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DLA QQ-S-698-1961 STEEL SHEET AND STRIP LOW CARBON《低碳片及带状钢》.pdf_第1页
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1、QQ-S-678 75 W 7777774 0007523 5 m QQ4-698 Septamber 11, 1961 FEDERAL SPECIFlCATION STEEL, SHEET AND TRIP, LOWdARBON 1. SCOPE AND (=LASSIFICATION . 1.1 Scape. Thia rpeoifhtion men .low- carbon rllcet and drip ateel for general fabrioa- tion npplication (eee 6.1 and 6.7). 1.2 ClarJficaioIL l.!.l Quali

2、ty, tempar or wndtm. The steel -ab.R desd bQft No. 2 temfler. hard No. 3 temper. temper. 6 ternper. 1.2.2 The steel beet and, trip M ddd U to finisha an followc (see 3.4 and 64, Shwt: Hot rolled: (a) As rolled (AR), (b) Pickled (P), (o) Pickled and oiled (PO), . Cold iolled (W 6:4) : (a) No. 1 (math

3、). (b) No. i (lustar). (c) No. 8 (bright). Strip: Bot rolled: (4 M (AR). (b) Eokled (P). (c) Piokled md oilcd (PO). (Cold rollcd (wo 0.4) : (a) No. 1 (dull). (b) No. 2 (bright). (c) No. 3 (M bright). 1 FSC 9515 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

4、 IHS-,-,-Qd-S-67B 75 m 7777774 006752q 7 QQ-S-59,S 1.2.3 The she1 shed and strip are clamified as to dga aa follow (see 2.6 and 62) : Sheet : Hot rolled: (a) Mill. (b) Cut. Cold rolled: Cut. Strip: Hot rolled: (b) Slit. (c) hue. Cold rolled : (8) . (a) No. 1 Round, beveled -or square smooth edge, AS

5、 specified. (b) No. 2 Mill edge, natural rounded edge resulting from rolling. (c) No. 3 Slit edge, approximate square edge produced by slitting, not filed. (d) No. 4 Round edge rol!ed. (e j No. 5 . Square edge, approximate . square edge produced by filing, then flat rolled ar filed. (f) .No. 6 Squar

6、e edge, edge rolled. 2. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS, AND STANDARDS 2.1 Spacificatione and stnndarda The fol- lowing specifications and standards, of the iasues in effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Federal Standards: Fed. Std. No. 4

7、S”Tolerancea for Steel and Fed, Std. No. Wteel: Chemical Composi- Fed. Std. No. 102-PresarvationJ Packaging, Fed. 8td. No. 123-Marking for Domeetio Fed. Test Method 8td. No. 151-Mctals; Iron Wrought Products. tion and Hardenability. and Packing Lwela. Shipment (Civilian Agencia), Test Methods. (Acti

8、vitioa outf.ide the Federal Government r.: obtain copies of Federal Specifications, Etandarda, L*. Handboob d outlined under General Information . the Indm of Fcderrl Specifications, Btsndardr, Randbfo, and at the prices indicated in the Iadr The Index, which includes cumulative monthly pp menta M i

9、sstled, ia for MIO on h aukription bania i the Superin_tendent of Documents, U. S. Governme: Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. (Single copies of lhia specification md other proi heat steel the individual tolerancee do not vary fr- above or below the rangee shown for check ana: sis tolerances in

10、Federal Standard No. 66. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.2.2 phyhf quality cold- rolled deet and ittip-o sheet and strip ahdl be furnished to the sizes specified (MX 62) and hall meet the requiz- mats for the applicable tolerances

11、 of Fede;:. Standard No. 48. The applicable reference3 a:? shown in table XI. 3.9 Identification marking. Marking Ir,. identification shall be M specified in the invits- tim for bids, caotrxt or du (.W 63). L?:- vidual sheets shall be marked nith the qusli:? designated an shown in 1.2.1. 3.10 Workma

12、nehip. Shcet and strip she; be clean and free of injurious imperfections, suck as laminations, segregation, pipe, and surfacc defects which are not consistent with good com- mercial practice. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Qd-S-698 7

