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1、I MD-57b2-905LB REV A = 77b 33772 5TT NOTICE OF REVISION (NOR) (See MIL-S-480 for instructions) This revision described below has been authorized for the docmnt listed. Form Approved OHB NO. 0704-0188 MTE (m) 92/12/11 Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average 1 hour per res

2、ponse, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comnents regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including

3、suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlirwton. VA 22202-4302. and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washing I q Art

4、 AA I 1. ORIGIMTUI WE AIO AWRESS Defense Electronics Supply Center Dayton, Ohio 45444-5277 2. CAGEm 67268 4. CAGEm 67268 7. REVISIOII LRTER (Current) initial 6. TITLE OF WcUEwi 3. Malno. 5962-R039-93 5. DOCWEIITNO. 59a2-90518 (Hew) A HICROCIRLUITS, DIGITAL, CHM PRGRAII(ABLE EIT-RATE (EMERATOR M“.ITH

5、IC SILILOII. SIGNATURE AND TITLE Monica L. Poelking CHIEF MICROELECTRONICS ERANCH REVISION COMPLETED (Signature) 9. CORFIGURATIOII ITEH (OR Susrar) TO WHIM ECP APPLIES DATE (YY“l) 92/12/11 DATE (YYMMOD) 10. DESCRIPTIM OF REVISIM Sheet 1: Revisions ltr columi: add “A“ Revisions description column; ad

6、d “Changes in accordance with Revisions date column: add “92-12-11“. Revision level block: add “A“. Revison status of sheet: for sheets 1,5 these tests shall have been fault graded in accordance with HIL-STD-883, test method 5012 (see 1.5 herein). For device c. Subgroup 4 (GIN and COUT) shall be mea

7、sured only for the initial test and after process or design changes which may affect capacitance. Sample size shall be five devices with no failures. 4.4.2 Group B inspection. The group B inspection end-point electrical parameters shall be as specified in table IIA herein. I I I I JUL 91 Provided by

8、 IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TABLE IZA. Electrical test rwuirewents. I Test require#ents I I Sutigroups (per method 5005, table I) 1 (pe!r?!?!%535, table III) Device I Device I Device I Device I Device class class class M B S J parawters (see

9、 4.2) r Final electrical I parameters 113, I Csee 4.2I F1.2.3.7. class ctaso Q V Group A test 18;80;9; I requremnts 10 I? t10;1,t - 1o;ll- (see 4.4) I I l I I elect rica1 parameters (see 4.4) Group B end-point - 1 1,7,9 I 1,7,9 - 1 1,7,9 - rmaneters (see 4.4) I electrical paraiaeters (ses 4.4) .Grou

10、p D end-point 1,7/9 I electrical I I .I I I I JM raireters. (see 4.4) - 1/ PDA applies to subgroup 1. - 2/ PDA applies to subgroups 1 and 7. 1,7,9 1,7,9 1,?,9 1,7,9 t 4.4.3 Group C inspection. a. b. End-point electricat parameters shall be as specified in table IIA herein. Steady-state life test con

11、ditions, method 1005 of HIL-STD-883: (1) Test condition A, 6, C, or D. DESC-ECC for review with the certificate of coirpliance. For device classes E and S, the test circuit shall be sukitted to the qualifying activity. For device classes Q and V, the test circuit shall be submitted to DESC-ECC with

12、the certificate of compliance and under the control of the device manufacturers TRB in accordance with HIL-1-38535. For device class tt, the test circuit shall be submitted to (2) Th = *125OC, kiniw. (3) Test duration: ?,(loo hours, except as permitted by iaethd 1005 of HIL-STD-883. STANDARDIZED MIL

13、ITARY DRAWING DEFENSE ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CENTER DAYTON, OHIO 45444 t SIZE 5962-90518 A REVISION LEVEL SHEET 16 ESC FORM 193A JUL 91 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. SMD-5762-90518 REV A 9999996 0033988 T3 = TABLE 116. Additional scre

14、eninn for device class V. I I I I J I I t I 2020 I 1 w)% I I I I (Particle impact I J noise detection I 1 00% I I I I Internal visual J I approved alternate I I 2023 I 1 00% I I I I I Nondestructive I I 1015 I 1 00% I I l I J I I 1 00A I I I I J I at t125C I I 2012 I 1 00% I I I I I Radiographic I I

15、 MIL-STD-883, test method I Lot requirement I I Test I 2010, condition A or I J bond pull IReverse bias burn-in I I 1015, total of 240 hours I I Burn-in I I I I L 4.4.4 Group D inspection. The group D inspection end-point electrical parameters shall be as specified in table IIA herein. 4.4.5 Group E

16、 inspection. Group E inspection is required only for parts intended to be siarked as radiation hardness assured (see 3.5 herein). device class R shall be M and D. specified in the acquisition document. RHA levels for device classes 6, S, Q, and V shall be M, D, R, and H and for RHA quality conforman

17、ce inspection sample tests shall be performed at the RHA level a. RHA tests for device classes 6 and S for levels M, D, R, and H or for device class ri for levels H and D shall be performed through each level to determine at what levels the devices meet the RHA requirements. These RHA tests shall be

18、 performed for initial qualification and after design or process changes which may affect the RHA performance of the device. End-point electrical parameters shall be as specified in table IIA herein. Prior to total dose irradiation, each selected sample shall be assembled in its qualified package. p

19、ass the specified group A electrical parameters in table I for subgroups specified in table IIA herein. For device classes M, 6, and S, the devices shall be subjected to radiation hardness assured tests as specified in MIL-M-38510 for RHA level being tested, and meet the postirradiation end-point el

