1、NIL-C-O2LD (3) W Ob 2083035 520 MILITARY SPECIFICATION CLMI“, PARACHUTE, NYXXIN, CARGO AHD DECELXRATION This aiaandment forms a part of M1L-C8021D, datad 11 August 1971, and is approved for usa by all departments and agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE i * 2.1, line 4: Under Specifications,
2、Federal, delete the word nSPECIFICATIONSw, line 5: delete the word “Federalw,.and on line 6: delete nPPP-P-1133 - Packaging And Packing Of Synthetic Fiber Fabrics.“ Add to Standards, Federal, after FED-STD-191 - Textile Test Methods, *FEI)-STD-802 - Packaging And Packing Of Synthetic Fiber Fabricri.
3、* Under Standards, KiTitary: delete HIL-STD-10s - Sampling Proceures and Tables Por Inirpcrcthm By Attributes PACE 2 * 2.2 Add the following document aft= Rulai and Regulations Undar the Textile Piber Producs Identification Act and addresrr, uANSl/ASQC 21.4 - s4piplhg Procedures and Tablas for Inspe
4、ction by Attributes (Application for copies should be addressed to American National Standards institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018-3308). 3.2, line 5: Delete *4.2.4-2* and submtitute Vable II,nc PAGE 5 *, line 3: Delete *PPP-P-i333“ and subotituto mPED-STD-802N. 3.7, line 2; Delete
5、“PPP-P-1133“ and substitute VED-STD-802“. PAGE 7 *, line 6: delete HMfL-S!lB-105t1 and substitute ANSX:/ASQC 21.4. 4.2.3, line 6, delete “MIL-STD-lOSn and substitute “ANSf/ASQC Zl.4 PSC 8305 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public use; distribution fs unlimited Licensed by Information
6、Handling ServicesFIIL-C-802iD AMENDMENT 3 PAGE 11, line 13: After “tube add *or rod.“ Line 14: Delete Hw and substitute “45 f. 5.n PAGE 13, line 6: Delete L4IIH and substitute “IV.“ 4.3, line 2: Delete wPPP-P-1133w and substitute nFED-STD-802w. 5.1.1, line 2: Delete wPPP-P-l133n an
7、d substitute nFED-STD-802w. 5.2.1, line 2: Delete tBPPP-P-1133p und substitute wFED-STD-802n. 5.3, line 3: Defete mPPP-P-1133n and substitute nFED-STD-802s. PAGE 14 6.5, line 5: Delete “cuationedn and substitute ncautfoned.m After 6.5 add: n6,6 med maw. The use of reclaimed materiels shall be encour
8、aged to the maximum extent posible. NOTE: The margins of this amendment are narked with an asterisk to indicate where changes (additions, moificationP, corrections, deletions) from the previous amendment were made. This wa done as a convenience only and the Government assume6 no liability whatsoever
9、 for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidder8 and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document baaed on the entire content irrespective of the marginal natations and relationship to the laat previous amendment. custodia= Air Force - 99 Navy - AS - GL Review Activw *I Air ForCe - 45,82 Preparing Activity: DLA - CT Project No. 0 3 O 5-0 5 65 2 Licensed by Information Handling Services