13、5 9799774 000752b O M 4.1 Thc supplier is rcsponsible for the pcr- form:mce of all inspection requiremcnta prior to snbtnixsioa .for Government inspcct.ion and ac- rcptancc. Except as otherwise specified, the sup- plier may utilize his om facilities or any commcrcid laboratory acceptable to the Gove

14、rn- nwnb. Inspection records of the cxaminstion and tcste sllall bc kept complete and available to thc Govcrnrnent an specified in the contract or order. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections et forth in the ayccification where auch inspections are deemed ncccasary to s

15、ure supplia and scrvices con- form to prcscribcd requirements. 4.2 IA. Unless otherwise apecified, n lot EI;I!I consist ol all sheet or strip rmbmitted for insr,:.ction at one time, of the same heat, the samc condition and finish, the same thickness and, when heat treated, subjected to the name heat

16、 trentment. 4.3 Snmphg. 43.1 For ,chemical cornpodtion. At least one sample shall be taken from each lot for check nnnlyds, when specified, in accordaoce with mcthoda 1 Il or 112 or Federal Test Method Stnndnrd NO. 151. 4.32 For mechanical properties. 4.3.2,1 Tension tat. When tensile propcrties nre

17、 spccificd, onc tension-test sample nhall be takcn for each 60,OOO pounds or fraction thereof in a lot Hardma tut. When hardneas require- mente are specified for out lengths, one hardness dctermination shell be made for each 10,OOO pounds or fraction thereof in each lot. For coils, hnrdneas

18、shall be taken at both the front and back cnd of 5 percent of the cola, but not less than 2 coils in each lot. Cold banding. At lead one sample Shd be taken from each lot. If bend test re- ii;i.;mc!r,ts :t:r; ,: ,.:y dircction (sce 3.3.2) . lcnst onc longitudind and one transvcrse enn;l ahal

19、l be taken from each lot, f.3.3 For iFhcroidizatwn. For mn te :i :. ordcrcd sphcroidizcd annealed, one ample sha. bc taken from each lot for microscopic ernrninz- tim. 4.4 Exandnation. 4.41 Visu$. A repreaentative aampling L sheet or strip shall be examined for compliaw with the specified finish (se

20、e 3,4), edge (see 33 identificntion marking (see.3.91, and workroc: ship (see 3.10) requirerncnta. 4.4.2 Dimensions and tolerances. A rCi-1: sentative number of measurements o1 the shc- or strip shall be taken on each lot to detemi: complinnce with the size and dimensional hl?- ances (see 3.8). Thic

21、knese dimensions shall ! determined by micrometer meaeurements. 4.43 Preparation jot delivery. Prior to shi; ment, examination shall be made to deterrrk. compliance with the requirements of section 5. A5 Tats. AS. 1 Specimen. Chemical composition. Specimena !r chemical analysis shall be prep

22、ared in accordace with methods 111 or 112 of Federal Test hieti;-. Standard No. 151 for the procedure used. 45.1.2 Mechanical propertiea. Tendon tata. Specimena for k sion tests shallbe prepared in accordance W. method 211 of Federal Teat Method Standa No. 151, and shell conform to the sha

23、pe B dimensions of type F1 or F2 test specimens. Hardneaa, The specimens for hl Tenaion testa. Tension teste shall bc conducted in accordance with method 211 of Federal Teat Method Standard No. 151. Hardmr ta.: at the lowent raten. 5.4 “king fm ddpmant. s4.1 Civil agmdu, MArkhg f

24、or rhipma: rhall be in aocoKtcmcs with Federal Btmdarc delivery fails to meet the requirements of thb No. 123. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-QQ-S-678 75 777777Lt 0007528 L1 m QQ-S-698 5.4.2 Nililary agdncies. Marking for ship- ment

25、shall be in accordance with Military Standard MIGSTD-183. 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended .W and definitionr of quality. 6.1.1 Commercial qwlity. ROt-rObd 8ht a?d rtdp. This quality is ordinarily produoed in a low-carbon grade of hl. It is mrikble for many applica- tions where the presence of oxide an

26、d normal surface defects are not objectionable, In this qunlity surface ia of seoondary importance; hence it in not recommended for exposed parta where finish is a prime requirement. When carbon content in not apecified commercial. quality in furnished to a maximum carbon limit of 0.15 percent by la