20、ectrical parameter limits as defined in table I at TA = +25C I5 percent, after exposure. b. c. It shall d. STANDARDIZED 5962-90518 MILITARY DRAWING DEFENSE ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CENTER DAYTON, OHIO 45444 DESC FORM 193A JUL 91 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

21、license from IHS-,-,- W 9999h 0033989 73T W e. Prior to and during total dose irradiation testing, the devices shall be biased to establish a worst case condition as specified in the radiation exposure circuit. For device cipses H, 8, and St subgroups 1 and 2 in table V, method 5005 of HIL-STD-883 s

22、hall be tested as appropriate fdr *vice construction. g. Uhen specified in the purchase order or contract, a copy of the RHA delta limits shall be supplied. f. .I 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packaging requirements. The requirements for packaging shall be in accordance with HIL-H-38510 for device classes li, 8,

23、 and S and HIL-1-38535 for device classes and V. 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended uae. Hicrooircuits conforming to this drawing are intcndcd for use for Government microcircuit applications (original equipment), design applications, and logistics purposes. contractor-prepared spacif ication or drawing. 6.1.1 R

24、eplaceability. Mcrocircults covered by this drawing will replace the Sam generic device covered by a 6.1.2 Substitutability. Device classes B and Q devices will replace device class H devices. 6.2 ConficiUretion control of SHDls. All proposed changes to existing SHDs will be coordinated with the use

25、r6 of record far the individual documents. This coordination will be accoapliehed in accordance with HIL-STO41 uaing DD Form 1693, Engineering Change Proposal (Short Fori). when a SySteia application rquircs configuration control and which SHDls are applicable to that system. DESC will maintain a re

26、cord of users ancl this list will bc used for coordination and distribution of changes to the drawings. Users of drawings coveriiyl nicrooloctronic devices (FSC 5%2) should contact DESC-ECC) telephone (513) 296-6022. 6.3 Record of users. Hilitary and industrial users shall infor Defense Electronics

27、Supply Center 6.4 Coarnients. Cments on this drawing should bo directed to DESC-ECO Dayton, Ohio 45444, or telephoiie (513) 6.5 SvRbols, definitions. and functional descriptions. Not applicable. 296-8526. STANDARDIZED SIZE 5962-90518 MILITARY DRAWING A DEFENSE ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CENTER DATON, OHIO 4

28、5444 REVISION LEVEL SHEET 18 DESC FORM 193A JUL 91 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6.6 One part - one part number system. The one part - one part number system described below has been developed to allow for transitions between identi

29、cal generic devices covered by the four mjor microcircuit requirements documents (MIL-M-38510, MIL-H-38534, MIL-1-38535, and 1.2.1 of MIL-STD-883) without the necessity for the generation of unique PINS. manufacturer upgraded military product from one class level to another, the benefits of the upgr

30、aded product were unavailable to the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), that was contractually locked into the original unique PIN. By establishing a one part number system covering all four documents, the OEM can acquire to the highest class level available for a given generic device to meet sy

31、stem needs without modifying the original contract parts selection cri teria. The four military requirements documents represent different class levels, and previously when a device Example PIN Manufacturing Document Military documentation formt under new system source listing 1 i st i ng New MIL-M-

32、38510 Mi litary Detai 1 5962-9051822(8 or S)W QPL-38510 MI L-BUL-103 Specifications (in the SMD formt) (Part 1 or 2) New MIL-H-38534 Standardized Military 5962-9051827AH or K)W QML-38534 M IL-BUL-103 Drawings New MIL-1-38535 Standardized Hilitary 5962-9051822(Q or V)W QHL-38535 MI L-BUL-103 Drawings

33、 New 1.2.1 of MIL-STD-883 Standardized 5962-90518ZZ(H)W MIL-BUL-103 MIL-BUL-103 Military Drawings 6.7 Sources of supply. STANDARDIZED SIZE MILITARY DRAWING A DEFENSE ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CENTER DAYTON, OHIO 45444 REVISION LEVEL 6.7.1 Sources of supply for device classes B and S. Sources of supply for

34、device classes B and S are listed in QPL-3851 O. 5962-90518 SHEET 19 6.7.2 Sources of supply for device classes Q and V. QML-38535. and have agreed to this drawing. Sources of supply for device classes Q and V are listed in The vendors listed in QML-38535 have submitted a certificate of compliance (

35、see 3.6 herein) to DESC-ECC 6.7.3 Approved sources of supply for device class M. MIL-BUL-103. herein) has been submitted to and accepted by DESC-ECC. Approved sources of supply for class M are listed in The vendors listed in MIL-BUL-103 have agreed to this drawing and a certificate of compliance (se

36、e 3.6 DESC FORM 193A JUL 91 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SMD-5962-90518 REV A W 9999996 01333993 398 W STANDARDIZED MILITARY DRAWING SOURCE APPROVAL BULLETIN DATE: 92/03/12 Approved sources of supply for SMD-90518 are listed below

37、for immediate acquisition only and shall be added to MIL-BUL-103 during the next revision. sources. submitted to and accepted by DESC-ECS. MIL-BUL-103. MIL-BUL-103 will be revised to include the addition or deletion of The vendors listed below have agreed to this drawing and a certificate of complia

38、nce has been This bulletin is superseded by the next dated revision of Standardized military drawing IPIN J I I L J 5962-9051 801 HEX I/ Do not use this number for item acquisition. Items acquired to this number may not not satisfy the performance requirements of this drawing. I I HDI-4702/883 I I 3

39、4371 I Vendor CAGE number 34371 Vendor name and address Harris Corporation Semiconductor Sector P.O. Box 883 Melbourne, FL 32901 1 I The information contained herein is disseminatedforconvenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in this J information bulletin. I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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