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1、a71 The document and processconversion measure. necessary ro Icomply with this amendment shall IIbe completed by 1 September 92. IH1L-H-3851OJ6RENDKEMT11 JUIY 92hlLITARY SPECIF1 CATIONMICROCIRCUITS,GENERAL SPECIF 1CATION FORThis amendment forms part of ?I1L-W-M51OJ, dated 1S November 19Vl,end is e+w

2、oved for use by all Cwart=nts Awcie$ Of theOepartmcnt of Defense.The attached insertable replacement pages Li steal bclw are replmcemmts for the sc ipulaud pages. UhMthe neu pages have been a71ntered in the document, jnsert the amendment as the cover sheet to thespecification.Replacement paws P.acte

3、s replacedW.a Ntu pageG4b Ntw pageo 2.1.1, add to STANDARDS, MILITARY: PAGE 2WL-STD-1562 - Li5t of Star!dard microcircuits. ”PAGE 63.1.3:30, add sentence to the end of paragraph: “Cons$deratioc must be given to the worst caseelectrical wndi t ions (e.g. CIUS Leakage current) in selection of the. pac

4、kage fami lY and AechnolcgyCO distritathan is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-H1L-H-3651OJAMENDMENT1PAGE 110IAdd the following new paragraph:3.6.1 .2.8 Third w cty man. foct.rinq. Third party manufacturing, i“cludiy the circ

5、uit design process,s permitted ?M approved by the qualifying activity. The a71lements (i.e. processes of design, waferfabrication, nssembly, screening, testing and sample testing) “ece%sary for the c.a.ufacturing of themicrocircuit .haL be eppro.ed, by the qualifying activity, as elements of the mm.

6、ufacturerscertification. The certified manufacturer is responsible for tffecli.ely conxrotling the third partyand assumes comptete responsibility for the prcduct. ”PAGE 163.5.1, Second sentence: Delete in the device specification or drawing (e.g. polyiside in%ertnyerdielectric or aLp4w particle die

7、coating) .- and substitute i” the associated detel specificationor standardized a75ilitary drawing (e.g. yimide inter lmyer dielectric, alpha particle diecoating ).-,PAGE 263.5.9, delete and substitute:,3.5.9 Die thickness. Appropriate die thickness requirements for each prcduct or process shall bed

8、efined n the manufacturers baseline documentation. This thickness shall be sufficient to avoid diecracks due t- handling, die attach wire tci?ding or other process stresses, tiich can lead to latentfie Ld failure. ”PAGE 354.4.1, add smtmce to the a71nd of the paragraph: For DJS device (see 3.1.3. S4

9、) qualificationrequirtc-ants, see appendix l.-PAGE 414.5.5 .Ic, delete end substitute:“c. Different device rypts may be used for different %Ubgrcups. Testing of a subgroup using a singledevice type enclosed i“ the peckt+ge type shall bt considered as coying with the rcquir-ts forthat subgrcup for al

10、l detail dtvice specifications utilizing the package family and lead finifi.Technical justificatico m.t%t be givzn for device $electhns for mkgrwps D-3 and D-4 in rrds todevice technology a71lectrical pcrfo-nce and pnckage interaction (e.g. if thtre is m interaction,cdy .ane group b-3 and D-4 test f

11、or t- technologies using the MU package family uuld btnecessary. ) Rotatica of device technology is allwed to address this requirescnt. Fornmwnformance see 4.5.8. ”PAGE 46A ahy”ti - by the qualifying activity. In addition, the preparingacitvity reserves the right to discontinue this prcgram at any t

12、ime.I20. APPLICABLE 00CU!ENTS20.1 This section is mat applicable to this appendix.I30. REWIREIIENTSa71 30.1 General. The qualificaticm repart s.ubmissim is cot required and certification shall be based cmthe rcqu=s of 30.3. ffanufacturers claiming .sc+ia”ce to the DJS candidate devices military deta

13、ilspecification mst have qualifying activity approval in order to receive Listing on pwt IV of the QPL (See6.4.1.2). In order to bt listed as a same, tht matwfacturer wst stbit to the qualifying activity acertificate of caimce to the a71ilita!y detail specificat ia ard to all requirets for DJS devic

14、es andpart Iv listing Mntained heren. In the event that a part Iv device is later qualified to part I or part11 of the QPL, the device will be removed from part IV abang with all scarces.30.2 country of ffan.facture. DJS devices (see S.1.3.34), cay beasserbled ard testtd outside of theUnted States.

15、Wafer fabrication must be performed on a certified line in the United States; itsterritories, or a NATo atty. Under no circumstances will the JAN certificaticm mark be put on .s DJSdevice. In edditim, the country in uhich asse641y is performed must be marktd on the device.30.3 certificmicm, flcmufac

16、t.rers of OJS devices are required to have certificatim of the waferfabrication line used to manufacture the dwice prior to being listed in part IV of the *L. The-nufacturer rtificatim shall be in accordance with WalificatiOn. Th-e tiacturer shall mai”t.sin documentation of qualificatic

17、m testing for rtviev ofthe qualifying activity upon request. This .qu.aLificatica testing shsll be perfomed using die prcduced anthe certified wafer fabricatim line. The qualificatim -st assure that thsmicrocircuits t theelectrical test requirements of this document and the liwble military detail cp

18、ecificatica. Testing ofa73icrocircu its to sut.grtups A, S, C, and O as defined i“ this &7cIment USC b successfully Cc+eted priorto %hit.30.5 Retmt ion of tilificdtia!. The reporting requirtunts da not wly to RPL part IV device li5tings,but the information cmtained in items a through c of 4.4.3 till

19、 be -intaiti ad tie available to thequalifying a71ctivity for review. Item d of 4.4.3 wst be subitted to the qualifyiw activity for thespecified retention of qualificnt ia ptricd.6 elisy -formamce Insmcticm. Group c wver fill be =i.tained cm die predu.ed within thefour calendar quarters prior to the

20、 die fabrition date cede beirq stlmittcd for acceptance. Generic datarepresentative of the die family or limtar .iemcircuit grups (see ix E) is acceptable for coverage.a71 All other Group C requirements for DJS devices shall be in accorda%e with 4.5.640Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

21、 networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M1L-N-3851OJAI!ENOIIENT 1APPENDIX 1DIHINISHING JAN SOURCEPRAM REWIREHENTS30.6 -. DJS devices shall meex all tmrkirq requirements of this specification (See 3.6) with thef.altawirq a71xceptions:a. The “JAN, or ,SJ, certification mark shall not be used.b. The Ccuntry in which assembly is performed shall be marked on the device.c. The fabrication quarter marking is Wtional.84bProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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