27、dle analyais. Cold-roUed sheet. This quality is mitable for exposed parta requiring a od sur- face finish. It is produced with a matte finish for the application of various organic finishes, rmch as paints, enamels, or lacquers, but is not suitable for electroplating where surface smooth- nc

28、sl or frecdom from surface imperfectionn in the finished product is essential. When a carbon content is not specified, it ia assumed that com- ncrcial quality sheeta not exceeding 0.15 percent carbon by ladle analysis are deaired. 6.1.2 Phygical quality. Hot-toUed aheet and utrip. This quali

29、ty in produced when mechanical property vnluca are specified or required other than bend tests of commercial quality, Such ValUea in- clude those indicated by tension, hardnese, or othcr commonly acc if required (we Mechanical properties, if required (see If finiah other than M hot rolled ir re- qui

30、red (see 132 md 3.4.1). If other than No. 1 finish is required for ,cold rolled rtsal (W 133, 3:lA Ibd 6,4). Edge finish for hot rolled beet ( by oommon usago the range is the arithmetical difference between the two limits (e. . Widtb (No.8 edge) . Iallgth . : . cunber FlAtnea . . sded Standud Baier

31、enca * No. 48 1 lA3 1 ld llr5 llrl Ilk9 1lrlO llal2 11.14 lm 1!M 1Znb 12.7 mo 12810 lall 14.1 l# llaa lk4 14nb 146 lbp 1 1582. 1583 1k4 1L6 1h6 1687 1 h8 ma lha Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-QQ-S-h78 0007532 h QQ-:4SS TADLE III.-Lad

32、le chemical ronges and limits basic and acid open hearth, basic oxygen and acid besserner carbon $tee&. Element Carbon (ata nots 1) hlangmcae Phosphorur Sthodnrd Chemical Rangea and Lirnib, Per cent - “ “ “ “ “ “ When maximum of specified element is To 0.15 incl. . Over 0.15 to 025 ind. To 050 incl.

33、 . Over 0.50 t6 1.15 incl. . Over 1.16 to 186 incl. . Acid and basic open hearth to OD3 incL Acid and bnsic open hearth and aid besserner over 0.08 to 0.15 incl. nsic open hearth Buic oxygen Acid open hearth Acid Bwerner . To 0.09 incl. Over 0.08 to 0.15 incl. Over 0.15 to 0.23 incl. Over 023 to 0.3

34、3 incl. Basic open hearth . Ba& oxygen Acid open hearth Acid liememer . To 0.15 incl. . Over 0.16 to 630 ind. Over 03 to 0.60 incl. When copper ir required 030 minimum ia commonly specified . Lge 0.05 . 0.07 020 O30 O35 0.m 0.05 0.a 0.05 0.07 0.10 -. hmc 1. Carbon: The carbon rangea shown in the col

35、umn hded “Range“ npply when the sps -L 0.08 0.15 O30 “ “ Losest Mm. 0.10 0.40 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.1 1 O .o3 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.10 fied maximum eci limit for manganese doe-not exceed 1xx) per cent. When the m&mum mnngnneae limit excd 1.00 per cent, ndd 0.01 to the carbon rangeu shown above. Nare 2. Bilico

36、n: Acid open hearth steel is normally produced with n 0.15630 silicon muge. Becau- of the technological nature ol the process, acid berner steels arc not produced with rpecified silicon content. TAELE IV,“Chernical compositions, lade a7Udu8i.S1* Numerical designation Bulfur, ma, Phorphotus, max. Car

37、bon range Percent Percent Perccnl Pcrccnt 1009 . ,050 .o4 O 0.15 0.60 mu. lm . ,050 .MO 0.10 mnx. 1018 (modi6ed) .wao ao/ .90. .(HO .W .MO .17/ 24 301 O IEO . .o50 .MO -14 I21 O/ -90 1018 . ,050 1015 . m ,040 .12/.10 30/ .BO When M) npecified, the silicon content ahall be M followa: 0.10 mnx. or 0.10426. When ordered “copper benring,“ copper tontcn! will be not ics than 0.20 percent. 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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