasteners, snaps, adapter buckle, and. grommet (as applicable)

37、s earns Under or over specified width by more than 1/16 inch Not secured as specified Mends, darns or patches Needle chews Bartacks not as specified Turned under ends of tape not securely caught in s t itching Any required row of stitching missing except on cross box st itching Boxst itching : - one

38、 row of stitching missing - two or more rows of stitching mis sing Exposed ends of webbing not Thread ends not trimmed seared as specified Not type, size or material specified Broken or malformed, failing to serve intended purpose, corroded area, burr or sharp edge specified: Finish omitted or not t

39、ype - on brass components - on steel components Slider jams, or fails to in- terlock chain, tapes im- properly applied, causing bulging or failure of fastener to effect a smooth and secure clasure X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitte

40、d without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-C-43b47 Lb 77797Ob 0425Ll77 T m MIL-C-43647 (GL) Classification Examine Defect Major Minor Grommet Clinched excessively tight, cutting fabric X can be turned by hand Insecurely clinched, e.g., X Identification marking Omitted, incomplete, illeg- ible, misplaced or

41、 other- wise not as specified X Examination of end item dimensions.- Inspection shall be made to determine conformance to the dimensions and tolerances specified on the applicable drawing that are susceptible to inspection after fabri- cation. fect. Any deviation from specified dimensions sh

42、all constitute a de- Examination of packaging, packing and marking.- An examination shall be made to detemine cornpliance with the applicable packaging, pack- ing and marking requirements. The sample unit for this examination shall be one shipping container fully prepared for delivery except

43、 that it need not be sealed. Characteristics to be examined and the defects applicable thereto shall be as specified below. be made of shipping containers fully prepared for delivery. Examination for closure defects shall Examine Defect Marking (interior package, Omitted, incorrect, not legible; of

44、improper application shipping container) size, location, sequence or method of Materia 1s Workmanship Any component missing, damaged, defective or not as specified improper closure of container, loose strap- ping, inadequate nailing or stapling; bulging or distortion of container Contents Number per

45、 container not as specified Examination for pal1etization.- An examination shall be made to determine that the palletization requirements of Section 5 of this speci- fication are complied with. the list be1o.w. The sample unit shall be one palletized unit load fully prepared for delivery. Th

46、e lot size shall be the number of palletized unit loads in the end item inspection lot. Defects shall be scored in accordance with 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-43647 Lb O6 0425500 2 m 1 MIL-C -43647 (GL) f Examine Finished

47、dimension Defect Length, width, or height exceeds specified maximum requirement Palletization Not as specified Pallet pattern not as specified Interlocking of load not as specified Load not bonded with required straps as specified Weight Exceeds maximum load limits Mar king Omitted, incorrect; illeg

48、ible; of improper size, location, sequence or method of application 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Packaging.- Packaging shall be levelA or C as specified (see 6.2). 5.1.1 Leve1A.- Each case, with the slide fastener closed and the sides gusseted, shall be laid out flat to measure approximately 16 b

49、y 16 inches. Prior to the foregoing operation, each type II case shall have the attached 15-foot tape neatly folded and secured within the case. The snap hooks attached to each type III case shall be placed on top of the case. Ten cases of one type only shall be evenly stacked, alternately reversed top to bottom, to form a bundle. The bundle shall be securely cross-tied with cotton tape

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